Top 19 Apps Similar to MVV Freizeit App

MVV-App 5.73.19194
The MVV-App is a journey planningapplicationcreated by the Munich transport association (MVV). Aswell as theMVV-internet journey planner, it provides entire bus andtrainconnections quickly and reliably.The journey planning information will help you to find thequickestconnection from A to B. Just enter the name of the stop,theaddress or the point of interest as your start or destinationoruse your current location as your starting point.The result includes footpath directions to your startingordestination point. You can even mark a preferred connection asyourfavourite. Additionally, the ticket you will need for therequestedconnection is shown. If you choose the appropriatesettings in themenu, you can also avoid stairs.The departure monitor indicates the next departures for eachstop,including even real-time information for all S-Bahn (urbanrail)trains. Entering a stop is very simple as the MVV-App knowsall thestops and makes suggestions based on the initialletter(s).You can purchase selected MVV tickets using the MVV-App onyoursmartphone. Register once and choose your ticket in the appbeforestarting your journey. You can pay conveniently by creditcard orby direct debit. The ticket is then automatically saved inyoucustomer account and can be presented at any time – even ifyoudon’t have an internet connection anymore. As electronicticketsare personalized, you have to bring your official photoID.The MVV-App provides you with various plans and network maps, interactive city map, an urban rail network map (includingallS- and U-Bahn lines of the entire MVV network), a Munichtramwaynetwork map, a Munich Metrobus network map and a map of alllateservices.To improve up to the minute information for passengers, wehaveadded an interactive component to the passenger network (partofthe APP). This feature which is integrated in the journeyplanningapplication allows passengers to inform other passengersquicklyabout bus and train delays.
Munich Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
Munich Offline City Map Lite 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc
Student App München 2.1
Student App
Student App München is the perfect App for students in Munich.
AWM München 1.2.2
Machbar GmbH
In der offiziellen AWM-AppfindenSieausgewählte Premium-InhaltederOnline-Seite( – alle wichtigenundaktuellen Infoszur Müllabfuhr in München: Mit demAbfuhrkalenderverpassen Siekeinen Abfuhrtermin oder eineVerschiebung derLeerungstage. DieBedienung ist simpel: Nach Eingabeder gewünschtenAdresse werdendie Leerungstage der Restmüll-,Papier-, undBioabfallbehälterangezeigt und das für so vieleAdressen wiegewünscht – ideal auchfür Hausverwaltungen undHausmeister mitmehreren Objekten. Auchdie Suche nach demnächstgelegenenWertstoffhof (oder Standplätzeund Abgabetermine beimGiftmobilfalls kein Wertstoffhof in derNähe ist) undAltkleidercontainernist mit der AWM-App einfach undschnell möglich.Das Abfalllexikonmit detaillierten Informationenzu denEntsorgungswegenverschiedenster Stoffe rundet das Angebotab.Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München: Ihr Abfall–UnsereVerantwortungIn the officialAWMapp,you will find selected premium contentonlinepage( - all importantandcurrentinformation on garbage collection in Munich: theremovalCalendarNever miss another appointment or removal of ashiftemptying days.Operation is simple: After entering thedesiredaddress emptyingdays of residual waste, paper and organicwastecontainers aredisplayed and for as many addresses as needed -idealfor propertymanagers and caretakers with multiple objects.Thesearch for thenearest recycling center (or pitches anddeadlineswhen Giftmobilif no recycling center in the vicinity)andAltkleidercontainern iseasy and fast with the AWM app. Thewastelexicon providingdetailed information about the disposalroutes ofvarioussubstances completes the offer.Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Munich: Your waste-ourresponsibility
MUC Airport, Munich Airport 1.3.4
MUC Airport is the official Android appforMunich Airport. It offers a wealth of information onflights,shopping and dining as well as useful tips to make yourstay atMunich Airport a more pleasant experience.- up-to-date arrival and departure information- advanced flight search functionality- push notification on status changes for your flight- myM: your personal favorites for flights, flight searchqueries,shops, airlines, etc.- comprehensive information on shopping, dining and services attheairport with an easy-to-use search function- the airport experience: lots of ideas on how to enjoy your stayatMunich Airport- coupons with attractive discounts- one-click access to key phone numbers- parking space recall function- send out Twitter, Facebook, SMS or e-mail notifications
Stolpersteine München 1.99
Sacha Bertram
Über 40'000 Stolpersteine gibt es inzwischeninEuropa: 10 x 10 cm große Messing-Platten, die in die Gehwegevon1'100 Städten in 16 Ländern vom Künstler Gunter Demnigverlegtwurden und am letzten freiwilligen Wohnort der Opfer desNS-Regimesgedenken.Jeder Stein trägt einen Namen, sowie Geburts- undTodesdaten,Deportationsort oder Ort der Ermordung eines vondenNationalsozialisten verfolgten Menschen.Ein Stein, ein Name, ein Mensch.In München gibt es keine Stolpersteine auf öffentlichem Grund,dader Stadtrat der Verlegung im Jahr 2004 nicht zugestimmt hat.Einigewenige Stolpersteine konnten inzwischen auf Privatgrundverlegtwerden, doch der überwiegende Teil der von Bürgern undAngehörigengespendeten Steine sind eingelagert, bis ihre Verlegungmöglichist.Diese App zeigt "digitale Stolpersteine" im StadtgebietMünchensauf einer Karte an. Befindet man sich an einer der überhundert*Adressen im Stadtgebiet, erkennt die App Ihren Standort undöffnetautomatisch eine Liste der Namen von Menschen, die hierihrenletzten Wohnsitz hatten. Zu jedem Namen steht ein LebenslaufzurVerfügung, teilweise mit Foto und Hintergrund-Informationenzuwichtigen historischen Ereignissen. Wer von zu Hause in RuhedieBiografien nachlesen möchte, kann die entsprechendendigitalenStolpersteine in der Karte antippen und gelangt so zudenTexten.Für eine Spende von nur 10 EUR recherchieren wir einweiteresSchicksals eines NS-Opfers und integrieren dessenBiographie.Das Projekt wird gefördert vom Kulturreferat derLandeshauptstadtMünchen.Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Münchner Bank und denSpendernunserer Crowdfunding-Kampagne.* Die App startet mit 200 Namen und Lebensläufen vonMenschen,für die in München ein Stolperstein auf Privatgrundverlegt oderderzeit eingelagert ist.Es gibt schätzungsweise über 9'000 Opfer des NS-Regimes inMünchen,derer wir mit digitalen Stolpersteinen und IhrerUnterstützunggedenken möchten.About 40,000stumblingblocks are now in Europe: 10 x 10 cm brass plates, whichwereinstalled in the walkways of 1,100 cities in 16 countries bytheartist Gunter Demnig and remember the last residence ofthevoluntary victim of the Nazi regime .Each stone has a name, and birth and death dates, placeofdeportation or murder of a people persecuted by the Nazis.A stone, a name, a human being.In Munich there are no stumbling blocks on public landbecausethe city council has not approved the relocation in 2004. Afewstumbling blocks could be laid on private property now, butthevast majority of the donations received from citizens andnationalsstones are placed until their relocation is possible.This app shows "digital stumbling blocks" in the city ofMunichon a map. If you find yourself at one of over a hundred *addressesin the city, the app detects your location andautomatically opensa list of names of people who had their lastresidence here. Foreach name there is a resume available, some withphoto andbackground information on important historical events. Whowants toread the biographies of home in peace and quiet, tappingthedigital stumbling blocks in the map and so find the lyrics.For a donation of only 10 EUR, we investigate a further fate ofaNazi victim and integrate his biography.The project is funded by the Cultural Department of the CityofMunich.With the kind support of Munich's Bank and the donors ofourcrowdfunding campaign.* The app starts with 200 names and CVs of people, is fortheMunich laid a stumbling block on private property orcurrentlystored.There are an estimated more than 9,000 victims of the Nazi regimeinMunich, which we want to remember with digital stumbling blocksandyour support.
Kriegsmäler in München 2.0
This app shows monuments from the period after World War IinMunich.
Nightmap Munich 1.0
Gerd Bröker
A map of Munich that presents thecompletenightlife of the bavarian capital: Discos, bars, nightrestaurants.Containing an event calendar, the metro network,detailed infoabout music, door policy and much more.
Amerika in München 1.0
Die App "Amerika inMünchen"bietetStadtrundgänge zu den Orten in München an denen dasErbederAmerikaner, die 1945 die Stadt vomNationalsozialismusbefreiten,noch heute sichtbar ist. EineKooperation des DGBBildungswerks,des Amerika InstitutsderLudwig-Maximilians-Universität Münchenund desUS-GeneralkonsulatsMünchen präsentiert informative Texteundhistorische Bilder entlangverschiedener Routen durch dieStadt.Diese App dient als Zusatzangebot zur Printbroschüre"DieSpurenAmerikas in München" und bietet interessante Inhaltediegroßteiligvon Studierenden des Bachelor-undMaster-StudiengansNordamerikastudien an der LMUerstelltwurden.Funktionen der App:- Geführte Tour durch die Münchner Innenstadt- Informative Artikel aus der Broschüre "Die SpurenAmerikasinMünchen"- Extra Touren mit passenden Artikeln- Kartenansicht der Stationen- Interviews mit interessanten PersönlichkeitenBerechtigungen:Alle Berechtigungen dienen ausschließlich zurBereitstellungderGoogle Maps Funktionalität.The app "AmericainMunich"offers city tours to the places in Munich where thelegacyof theAmericans who liberated the city from the Nazis in1945,still isvisible. A cooperation of DGB Bildungswerk, theAmericaInstitute ofthe Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich andthe USConsulateGeneral Munich presents informative articlesandhistorical imagesalong different routes through the city.This app serves as an additional offer to thePrintBooklet"Traces America in Munich" and offers interestingcontentthat havebeen created by students großteilig of Bachelor andMasterstudyGans North American Studies at LMU.Features of the app:- Guided tour of the center of Munich- Informative article from the brochure "The tracesAmericainMunich"- Extra tours with matching items- Map of the stations- Interviews with interesting personalitiesPermissions:All permissions are given to the provision of theGoogleMapsfunctionality.
Map of Munich offline 4.4
Map Apps
Offline map of Munich. Works without connecting to the Internet.
Subway Maps 1.5
Arlean Apps
- Athens Metro- Bangkok Metro- Barcelona Metro- Berlin S-Bahn & U-Bahn- Boston Subway- Buenos Aires Subte- Cairo Metro- Chicago CTA L Train- Delhi Metro- Frankfurt U-Bahn- Glasgow Subway- Guangzhou Metro- Hamburg U-Bahn & S-Bahn- Hong Kong MTR- Kiev Metro- Kyoto Subway- Liverpool Merseyrail- London Underground (Tube)- Los Angeles Metro Rail- Lyon Metro- Madrid Metro- Mexico City Metro- Milan Metro- Montreal Metro- Moscow Metro- Munich U-Bahn- Nagoya Subway- New York Subway- Newark Subway & Light Rail- Osaka Subway- Paris Metro- Philadelphia Subway- Prague Metro- Rome Metro- Sao Paulo Metro & CPTM- Seoul Subway- Shanghai Metro- Singapore MRT- St. Petersburg Metro- Stockholm Metro- Taipei MRT- Tehran Metro- Tokyo Metro- Toronto Subway- Vienna U-Bahn- Washington Metro
Thurbo Freizeit 15.0
Der ideale Reisebegleiter für dieOstschweizfür Android-Smartphones!Wer in dieser Region einen Ausflug plant, hat mit derThurboFreizeit-App einen echten Freizeitplaner und Reiseführer inderHand. Der kleine Reiseleiter für unterwegs kann wirklichfastalles:- Veranstaltungen, Ausflüge und Ausstellungen aufeinenBlick- Interaktiver Reiseführer der Seelinie- Fahrplan, Billette und SMS NachtzuschlagThe ideal travelcompanionfor the Eastern for Android smartphones!Anyone planning a trip to this region, has the Thurbo leisureappa real leisure time planning and guidebook in hand. The smallguideon the go can really almost everything:- Events, tours and exhibitions at a glance- Interactive guide the Seelinie- Schedule, tickets and SMS nightaddition
Munich Quiz Pro 1.51
Discover Munich in a special way and play through more than150questions.
Outdoor and Hiking Navigation
GPS navigation with more than 70,000 toursandhelp call (with SMS), PC planning software for maps of leadingcardmanufacturers and interfaces to DVDs:- Compass Maps (Switzerland, Austria, Canary Islands,BalearicIslands, Bavaria, Lake Garda, South Tyrol, ...),AMAPAustria,- TOP 50 Germany,- SwissMap,- DAV & PES- TouratechQV (Worldwide)- Free OSM - Maps.- First and real SRTM 3D display alongside Google EarthonAndroid.More than 70,000 tours (biking, hiking, skiing) from ourpartnersgps, and withreviews /height model / text / images COMPASS TOP50 maps and cards.The mapcoverage of the tour services currently affects SouthTyrol,Austria and Germany and is constantly expanding.ape@map works even without mobile network.With the ape@map PC Viewer (ape@map desktop) you can plan routesona PC or even offline maps and tracks (available for exported from PC to mobile phone.(Info: NMS and SMS permission is required ONLY for sendingandreceiving location based requests for help or assistance)Please contact [email protected] for further questions orerrorreports.Only then will we have a chance to help.(Note: We are a certified company of VeriSign, moreat
Locus Map 4 Outdoor Navigation 4.17.2
GPS navigation app for hiking, biking, geocaching and otheroutdooractivities
OsmAnd — Maps & GPS Offline 4.7.17
Navigation on hikes is no longer a problem. Download the map,putnotes and go!
Qixxit 4.1.0
Qixxit - Travel from door to door withtrain,long distance bus, bike, plane, taxi, ride sharing, localtransportand many other means of transport.With Qixxit you can travel easily and more comfortable based onyourrequirments. You do not need to use all different kindsofapps.Qixxit provides within one app a journey planner with anationalwidetravel information including all means oftransport.Planning and finding your perfect travel connection toyourdestination. With your own car, taxi, long distance bus,plane,carsharing, rental bike, rental car, public transport, ridesharingand many more.There are different ways reaching your destination - Qixxitfindsyour best.You can enter your starting point and destination in a fewseconds.Whether favourites, last selected locations or stops andstations,POIs, car sharing or taxis in your area - everything isveryquickly selected and you are ready to go.Qixxit shows you the best connections arranged according toyourpersonal preferences. Simply select what suits you best. Tomake iteasier to maintain an overview, Qixxit tells yout theduration,price, arrival time, transfers and pedestrian routes.Better still,you can even book the tickets.When you have decided on a route, Qixxit goes intoaccompanimentmode. Automatic reminders keep you up to date when youhave putaway your smartphone:- Transfer preview with timer- Progress bar- Real time data and much moreThe Qixxit app makes all functions available to you. HoweverQixxitcan do even more because, with your profile, you canaccessexisting routes from anywhere or create new ones. This meansyoucan also plan your trips conveniently on the computer and thencallthem up with your mobile phone or start the accompanimentfunctionwhen you're on the way.****************************************TABLETSQixxit app is not optimized for tablets at the moment but weareworking on it. In the meantime we would suggest to use****************************************REVIEWS & FEEDBACKTo steadily improve our app, we are constantly working ontechnicalrefinements. If you like Qixxit, we would welcome yourpositiverating in the app store. In the event of suggestions, ideasorquestions, you can also write to us at [email protected]
Wanderführer Europa 3.0
Die bewährten WanderführerdesOutdoor-Spezialisten BRUCKMANN – jetzt in einer App!+++ Sommer Special: Reduzierter Preis bei allen InApp Käufen!-je nur EUR 2,99 +++• Touren in 96 Regionen Europas• Jeweils zwischen 30 bis 100 Touren pro Region• Von der Familienwanderung bis zur mehrtägigen ÜberschreitungvonHütte zu Hütte• Einfache Bedienung der AppTOPOGRAPHISCHE KARTEN, OFFLINE NUTZBAR:• Topographisches Kartenmaterial von Kompass und OSM• Die Karten sind 100% offline nutzbar (nacherstmaligemDownload)• GPS-Tracks exportierbar zu jeder Tour sowieaktuellePositionsbestimmungERST TESTEN, DANN KAUFEN:• Nach Erstinstallation sind 60 Beispiel-Touren mit an Bord.WeitereTouren gibt es per In-App Kauf.• Jedes InApp-Tourenpaket enthält 30 - 100 Touren und kann vordemKauf geprüft werden.• So geht's: Alle Touren auf Karte > Filter >gewünschtesPaket auswählen > Filtern:• Zu sehen ist eine Vorschau mit Tourname, Hm, DistanzundAusgangspunkt Position auf KarteALLE TOUREN VON UNSEREN WANDEREXPERTEN:• Alle Touren wurden von unseren Wander-Autoren vorOrtgeprüft.• Komfortabel: Die App lotst Sie bequem via Google MapsNavigationzum Ausgangspunkt der Tour.NOCH OFFENE FRAGEN?Kontaktieren Sie unseren App-Support: [email protected] TOUREN-REGIONEN IM ÜBERBLICK:Wandern im oder Wandern in (den) Allgäu, Alpe-Adria Trail,Alpen,Ammergau, Bayern, Bayerische Hausberge, Berchtesgaden,Berlin,Berner Oberland, Bodensee, Brandenburg, Bregenzerwald,Chiemgau,Chiemsee, Cinque Terre, Comer See, Cortina, Dolomiten,Eifel,Elbsandstein-Gebirge, Elsass, Engadin, Erzgebirge,Fichtelgebirge,Frankenwald, Fränkische Schweiz, Gardasee, Garmisch,Goldsteig,Golf von Neapel, Gran Canaria, Graubünden, Harz,Isarwinkel, Jura,Kaisergebirge, Karwendel, Kitzbühel, Korsika,Kufstein, La Gomera,La Palma, Lago Maggiore, Lechtal, Ligurien,Luganer See, Madeira,Mallorca, Maximiliansweg, Meran, Norwegen,NRW, Nürnberg,Oberallgäu, Oberbayern, Oberwallis, Odenwald,Osttirol, Pfalz,Rennsteig, Rheinsteig, Rhön, Rothaarsteig, Rügen,Ruhpolding,Ruhrgebiet, Schwäbische Alb, Schwarzwald, Seealpen,Sizilien,Slowenien, Sölden, Spanischer Jakobsweg, Schottland,Spessart,Straßburg, Südtirol, Taunus, Tegernsee, Tessin, Toskana,Umbrien,Usedom, Vintschgau, von Hütte zu Hütte, Wallis,Wetterstein,Zillertal, ZugspitzeThe proven hikingtheoutdoor specialist BRUCKMANN - now in one app!+++ Summer special: Reduced price for all InApp purchases!-Depending only EUR 2.99 +++• tours in 96 regions of Europe• Between each 30 to 100 trips per Region• From family walks to multi-day overrun from hut to hut• Ease of use of the appTopographic maps, used offline:• Topographic maps of compass and OSM• The cards are 100% offline accessible (afterinitialdownload)• GPS Tracks exportable to every tour and current positioningTry before you buy:• After initial installation 60 Example tours on board. Othertoursare via in-app purchase.• Each InApp tour package includes 30-100 tours and can betestedbefore buying.• How it works: All tours Map> Filters> desiredpacketfilter> filters:• You can see a preview with Tour name, Hm, distance andstartingpoint location on mapALL TOURS OF OUR HIKING EXPERTS:• All tours were tested by our hiking-authors on site.• Comfortable: The app guides you conveniently via GoogleMapsNavigation to the starting point of the tour.Outstanding issues?Please contact our App Support: [email protected] TOURS REGIONS AT A GLANCE:Hiking in or walking in (the) Allgäu, Alpe-Adria Trail,Alpine,Ammergau, Bavaria, Bavarian local mountains, Berchtesgaden,Berlin,Bernese Oberland, Lake Constance, Brandenburg, BregenzForest,Chiemgau, Chiemsee, Cinque Terre, Lake Como, Cortina,Dolomites ,Eifel, Elbsandstein Mountains, Alsace, Engadin,Erzgebirge,Fichtelgebirge, Franconian Forest, FranconianSwitzerland, LakeGarda, Garmisch, Goldsteig, Gulf of Naples, GrandCanary,Graubünden, resin Isarwinkel, Jura, Kaiser Mountains,Karwendel,Kitzbühel, Corsica, Kufstein , La Gomera, La Palma, LakeMaggiore,Lech Valley, Liguria, Lake Lugano, Madeira,Mallorca,Maximiliansweg, Meran, Norway, NRW, Nuremberg, Oberallgäu,UpperBavaria, Upper Valais, Odenwald, East Tyrol, Pfalz,Rennsteig,Rheinsteig, Rhoen, Rothaarsteig , Rügen, Ruhpolding, Ruhrarea,Swabian Alb, the Black Forest, Alps, Sicily, Slovenia,Sölden,Spanish Way of St. James, Scotland, Spessart, Strasbourg,SouthTyrol, Taunus, Tegernsee, Ticino, Tuscany, Umbria,Usedom,Vintschgau, from hut to hut, Wallis, Wetterstein,Zillertal,Zugspitze