Top 36 Apps Similar to Galiastro

Astro Clock Pro (planet hours) 1.5.9
The original Astro Clock app + widget and status bar info
Planetdance Astrology 3.1
Planetdance is a technical astrology program for android.
Uranian Astro : Astrology 7.22
Astrological Tool for Uranian Astrologer
Astrological Charts Pro 10.4.9
12 chart types, 13 asteroids, 23 fictitious points, interpretations
Planetus Astrology
A revolutionary approach of realtime astrology!
Astrological Charts 10.4.4
12 chart types, 13 asteroids, 23 fictitious points, interpretations
Astrology: Horary Chart 3.0.3
Horary chart with degree scale, events within zodiac sign,lots,antises, stars
AstroClocks 1.14
Simulation of famous tower clocks
Aquarius2Go Astrology 4.6
Aquarius2Go is an Astrology chart application forprofessionalastrologers.
Astrology Ephemeris 0.7
New PROversion=> of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, North Node andLilith. - Theappdetects location and shows astrological houses. -Chart andmoonphases of the selected date. - All ephemeris withplanet andsignsymbols. From year 1582 to 2399.
Feng Shui Good Days Selection 2.1.10
Choosing Good Days by the Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology
Uranus Astrology App 1.6.1
The secrets of astrology for the casual user and theprofessionalastrologer.
Lunar Calendar PRO 5.1
Nothing extra! Lunar calendar for each day.
Aura Astrology Plus 1.10
Sinin Studio
Aura Astrology (the old name -"AuraZodiac")==============================================Theprogramincludes: * Translations in 43 languages *Astrologicalbasecoordinates 138 000 settlements of the world with apopulationof1,000 people, and even less (names of cities inseverallanguages)* The newest base astrological time for alltheamendmentssubmitted settlements since the early 20th centuryto2014 * Latestastrological ephemeris NASA declared with anerrorless than 1 ''(current pro version includes astrologicalephemerisfor 1870-2050gg. And will soon be expanded) *AstrologicalEphemeris majorplanets, the Lunar nodes, Chiron,Lilith, Proserpine* Systems ofhouses: Cosmogram, Placidus, Koch,Ravnodomnaya fromAsc,Ravnodomnaya from MC, Morinus Meridian * 20visualthemes==================================================Keyfeatures: *Natal chart (natal horoscope) *Astrologicalinterpretation (risingsign, planets in the signs,planets inhouses, houses in the signs,aspects of planets) * Aspectsofplanets and house cusps * Scalingmaps * Scaling font sizes*Transit map * Dynamics of Time *Dynamics of transit * Thedynamicsof progression (3 types) *Calculation solarium (withthepossibility to quickly build transitNatal) * Calculation ofLunar(with the possibility to quicklybuild transit Natal) *Allocationof long-term aspects * Isolationand / or disable thedivergentaspects * Database with the abilityto import and export(in theformat Astroprocessor Zet 9.0) *Astrological aspects table*Astrological table rulers *Astrological table speed of theplanets* Table of the elements,crosses hemispheres * Table ofhouses andsigns * Additionalastrological tables * Flexiblesettingsastrological chart andinterface (size, elements, etc.).*Screenshots (including a delayof 5 and 10 sec.) * Settingthedisplay and aspects of the planets/ cusps * Displays the phaseofthe moon and the astrologicalplanets speed radials * Displaysthedegrees of the planets andcusps (including minutes) totheastrological chart * The abilityto insert data into aformatAstroprocessor Zet clipboard * Andmuch more...==============================================Differencesbetweenversions: The main limitation of Free-versionareephemeris.Astrological database is limited to 1900-2020 to7planets.1990-2020 - without restrictions (15 planets).Otherdifferences aredescribed in detail intheprogram.============================================== Thankyoufor yourfeedback!
WLC Biblical Calendar 2.2.4
Correlates 2 Different Calendars: The Biblical Calendar &TheGregorian Calendar
Astro Hours (Star of the Magi)
Nicolae Terzi
Application for searching planetary hours and days based on theStarof the Magi
Moon Calendar Plus 4.0
Lunar days, Moon's phases, sunrise&sunset,moonrise&moonset,twilight, eclipses
Astro Gold 2.3.1
Astro Gold is a professional-level astrology app
BaZi Astrology 1.1.2
This App provides you an easy way to explore BaZi and assists youtobetter understand yourself, your lover, friends, family or evenyourboss. BaZi is a Chinese study of a person’s fate or destinythat hasbeen around for more than a thousand year. Those who donotunderstand BaZi are either confused about it, or claim that itispure superstition. However, BaZi, similar to astrology, tellsoneabout his or her personality, way of thinking, and mostsuitableoccupations. However, BaZi also shows one’s destiny,currentsituation in life, and provides much more details about apersonthan Western astrology. To know a person’s EXTERNALpersonality,check out the 10 Heavenly Stems. To know a person’sINTERNALpersonality, check out the 12 Earthly Branches. To know aperson’sGENERAL characteristics and qualities, check out the 10Gods inBaZi. Note:BaZi’s Earthly Branches and Zodiac Animals isdifferent.
Sky Calendar 2021 1.1.9
Astrological calendar 2021 for any region of Earth
Lunar Calendar 2022 Daily Moon 2.1.3
Your individual lunar calendar 2022 with recommendations foreachday
Ephemeris, Astrology Software 4.0
Sunil Jain
The Ephemeris Application iscompleteAstrological software for Astrologers as well asAstrologyenthusiasts. Now, you can use a faster and more accurateEphemerisand Astrology software for android mobiles, tablets, andTV areplacement ofthe paper based styleused by AstrologersandJyotishs.The following are the facilities offered by the app:1. Indian, Western, and Local Ephemeris Tables2. Planetary Positions Calculator which gives a tabular resultofplanet positions and ascendant (Lagna) for your selectedlocation,date and time.3. Horoscopes/Astro Charts (Kundali) which generate theKundali/Chart in North and South Indian style withdifferent optionssuch asdivisional charts, planetary details withrelationships,Vimsottari, Yogini, Ashtottari, Kalachakra, andCharadasas,Transit, KP astrology, LalKitab Charts, Jaimini,Astakavarga,Shadbala, bhavabala, vimsopakbala, prasna chart withyavan yoga andmany more.4. Horoscope and NameMatching in North and South Indianstyle.5. Planetary Transit where results comprise of Date,Rashi/Sign,Star/Nakshatra, Star Division, Direction, Gandmool,andPanchaka.6. Planetary Retrogradation and Combustion tables7. Ascendant Rising tables8. Annual Horoscopy with annual dasas, Tajik yogas, Lord ofyear,Annual planetary strength, and Sahams.9. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology with option of directionalcharts,transit, and special yogas.Features:• Support of Zero – Ayanamsa (Precession of Equinox), Lahiri,Ramanand Krishnamurti, along with many others.• Supports all Android Phones, Tablets, TVs and customizable asperyour preferences (All versions and sizes).• GPS/GSM/ Google Geo Coder, OSM and inbuilt support forlocationcapture.• User friendly chart display option for all sizes of mobilesandtablets.• Support to store unlimited numbers of charts in SD memory ofyourdevice.• Support to display bar graph for planetary Strength.• Support to save in sd card and share A4 Size horoscopeconsistingof basic data, D1, D9, D10, rashi and chalet includingdasas.Credits:Made By: Sunil Jain.Interface Design: Shubham Jain.
Astrodox Astrology 1.5
Astrodox Team
New astrology app for amateur and professional astrologers
Simple VoC Moon Calendar 1.1.05
It is an app that displays Void of Course(VoC) Moon.
iLuna 1.2.3
Sirius Lab
iLuna, an astrological lunar calendar. Phases, signs,void-of-courseperiods.
Starspeak Astrology Oracle
Receive astrological insights for personal awareness and guidance!
AstroVizor 4.0G
Application for astrologers creates astrological (natal,synastry)charts.
JyotishTools Pro 1.50
JyotishTools with more features and options.
Astrological Charts Lite 10.4.4
12 chart types, 13 asteroids, 23 fictitious points, interpretations
Our Numerology V2.028G
Numerology tools and portrait. Partnership, name, birthday&daily numerology.
VeBest Numerology 2.2.5
Numerology Calculator - professional tool for numerologistsandbeginners!
Calendar of the Soul
Dr. Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophical Calendar of the Soul
Sidereal Time App Nineteen
Scott Spiller
This sidereal time app will calculate the local siderealtimebasedon your location. If you purchase the pro version youcancalculatesidereal time by address, latitude and longitudeorconvert yourcurrent date and time to sidereal time. You canalsotouch anywhereon a world map and find the local siderealtime.Studies show thatyour psychic abilities and remote viewingskillsare increased by400% during 13:30 local sidereal time.
Prime Fortune-Love Zodiac Luck 9.0.7
Prime Fortune is written by Gangnam's best fortune teller.
Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm 3.0.1
Widget available on Premium pack!Do you experience different levels of sleepiness andalertnessthroughout the day? Would you like improve your sleepcycle? Haveyou ever felt poorly because of jet lag?Improve your sleep cycle, productivity and reduce jet lagwiththis app.Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm syncs the Solar time withyourLocal time and shows important events based onCircadianrhythm.What is the Circadian Rhythm?All species have a timing mechanism, or 'clock,' thatcontrolsperiods of activity and inactivity. These clocks are knownascircadian rhythms and refer the cycle of physiologicalandbiological processes that fluctuate on a roughly 24-hourtimetable.You have probably noticed these tendencies yourself,feeling moreenergetic and alert during peak periods of the day andmorelethargic and run-down at other times of the day. Circadianrhythmsalso impact body temperature, pain sensitivity, mentalalertness,physical strength, and the senses. disruptions such as jet lag put us in conflict withournatural sleep patterns, since the shift in time and light cuesonthe brain forces the body to alter its normal pattern toadjust.This is why jet lag can leave travelers feeling poorly andhavingmore difficulty thinking and performing well. But thesesymptomscan also occur in everyday life, when the circadian rhythmisdisrupted by keeping long and irregular hours.Solar Clock: Circadian Rhythm helps you to keep aregularsleep schedule and allow plenty of time for qualitysleep,allowingthese two vital biological components, the sleep/wakerestorativeprocess and the circadian rhythm, to help you perform atyourbest.The app will notify when a circadian event starts.The alarm will adjust gradually as sunrise time changethroughoutthe year.Use the app as a natural alarm clock that you can set towakeup.Enjoy Solar Clock and reconnect with yourcircadianrhythm!By downloading this app, you agree to the EULAat out our account or website for more freeapps: us onFacebook: us on Twitter: free to contact us for any issue or suggestion bye-mail:[email protected]::