Top 36 Apps Similar to Tabela Periódica

Periodic Table 2023. Chemistry 7.7.0
JQ Soft
The best Mendeleev's periodic table of chemical elements.
Periodic Table Educalabs 1.2.163
Panapps Ltda.
The most amazing periodic table app you have ever seen!
Periodic Table 1.5
The best periodic table of elements. Simple and effective.Perfectfor students to prepare for exams or quick reference. Withsearchmenu to make easier to look up elements by name. TranslatedintoEnglish and Spanish, more languages ​​soon. See the compositionofeach element: - Atomic number - Valencie - Oxidation state-Electronegativity - Covalent radius - Ionic radius - Atomicradius- Electronic shell - Energy of first ionisation - Atomic mass-Density - Boiling Point - Melting point - Link to Wikipediaforeach item for more information - List of elements for afastersearch Get a periodic table of elements in the palm of yourhandall the information you need in your mobile.
Periodic Table 1.0.6
The periodic table of chemical elements in your smartphone!
Periodic Table Quiz 2.4.9
Learn all informations about periodic table!
The Periodic table 3.0
Periodic table of elements, physical & chemicalproperties,solubility table.
Tabela Periódica 1
Periodic table - elements and their properties and spectra:emissionand absorption
Resumão de química 2.0
Learn chemistry easy and interactive way.
Periodic Table 1.7
A pictorial representation of the periodic table of the elements.
Periodic Table 2022: Chemistry
Valence, covalent radius, ion charge, electronegativity, colorandmore
Periodic Table 1.2
Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. No ads.
Periodic Table 6.9
Periodic Table of Elements for Android.
Chemistry Dictionary Offline 1.4
list of so much Terms in Chemistry with definition, offline andfree
The app allows to discover chemicalreactionsand to solve the chemical equations with one and severalunknownvariables. You'll always have Mendeleev's periodic table andthesolubility table handy. And even the calculator ofmolarmasses!The app discovers the equations of chemical reactions even iftheright or left part is unknown, helps you with organic andinorganicchemistry. The discovered reactions in an usual and ionicaspectwill be mapped and formulas of organic chemistry are drawnforyou.Mendeleev's periodic convenient interactive table. Press achemicalelement in the table to look the information.The table of solubility of substances is added in the app. Nowyourtextbooks become waste!The best solver of chemical equations for Android.
Periodic table PRO 1.9
Periodic table of elements. Physical, chemical,atomic,thermodynamic, electromagnetic properties of elements.Elements'reactivity, interactive presentation of reactions,solutions. Latinnames, discovery year. Solubility table -hydroxides, salts, ions.Added: - detailed information aboutelements - photos of allelements - Quantum Number - Young Modulus -Bulk Modulus - ShearModulus - Poisson Ratio - Abundance inUniverse, Humans, Oceans -Vickers, Mohs, Brinell Hardness - ThermalExpansion - Molar Volume- RTECS, EU, CAS, CID number - Heat ofvaporization, fusion,specific heat - Resistance - interactive tableof ions reactions.
Tabela periódica 1.0
Uma tabela periódica dos elementos napalmadasua mão toda a informação que você precisa a qualquer horaeemqualquer lugar .Simples e eficaz. Ideal para os alunos que estão sepreparandoparaexames e precisam de uma rapida referência .Com um filtro de pesquisa para tornar mais fácil paraprocuraroselementos pelo nome.Veja as principais informações e composição de cada elemento:Informações geraisNome, símbolo, númeroSérie químicaGrupo, período, blocoDensidade, durezaNúmeroPropriedade atómicasMassa atômicaRaio atómico (calculado)Raio covalenteRaio de Van der WaalsConfiguração electrónicaElétrons (por nível de energia)Estado(s) de oxidaçãoEstrutura cristalinaPropriedades físicasEstado da matériaPonto de fusãoPonto de ebuliçãoEntalpia de fusãoEntalpia de vaporizaçãoVolume molarVelocidade do somClasse magnéticaSusceptibilidade magnética gasoso:Susceptibilidade magnética líquido:DiversosEletronegatividade (Pauling)Calor específicoCondutividade térmica1º Potencial de ionização2º Potencial de ionização3º Potencial de ionização4º Potencial de ionizaçãoA periodic tableoftheelements in the palm of your hand all the informationyouneedanytime, anywhere.Simple and effective. Ideal for students who are preparingforexamsand need a quick reference.With a search filter to make it easier to search theelementsbyname.See key information and composition of each element:General informationName, symbol, numberchemical seriesGroup, period, blockDensity, HardnessNumberatomic propertyatomic weightRay atomic (calculated)covalent radiusVan der Waals radiuselectronic configurationElectrons (for energy level)State (s) OxidationCrystalline structurePhysical propertiesState of matterFusion pointBoiling pointEnthalpy of fusionEnthalpy of vaporizationmolar volumeSpeed ​​of soundmagnetic classgaseous magnetic susceptibility:net magnetic susceptibility:severalElectronegativity (Pauling)specific heatThermal Conductivity1. Ionization Potential2 Ionization Potential3 ionization potential4 ionization potential
Periodic Table. Elements.
Anton Stukov
Cognitive periodic elements info. Many properties&data.Tables,lists, charts.
Quimiteca 1.3.0
Victor Scofield
Quimiteca é uma mini biblioteca dequímicaquepode ser utilizada em qualquer lugar que você estiversemprecisarde conexão com a internet para acessar o banco dedadosdoaplicativo. Consulte tabela periódica,equaçõesmatemáticas,dicionário de compostos com mais de 600compostos esubstâncias eoutras informações aonde você estiver. Umaferramentasimples,fácil de usar e totalmente em português.Quimiteca isaminichemical library that can be used anywhere you arewithoutinternetconnection to access the application database. Seeperiodictable,mathematical equations, Dictionary of compounds withmorethan 600compounds and substances and other information whereveryouare. Asimple, easy to use and entirely in Portuguese.
Tabela Periódica 1.1
Web Big Bang
O aplicativo Tabela Periódica foicriadoparausuários que buscam informações sobre como consultaratabela.Entenda como funciona sua composição, passe noenem,química. Osprogramadores fizeram um bom trabalho, pois osoftwarefunciona em99% dos aparelhos móveis, facilitando o acessodacomunidade.Usufrua, gratuitamente, desse conteúdo queéatualizadoperiodicamente. Além disso, o app divide os assuntosemcapítulosde forma clara e organizada. Baixe e instale agora mesmoenãofique de fora. Aprenda tudo sobre Tabela Periódica.The Periodic Tableappwascreated for users seeking information on how to refer tothetable.Understand how your composition, pass the enem,chemistry.Thedevelopers did a good job because the software worksin 99%ofmobile devices, facilitating community access. Enjoy freeofthatcontent that is updated periodically. In addition, theappdividesthe topics into chapters in a clear and organizedmanner.Downloadand install right now and do not miss out. Learn allaboutthePeriodic Table.
Periodic Table 11.6
Please kindly RATE & SHARE this App as it is free:-)Theperiodic table is a tabular display of thechemicalelements,organised on the basis of their properties.Elements arepresentedin increasing atomic number. The main body ofthe table isa 18 × 7grid, with gaps included in to keep elementswithsimilarproperties together, such as the halogens and thenoblegases.These gaps form four distinct rectangular areas orblocks.Thef-block is not included in the main table, but ratherisusuallyfloated below, as an inline f-block would makethetableimpractically wide. The periodic table accuratelypredictstheproperties of various elements and therelationsbetweenproperties. As a result, it provides a usefulframeworkforanalyzing chemical behavior, and is widely used inchemistryandother sciences.
Mini Tabela Centro de Ciências 3.2
GMJ Software
Aplicativo criado para o comando daMiniTabelaPeriódica do Centro de Ciências da UFJF.Estamos em Processo de Atualização.Ative o Bluetooth no seu celular, Conecte-se a MiniTabela comasenha2016 antes de iniciar o App (Essa etapa só precisa deserrealizadana primeira conexão), depois de conectado abra o Appeclic novamenteem Conectar agora dentro do App, pronto, aconexãofoirealizada.Applicationcreatedforcontrolling the Mini Periodic Table of UFJFScienceCenter.We are in Update Process.Turn on Bluetooth on your phone, Connect to MiniTabelawiththepassword 2016 before starting App (This step only needstobeperformed on the first connection), then connected open theappandclicking again Connect now within the App, ready,theconnectionwas made.
Periodic Table Of Elements 1.4
Chemical elements on an interactive periodic table
Tabela Periódica 1.2
Periodic Table of the Elements.
Periodic Table 1.0.3
Vikram Apps
The periodic table is a tabular arrangementofthe chemical elements, organized on the basis of theiratomicnumbers, electron configurations (electron shell model),andrecurring chemical properties.Go with our free and simple app for smart interface.
Periodic Table 1.6.0
This fact-filled, image-rich app is the only periodic tableyouneed.
PeriodicTable Free 1.6
Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
Periodic Table+ 1.6
A pictorial representation of the periodic table of the elements
Quadro Horário 1.3
O Quadro Horário é uma dasmaiseficientesformas de organização de tempo.Otimize agora mesmo o seus estudos! São apenas algunspassosparapersonalizar o seu Quadro Horário.- Personalize os Dias da Semana e Horários facilmente.- Escolha as cores que mais lhe agradam.- Personalize as Matérias de Estudo.- Envie para seu e-mail ou compartilhe via WhatsApp.Baixe agora mesmo.Keywords: Tabela Horário, Tabela Tempo, TabelaMatéria,QuadroMatéria, Quadro de Tempo, Horário, aulas,escola,estudante,calendário, aluno, turma.Table Time is oneofthemost efficient ways of organizing time.Optimize now even your studies! They are only a fewstepstocustomize your frame time.- Customize the Days of the week and times easily.- Choose colors that suit you.- Customize the study materials.- Send it to your e-mail or share via WhatsApp.Download now.Keywords: Time Table, Table Time, Matter Table,TableMatters,Time Table, Time, class, school, student,calendar,student,class.
t Table
t Distribution Critical Values Table
Tabel Periodik Unsur Kimia V3 1.0
Ketika sobat belajar kimia apa yangpastikalian butuhkan? Jawabannya adalah tabel periodik unsurkimia.Tabel ini menyediakan informasi yang lengkap mengenai suatuunsur,mulai dari nomor atom, nomor massa, letak golongan,periode,konfigurasi elektron, sifat unsur, dan masih banyak lagi.Karenapentingnya tabel periodik ini, kami membuat sebuah aplikasiandroidtabel periodik unsur yang bisa digunakan di gadget kalian.Di aplikasi yang baru ini bisa dibilang lebih lengkapdantampilannya lebih bagus. Selain ada informasi lengkapmengenaisetiap unsur yang dalam tabel perodik yang meliputi namaunsur,simbol, nomor atom, tipe, nama asli, struktur kristal, beratatom,orbital, elektron valensi, keelektronegatifan, jari-jariatom,sampai dengan sejarah dari setiap unsur, dalam aplikasi inijugaada informasi tentang perjalanan sejarah tabel periodik unsurdantrik jitu berupa jembatan keledai untuk menghafalkannama-namaunsur di golongan A.Berikut beberapa fitur atau informasi yang bisa sobatdapatkangratis dari aplikasi android tabel periodik ini:- Tabel periodik unsur interaktif dengan desain yangmudahdipahami dan digunakan. Desainnya sangat simple dan bagussehinggasobat tinggal tab saja di bagian unsur yang ingin diketahuimakaakan muncul popup informasi lengkap dari unsur tersebut.- Aplikasi ini full offline sehingga tidak perlu terhubungkeinternet untuk menggunakannya.- Di dalamnya terdapat informasi tentang serjarah perkembangantabelperiodik unsur mulai dari masa Triade Dobereiner, OktafNewlands,Mendeleyeev, hingga cerita tabel periodik unsur moderndari HenryMoesly.- Tak sampai di situ saja, di dalam aplikasi ini juga terdapatcaramenghafal unsur-unsur dalam tabel periodik denganmenggunakanjembatan keledai yang mudah sobat ingat. Misalnya nihgolongan IIAyang terdiri dari Berilium (Be), Magnesium (Mg),Stronsium (Sr),Barium (Ba), dan Radium (Radium) bisa dihafalkandengan mudahmenggunakan jembatan keledai "Bebek Mangan Cacing SeretBangetRasane."- Ukuran file aplikasi relatif kecil hanya 2,5 MB.- Desain aplikasi tabel periodik unsur ini sangat menarik danmudahdigunakan oleh sobat-sobat semua.When my friendlearnedwhat is certain chemistry you need? The answer is theperiodictable of chemical elements. This table providescompleteinformation about an element, ranging from atomic number,massnumber, the location of the group, period, electronconfiguration,properties of elements, and much more. Because of theimportance ofthe periodic table, we make an android app periodictable ofelements that can be used in your gadget.In the new application that is arguably more complete andbetterzoom. In addition there is complete information on eachelement inthe table perodik which includes the element name,symbol, atomicnumber, type, original name, the crystal structure,atomic weight,orbital, the electron valence, electronegativity,atomic radius, upto the history of each element , in thisapplication there is alsoinformation about the history of theperiodic table of elements andtrick the form of mnemonics tomemorize the names of the elementsin group A.Here are some features or information that can mate get freefromthe android app periodic table:- Interactive periodic table element design with easytounderstand and use. The design is very simple and so good thatmyfriend lived alone tab in the element that we want to know itwilldisplay a popup complete information of the element.- This application is a full offline so no need to connect totheinternet to use it.    - In it there is information about serjarah developmentsperiodictable of elements ranging from the time of TriadeDobereiner,Octave Newlands, Mendeleyeev, until the modern storyelements fromthe periodic table of Henry Moesly.    - Do not stop there, in this application there is also a waytomemorize the elements in the periodic table with an easy tousemnemonics to remember my friend. For example nih IIAgroupconsisting of Beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), strontium(Sr),barium (Ba), and Radium (Radium) can be memorized easilyusingmnemonics "Duck Mangan Drag Banget Rasane worms."    - A relatively small application file size is only 2.5 MB.    - Design applications periodic table of elements is veryattractiveand easy to use by buddies all.
Virtual Orbitals 3D Chemistry 1.7
It is impossible to learn about the shapes of orbitals in apagewhich is 2D but the orbitals aren't 2D. Virtual Orbitals apphelpsyou to visualize the shapes of the orbitals in 3D such thatyou canunderstand more and you can sort out your confusions.Thiseducation app help the students to learn chemistry in asmarterway. Students can see the every parts of orbitals byrotating theirfingers to screen. Atoms included: Hydrogen, Helium,Lithium,Boron, Carbon, Oxygen, Neon, Sodium, Silicon, Potassium,Argon,Calcium, Zinc, Iron etc.
Tabla periódica Español 14.0.0
Periodic Table always accessible on your mobile
Periodic Table 1.7.4
This app includes general properties, physical properties,atomicproperties, electron shell diagrams and pictures ofchemicalelements. Also has detailed wiki pages that givesinformation abouthistory, products that manufactured, using areason industry andscience of chemical elements. This app helps you foryour educationlife with colorful appearance and user friendlyinterface.Features: All of Known Elements Electron Shell DiagramsAppearanceof Elements Colorful Appearance User Friendly InterfaceGeneralProperties for Each Element - Atomic Number - ElementCategory -Group Number - Atomic Weight - Electron Configuration -ElectronShell Configuration - CAS Number Physical Properties forEachElement - Phase - Density - Liquid Density - Menting Point-Boiling Point - Heat of Fusion - Heat of Vaporization - MolarHeatCapacity Atomic Properties for Each Element - Crystal Structure-Oxidation States - Electronegativity - Ionization Energies -AtomicRadius - Covalent Radius - Van der Waals Radius OtherPropertiesfor Each Element - Electron Resistivity - ThermalConductivity -Thermal Expansion - Speed of Sound - Mohs Hardness -VickersHardness - Brinell Hardness
Periodic Table 0.0.4
Ptable or the periodic table is an application that includesTheperiodic table of chemical elements. You find a chemicalelementslist, when you click on one chemical element you getinformationabout this chemical element. Periodic table elements arepresentedin increasing atomic number. The science table includeschemicalelements with similar properties like halogens and thenoble gases.This the periodic table show you the chemistry periodictable. youcan access to periodic table elements just by giving thename ofthe chemical element or just his abreviation. The periodictableincludes : • Noble gases • The post-transitional metals•Lanthanoids • Semimetals • Actinoids • Shchelochnozemelny metals•Other nonmetals • Alkali metals • Halogens • Thetransitionalmetals -The chemical elements abre sorted by 10categories: •Lanthanoids • Semimetals • The transitional metals •Noble gases •Shchelochnozemelny metals • The post-transitionalmetals • Halogens• Actinoids • Alkali metals • Other nonmetals Forevery periodictable elements you will find these information(Hydrogen as example) Name: Hydrogen Symbol: H Atomic Number: 1Atomic Mass: 1.00794amu Melting Point: -259.14 °C (14.009985 K,-434.45203 °F) BoilingPoint: -252.87 °C (20.280005 K, -423.166 °F)Number ofProtons/Electrons: 1 Number of Neutrons: 0Classification:Non-metal Crystal Structure: Hexagonal Density @ 293K: 0.08988g/cm3 Color: colorless Number of Energy Levels: 1 FirstEnergyLevel: 1 Date of Discovery: 1766 Discoverer: Henry CavendishUses:Balloons, metal refining Obtained From: mines, oil, gas wells
Periodic Table
DDM Software
Periodic Table of chemical elements, with Symbols,Names,NameOrigin, Atomic Weight and others information.Designedforstudents, to help them on Chemistry study, this is asimplebutpowerful tool to improve your capabilities.
JaPassei EsSA 2020 2.2.2
First app designed to help those who wish to join in this!