Top 24 Apps Similar to Examen Ciudadania 2019 USA Aud

US Citizenship Test 2023 3.4.0
For anyone studying to become a US Citizen - 5 Star ReviewsfromUsers
Examen de manejo DMV TX 2023 1.11
Esta aplicación gratuita te ayudará a prepararte para lapruebaescrita del DMV.
Examen de manejo DMV NY 2023 1.09
It will help you prepare for all written driving tests in New York.
English Spanish Bible 5.2.2
Bilingual English Spanish Bible
Spanish Bible Audio 5.3.1
Santa Bible Reina Valera 1960 with audio, You can read andlistenfor free!
Audio Biblia en Español app 3.1.1157
Audio Bible Reina Valera without internet. The Holy CatholicBiblein Spanish mp3
Citizen Now. US Citizenship Test 2020 2.2.4
Do you want to become a U.S. citizen in 2020, 2021, or in thenearfuture? Or maybe you just want to learn or refresh yourknowledgeof the history of the United States? If so, the CitizenNow app canhelp you pass the US Citizenship Test (2020), anddefinitively, itwill make the process of learning the history ofthe United Statesfun and easy for you and your loved ones. Tobecome an AmericanCitizen, you must pass the mandatory USNaturalization Test. Mostapplicants find this test difficult andmany fail it every year.The Citizen Now app is designed to help youeffectively study; youcan practice and evaluate your knowledge withthe actual 100 civics(history and government) questions based onthe official studyguides from the U.S. Citizenship and ImmigrationServices (USCIS);also, included Flashcards, Writing test, Readingtest, Studymaterials, Videos, Audios, and more. On the day of yourexam (oraltest), a USCIS officer will ask you up to 10 (100%)questions ofthe 100 original questions (included in this App). Youwill beasked and you must answer in English. You need at least 6(60%)correct answers to pass the US Citizenship Test. You will beaskedto write a sentence in English (provided by the USCISofficer), andalso, you will be asked to read out loud a sentence inEnglish(provided by the USCIS officer) to demonstrate yourlistening,writing, and reading skills. Get the best US CitizenshipApp(version 2020) and become a Citizen Now. FEATURES - MultiplechoiceCivics Test (The actual USCIS Naturalization Interview is NOTamultiple-choice test). - English and Spanish. (Test,CivicsLessons, and Audios are only in English). - Select the totalnumberof questions on the practice tests (10, 20, 50 & 100). -Theoption to study and play The Challenge Score (It is the numberofquestions answered correctly, consecutively, displayed onthescreen while you take a test). To make your experience funandunique. - Favorite answers (if a question has multipleanswers),pre-select which ones you want to focus on, and just learnthose. -Includes updated local government politician questionsbased onyour zip code (Governor, Senators, Representative, evenwithphotos, State's Capital, etc.). - Started Questions. You canmarkquestions as favorite or need improvement. Then, you can testonthese questions independently. - Flashcards to view thequestionsin a single slide with audio. - Writing and Reading teststo helpyou improve your skills. This is a very important step inyourinterview. The Citizen Now app is the only app that providesthesefeatures. - Study Guide. All materials (up to date) areimportedfrom USCIS pages and official resources (All Civics Lessonswithexplanation, Reading Vocabulary, Writing Vocabulary,VideoMaterials, Links to Document PDFs). - The audio optionavailablefor all questions and answers, allows you to improve yourspeakingand listening skills. - Auto playback audio, on/off option.- Testresult details and general statistics of your practice tests.-This is an offline app and can work without internetconnection(except, updating your zip code and links to documentsand videos).- Three themes (Default: American Flag colors, Light,and Darkversions). USCIS Civics Test Study Tool 2020 Foradditionalquestions or concerns, please contact us [email protected];Thank you.
Biblia Reina Valera Audio Biblia Reina Valera 1960 audio gratis offline 19.0
Le presentamos la Biblia Reina Valera, la mejor Audio-Bibliaparaleer y escuchar el mensaje de Dios. Reciba en su corazónestaaplicación de la Biblia sin costo alguno y léala o escúchela enellugar que le guste, incluso sin estar conectado a Internet.Écheleun vistazo cada vez que precise consejos de Dios. En laBiblia estátodo lo que necesita. La nueva Biblia Reina Valera Audiole ofrece:- La Biblia Reina Valera completa - Audio Biblia paraescuchar consonido de alta calidad - Completamente gratis - Appoffline (unavez descargada, funciona sin conexión a Internet) -Seleccionar elmodo nocturno para leer confortablemente durante lanoche - Rápiday fácil búsqueda y navegación entre libros, capítulosy versículos.- Capacidad de marcar, guardar y colocar versículos enfavoritos -Posibilidad de enviar o compartir versículos en redessociales comowhatsapp y facebook. - Ventaja de volver al últimoversículo queleyó. - Habilidad para aumentar o disminuir la letra¡Lleve laBiblia a todas partes! Los mejores consejos parasobrellevar losproblemas más complicados de la vida se encuentranen sus páginas.Las escrituras son muy útiles y ayudan a muchasfamilias a serfelices. Escuchar los consejos de la Biblia nos hacemás sabios.Póngase en manos de Dios, abrace la Biblia y siga susconsejos. Esel libro que nos guiará a ser mejores personas,aprender a valorar,respetar y amar. Y nosotros se lo hacemosllegar: descargue laBiblia Reina Valera Audio para leer y escucharla Santa Palabratodos los días. Si lo desea comparta esta hermosaBiblia en lasredes sociales y ayúdenos a esparcir la Palabra deDios para asíjuntos hacer entrar a Dios en nuestros corazones. LaBiblia ReinaValera tiene 66 libros, está dividida en dos partes,AntiguoTestamento y Nuevo Testamento: El Antiguo Testamento incluye39libros: (Génesis, Éxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronomio,Josué,Jueces, Rut, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Reyes, 2 Reyes , 1Crónicas, 2Crónicas, Esdras, Nehemías, Ester, Job, Salmos,Proverbios,Eclesiastés, Cantares, Isaías, Jeremías, Lamentaciones ,Ezequiel,Daniel, Oseas, Joel, Amós, Abdías, Jonás, Miqueas, Nahúm,Habacuc,Sofonías, Hageo, Zacarías, Malaquías) y el Nuevo Testamentoincluye27 libros (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas, Juan, Hechos, Romanos,1Corintios, 2 Corintios, Gálatas, Efesios, Filipenses, Colosenses,1Tesalonicenses, 2 Tesalonicenses, 1 Timoteo, 2 Timoteo,Tito,Filemón, Hebreos, Santiago, 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, 1 Juan, 2 Juan,3Juan, Judas, Apocalipsis)
Examen de manejo DMV CA 2023 1.10
This free application will help you prepare for the writtenDMVtest.
Ortografía Test Me In... 2020 0.0.95
Application to practice Spanish spelling for opposition or the day.
Audio Biblia en español mp3 3.1.1137
The Holy Bible in Spanish with audio narration. The ReinaValeraBible app
Practice driving test for CA 3.75
Are you worried about proof of driver's license? Stopworryingandstart studying with our driving application! You willbesurprisedby this application! This application was designed inasimple wayso that the user can practice as many times asnecessaryand it isvery easy to use and spend a few hours practicingwiththis appapplication. This app has the following categories:👉Traffic signs👉 Motorist type 👉 Motorcyclist type 👉 CDL Commercial👉GeneralKnowledge 👉 Air Brakes Review 👉 Double and triple exams👉Tankexamination 👉 School Bus Exam 👉 Examination ofcombinationvehicles👉 Hazardous Materials Examination 👉 Passengertransportexam WHYSHOULD I USE THIS APPLICATION? Each module isdividedintoQUESTIONNAIRE AND EXAM. QUESTIONNAIRE Here you can studytheentirebank of questions, with their respective answers. EXAMThesystemrandomly displays certain numbers of questions ineachcategory.RESULT AND EVALUATION: It allows self-evaluation attheend of eachexam. The application shows the score obtainedaccordingto thecorrect answers, and you can also review yourcorrect anderroneousanswers in order to improve your knowledge. HOWTO TAKEADVANTAGEOF THE APPLICATION? 👉 Deactivate the automaticrotation ofthescreen so that the application does not restart whenrotating👉Practice as many times as necessary totally free.NOTICEThisapplication is only informative, in order to helpusersreinforceknowledge prior to obtaining the written drivingtest. Wedo notguarantee good test performance, it is theresponsibility ofeachuser. We also do not guarantee that thequestions are similartothe original, but were taken from theofficial Californiadriver'slicense manual. Furthermore, thisapplication is notintended to beinvoked in any dispute, claim,action, or legalprocedure. We alsorecommend that new drivers takean approvedcourse to learn thecurrent rules and laws, any questionsabout thetheoretical andpractical exam, please consult therespective bodyof each state.
WordList Visual Learning 3.3.1
Learn languages with flashcards. English, Spanish, French,Italian,Portuguese
Biblia Reina Valera en español Biblia Reina Valera español free 15.0
Biblias audio
The Reina Valera 1960 Bible available with audio andwithoutinternet connection
English to Spanish Translator 6.54.1
Happy English
Translate English-Spanish - text, keyboard & voicetranslatorapp
Spanish Learning For Kids Full 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach your kids the language in a fun and engaging way.
Learn english beginner 6.0
Learn English : Offline Course for Beginners
Biblesmith - Mizo 1.0.0
© Simple Bible replaces Biblesmith app. Please use up-to-dateSimpleBible app.
FluentWorlds English & Spanish 0.006335
Gain English and Spanish Speaking and Pronunciation Experience in3DWorlds
Aprender ingles para comunicar 1.3.4
Application to learn and speak the English language.
Santa Biblia Reina Valera 4.55
Read Spanish Bible verses, listen Biblia espanol,Reina-ValeraBible.
Vaughan Radio 2.6
Escucha en directo Vaughan Radio en tu smartphone.Diviértetemientras aprendes inglés donde y cuando quieras yconviértete en unmiembro de la Comunidad Vaughan. Participa endirecto en losprogramas a través de Twitter, contesta en tiemporeal a los retosde los locutores y gana puntos para clasificarte enel ranking.También podrás consultar la programación de la semana ysabercuándo se emite tu programa favorito. Destaca tusprogramasfavoritos y escúchalos en el reproductor de podcast tantasvecescomo quieras. Si tienes algún problema con la aplicaciónescríbenosa [email protected] ndicándonos losdetalles.
Bnei Noaj 2.6.5
Tuvia Serber
Study and prayer material for Bnei Noach