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Segel-Kompendium 1.11.261
BIA-Net GmbH
Diese App beinhaltet alle Informationen,dieaufeinem Segeltörn benötigt werden könnten.Dabei soll diese kein Lehrbuch und vor allem auchkeinefundierteAusbildung ersetzen. Die Informationen sind zumNachlesenund zumErinnern gedacht.Zusätzlich sind persönliche, sowie auch DatenzumSchiffhinterlegbar, die ausschließlich auf dem eigenenGerätgespeichertwerden.Zu den beinhalteten Daten zählen:- Informationen für den Seenotfall- Hafenmanöver mit aussagekräftigen Bilden- Lateral-/Kardinalzeichen, Schallzeichen, etc.- Charter-Checklisten- interaktive Informationen zuFunk(Notfall-,Dringlichkeitsmeldungen, etc.) mitBeispieltexten.- umfangreiches Glossar- Beauforttabelle- Vorfahrtsregeln- Tools zur Beschickung von Kursen und Peilungen- Kompass (natürlich nur für Geräte, die einenKompassintegrierthaben)- uvm.Die Daten stehen komplett ohne Internet-Zugang zurVerfügung.Eswird weder WLAN, noch ein Zugang über dasmobileInternetbenötigt.Die Internet-Berechtigung ist allein für die Werbung.Falls etwas nicht funktionieren sollte, etwas fehlt,etwasfalschoder unverständlich ausgedrückt ist, bitte schreibteineeMail.This app containsalltheinformation that may be needed on a sailing trip.It should not replace this textbook and above all nosoundeducation.The information is intended for future referenceand toremember.In addition, personal as well as ship data can bestored,whichare stored only on your own device.Among the data included are: - Information for Emergencies - Harbor maneuvers with meaningful form - Lateral / Cardinal signs, acoustic signals, etc. - Charter Checklists - Interactive radio information (emergency,urgentmessages,etc.) with sample text. - Extensive glossary - Beaufort table - Right of Way - Tools for feeding courses and bearings - Compass (of course only for devices that haveanintegratedcompass) - And much more.The data are completely without Internet access. There isnoWiFi,still requires access via the mobile Internet.The Internet permission is only for advertising.If something does not work, something is missing,isexpressedsomething wrong or incomprehensible, please sendane-mail.
The Sailing AppApp for sailors, yachts and boats, containinga set of nautical applications:- Magnetic Compass- Speedometer in knots, mph or km/h, Course over Ground- Position- Mark or edit waypoints- Import Waypoints from gpx file- Distance measurement in nautical miles and meters. Also usefulforanchoring.- Course to WaypointAll in large, high contrast characters
Ultimate Fishing Knots 9.32.0
This application illustrates how to make the most popularfishingknots
Rock Climbing Rope Knot 1.1
As we know the sport of rock climbing isoneofthe high-risk sport, therefore knowledge of the toolsandtechniquesof climbing is an absolute thing that must becontrolledby a personwho wants to jump in the sport, including inthis caseis theability rigging and infer knot used. Types nodedepending onthepurpose, use and effectiveness, sometimes we need astrong knotor aknot easily removable However the strong and noteasilyremovableand so forth.Said knot, rope or ropes are not foreign to us, especiallyforthoseof you who've participated in scouts. Rock climbingknotmaterial orknow any kind - any kind of knot is mandatorybecauseit will bevery important in climbing and as one pengengamanwhiledoing theclimbing.Feature - The hallmark of a good knot- Easily made- Easy to see the truth of the windings- Safe, do not shift or move and does not accumulatewhenunder- Easily removable- Semininal may reduce the strength of the rope.Type - the type of knotActually there are many other types of knot, while therewerenearly4,000 types of nodes, but keep in mind we've been abletoclimb onlyto master some kind of knot only.Ribbon knot serves to connect two flat straps (Webbing) isusefulasan alternative Harness (Strap Body) at the end of the knottowearthis ribbon knot. Bow made by concluding both ends ofthestrap bothstraps flat flat flat one with another rope orstrapflatteneditself into one.Knot serves to connect two ropes the same diameter. This knotcanbemade by aligning the two ends of the rope intotheanaesthetizedconcluded. different from the bow to the webbingorrope flat,square knot is devoted to connect two ropes.Knot serves to connect two ropes the same diameter. This knotcanbemade by aligning the two ends of the rope intotheanaesthetizedconcluded. different from the bow to the webbingorrope flat,square knot is devoted to connect two ropes.Knots Bowline / node goat serves as a node mandatory climber(Wornona rope harness / leash body) but the bottom line for thenoviceisnot recommended to use this node because the node tobereallycareful in penyimpulannya if less rigorous then thisnodewilleasily detached so that there will be somethingveryfatallater.for connecting the same two rope diameter. And the differencewithaknot clearly more safety wear this knot when you want toconnecttworopes with a diameter equalThe base node is the main node that serves to make tetheringbothinclimbing and to make the activities associated withabseling/rappelling and why should the base node that is used asthebasenode is preformance pembuatnnya and settings.
Fishing Knots 23.4.0
Fishing Knots contains tutorials of the most important fishingknotsin one app.
NV Charts GPS Navigation AIS 2.709.182
A clearly structured navigation app with intuitive andcomprehensivetools for navigation on board. All boating charts ormaps from NVVerlag / NV Charts can be easily downloaded and usedfor offlinenavigation with the NV Charts App. All NV Verlag / NVChartsnautical boating charts or inland charts including | NorthSea |Baltic Sea | Netherlands | Wadden Sea | IJsselmeer | Sweden|Denmark | Germany | Norway | France | USA | Caribbean |Bahamasareas are compatible with NV Charts App. One way to havegreatnautical charts both on paper and on our phone or tablet is touseour popular combination pack of paper and digital nauticalcharts,which includes both charts in clever atlas format anddigitalnautical marine boating charts/maps for use in the NV Chartsapp,including a one-year update service. But you can alsopurchasedigital boating charts as a subscription directly in the NVChartsApp. The subscription duration is one year and isautomaticallyextended. The advantage: your boating charts arealways up to datein the app. If it is not yet clear where thejourney is going totake you, free online charts can be displayedfor all NV Chartsnautical chart areas in the app. The latestinformation isessential for safe navigation on the water. With thenew version ofthe NV Charts App 2020 you have the possibility tobecome part ofthe chart community. You can now add marinas,anchorages andnavigation warnings to the digital chart and also addand shareinteresting places beyond navigation, such as restaurantsor pointsof interest with pictures. Others can respond directlywithcomments. The continuously edited content can bedownloadeddirectly to be available offline. In order to make allinformationeasily accessible, we have improved the search function:You canexplore the surroundings and search directly for place namesaswell as anchorages, harbours, ramps, waypoints, cranes,petrolstations, or tide stations. In addition, an auto-routingfunctionhas been integrated, which allows you to navigate directlyto yourdestination. Together navigation on board is even more fun!You cannow share your tracks with friends or use the data outsidethe appand export it as GPX file. You can share your favoriteharbors andanchorages from the app simply by clicking on a link andcoordinateyour trip planning even better with everyone. With theAIS functionin the NV Charts App you can keep an eye on AIS signalsinreal-time. You can connect a Wlan AIS receiver to the NV Chartsandthe app display AIS Class A and B signals and navigationaids(ATON), as well as MOB AIS SART transponder distresstransmitters,directly in the digital chart in real-time and thetrafficsituation can be assessed better. The NV Charts App canbeinstalled and synchronized on multiple devices. NV Charts App-Features: ✔ Search function ✔ Autorouting (NL, DE, DK +otherregions to follow soon) ✔ Community Layer / Points ofInterest(POI)✔ Free online boating charts preview for planning ✔ InAppPurchases of digital offline charts ✔ Community Layer / PointsofInterest(POI) ✔ Reads sea charts of all NV chart areas ✔Easydownload of the maps ✔ Always the latest data ✔ Seamless zoomandpanning functions ✔ Tide Forecast ✔ Online weather ✔ AISWifiSupport ✔ AIS Sart Beacon ✔ AIS CPA function ✔ Night mode ✔Anchoralarm ✔ Position with GPS ✔ Intuitive route planning ✔Coursemarkings, markings, bearing ruler ✔ Port information ✔Display ofinstruments ✔ Synchronizing devices ✔ Live PositionSharing ✔Social sharing of routes, tracks, positions ## Androidversion 7.0or higher required. (Use the NV Charts Classic versionon olderdevices) Note: Continued use of GPS in the backgroundcansignificantly reduce battery life.
Dr. Catch – besser angeln 1.2.91
Fishing practice in pictures! Faster understand - betterfishingwith Dr. Catch!
Sailing 1.0
Sailing comprises wind propulsion of acraftbymeans of sails or other airfoils and steering it over water,iceorland, depending on the type of craft.A sailor manages the force of the wind on the sailsbyadjustingtheir angle with respect to the moving sailing craftandsometimesby adjusting the sail area. The force transmitted fromthesails isresisted by forces from the hull, keel, and rudder ofasailingcraft, by forces from skate runners for an iceboat, andbyforcesfrom wheels for a land sailing craft to allow steeringacourse ona point of sail with respect to the true wind.While there are still some places in the worldwheresail-poweredpassenger, fishing and trading vessels are used,thesecraft havebecome rarer as internal combustion engines havebecomeeconomicallyviable in even the poorest and most remoteareas.In most countries sailing is enjoyed as a recreationalactivityoras a sport. Recreational sailing or yachting can bedividedintoracing and cruising. Cruising can include extendedoffshoreandocean-crossing trips, coastal sailing within sight ofland,anddaysailing.Throughout history sailing has been instrumentalinthedevelopment of civilization, affording humanitygreatermobilitythan travel over land, whether for trade, transportorwarfare, andthe capacity for fishing. The earliestrepresentationof a shipunder sail appears on a painted disc foundin Kuwaitdating between5000 and 5500 BCE.Polynesian oceanfarers traveled vast distances of openoceaninoutrigger canoes using navigation methods such asstickcharts.Advances in sailing technology from the Middle AgesonwardenabledArab, Chinese, Indian and European explorers to makelongervoyagesinto regions with extreme weather andclimaticconditions.There were improvements in sails, masts andrigging;improvementsin marine navigation including the cross treeandcharts, of boththe sea and constellations, allowed morecertaintyin sea travel.From the 15th century onwards, Europeanships wentfurther north,stayed longer on the Grand Banks and in theGulf ofSt. Lawrence,and eventually began to explore the PacificNorthwestand theWestern Arctic.Sailing has contributed to many great explorationsintheworld.
The official app of sailing club Sorpesee-Iserlohn from Langscheid.
YCBL 1.0
Mit dieser App erreichst du unserekompletteJugendabteilung und findest schnell neue Segler undFreunde, egalwelche Bootsklasse du segelst. Im Blog kannst du alleFragen rundums Segeln stellen. Reparatur oder Trimm, Taktik oderFitness –eben alles zum Thema Segeln.Im YCBL segeln wir Optimisten, Laser und 420, aber auch 470undviele andere Bootsklassen. Ein tolles Segelrevier wartetamNievenheimer See auf dich. Leichte Anfahrt, viele ParkplätzeundLiegeplätze, ein modernes Clubhaus mit Umkleiden, Slipanlage,Kranund reichlich Platz an zwei Stegen: die perfektenVoraussetzungenfür ein perfektes Training. Dafür stehen jeder ZeitunsereTrainer-Motorboote bereit damit du immer sicher segelnkannst. Auchbei Wind, Welle und Sturm.Finde besonders leicht als Segel-Einsteiger neue Kontakte unddeineperfekte Trainingsgruppe und Bootsklasse. Wir können aber auchnochmehr als nur Jolle Segeln: kennst du schon unsere LeYa?UnsereVereinsyacht ist international unterwegs uns bietet einenleichtenEinstieg ins Fahrtensegeln.Du brauchst noch einen Segelschein? Kein Problem: im Yacht –ClubBayer Leverkusen kannst du deinen Segelscheinmachen:Sportbootführerschein Binnen und See,Sportküstenschifferscheinoder den Sportseeschifferschein. Natürlichgibt es auch eine großeJüngstenscheinausbildung im Opti und und denSBF-Binnenkurs nur fürJugendliche. Außerdem kannst du im YCBL denSposs machen, damitdeinen Regatten kein Limit gesetzt ist.With this app youreachour complete youth division and quickly find new sailorsandfriends, no matter what class of boat you sail. In the blog youcanput around your sailing all questions. Repair or trim, tacticsorfitness - everything about sailing.In YCBL we sail Optimist, Laser and 420, as well as 470 andmanyother boat classes. A great sailing area waiting theNievenheimerlake to you. Easy access, lots of parking space andberths, amodern clubhouse with changing rooms, slipway, crane andplenty ofspace at two webs: the perfect conditions for a perfectworkout.But at any time our coach motorboats ready so you canalways besure to sail. Even with wind, wave and storm.Find particularly easy as sailing beginners new contacts andyourperfect training group and class of boat. But we can also domorethan just sailing dinghy: Do you know our Leya? Our club yachtistraveling internationally offers us an easy entryintocruising.You still need a sailing license? No problem: the yacht - clubBayerLeverkusen, you can make your sailing license:Sportbootführerscheininland and sea, Sportküstenschifferschein orSportseeschifferschein.Of course a large youngest sham trainingand Opti and the SBF inlandcourse only for youth. In addition, youcan make the SPOSS so yourregattas no limit is set in YCBL.