Top 17 Apps Similar to Chula Kidney Calculator

Renal Dose Adjustment & CrCl 3.0.1
Drug dosing in renal impairment & creatinineclearancecalculator
ASN Kidney News 7.0.3
Kidney News: The premier news magazine in kidney research,practiceand policy.
Dr. Sódio 26
Dr. Sódio: O seu guia de correção dedistúrbiosdo sódio como a hiponatremia e a hipernatremia. BAIXEAGORA MESMO!!!TOTALMENTE GRATUITO!!O manejo dos distúrbios da tonicidade representa umdesafiodiário na prática médica. O médico deve sempre avaliar arealnecessidade do tratamento e, se ele for necessário, ponderarsobrea velocidade do tratamento e os riscos que um tratamentoagressivopode oferecer ao paciente.Esse aplicativo se propõe a auxiliar o médico na tomada dedecisõessobre o tratamento dos distúrbios da tonicidade(hiponatremiahipotônica e hipernatremia), qual melhor solução a serempregada,qual volume deve ser infundido, em que velocidade e porquantotempo.Este material foi desenvolvido a partir do projeto doprofessorJocemir Ronaldo Lugon, Chefe do Serviço de Nefrologia doHospitalUniversitário Antônio Pedro. A base científica dacalculadora é afórmula de Adrogué e Madias, amplamente usada napráticamédica.Referências bibliográficas:· Adrogué HJ, Madias NE. Hyponatremia. N Engl J Med. 2000;May25;342(21):1581-9.· Adrogué HJ, Madias NE. Hypernatremia. N Engl J Med. 2000;Sep342(20):1493-1499.· Rocha PN. Hiponatremia: conceitos básicos e abordagem prática.JBras Nefrol 2011; 33(2): 248-260.· Spasovski G, Vanholder R, Allolio B, Annane D, Ball S, BichetD,Decaux G, Fenske W, Hoorn EJ, Ichai C, Joannidis M, SoupartA,Zietse R, Haller M, van der Veer S, Van Biesen W, NaglerE.Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatmentofhyponatremia. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2014; 29(2):ii1-ii39.· Richard H Sterns. Overview of the treatment of hyponatremiainadults. UpToDate, 2015.· Richard H Sterns. Treatment of hypernatremia. UpToDate, 2015.Dr. Sodium: Your fixguidesodium disorders such as hyponatremia and hypernatremia.LOWER RIGHTNOW !!! TOTALLY FREE !!Management of tone disorders is a daily challenge inmedicalpractice. The doctor should always assess the actual needoftreatment and, if it is needed, reflect on the speed oftreatmentand the risks that aggressive treatment can offerthepatient.This application aims to assist the physician in makingdecisionsabout the treatment of tone disorders (hypotonichyponatremia andhypernatremia), which best solution to be used,what volume shouldbe infused, how fast and for how long.This material was developed from Jocemir Ronaldo Lugonteacherdesign, Head of the Nephrology Department of the HospitalAntonioPedro University. The scientific basis of the calculator istheformula of Adrogué and Madias, widely used in medicalpractice.References:· Adrogué HJ, Madias NE. Hyponatremia. N Engl J Med. 2000; May25;342 (21): 1581-9.· Adrogué HJ, Madias NE. Hypernatremia. N Engl J Med. 2000; Sep342(20): 1493-1499.· PN Rocha. Hyponatremia: basic concepts and practical approach.JBras Nefrol 2011; 33 (2): 248-260.· Spasovski G, R Vanholder, Allolio B, Annane D, Ball S, DBichet,Decaux G, W Fenske, Hoorn EJ, ichai C, Joannidis M, SoupartA,Zietse R, Haller M, van der Veer S, Van Biesen W, NaglerE.Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatmentofhyponatremia. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2014; 29 (2):ii39-II1.· Richard H Sterns. Overview of the treatment of hyponatremiainadults. UpToDate, 2015.· Richard H Sterns. Treatment of hypernatremia. UpToDate, 2015.
Nephrology Assisstant Free 2.4
Managing your patient's electrolytesandAcid-Base disorders has never been easier than it is nowwithNephrology Assisstant Free on your Mobile phone ortablet.Features:1-Calculate Creatinine clearance.2-Calculate expected time of elective dialysis.3-Hypernatremia Or Hyponatremia treatment ,with hourly rateofcorrection as never been give by any othercalculators,withdifferent options for rate of correction and typeof fluidused.4-ABG ANALYSIS gives you detailed analysis of your patient's ABG,asregard oxygenation and acid-base disorders,helping youformulatesound Diagnosis and better management plan.5-Clear instruction for treatment of metabolic acidosis,welltestedby the developer on real patients with very good result,allbuilton well-known scientific equations.6-Moreover,you can with the function of"EEXPECTED PH" given aspartof ABG analysis,determine if there is error from yourABGmachine,in case your patient's "EEXPECTED PH" does notcoincidewith PH given by ABG machine.7--Still one good feature,is that of automatic detection ofvenoussamples(VBG) and correction of PCO2 and PH values,appropriateforvenous blood.8-Salt-Loosing Nephropathy:Fluid: Replcement therapycalculated as ML/hour of normal saline for keeping fluidbalanceexact,avoiding volume overload and dehydration as well askeepingserum sodium within normal limits as what is lost isaccuratelyreplaced.9-Treatment of the following disorders :A-Metabolic AcidosisB-Metabolic Alkalosis.C-Respiratory AlkalosisD-Respiratory Acidosis10-Chhosing Control Calcium/Phosphate/PTHYou will get clear advice on how to manage high,low ornormalPTHwith its accompained calcium and phosphate changesmaking special consideration to the patient past history ofsecondary hyperparathyroidism or parathyroidectomy"11-choosing (Correct low sodium with hyperglycemia)you get true sodium level.11-choosing (Correct low calcium with low albumyou get true calcium level.Best of luck and thanks.
eGFR Calculators 2.3
From the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), thisapplicationallowsmedical professionals to estimate kidney functionusingfiveseparate eGFR calculators: -CKD-EPI Creatinine2009Equation(Preferred method) -MDRD Study Equation-Cockcroft-GaultFormula-CKD-EPI Cystatin and Creatinine 2012Equation -RevisedBedsideSchwartz Formula (For ages 1-17) Alsoincludes informationon:-Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) -Chronickidney disease(CKD)-Risks for CKD and kidney failure -How to test,evaluate, andslowprogression The National Kidney Foundation istheleadingorganization in the U.S. dedicated to theawareness,prevention,and treatment of kidney disease for hundredsofthousands ofhealthcare professionals, millions of patientsandtheir families,and tens of millions of Americans at risk.Bysupporting theNational Kidney Foundation, you directlyinfluenceand positivelyimpact the lives of those at risk for kidneydisease,those livingwith chronic kidney disease, and those who carefor andabout them.Learn more at 30 East 33rd StreetNewYork, NY 800-622-9010
NefroConsultor 2.5
NefroConsultor, nephrology your app.
Nefrología en preguntas cortas 8.0
Aprende Nefrología con más de 200 preguntas cortas recogidasdeexámenes de universidad. Tiene la opción de preguntas aleatoriasdetodos los temas.
SN-SFD 2015 4.10.2
L’application gratuite de la 17èmeréunioncommune de la Société de Néphrologie et de la SociétéFrancophonede Dialyse, qui se tiendra du 29 septembre au 2 octobreau Centrede Congrès de Lyon.Quelques bonnes raisons de la télécharger :- Planifiez et optimisez votre visite : enregistrez lesévènementsqui vous intéressent dans votre agenda, sélectionnez desexposantset ajoutez les à vos contacts.- Consultez les résumés des communications.- Retrouvez toutes les informations pratiques :transports,horaires, tarifs, accès...- Découvrez les temps fort du congrès- Recevez toutes les actualités du congrès- Redécouvrez les photos des précédents congrès et les vidéosdel’Assemblée générale de la Société de NéphrologieàSaint-Etienne.- Après l’évènement, envoyez-nous un rapport de visite aveclesnotes que vous avez prises et vos exposants ouévènementsfavoris- Et bien plus encore !The free app of the17thjoint meeting of the Society of Nephrology and DialysisFrancophoneSociety, to be held from 29 September to 2 October atthe CongressCentre of Lyon.Some good reasons to download it:- Plan and optimize your visit: save the events you areinterestedin your calendar, select exhibitors and add them toyourcontacts.- Consult the abstracts.- Find all the practical information: transport, schedules,rates,access ...- Discover the highlight of the convention- Receive all the news conference- Rediscover photos from previous congresses and videos oftheGeneral Assembly of the Society of Nephrology in St.Etienne.- After the event, send us a visit report with the notes youhavetaken and your favorite exhibitors and events- And much more!
Nephrology Clinical Tool 1.0
The creatinine clearance test comparesthelevelof creatinine in urine with the creatinine level intheblood.(Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which isanimportantpart of muscle.) The test helps provide informationonkidneyfunction.
CKD Risk Map 1.0
Summarizes new science that explains how estimatedglomerularfiltration rate (eGFR) and urinary albumin-to-creatinineratio(ACR) are independent risk factors for CKD and includesinteractiveheat maps for the following adverse outcomes:• All-cause mortality• Cardiovascular mortality• Kidney failure• Acute kidney injury (AKI)• Progressive CKDSuggests monitoring frequency and referral decision, dependingoncategories of eGFR and ACR.Provides rapid, convenient learning at your fingertips.What is the National Kidney Foundation?The National Kidney Foundation (NKF), a major voluntarynonprofithealth organization, is dedicated to preventing kidneyand urinarytract disease, improving the health and well-being ofindividualsand families affected by these diseases and increasingtheavailability of all organs for transplantation.National Kidney Foundation30 East 33rd StreetNew York, NY 10016www.kidney.org800-622-9010This program is made possible from a grant from AbbVie, Inc.
Calculate by QxMD 9.0.2
From the maker of the apps 'Read', 'TheECGGuide' and 'Pedi STAT' comes 'Calculate', a next-generationmedicalcalculator and decision support tool, freely available tothemedical community.Also available on the web at tools in General Practice, Internal Medicine,Cardiology,Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology,Orthopedics,Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,Respirology,and more."We recommend medical users try the free Calculate byQxMDfirst..."-from iMedicalApps review "The best free Medical Calculator appsforthe iPhone"'Calculate' is focused on highlighting tools which areactuallyuseful in clinical practice and serve to impactdiagnosis,treatment or determining prognosis.Helping you make decisions, not just calculate numbers...Features• Developed by a collaboration of clinician experts fromdiversebackgrounds• Converts recent research publications into practicalhandheldtools - knowledge translation at its best• Automatically adapts to your self-describedclinicalpractice• Unique ‘Question Flow’ technology gets you answers, fast• Detailed references with Pubmed integration• Comprehensive and insightful results• Elegant design and intuitive interface• SI and Conventional unitsMore than 300 unique calculators and decision support toolsWhile too extensive to list them all, here is a small samplingofincluded content:Reduce and predict perioperative complications• WHO Surgical Safety Checklist• Predictive models for cardiac surgery andcoronaryangiographyGuide treatment• Determine cardiovascular risk and guide lipid treatment usingtheFramingham and Reynolds Risk Scores• Use the CHA2DS2-VASc score to guide treatment inatrialfibrillation• Better understand the risk of bleeding from anticoagulationinatrial fibrillation• ACS using the TIMI risk score• Burns with rule of 9s and Parkland formula• Hypernatremia (calculate water deficit)Determine Prognosis• Heart failure• Lymphoma• Myelodysplastic Syndrome• Myeloma• Glomerulonephritis• Hemodialysis• COPD• TIA• PancreatitisCalculate• Ideal body weight, BMI and BSA• Due date and gestational age• Extensive formula used in echocardiogropathy andinvasivehemodynamic monitoring• Kt/V in dialysis patients• eGFR with CKD-EPI, Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD• A-a gradientClassify• Angina (CCS)• Congestive heart failure (NYHA)Manage• Head, neck, ankle and knee injuries• DVT and PE• Pulmonary nodulesStage• Lung cancer• Renal cell carcinomaUnderstand• TTKG (transtubular potassium gradient) in hypokalemiaandhyperkalemia• DermatomesDiagnose• Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia• Infective Endocarditis• ARDS• Autoimmune HepatitisAnd much more...Want to keep up with medical research? Get 'Read by QxMD'forAndroid: my medical professionals, QxMD is dedicated to creatinghighquality, point-of-care tools for practicing healthcareprofessionals. Recognized as a leading developer of freemedicalsoftware for mobile devices, QxMD develops content incooperationwith expert physicians from their respectivefields.
Nephrology Advisor 1.8
An App for easily Managing your patient's electrolytes&Acid-Base disorders
Oxford Handbook Nephrolo&Hyp 2.3.2
Indextra AB
This Oxford University Press app-book,Oxford Handbook ofNephrologyand Hypertension, Second Edition, is developed by MedHandMobileLibraries. Improve your performance with relevant, validmaterialwhich is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in thepalm ofyour hand using MedHand’s patented technology. THIS APP BOOKforOxford Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertensionincludesuniquefunctions such as: • A powerful search • Bookmarks • Completesetof medical calculators; Body Mass Index, Peak ExpiratoryFlows,Dehydration Correction Calculator and more • Highlighting •Highresolution pictures • History • Notes and picture notesEnsuringfast access to clinical information at the point of care.AboutOxford Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension • Apractical,concise handbook on the day-to-day care of renal patients•Provides comprehensive, practical, advice on all aspectsofmanagement • Includes all the latest key internationalguidelines.• Extended sections on acute kidney injury (AKI),chronic kidneydisease (CKD), transplantation and essential urology• Coversprimary and secondary forms of hypertension New to thisedition •Thoroughly expanded and updated to reflect recentimportant changesin renal medicine • New chapters on AKI, dialysis,andtransplantation ensure full coverage of the most recentguidanceand clinical practice • Expertly summarizes and interpretsthegreat number of new guidelines for the specialty Completelyupdatedand expanded for its second edition, the popular OxfordHandbook ofNephrology and Hypertension provides wide-ranging andpracticaladvice for the day-to-day management of all forms of renaldisease.This is the essential resource for all those all thoseinvolved inthe care of patients with kidney disease, regardless oftheirprofessional background or seniority. Comprehensive, concise,easyto use, and with a strong focus on pragmatic guidance,thishandbook will enable you to confidently manage both commonandcomplex nephrological problems whenever, and wherever, theyareencountered. This handbook covers all areas from earlychronickidney disease (CKD) through to dialysis andtransplantation, withthe chapters on AKI, CKD, transplantation andessential urologyhaving been significantly expanded. Clear andconcise, thishandbook ensures that readers always have theinformation they needat their fingertips. Readership: Specialisttrainees and interns innephrology training or rotation, renalnurses, generalpractitioners and all those involved in the care ofpatients withkidney disease. Authors: Simon Steddon, AlistairChesser, with JohnCunningham, and NeilAshman________________________________________ MedHand MobileLibrariesoffers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without editionupgrade. Theapps enables you to make notes, picture notes, search,addbookmarks and review what you previously been reading. The appalsocontains a set of medical calculators. MedHand delivers whatyouneed, trusted knowledge at the point of care! Offering mosttrustedand well recognized medical guidelines provided byexcellentpublishers like Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, PDRNetworkLLC, Wiley and more.
G.I.Nefrologia 1.1.0
Il Giornale ItalianodiNefrologia(G.I.Nefrologia), storico e autorevole organodiinformazione dellaSocietà Italiana di Nefrologia, dal 1984 offrelapiù aggiornatacomunicazione medico scientifica sotto formadirassegne, articoli,casi clinici finalizzati all'educazionecontinuain medicina.Attraverso l’APP è possibile avere un accesso direttoerapidoagli articoli di tutti i numeri onlinedelG.I.Nefrologia:Le notifiche push, ed il contatore sull’icona consentonodiesseresempre informati sulla pubblicazione di un nuovonumerodelgiornale.Sulla home page è visualizzato l’ultimo numero delgiornalementrenella sezione archivio sono consultabili tutti inumeriprecedenti.In questa pagina una funzione di ricerca consenteditrovareagevolmente i lavori scientifici.Gli articoli di ogni volume sono ordinati in un indicecheneriporta tipo, titolo ed autori.La selezione di un articolo consente divisualizzarnel’abstract,consultabile anche off-line, e il link concui accedereal testocompleto pubblicato online.L’autenticazione con la login al primo accesso,consentediaccedere successivamente a tutti i contenuti onlineinmanieradiretta e rapida.Una grafica ottimizzata per tablet consente dimigliorarelafruizione dei contenuti.The ItalianJournalofNephrology (GINefrologia), historical and authoritativebodyofinformation of the Italian Society of Nephrology, 1984offersthelatest medical and scientific communication in the formofreviews,articles, case reports aimed continuing medicaleducation.Through the APP you can have a fast and direct linktothearticles of all the numbers of online GINefrologia:Push notifications, and the counter icon allow youtostayinformed on the publication of a new issue ofthenewspaper.On the home page is displayed on the last issue of thepaperwhilein the archive can be found all previous issues. Inthispage, asearch function allows you to easily find thescientificwork.Articles of each volume are sorted in an index thatshowsthetype, title and authors.Selecting an item allows you to view theabstract,availableoff-line, and the link with which to access thefull textpublishedonline.The login authentication with the first access, then accesstoallonline content in a direct and rapid.Graphics optimized for tablet improves the use of content.
Medical Formulas 3.0.1
Sanapps Dev
Use intuitively the validated scores and formulas formedicalpractice.
Kidney Disease & Symptoms 1.0
This app provides complete informationaboutkidney diseases. Best comprehensive overview covers thesymptomsand treatment of kidney.This app has been developed foreveryone,all topics has been made to make it complete, usefulandinteresting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from kidney• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of kidney and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for kidney• easy to read and download & beautiful fullscreenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updatinglocaldatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this App nowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from kidney inyourfamily! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains kidney diseases information for knowledge ifyouneed to apply then please contact to nearby doctor.Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have amedicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergencyservices.Before acting on any of the information in thisapplication,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is rightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only. This app cannot and should notreplace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is onlyfor pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult a doctorbeforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to emailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email with informationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fixitimmediately.This app providescompleteinformation about kidney diseases. Best comprehensiveoverviewcovers the symptoms and treatment of kidney.This app hasbeendeveloped for everyone, all topics has been made to makeitcomplete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from kidney.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of kidney and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for kidney• easy to read and download & beautiful fullscreenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updatinglocaldatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to usethisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app foryourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this App nowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from kidney inyourfamily! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains kidney diseases information for knowledge ifyouneed to apply then please contact to nearby doctor.Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have amedicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergencyservices.Before acting on any of the information in thisapplication,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is rightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only. This app can not and should notreplacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is onlyforpocket reference & educational purposes. Consult adoctorbefore actual usage of any of the information in thisapp.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to emailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email with informationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fixitimmediately.
Renal function Free 1.0
Renal function, in nephrology, is anindicationof the state of the kidney and its role in renalphysiology.Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the flowrate of filteredfluid through the kidney. Creatinine clearancerate (CCr or CrCl) isthe volume of blood plasma that is cleared ofcreatinine per unittime and is a useful measure for approximatingthe GFR. Creatinineclearance exceeds GFR due to creatininesecretion, which can beblocked by cimetidine. In alternativefashion, overestimation byolder serum creatinine methods resultedin an underestimation ofcreatinine clearance, which provided aless biased estimate of GFR.Both GFR and CCr may be accuratelycalculated by comparativemeasurements of substances in the bloodand urine, or estimated byformulas using just a blood test result(eGFR and eCCr).The results of these tests are important in assessingtheexcretory function of the kidneys. For example, grading ofchronicrenal insufficiency and dosage of drugs that are excretedprimarilyvia urine are based on GFR (or creatinine clearance).It is commonly believed to be the amount of liquid filteredoutof the blood that gets processed by the kidneys. Inphysiologicalterms, these quantities (volumetric blood flow andmass removal)are related only loosely.A commonly used surrogate marker for estimate ofcreatinineclearance is the Cockcroft-Gault formula, which in turnestimatesGFR in ml/min: It is named after the scientists who firstpublishedthe formula, and it employs serum creatinine measurementsand apatient's weight to predict the creatinine clearance.Languages:- English- Deutsch- Español- Français- Italiano- Português