Top 2 Apps Similar to SSHExecute

SSH Tasker Plugin 1.0.9
SSH Tasker is a plugin for Locale/Tasker thatallowsyouautomatically log into a server via SSH andexecuteremotecommands. * Tasker or Local is require to operatethisplugin, theplugin will show up under plugin section when addinganaction to atask. * Keyfile and password authentication issupportedwith rsaand dsa keys. * Encrypted keyfiles are supported.*Commands allowfor variable substitution. * Username, Host, andPortnow allow forvariable substitution * Output can be piped to alocalTaskervariable (only available during the task) and be acteduponas soonas the command is completed without a Tasker wait.*Multipleservers are supported, with unique authentication foreach.*Multiple commands can be stringed together using a;NOTE:Currently only openSSH keyfile is supported. (Thismeansthatconnectbot keys will not work without converting themfirst).
Tasker SSH Command Launcher
Aled Thomas
Plug in for Tasker and Locale whichallowsexecution of commands on a remote machine via anSSHconnection.Supports password authentication and shared key authenticationusingopenSSH dsa or rsa keys.Supports variable substitution so you can use your taskervariablesin your commands.Allows access to the output of your command viataskervariable.THIS APP REQUIRES EITHER TASKER OR LOCALE TO BE INSTALLED, ITWILLNOT WORK WITHOUT THEMfind it under plugins/ssh command.input the ip or hostname of the remote machine (and portifnecessary), your user name on the remote machine and eitherapassword or select your local private key file. choose thecorrectauthentication method.The plugin will remember these details for any other tasksyoucreate to run commands on the remote machine,Enter the command you want to run on the remote machine and thenyoucan use tasker to run them via button, shortcut, menu,condition orany of taskers many other options.At the moment both rsa and dsa keyfiles are supported (i.e.keysgenerated by ssh-keygen or connectbot), To use keys generatedinputty (puttygen) use the "export as openssh" option from themenuto obtain a key in the correct format.