Top 17 Apps Similar to re:work

Freework - Timesheet, Time Card, Time Tracking 2.18.8
Freework GmbH
A mobile platform to handle your daily work, to savetime,increasebillable hours, decrease administrative overhead anddowhat youreally love: follow your work passion Ready togetstarted?Download our free app today. You can try FreeworkPremiumfor free(no credit card required) before choosing the planthatbest suitsyour business. *** Product Hunt: "Freework helpsanyonetrack theirdaily work. Beautifully designed." *** ***"Awesome timetracking tool for freelancers" *** HOWFREEWORK WORKS• Track timeand working hours - Our time logging issimple andeverything is insync • Send invoices - Create invoiceswith yourtracked hours •Manage clients - Log and store informationwhich canbe used toincrease client satisfaction • Statistics - Anoverviewprovideseverything to run your freelancer business withease •Sharedreports - Share your timesheet with all your clients •GeoTracking- Never forget to clock in again with ourgeofencingfeature • Tags- Use tags to categorize your tasks. Forexample, tagblocked tasksas "pending", or tag invoiced tasks as"billed" •Notes - Enhanceyour tasks with important details, linksorchecklists • Connectyour calendar - Add your Google Calendareventsto your timesheetwith one click • Export functionality - Justonepress to downloadall your tasks (CSV, PDF, XLSX) • … andmore!FREEWORK FOR ALL YOURDEVICES Get Freework for your Mac and asaSlackbot to simplifyyour freelancing across all your devices.Theapps all stay insync. QUESTIONS? If you have anyquestions,complaints or praisefeel free to contact us [email protected]
timr – time tracking with GPS 10.2.2
Keep track of working time (timesheets) and project time,includingmileage log
Field Database (FDB) 1.7.3
Relational database on mobile devices for field work.
Arbeitszeiterfassung 1.11.55
Diese App ermöglicht die Erfassung von Arbeits--,Pausen-undFreizeiten. Sie ist speziell für alle geeignet, dieregelmäßigingeteilten Schichten arbeiten und Stundenhefte führenmüssen.Esenthält momentan drei Arbeitszeitmodelle: -pauschaleMonatsstundenSehr einfaches Modell zum reinen erfassenderArbeitsstunden. Fürdie Berechnung der Pauschalzeiten einesTageswerden 21 Arbeitstagepro Monat angenommen. - die 7-Tage-Woche(Voreinstellung ) für dieBerechnung der Zeiten habe ich michamGesamtarbeitsvertrag desSchweizer Gastgewerbes ( L-GAV )orientiert- die 6-Tage-Woche eswerden nur Arbeitstage ( Mo. - Sa. )zurBerechnung der Sollstundenberücksichtigt und So. als FreierTagmarkiert - die 5-Tage-Wochees werden nur Arbeitstage ( Mo. - Fr.)zur Berechnung derSollstunden berücksichtigt und Sa., So.alsFreier Tag markiertAbwesenheiten ( Urlaub, Krank, Unfall,Schule,Elternzeit etc.):Für diese Zeiten kann festgelegt werden obsie -von denSollstunden abgezogen werden sollen ( Voreinstellung )- vondenArbeitstagen abgezogen werden sollen ( Voreinstellung )-alseffektive Stunden zur Arbeitszeit addiert werden sollen-alspauschale Stunden zur Arbeitszeit addiert werdensollenhierbeigilt: - wird nur eine Schicht eingetragen, wird einganzerTaggerechnet - wird zusätzlich Arbeitszeit eingetragen,wirddieDifferenz von Arbeitszeit und Sollzeit eingetragen -werdenzweiverschiedene Abwesenheiten eingetragen wird je einhalberTaggerechnet Funktionen: - Verwaltung vonArbeitszeitenmehrererArbeitsplätze - Erfassen von Arbeitsstundenund Freizeitenin zweiTeilschichten pro Arbeitstag - Erfassen vonEinsatzort,Spesen,gefahrene Strecken und Tagesnotizen ( allesoptional ) -eintragenbezahlter Überstunden ( optional ) -wöchentliche,monatliche undjährliche Zusammenfassungen - Speichernund VersanddieserZusammenfassungen als CSV-Datei oder als PDF-Datei-Sicherung derDatenbank im Telefonspeicher/ auf der SD-KarteZumerzeugen derPDF-Dateien wird die Open Source Variantevon"PDFjet"( verwendet. Danke an &dr.Web fürdie Human Pictos. Benötigte Rechte. - Schreiben vonDateienzumSpeichern der Monatsberichte und der DatenbanksicherungenDieseAppzeigt keine Werbung. Bitte beachten Sie, das ich keineHaftungfürdas korrekte funktionieren der Softwareoderdieeingegebenen/berechneten Zeiten übernehme. BittebeiFehlfunktionenoder anderen Merkwürdigkeiten bei mir melden,ichwerde eine Lösungsuchen. Für eine schlechte Bewertung istdannimmer noch Zeit.
TouchCompany 2.74
Invoices, basic accounting and reporting for small business users
Debitoor - Invoicing & accounting app for SMEs 8.0.4
SumUp MG ApS
Simple, fast, and intuitive invoice app and easy accountingforsmallbusinesses, sole traders, and freelancers. Debitoorinvoicingandeasy accounting software give​ you the tools you needto createandsend professional-looking invoices from anywhere,anytime.Getstarted now to create and send your first invoice inless thanaminute. Invoice anytime, anywhere: not matter on whatdeviceINVOICEFROM ANYWHERE • Customised invoices that help youstand outfrom thecompetition. • Share invoices via email,Messenger,WhatsApp, PDF,and more. • Get notified as soon as aninvoice isviewed by acustomer. • Draft invoices even when offline- they’llbe ready whenyou reconnect. GET PAID FASTER • Connectonlinepayment to get paidup to 14 days faster. • SumUp, PayPal andmore.• Accept cardpayments of invoices in person by pairing yourphonewith a SumUpcard reader. • See which invoices are overdue ataglance andfollow-up from the app. EXPENSES IN A SNAP •Captureexpenses on thego and in the moment you spend. • Attach areceiptto your expense bytaking a picture with your smartphone.•Automatically readsimportant details from your receiptandsuggests the best categoryfor your expense. QUOTES ANYTIME•Create a quote fast to send anestimate to a customer. •Getnotified as soon as a quote is viewedby a customer. •Convertaccepted quotes to invoices with a tap.ACCOUNTING ANACCOUNTANTCAN LOVE • Export all invoices and expensesto your ownaccountantin a clean data format. • Invite youraccountant to youraccountfor easy collaboration. • Manage andreport your VATdirectly toHMRC with Making Tax Digital software •Generate P&L(Profitand Loss) reports from the web app. • Stayon top of yourbusinessaccounting with balance sheet MANAGE YOURCUSTOMERS •Instantlyimport customer details from your mobilecontacts. • Addcustomerinformation to a new invoice with a tap. •Access customerdetailseven when offline. YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICE •Save and editproductor service details in your account. • Addproducts/serviceto newinvoices with a tap. INTERNATIONAL • Easilychange thelanguage ofyour invoices to cater to your customer. •Change theinvoicecurrency with the latest conversion rates. PLUS… •Creditnotes,proforma invoices, delivery notes, reminders,paymentreceipts& more from our full browser version. •Free,world-classcustomer support. • 100% cloud-based: accessyouraccount from anydevice. Created to help small businessesthrive.
Geofence location Time Tracker 3.1
Geofence location Time Trackersupportsautomatic geofence location based time tracking, transitiontimetracking as well as normal punch in/out. This togheter with arichtimesheet UI and the feature to export your data toexcel.FEATURES● Geofence location based auto time tracker● Manual time tracker● Transition time tracker● No battery drain● Location fixes with wifi and cell networks● Excel timesheet reports● Send reports via email● Backup and restore to SD card● Timesheet daily, weekly, monthly or year● Timesheet graphs● Edit time● Pitch to zoom time graphs in horizontal mode● Latest Google geofence technologyPHONE POWER SAVEIf power save is turned on please make sure that the CPUpowersaving is disabled. If enabled the automatic time trackingwillnot work properly in sleep mode.HOW DOES IT WORKSimple add a location! The project time is tracked when youenterand is stopped on exit! This over both wifi and cellnetworkswithout battery impact thanks to the latest GoogleGeofencetechnology.Are you working on projects from different locations? No problem!Itis easy to combine normal manual check-in and check-outwithautomatic geofence time tracking.LIMITATIONS● The app needs a internet connection● Limited to one activity or project. Full version can beboughtfrom within the appBATTERY USETesting has shown that the app drain less then 2% of thebattery.This is possible using the latest Google geofencetechnology withlocation fixes coming from wifi and/or cellnetworks. If GPS isenabled the battery drain will be muchhigher.ACCURACYAndroid location based services must be turned on. To get thebestaccuracy wifi should always be enabled since location fixes isalsopossible without wifi connect. The accuracy typically variesfrom100 meter up to 1000 in poor coverage areas with onlycellnetworks. If GPS is enabled the accuracy will improve butthebattery will be drained.
Laden Sie diese App nur runter, wennSiebereits ein Konto bei 123erfasst haben.Zeiten erfassen und Projekte dokumentieren - per Handy - fürdenBau.123erfasst - die mobile Zeiterfassung und Leistungserfassung fürdasBaugewerbe und für Handwerker.Diese App ist die mobile Anwendung für den Einsatz auf derBaustellevor Ort. Diese App ist eine Ergänzung zum123erfasst-System.123erfasst nimmt den Mitarbeitern im Außendienst oder aufderBaustelle die handschriftliche Aufzeichnung der Arbeitszeitenabund ermöglicht die einfache Übertragung der Daten indasBüro.Die persönliche Arbeitszeit bzw. die Arbeitszeit einer KolonnenebstLeistungsergebnissen, eventuellenMaterialien,Nachunternehmerleistungen etc. werden vor Ort ineinDatenerfassungsgerät über vorgegebeneTextbausteineeingegeben.Alle Daten (Zeit, Leistung, Standort, Wetter) werden in Echtzeitaufeinen Server übertragen.123erfasst ermöglicht die Erfassung der Arbeitszeiten mitUhrzeiten,Pausen etc.Die Arbeitszeiten werden dem Mitarbeiterprojektbezogenvorgeschlagen und ermöglichen eine sehr zügigeErstellung der vonden Behörden geforderten Unterlagen.Die aufbereiteten Daten können den am Projekt beteiligtenPersonenmittels individueller Zugriffsberechtigung online zurVerfügunggestellt werden.Die Bauleitung erhält aktuelle Informationen über die AnzahlderMitarbeiter mit Leistungsergebnissen als Bautagesbericht.Für den Unternehmer vereinfacht und beschleunigt sichdieNachkalkulation, die Fakturierung und die Lohnabrechnung.Tages-, Wochen- und Monatsberichte zur Dokumentation vonBauabläufenwerden automatisch erstellt. Das Bautagebuch wird ganznebenbeimitgeführt und aufbereitet. Sie erfüllen somit ganz leichtauch Ihregesetzlichen Auflagen hinsichtlichdesArbeitnehmer-Entsendungs-Gesetzes (AEntG).Ob auf dem Bau, auf Montage, oder zur SteuerungvonService-Personal, Technikern und sonstigen mobilenEinsatzkräften ist schnell, einfach undzuverlässig.Diese App benutzt Google Analytics zur besseren FehlerverfolgungundQualitätsverbesserung.Download this appjustdown if you already have an account with 123erfasst.Capture times and projects documented - via mobile phone -forconstruction.123erfasst - the mobile time tracking and performance recordingforthe construction industry and for craftsmen.This app is the mobile application for use on the constructionsite.This app is a companion to 123erfasst system.123erfasst takes employees in the field or at the constructionsite,the handwritten record of the working hours and enables theeasytransfer of data to the office.The personal work or the work of a column along withperformanceresults, any materials, subcontractor etc. are enteredlocally in adata acquisition device via text modules.All data (time, capacity, location, weather) are transmitted inrealtime to a server.123erfasst enables recording working times with times,breaksetc.Working hours are proposed to the project-related staff and allowavery rapid preparation of the required documents bytheauthorities.The processed data can be provided to persons involved intheproject by means of individual access authorizationonline.The construction management receives updated information onthenumber of employees with performance results than dailyprogressreport.Simplified for the operator and accelerates costing, invoicingandpayroll.Daily, weekly and monthly reports for documentingconstructionprocesses are created automatically. The constructiondiary isincidentally carried and processed. They therefore meetquiteeasily your legal requirements with respect to theemployeeEntsendungs ​​Act (AEntG).Whether on the building, on assembly, or for the control ofservicepersonnel, technical personnel and other mobile is fast, simple and reliable.This app uses Google Analytics for better bug tracking andqualityimprovement.
Swipetimes › Time tracker 15.11.15
Leon Chiver
Project based time tracker, GPS tracking, NFC, reports and alotmore.
Ninox Database 3.4.4
Ninox is a user-friendly database that runs on allyourdevices.Create business apps for you and your team. With Ninoxyoucanorganize anything, optimize your work process andbecomemoreproductive. Easily create business applications withoutwritingasingle line of code. Start with a template and adapt ittoyourapplication. Ninox is used by individuals, largeandsmallbusinesses, startups, agencies in many areas:CRM,events,invoices, warehouse management, real estate and more.►CLEARPURCHASING RECOMMENDATION "With Ninox, I have foundanimpressivecompanion for the growth of my business. Value formoneycould notbe better. " - epicstudio - SO MUCH MORE THAN ADATABASE"Thisdatabase is simply brilliant and really easy to use.And bestofall , it's constantly evolving. " - trailer-man -EXCELLENTPRODUCT/ FUNCTIONALITY " I've been working with Ninoxsince 2014and I'mvery excited about the intuitive user interfaceandfunctionality.The application is really great! " - arwis -►TEMPLATES •Inventory • Invoices and Accounting • MeetingsandEvents • CRM •And many more! ► 100% CUSTOMIZABLE • Createforms,data fields andtriggers • Links between tables • Calculationswithvisual formulaeditor ► WORKING ON TEAM • Invite others toworktogether • Setrole and rights • Real-time syncing on alldevices ►DATA FIELDS •Rich Text • Selections • Date / Time • And15+ more! ►YOURDATABASE ON ALL DEVICES Ninox is available for •Android •iPhone •iPad • Mac • and on the web You can install Ninoxonmultipledevices. To keep all your devices in sync you can getaNinox Cloudsubscription which also gives you access to Ninox ontheweb. -Privacy Policy: - TermsofUse:
ErpLite - Invoice & Estimate 2.27
LITE(Trial) version Key Features * Android Phone, GalaxyTab,Tabletcompatible: 4inch~10.1inch * Simply createinvoices,estimates andpurchase orders. * You can print a receiptfor thecustomer (mobilereceipt printer) * You can print out theinvoiceas a PDF.(preview/share/send email) * You can changetheformeasily.(invoices, estimates and purchase orders)*Accurateinventory management. * Accounts receivable,accountspayablemanagement. * Options for setting the sales price.(LastSalesPrice(By Customer),Retail,A,B,C,Discount) * Banking,income/expense management. (My Credit cards, cash,bankaccountmanagement) * Supported bluetooth barcode scanner.(barcodescannerdevices and camera scanners support) * Product imageandcustomerimage support. * Various reports (excelfile/share/sendemail) *Import data from Excel. / Export data toExcel. * You canenterdata in Excel on your computer. (Data importfrom Dropbox) *ErpProapp is easy and fast. * This lite version haslimitations onthenumber of records you can create.
ErpPro - Invoice & Estimate 2.27
Key Features * Android Phone, Galaxy Tab, Tabletcompatible:4inch~10.1inch * Simply create invoices, estimatesandpurchaseorders. * You can print a receipt for the customer(mobilereceiptprinter) * You can print out the invoice asaPDF.(preview/share/send email) * You can changetheformeasily.(invoices, estimates and purchase orders)*Accurateinventory management. * Accounts receivable,accountspayablemanagement. * Options for setting the sales price.(LastSalesPrice(By Customer),Retail,A,B,C,Discount) * Banking,income/expense management. (My Credit cards, cash,bankaccountmanagement) * Supported bluetooth barcode scanner.(barcodescannerdevices and camera scanners support) * Product imageandcustomerimage support. * Various reports (excelfile/share/sendemail) *Import data from Excel. / Export data toExcel. * You canenterdata in Excel on your computer. (Data importfrom Dropbox) *ErpProapp is easy and fast.
Retail POS System - Point of Sale 7.9.0
W&O Retail POS - Point of Sale is a full featured, easytouseand affordable POS for any small or medium business.W&ORetailPOS - Point of Sale is perfect for storesofferingelectronics,clothing, toys, books, baby items, etc. Nomonthly orannual fee.One time cost. Key Features ★ Purchase order,payment ★Printreceipt, report ★ Various discount, surcharge and tax★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales report ★ Pay in & pay out★Expensemanagement ★ Customer membership ★ Inventory management★Customerdisplay Printer Printersetupguide: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Supportall kindofprinters) DownloadPC-PrinterAdapter USB (Support most thermal printers withESC/POSCommand)Bestsupportprinter:TSP143LAN( (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best supportprinter:StarSM-L200( thehardware WorkwithCustomerFacingDisplay version devices taking order at same time, you willneedserverversion, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To getuserguide: To reportbugsor requestfeatures: ※ If you liketheapp, thenplease give us a good rating as the driving forcebehindourcontinued development, thank you. ※ If you have anysuggestionsorquestions please mail to our mailbox directly. Formarketreviews,please just leave your rating and cheers, thanksagain.Availablelanguages (more coming soon) English, 中文, Español(ManuelIraizos),Deutsch (SK.Aldein), Français (Jean-Marie),Italiano(Massimiliano),Ελληνικά (, Magyar (DanielBotka),Português do Brasil(Flávio Etrusco), Indonesia (RickyAlamsyah),Dansk, Suomi, Svenska,Norsk, 日本語, 한국어, Thai, Türkçe(Omer), Czech(Petr Komin), Nederlands,Pусский, Indonesian,Yкраїнська, TiếngViệt, Filipino(Max VA) RetailPOS - Point of Salecan be used aspet store POS (pet store point ofsale), pharmacy POS(pharmacypoint of sale), convenience store POS(convenience storepoint ofsale), salons & spas POS (salons& spas point ofsale),kiosk POS (kiosk point of sale), clothingstore POS (clothingstorepoint of sale) or any other point of sales.
Clockodo Time Tracking 8.0.8
Clockodo GmbH
Time tracking software for companies
Cloud POS (point of sale) 9.4
Skyservice POS (POS terminal) - automation of restaurants,shops,mobile coffee shops, street food, fast food and stalls. Itallowsyou to stock inventory, perform monitoring of employees toanalyzesales statistics. All data is stored in the cloud andaccessiblefrom any device anywhere in the world. In the app youwill findeverything you need to record sales in the store, a cafe,a bar,fudtreke, car wash, shinomantazhe, etc .. Maintainingthewarehouse, editing handbooks goods, different access rightsofusers, configuration, summary reports and analytics - all thisandmuch more is available in the bar. The service is availableccomputer link: All you need to do step3,which will take a couple of minutes: 1. Install the application2.Sign on the system 3. Add the goods and can already be runevenfrom a mobile phone. As each employee can put the app onyourdevice and will not need to buy additional equipment. By usingourproduct: you get: - Access to the system from anywhere in theworld- POS terminal interface for employees working - Work inofflinemode - The opportunity to work with a network ofinstitutions - thepossibility of partial payment by cash or card -inventory control- Statistics - The ability to work on any device -Work with mostprinters - Staff reports - Management of severalinstitutions - Theability to work without a POS terminal tables andquery the PINemployee - Refunds, congregations, as well as a lotmore functionsin a single service - As well as much more .. Thisapp is perfectfor all types of business: Restaurant POS Bar Pointof Sale CafePOS Florist Point of Sale Grocery shop Point of SaleSpa POS SalonPOS Dry cleaner POS Boutique POS Bakeshop Point ofSale PharmacyPOS Fashion Point of Sale Ability to work with sumupbank terminal
Bauskript Site Journal App 16.0.1
The mobile documentation of the construction site usingsmartphonesand tablets.