Top 17 Apps Similar to IPA Sprechmaschine

Pronunroid - IPA pronunciation 4.0.2
Practice IPA transcriptions of American Englishpronunciationanywhere!
Phonemic Chart
This phonemic chart helps you hear and say the sounds of theEnglishlanguage
Phonetic IPA 1.0
The app will help to learn Phonetic IPA and correct pronunciation.
OpenEXL English Practice 2.41
Stavira VN
Learn, practice English phonetic pronunciation with nativeAmericanteachers
toPhonetics Free
Convert your English text or words into theirphonetictranscription.
English Phonetics & Vocabulary 4.3
Learn English Language. Pronunciation and Intonation withofflineAudios & Rules
Perfect English Pronunciation 1.6.6
The "Perfect English Pronunciation" (PEP)appis the perfect app for anyone seeking to reduce their accentandimprove their English pronunciation. These easy touse,comprehensive lessons include: retraining yourarticulationmuscles, interactive jaw exercises and face diagrams toinstructproper tongue placement. Simply follow these lessons anddailyexercises and you will be on your way to speaking clearerEnglish.You can also practice and track your progress with theincludedaudio and video recorder features.Mobile App : "Perfect English Pronunciation" is a TrademarkofVictoria Productions Inc.Copyright © 2015 Victoria Productions Inc. All rightsreserved : Trademarked as The Cameron MethodThe most effective method for reducing your accent. Heraccentreduction approach is so unique and effective, it hasbeentrademarked as "The Cameron Method"Copyright © 2015 The Cameron Method - All Rights Reserved : Copyright 2014 © McGraw-Hill Global EducationHoldings,LLCOriginal Contents "Perfecting Your English Pronunciation "ISBN-13: 978-0071750172 ISBN-10: 0071750177 Edition: 1st*Table of contents Introduction*Part I Getting Started1. Retraining the Articulation Muscles2. The IPAPart II The Difficult Sounds of English3. The Consonant TH4. The Consonant R5. The Consonant L6. The Consonant NG7. The Labial Consonants B, V, and W8. The Consonant J/G9.-16. Vowels with IPA symbolsPart III The Rhythm of English17. Syllable Stress w/in Words18. Word Stress w/in SentencesPart IV Putting it all Together19. Marking a Speech20. The Results Appendices
IPA Phonetic Keyboard 1.7
DescriptionAPP for IPA phonetic transcriptions and pronunciationexercisesvalid for languages (and dialects) in the world. Runningtheprogram opens a window to full screen consists ofthreesections:- Menu bar- Area of writing (text box)- Touch screen keyboard (for character input and playing phones)Features in this version:Adaptable to screens 7" - 10"Can be used for phonetic transcriptions and pronunciationexercisesof the world's languagesText editor with all the functions of file management(opening,saving, etc.) and text formatting functionsKeyboard touch screen containing about 200 phoneticsymbols(alphabetic characters, diacritical, suprasegmental) andabout 100phonesLabels for each row and column of the keyboard that explainthearrangement of the phonetic symbols3 modes: writing with labels, write without labels, onlyreading(text box)Ability to listen to every phono transcribed by switchingtheaudio.We appreciate the comments and suggestions to improve the
IPA dan Lingkunganku (6 SD) 1.0
1. Judul Babdicantumkan agar kamu mengetahui materi-materi yang akandipelajaripada setiap aspeknya.2. Ilustrasi Pembuka Babberupa gambar yang menjelaskan materi yang dibahas pada babitu.3. Hasil yang harus kamu capaiberisi tujuan umum yang harus kamu capai dalam mempelajarimateritersebut.4. Setelah mempelajari bab ini, kamu harus mampuberisi tujuan khusus yang harus kamu capai pada materibabtersebut.5. Advance Organizermerupakan pengantar untuk masuk ke materi yang akan dibahasdalambab bersangkutan.6. Materi Pembelajaranberisi pembelajaran materi secara lengkap dengan bahasa yangmudahdipahami.7. Gambar dan Ilustrasidibuat menarik untuk membantu kamu dalam memahami materiyangdibahas.8. Kegiatan Semesterberisi kegiatan yang dilakukan siswa dalam waktu yang lamadandiberikan pada setiap semester.9. Kamu dan IPAberisi ajakan yang sebaiknya kamu lakukan setelah mengetahuimateritertentu.10. Ayo Selidikiberisi percobaan atau kegiatan yang harus kamu lakukanuntukmembuktikan suatu konsep tertentu.11. Fakta IPAberisi fakta-fakta yang terjadi di alam yang tidak banyakorangmengetahuinya.12. Tugas Untukmuberisi tugas yang harus dikerjakan berkaitan dengan materiyangdipelajari.13. Pengetahuan Barumuberisi informasi ipa yang bersifat baru yang bertujuanuntukmenambah pengetahuan siswa.14. Kamus Mini IPAberisi kata-kata penting yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalambahasainggris berkaitan dengan materi.15. Pemahamanmuberisi ringkasan atau inti materi yang dibahas padababtersebut.16. Mengasah Kemampuan Babberisi soal-soal latihan berkaitan dengan materi yang dibahaspadasetiap bab.17. Mengasah Kemampuan Semesterberisi soal-soal latihan berkaitan dengan materi yang dibahasselamasatu semester.18. Mengasah Kemampuan Akhir Tahunberisi soal-soal latihan berkaitan dengan materi yang dibahasselamasatu tahun.19. Kunci Jawabanberisi sebagian jawaban dari soal-soal latihan yang ada padabukuini.20. Istilah IPAberisi istilah-istilah IPA yang penting untuk kamu ketahuidisertaipenjelasannya.1. Title Chapterincluded so that you know the material to be learned ineveryaspect.2. Illustration Opener Chapteran image that describes the material covered in the chapter.3. The results you must achievecontains a general purpose you must achieve in learningthematerial.4. After studying this chapter, you should be able tocontains specific objectives that you must accomplish in thechaptermaterial.5. Advance Organizeran introduction to get into the material to be covered intherelevant chapter.6. Learning Materialscontains complete learning material with easilyunderstoodlanguage.7. Pictures and Illustrationsmade attractive to assist you in understanding thematerialcovered.8. Activity Semestercontains student activities for a long time and is given ineachsemester.9. You and IPAcontain an invitation that you should do after you know acertainmaterial.10. Let's Investigatecontains an experiment or activity you have to do to prove acertainconcept.11. The fact IPAcontains facts that occur in nature which not many people knowaboutit.12. Task For Youcontains a task that must be done with regard to the materialbeingstudied.13. Knowledge Barumucontains information that is new ipa aims to increasestudents'knowledge.14. Mini Dictionary IPAcontains important words that have been translated intoEnglishlanguage associated with the material.15. Understandingcontains a summary or the core material covered in the chapter.16. Milling Capability Chaptercontains practice questions related to the material covered ineachchapter.17. Sharpen ability Semestercontains practice questions related to the material coveredduringthe semester.18. Sharpen Year-End Capabilitiescontains practice questions related to the material coveredduringthe year.19. Answer Keycontains a partial answer practice questions that exist inthisbook.20. The term IPAIPA contains terms that are important for you to know along withanexplanation.
ipapp 0.0.1
For students that want to learntheInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Buku Siswa SMP Kelas 7 IPA 1.0
Buku Siswa SMP Kurikulum 2013 Kelas 7IlmuPengetahuan Alam. Buku Kurikulum 2013 merupakan Buku Gratisyanghak patennya dimiliki oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasionaldandiperbolehkan disebarkan kepada siapapun untukkepentinganpendidikan. Silahkan download Buku Kurikulum 2013 yangkami uploaduntuk kepentingan pembelajaran. Harapan kami pendidikandiIndonesia semakin maju dengan adanya perkembangan Teknologisaatini. Silahkan Contact Kami jika ada BSE lain yang ingindidapatkandi Play Store.Junior High StudentsBookCurriculum 2013 Grade 7 Natural Sciences. Books FreeBooksCurriculum 2013 is that the patent is owned by the MinistryofEducation and distributed to anyone is allowed foreducationalpurposes. Please download book Curriculum 2013 that weuploaded forthe sake of learning. Our hope is getting advancededucation inIndonesia with the development of technology today.Please ContactUs if there is another BSE were to be obtained atPlay Store.
UP! English Pronunciation 1.0
Hannah Hughes
Note to users: Thanks for using thisapp!UP!English Pronunciation 1 and 2 has been replaced by anewapp,English Pronunciation. All the content from this app (andmore)isavailable in the new app!UP! contains over 200 recordings to help you hearthedifferencebetween similar sounds, such as R/L and V/B.Use either spelling or IPA to practice minimalpairs.Alsocontains SRS functionality.With UP! you can study the following sound pairs.・ R/L (rake/lake)・ V/B (vest/best)・ A Sounds (cat/cut)Features:- 60 words each recorded by 3-4 native speakers- Multiple study modes (practice individual sounds,practiceall,test, game)- Supports both spelling and IPA (theInternationalPhoneticAlphabet)*- Sounds recorded by 7 native speakers- Basic SRS to remind you to study- Detailed scores to show progress- Streak function to encourage daily study*If you have never used IPA (but want to learn), pleasechecktheIPA information section for a comparison of sounds.--What is IPA?--IPA, or the International Phonetic Alphabet, is analphabetforpronunciation. It shows the sound of a word. InEnglish,manyspellings have the same sound. In IPA, those words arewrittenthesame.On the other hand, some English words are spelled thesame,butsound different. In IPA, those words arewrittendifferently.For more information and examples, please see theIPAinformationsection within the app.--What is SRS?--SRS stands for Spaced Repetition System. It is a systemoftenusedby language learners to study more efficiently.If you don’t practice something for a long time, youmightforgetit. SRS reminds you to review something before youforgetit.In Choose Sound, you will see a number of colored barsnexttoeach sound pair. When you practice a sound pair, the barwillfillup based on your score. If your score is higher thanthecurrentcolor, the bars will increase. The bars will not decreaseifyouget a lower score.The bars decrease with time. Based on your score, thebarswillstart to decrease 1-3 weeks after you get a good score.If the bar color changes for a sound pair, make sureyoupracticeit again!
IPA SD Adaptasi 1.7
Aqila Course
IPA SD AdaptasiIPA SD Adaptation
English Grammar and Phonetics 7.7.3
Learn English Grammar and Phonetics. Vocabulary,Skills,Pronunciation, Rules
SAY it-Phonetic Board 1.0
Basada en el sistema IPA(AlfabetoFoneticoInternacional) El Phonetic Board es unaHerramienta paramejorar lapronunciación en ingles.Esta app tellevara a obtenerunapronunciación perfecta así comohabilidadesauditivasmejoradasSystem based ontheIPA(International Phonetic Alphabet) The Phonetic Board is atooltoimprove pronunciation in ingles.Esta app will take you togetaperfect pronunciation and listening skills improved
English Pronunciation 6.8
English Pronunciation is very important so how can Iimprovemypronunciation and How to pronounce? It's one of themostcommonquestions I am asked is. So I make this app toanswerthatquestion, and hopefully help you improveyourEnglishpronunciation. I believe that good pronunciationisessential forspeaking and understanding spoken English well.-Pronunciation appthat teaches you how to pronounce Englishproperlyand also checksyour pronunciation (phonetic) to make sureyou do itright. -"English Pronunciation App" support teachers toteachtheirstudents well. With this EnglishPronunciationTrainingapplication, you will learn some importanttopics aboutspeakingEnglish properly such as: - Short vowels - Longvowels -Doublevowel sounds - Voiced consonants - Voicelessconsonants -Otherconsonants - Mouth and tongue positions whenpronouncingsounds -Voiced and unvoiced sounds - How to pronouncewith a a lotof rulesin English Moreover, there are some uniquefeatures thathelps youlearn to pronounce English better: - You canhear thepronunciationand many examples (phrases and sentences)about that.- You can tapon the words in practice area to hear thecorrectpronunciation ofthat word - FREE Pronunciation videoswithphonetics letters thathelps you know the right way to pronounceaword - You can viewyour progress after spoken english - Youcanearn points aftermaking correct pronunciations - You can removeadsto use fullfunctions
IPA Lite for India 2.0.3
Do you want to migrate to an English speaking country? Wanttospeakconfidently to native speakers of English? Want tobeunderstoodeasily over the phone when speaking English? If youwantto improveyour English pronunciation, but know of no othermethodofunderstanding pronunciation of English words other thanrelyingonthe flawed English spelling system, then this App is foryou.Didyou know that dictionaries teach the correctpronunciationofEnglish words? With the knowledge ofInternationalPhoneticAlphabet, you can put a dictionary to its fulluse. Ittakes just15 minutes to recognise the InternationalPhoneticAlphabet forEnglish phonemes. And once you know it a wholenewworld is open toyou. Pronunciation of English words isparticularlychallenging tothose who have learned it as a secondlanguage. Yourmother tongueis guaranteed to influence yourpronunciation ofEnglish. Apps giveyou theopportunity to learn andpractice new techniques to improvetheclarity of yourpronunciation.