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TNEB Charge Calc and Payment 1.3.1
TNEB Charge Calc and Payment is an OFFLINEappwhich helps in calculating the bill amount based on theunitsconsumed. Currently TNEB has different rates for various typesofconsumers and rate calculations for each of the below areavailablewith this Application.1. Domestic Household.2. Commercial.3. Railway, Defence colonies.4. Panchayat, Municipality/Corporation.5. Govt and Aided Educational institutions.6. Private Educational institutions.7. Places of public worship.8. Cottage, tiny industries (Upto 10HP).9. Power Loom.Also there is a predict feature which helps in predicting yourEBbill (for 2 months period) based on the units consumed foraparticular number of days. For example, if 20 units are consumedin10 days the number of units that would be consumed in twomonthswould be provided along with the bill amount (Assuming samerate ofconsumption is followed).Another option is available where the slabs for variousconsumersare displayed. There is also payment option in this app,if you areonline.