Top 32 Apps Similar to HSK - Die App der Badexperten

HSK 2 Chinese Flashcards 3.3
Learn 150 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 2.
Chinese HSK Level 4 lite 9.2.9
Around Pixels
The new Chinese HSK Level 4 willallowyou to easily and interactively dominate the officialHSKLevel 4. You will find a full HSK 4 dictionary andacomprehensive list of sentences and expressions spreadover13 very everyday topics.But there are more: 7 different games, +2700 challenges and24achievements are waiting for you. With Chinese HSK Level 4youwill listen, speak, write and play while you are checkingyourprogress. Full stats will show your learning progressandmistakes.Dominate this Chinese level easily!(text to speech Powered by iSpeech)CONTENT● Dictionary with the 599 HSK level 4 words● Simplified and Traditional hanzi characters● Save your words in your starred list● Search words by meaning, hanzi or pinyin● Voice search (Chinese and English, requiresinternetconnection)● 96 sentences and expressions spread over 13 everyday topics● Chinese lessons (only in English, requiresinternetconnection)● 7 different games● 24 achievements● +2700 challenges● Chinese stroke order● Hanzi color tones● All audio content is recorded by a Chinese native● Possibility to record your own audio pronunciation● Voice Recognition (requires internet connection)● Real-time learning stats● Check your mistakes● Adapted for smartphone and tablet● Available in English, French, German, Italian,Russian,Spanish● This lite version has reduced content
HSK 6 Chinese Flashcards 2.7
Master 2500 Mandarin Chinese words with HSK 6ChineseFlashcards!Your vocabulary will grow by leaps and boundswith thisapp. Choosethe word pack and number of cards you wish tostudy andhit play!Cards are randomly generated each time to preventanymuscle memorybeing used to remember word order. HSK 6ChineseFlashcards allowsyou to quickly blaze through hundreds ofcards. Noneed to flipeach card to see the answer. If you recognizeit, tapNext. If not,then flip the card and study the answer. Thinkyou'vemastered thecurrent card pack? Do it again, just to be sure,thentackle thenext pack of flashcards. Each time you start, thecardswill beonce again randomized. Think you know all 2500 words?Timeto trythe full deck Mandarin Chinese flashcards pack.StudyingChinesehas never been this simple. Pronunciation of eachword isalsoavailable at the top of a button. Want to take anotherlook attheChinese characters on the previous card containingtheChineseword? Simply tap the previous button, or tap thepreviousbuttonmultiple times to go back to the beginning. YourChinesestudystats are recorded and available on the main page. Youcanresetthese at anytime. How many minutes a day do you havetostudyMandarin Chinese? 5? 10? 15? 300? The more the better,butwith HSK6 Chinese Flashcards, there is no limit. You can pickupand startagain from where you previously left off. GiveyourMandarinChinese an immediate and lasting boost with thissimpleyeteffective flashcards app. Where do you study Chinese? Atyourdesk?In the library? While you commute? With HSK 6ChineseFlashcards,the possibilities are endless. You can eveneasily studywhileexercising at the gym. Any spare minute you haveduring theday canquickly be filled by using this flashcards app.The resultswill bestriking and noticeable in short order. ThislearningChinese appcan be used in a couple of ways. Prior toflipping thecard, try toreally recall what the English and Pinyinare. If theanswer isobvious, no need to waste time flipping thecard. Simplytap nextand proceed. In this way, you will develop theability toblazethrough all 2500 words in under 30 minutes, whichmeans youare nowan HSK 6 master. Use this app multiple times perday, anddirectlybefore sleeping for best results, and watch yourvocabularyandcharacter recognition grow exponentially. Alreadyfinished allofthe words? There are 2500 more Chinese words to go ifyoudownloadour other flashcards apps, for HSK levels 1 to 6. Goodluckin yourpursuit of mastery of the amazing Chinese language. **ForChineselearners looking for a new and brilliant way tostudyChinese, besure to also download our Chinese learning app-'Chinese CharacterHero - HSK Pro', also available on PlayStore.The Hero Methodallows you to quickly learn Chinese charactersbyenforcing arecall and recognition process, essential forlong-termmemory.This method is even more effective than thetraditionalflashcardsapproach, and is a lot of fun! Get it today!**
HSK 4 Chinese Flashcards 3.3
Learn 600 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 4.
HSK 1 Chinese Flashcards 3.3
Learn 150 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 1.
Learn Chinese HSK3 Chinesimple 9.8.1
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialHSKexamination.
Chinese Phrasebook 20
The best Chinese Phrasebook for fast, easy & essentialsentencesto go in China
HSK Magic Chinese
Learn Chinese Mandarin by magic! Words, characters and grammarforthe HSK exams
HSK 5 Chinese Flashcards 2.9
Master 1300 Mandarin Chinese words with HSK 5ChineseFlashcards!Your vocabulary will grow by leaps and boundswith thisapp. Choosethe word pack and number of cards you wish tostudy andhit play!Cards are randomly generated each time to preventanymuscle memorybeing used to remember word order. HSK 5ChineseFlashcards allowsyou to quickly blaze through hundreds ofcards. Noneed to flipeach card to see the answer. If you recognizeit, tapNext. If not,then flip the card and study the answer. Thinkyou'vemastered thecurrent card pack? Do it again, just to be sure,thentackle thenext pack of flashcards. Each time you start, thecardswill beonce again randomized. Think you know all 1300 words?Timeto trythe full deck Mandarin Chinese flashcards pack.StudyingChinesehas never been this simple. Pronunciation of eachword isalsoavailable at the top of a button. Want to take anotherlook attheChinese characters on the previous card containingtheChineseword? Simply tap the previous button, or tap thepreviousbuttonmultiple times to go back to the beginning. YourChinesestudystats are recorded and available on the main page. Youcanresetthese at anytime. How many minutes a day do you havetostudyMandarin Chinese? 5? 10? 15? 300? The more the better,butwith HSK5 Chinese Flashcards, there is no limit. You can pickupand startagain from where you previously left off. GiveyourMandarinChinese an immediate and lasting boost with thissimpleyeteffective flashcards app. Where do you study Chinese? Atyourdesk?In the library? While you commute? With HSK 5ChineseFlashcards,the possibilities are endless. You can eveneasily studywhileexercising at the gym. Any spare minute you haveduring theday canquickly be filled by using this flashcards app.The resultswill bestriking and noticeable in short order. ThislearningChinese appcan be used in a couple of ways. Prior toflipping thecard, try toreally recall what the English and Pinyinare. If theanswer isobvious, no need to waste time flipping thecard. Simplytap nextand proceed. In this way, you will develop theability toblazethrough all 1300 words in under a minute, whichmeans you arenowan HSK 5 master. Use this app multiple times perday, anddirectlybefore sleeping for best results, and watch yourvocabularyandcharacter recognition grow exponentially. Alreadyfinished allofthe words? There are 3700 more Chinese words to go ifyoudownloadour other flashcards apps, for HSK levels 1 to 6. Goodluckin yourpursuit of mastery of the amazing Chinese language. **ForChineselearners looking for a new and brilliant way tostudyChinese, besure to also download our Chinese learning app-'Chinese CharacterHero - HSK Pro', also available on PlayStore.The Hero Methodallows you to quickly learn Chinese charactersbyenforcing arecall and recognition process, essential forlong-termmemory.This method is even more effective than thetraditionalflashcardsapproach, and is a lot of fun! Get it today!**
Chines Vocabulary HSK 1-6 2.3
VG’s Ear
HSK word list for all levels.
HSK-I 7.0
This is an educational program developed by theConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), whichallows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level I) fromexamplesofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSKlevel-I(HSK一级)involveslistening and reading comprehension of 150Chinesecharacters orwords (Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to levelA1 ofCEFR (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages)TheHSK-I examconsists of two blocks, one listening comprehension(20questions)and a reading comprehension (20questions). Each blockhasa maximumscore of 100 points, and need to get 120 points topassthe test.10 oficial test,more 400 answers Project Lead:VicentAndreu -Confucius Institute Design & programmer: J.P.Sánchez-Sonoftigger Software Sound Producer: Damian Sánchez-SonotriggerImagen& know: Hanban 西班牙瓦伦西亚大学孔子学院InstitutoConfucio de laUniversitat de València Facultat deFilología,Traducció iComunicació Av. Blasco Ibáñez 32, València46010, SpainSede Campusdels Tarongers Calle del Serpis 29, València46022,SpainTelf.:+34-96 398 35 92 Fax: +34-96 398 3590附:孔子学院网页: 电子邮件:[email protected]:
This is an educational program developed by the ConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), which allows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level III) fromexamples ofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSK level-III involveslisteningand reading comprehension of 600 Chinese characters orwords(Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to level B1 of CEFR (CommonEuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages) The HSK-III examconsists ofthree blocks, one listening comprehension (40questions), a readingcomprehension (30 questions) and a writingexpresion (10 question).Each block has a maximum score of 100points, and need to get 180points to pass the test. Project Lead:Vicent Andreu - ConfuciusInstitute Design & programmer: J.P.Sánchez - SonoftiggerSoftware Sound Producer: Damian Sánchez -Sonotrigger Imagen&know: Hanban Copyrigth Valencia 2015
Learn Chinese HSK5 Chinesimple 9.8.1
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialHSKexamination.
Learn Chinese HSK2 Chinesimple 9.9.7
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialHSKexamination.
Learn Chinese - Ninchanese 1.0.0
Ninchanese is the best app to learn Chinese! WithNinchanese'seffective and personalized learning method, learningChinese iseasy and keep you motivated to progress until you masterMandarinChinese. Learn to read, speak, understand and writeChinese!Ninchanese is designed for all levels of Chinese, frombeginners toadvanced Chinese learners. So, whether you already haveabackground in Chinese or not, you will enjoy a way oflearningChinese that is both adorable and effective. It’s fun, easyand youcan learn all the vocabulary you want for free. The apprequires tosign up to save your progression. Explore the Chineselanguage andculture through more than 3500 lessons and reachconversationalfluency in Mandarin. Download “Learn Chinese -Ninchanese” andlearn how to speak Mandarin Chinese anytime,anywhere! Ready tospeak Chinese? FEATURES: • Gamified learning tohave fun whilelearning • Adaptative and personalized learning, soyou only moveon when you’re ready • Engaging bite-sized stages tolearn bit bybit • Built for beginners and advanced learners alike •Play andcompete with your friends with the Ninchallenge • Learn newwordsand sentences patterns for good thanks to Spaced Repetition •Chatto learn Chinese with fun dialogues • Easy to startspeakingChinese: get instant feedback on your pronunciation withand tipsto improve • Learn Chinese Mandarin in Simplifiedcharacters.Traditional characters accessible in beta (get in touchto getaccess) • Play and practice Chinese Mandarin everywhere, onyourComputer, Tablet or Phone • A high quality of TTS voice,authenticChinese learning material and cultural content •Traditional andsimplified built-in Chinese Dictionary, withhand-drawn Chinesecharacter order animations • Pass the HSK:prepare level 1 to level5 of the Chinese exam • No ads - learnChinese Character Mandarinfree CONTENT: • Initiation to Chinese •Content from a beginner toan advanced level of Mandarin • 8000+Chinese words • 10,000+example sentences to see words in context •500 sentence patternsand practical grammar lessons to unlock • 200+dialogues topractice and be at ease in every situation • Curriculumdesigned byexperienced teachers and Chinese language experts,especially forChinese learners • Unlimited Ninchallenges to playlive or turn byturn with your friends Start with basic Chinesewords, verbs andphrases, and learn to make sentences with what youjust learned.Practice speaking Chinese using our cutting-edge voicerecognitionand learn how to speak like a native Chinese! Use oureffectivemethod to easily learn to speak, read and understandMandarinChinese. Chinese writing will also hold no secrets for you!Fun andengaging bite-sized stages will help you improve yourChinesedaily, and take you to an advanced Chinese level. It’s likeputtingyour Chinese speaking skills on a rocket! Train your ears,improveyour speaking skills, play games, and know you'll beunderstood inChina! Our personalized and adaptive technology makesit easy foryou to practice at the right time. All you have to do islet theapp take care of your learning. Ninchanese’s SRS (SpacedRepetitionSystem) and learning method will tell you what you needto learnand practice to keep your Chinese fresh, strong andlong-lasting inyour memory. Just follow your personal learningjourney, unlocklessons and play with your friends. Have fun doingNincha Missions,and easily reach a conversational level inMandarin. Every lessonfollows the official HSK Chinese curriculumand was made byexperienced teachers. With Ninchanese, everythingyou need toimprove and really speak Chinese is always at hand.Learn all thevocabulary you want and explore all the lessons forfree. Somefeatures require a paid subscription. Ready to getaddicted toChinese? Download Ninchanese.
Chinese 50000 Words & Pictures 12.0
Application to Learn Vocabulary , Its offline and 100%FREE.Everything is FREE.
Learn Mandarin | Learn Chinese 7.5.92
Read Chinese graded news and learn Chinese! Chinese immersionwithgraded news.
Daily Chinese | Learn Words 9.1.2
Mojay, LLC
Memorize words, characters, and idioms to grow yourChinesevocabulary
Korean Chinese Translation 23.5.5
Korean and Chinese online fast translation, a good helper fortravelexchange
Read & Learn Chinese - DuShu 2.05.04
Making reading Chinese easier & more educational thaneverbefore
Hanzi Study 1.2.9
LC Studios
Learn Chinese with over 2600 Hanzi to study from the HSKcharacterlist
Polish-Spanish Translator 2.3.4
Translator from Polish to Spanish and from Spanish to Polish
Oxford Chinese Dictionary 11.4.602
Oxford Chinese Dictionary with over 300,000 words and370,000translations.
Chinese Vietnamese dictionary 4.33
Translate Chinese to Vietnamese,Translate Vietnamese to Chinese
Learn Spanish: Speed Spanish 5.2.3
Spanish memes, lessons, dictionary, tests, multiplayer,translator& more!
Learn Chinese Words Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Chinese travel phrases,slang,business language...
Chinese Audio Trainer Lite 1.8.7
Chinese Audio Trainer is a complete Chinese audio course onyourAndroid device.
SmartHanzi 2023.09
Smart reader for Chinese texts
Learn Chinese Chinesimple Dict 8.4.2
Chinesimple Chinese Dictionary is your essential Chineselearningbook
EMT Flashcards 2.1.8
BH Inc
How to study effectively?Do you want to succeed in exams?Using Flashcard will help you learn faster and remember more inashorter time by showing flashcards just before you willforgetthem.EMT Flashcards app has several learning modes: Study,Slideshow, Matching, Memorize, Quiz to make the learning processfor EMTexam more exciting and fun.♥ ♥ GREAT CONTENTS ♥ ♥EMT Flashcards app includes 1.900 premade flashcards from8categories which cover all aspects of the EmergencyMedicalTechnicians and Paramedics exam:• Preparatory• Airway Management• Patient Assessment• Medical Emergencies• Trauma Emergencies• Infants & Children• Operations• Others♥ ♥ GREAT REVIEWS ♥ ♥EMT flashcards apps have received 15.000+ installed andcounting.Some comments from our users about us in GooglePlay:• “Great app really helping me with studying”.• “Stays pretty close to the advanced EMT book. If you needsomegood flash cards this is the app for you”.&bull ; “One of the best ever created, it really helpyoulearn!”.Basic features:• Import cardsets from Couser hero, Quizlet,Flashcardexchange.• Track study progress using Leitner system.• Display statistics for cards and games• Search cardsets from our database with millions of flashcardsonvarious subjects.• Review schedule to help you review flashcards before theyareexpired.• Customize flashcards by selecting font, backgroundandlanguages.• Access flashcards created fromhttp://www.superflashcard.comPremium features:• Text to speech to study flashcards without lookingatscreens.• Download unlimited flashcards to your devices forofflinestudy• Customize text color and background color/images of cardsThis app is also available on Apple App Store, Amazon KindleAppStore, Blackberry App Store and Windows Phone App Store.Pleasevisit us at formoreinformation .
Chinese Sentence Master 9.0.0
Learn to speak Chinese with thousands of most common sentencesindaily life.
Filipino Chinese Translation 23.5.5
Filipino and Chinese online fast translation, a good helperfortravel exchange