Top 16 Apps Similar to dTest

Éčka 3.0.2
Zaujíma vás čo sa skrýva napríklad za označeniami E123 alebo E100vpotravinách ktoré konzumujete každý deň? Chcete vedieť čijeGuarová guma pridávaná do potravín pre vás nebezpečná? Chcetemaťvždy po ruke zoznam s ktorým si na tieto a podobné otázkybudetevedieť ľahko a rýchlo odpovedať? Ak áno, tak si stačíteraznainštalovať do vášho telefónu túto aplikáciu a hneď viete čoktoréoznačenie znamená a či je daná látka priaznivo pôsobiacaalebonaopak či škodí vášmu zdraviu. Funkcie: - v aplikácii jemožnévyhľadávať podľa kódu ale aj podľa názvu éčka. - škodlivosťuvidíteuž na prvý pohľad podľa ikony v zozname a zafarbenia vdetailekaždého éčka - pri každom éčku je napísané v akýchpotravinách sanachádza a jeho účinky na zdravie človeka. - každééčko máoznačenie, či ide o látku živočíšneho alebo iného pôvodu -kukaždému éčku si môžete uložiť vlastnú poznámku a označenie,ktorési môžete nechať zobraziť v hlavnom zozname - pre rýchlyprehľad simôžete zobraziť zoznam najčastejšie prezeraných éčiekVysvetlenie:V aplikácií sú použité rôzne zdroje o škodlivostijednotlivýchéčok. Preto je možné nájsť éčko ktoré má v popise že jeneškodné,ale je označené ikonou škodlivosti alebo červenou farbou.Vaplikácii boli zámerne ponechané viaceré zdroje pretože sanedájednoznačne určiť ktorý je správny a užívateľ vie že jetokontroverzná látka. Dáta do aplikácie a
Memory Stamps
David Strnad
Collect tourist stamps and stickers, create your tourist diaryinthe phone.
openHAB 3.7.0
Vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation
Audiozákony 1.3.7
The Audiovisuals application offers the wording of thelegislationin audio form.
TAHUNA 1.83.20243.27414
Overview The free TAHUNA APP allows you to take advantage ofallthetried and tested benefits of the TAHUNA outdoornavigationsoftwareon the move. Whether you are on holiday or athome – theTAHUNA APPoffers stress-free and reliable navigation andprovidesindividualnavigation profiles, detailed route planning andlotsmore extras toyour smartphone or tablet. The TAHUNA APP alsomakesit easier tolink to other mobile devices, allows you toanalyzeyour data incomfort and installs updates automatically.Features -Optimized forBike Navigation and Outdoor Sport Activities- Onlineand OfflineMaps - Using tour-oriented OpenStreetMapdatabase -Search Addressor POI - Route planning and Navigation -Createstunning Trips withrich POIs and share them easily - UniqueDraw& Plan tool forthe most flexible route creation - Selectanddownload trips fromthe hundreds of available ones whichareprepared by professionals -Record and analyze youractivityAvailable Modules for extending thecapabilities 1)Navigation -Voice navigation with clear visualindications - One ofthe mostsophisticated routing algorithm toensure the perfectridingexperience 2) Fitness - You can set upyour own desired goalsbasedon distance, time, speed, calories -Sensor connection (heartrate,speed and cadence) 3) Gadgets - Eyecatching virtual dashboard-Compass, Speedometer, Altimeter andStaminameter 4) E-Bike -Connectyour E-Bike via Bluetooth -Accurate range calculation anddisplay -Battery friendly routeplanning Fischer E-Bike owners canconnecttheir bikes via Bluetoothand get an E-Bike dashboard freeof charge.Please check thesupported E-Biketypes  Wearelooking forward to your feedback! Comments and questionstothe TAHUNA APP you can[email protected]
World of Castles 4.7.4
Travel guide with maps, photos and reviews to the best castlesofEurope
Manage your installations and connected agenda with MyCOMPANY appbyJABLOTRON
Easy Home Offtake 4.2.8
Record month-end value of Meter householdsintoyour mobile application and you will have a useful tool whichhelpsyou track of your consumed units.Application can also serve as evidence in case of a faultybillingconsumed services, because photo can be assigned toeachmeasurement. Photography contains information about the dateofphotographing the meter.Data are stored in the phone safely and you can backup themlocallyor into your Google Drive.The application can be used in all countries, because aparticularunit is not specified (kWh, m3, kJ, etc.): Enter thenumber simplyand so much "pieces" will be counted. But if you want,you canspecify units in section of meters and currency insettings.In case of 2 values of the related months it iscalculatedconsumption of the current month (the same applies forthe chart),and in the case of 3 values it can be already counted aunit saving/ increase compared to the previous month. Of course,measurementscan be carried out a week or a day and the chart takesit into themonth summary!The basic categories are: GAS, HOT WATER, COLD WATERandELECTRICITY. If necessary, there is section Meters foradditionalmeasurements (eg. further offtake points). In Pricesection it ispossible to set price for unit, month and advancepayment.Besides the basic functions of adding, editing, deletingandreplication the record there is also available list bycategories,search in notes, progress of a year using graphs,photogallery,backup / restore database, export all data to Excel,end-monthnotifications and simple widget for home screen.Easy Home Offtake is available completely FREE - no ads andnomicrotransactions. The application is compatible with Androidv4.0- v7.1.1 (API 14-25) and graphic uses Material Design.The application is available in these languages:- Czech (created by Vojtech Pohl)- Slovak (translated by Vojtech Pohl)- English (translated by Vojtech Pohl)- German (translated by Marcus Meyer)- Polish (translated by Andrzej Guzek)- Hungarian (translated by László Nagy)- Russian (translator)- Italian (translator)- Spanish (translator)- Catalan (translator)Language will be set automatically according to the language ofyourdevice. In case you want to add translation for your country,or youfind any discrepancies, please contact me via email.
Ariston Thermo Quick-Fix
Ariston Thermo Quick-Fix is an interactive tool fortechniciansthatguides them to the solution of issues on the fieldaboutAriston,Chaffoteaux and ELCO products. It requests as inputaproduct codeand, optionally, its production date. Bothinformationcan beacquired automatically scanning the productbarcode bycamera. Thenthe resolution can be found moving fromeither theerror code on theproduct display, or a symptom, or even aledcombination on theproduct interface. The APP can be used alsoinplaces where anInternet connection is not available asproductsearches can bestored locally. Ariston Thermo Quick Fixgives alsoonline access toproduct documentation, such as usermanuals,exploded views, sparepart lists, technical notes, etc.. APPisactually available onlyfor wall hung boilers, Heat PumpWaterHeaters and Gas InstantaneousWater Heaters and will begraduallyextended to other product linesof Ariston Thermo Group.Access isallowed only to users withpassword. - Löschwasser 1.16.8 ermöglicht die Erfassung und Wartungallerrelevanter Daten von Hydranten und Wasserentnahmestellen.DiePlattform dient als zentrale, jederzeit aktuelle undmobileInformationsdrehscheibe für Gemeinde, FeuerwehrundWasserversorger. Mehr als 200.000 Hydranten sind bereitsinÖsterreich, Deutschland, Italien und der Schweiz in derPlattformerfasst, die laufend aktualisiert und bearbeitet wird die Verwaltung von HydrantenundLöschwasserentnahmestellen, Dokumentationsaufgaben undPrüfungenoptimiert und effizienter gestaltet - und spart vor allemZeit undKosten. Daten können einfach erfasst werden und der exakteStandortdurch GPS-Koordinaten oder durch die Verwendung einer Kartederfestgestellt werden. Löschwasserplanung einfach gemacht *EinfachVerwaltung, Bearbeitung und Neuanlage vonWasserentnahmestellen *Informationen wie z.B. Typ, Leistung und einFoto derEntnahmestelle * Listen- und Kartenansicht allerEntnahmestellen *Sortierung(Filterung) nach diversen Kriterienmöglich * Laden voneinzelnen Datenblätter mittels QR-Code *VerschiedenfarbigeKennzeichnung des Verwendbarkeitsstatus derEntnahmestelleVerbessertes Management von Löschwasserdaten *Einfache Erfassungund Aktualisierung der Daten vonWasserentnahmestellen *Übersichtliches und einheitliches Layout derUnterlagen undHydrantenpläne * Reduzierte Fehlerquote bei derÜbertragung vonDaten von der schriftlichen Dokumentation in dieHydrantenkarteNEU: Mit Augmented Reality Hydranten findenInformationen zumnächsten Hydranten werden mit derAugmented-Reality-Technologie amSmartphone-Display in Echtzeiteingeblendet. Diese zeigen wo dernächste Hydrant zu finden ist bzw.wie weit dieser entfernt ist.Damit kann das Auffinden vonWasserentnahmestellen, vor allem beider Lokalisierung vonUnterflurhydranten im Winter bei hohenSchneelagen, sowie fürPersonen mit geringen speziellenOrtskenntnissen wesentlicherleichtert werden. Egal obUnterflurhydrant, Überflurhydrant,Löschwasserbehälter,Löschwasserteich oder Löschwasserbrunnen - mitwasserkarte.infosind alle Wasserentnahmestellen auf einer Plattformzusammengefasstund zugänglich. Bei Fragen oder Problemen zur Appoder Plattform,schreiben Sie uns bitte direkt [email protected] zu direktunter
Wilo-Assistant 4.14.115
Wilo-Assistant — The entire world of pumps
Medfox - Pill & Meds Reminder 1.57
Take Meds On Time. Dosage. Antibiotics Reminders.MedicationDatabase.
Miele@mobile 4.6.0
Networking of your appliances opens upmoreoptions that give your dynamic life more convenience, quality,andsafety. The Miele@mobile app gives you the option of operatingallnetwork-enabled Miele domestic appliances quickly andconvenientlywith a smartphone or tablet. At any time, you canaccess yourwashing machine, refrigerator, or oven directly, requeststatusinformation, and select functions, for example.Information on the selected program or the operating mode as wellasthe time remaining for the program to run are displayed. Theappinforms you, for instance, how long the roast will need to cookinthe oven. You also receive notifications when your interventionisneeded ‒ for example, when the dishwasher program has finishedorif a refrigerator door has been left open.The practical recipe function enabling easy access to recipes isanentirely new feature.Another feature of the app is the use of wizards. Theinteractivewashing wizard recommends the most suitable washprogram, forinstance.Depending on the appliance model, with ShopConn@ct you also havetheoption of reordering detergent or dishwasher tablets, forexample,in the Miele Shop with just a few clicks.Important usage informationThe fundamental requirements for the use of this apparenetwork-enabled Miele domestic appliances.The demonstration mode in the Miele@mobile app provides afirstimpression of the range of possibilities for this app even ifyoudo not yet have any network-enabled Mieledomesticappliances.The following functions can be used even withoutappliancesconnected:• Recipes• Wizards• Information on textile care, stain removal, etc.
Smart shopping list - Shoppka 1.14
Shoppka - your smart shopping list. Simply perfect grocery list.
Léčivé byliny 2.2
Plants Natural Medicine, tips and advice for the collection anduseof medicinal herbs
Domoticz - Home Automation
Control and monitor your home devices like lights,switches,fans,various sensors/meters like temperature,rainfall,wind,Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, electricityusage/production,gasconsumption, water consumption and much more atyourfingertipswith the most coolest automation system "Domoticz-HomeAutomation". The app automates every appliance at your homeandyoucan control it through the mobile device from any place.Turnoffor on the bedroom lights sitting at living room. "Domoticz-HomeAutomation" app supports NFC and allows you to switch on theACorother appliances when you are almost reaching home.Throughgeofencing feature the app can detect your locationandaccordinglyalerts you with the managing of the devices. Theapp"Domoticz" hasa great user interface with easy user controls.Theapp alsosupports widgets that helps you control from yourmobilehomescreen directly saving your time to turn on or turn offthedevice.The app is perfect to save the unnecessaryelectricconsumptionthereby saving the money. Be personalized andget yourcontrol inyour fingertips. The automatic device controllerapp"Domoticz"supports finger print feature to ensure the securityofyourdevices. Monitor the gas and electric consumption fromyourmobiledevice and configure its usage as per your requirementsandbudget.The app is the best to plan your monthly budgetovervariousdevices. The app also sends the push notification toanyconfiguredmobile device to alert you with the usagesandconsumptions.************************** PREMIUMKEYFEATURES************************** - NFC Support! Toggleswitchesvia NFCtags - Geofencing (multiple), turn light on whenyour almostathome - Android Wear, control your home from your wrist-Widgets,put widgets on your homescreen - Multiple serverconfig,connectmultiple domoticz servers with one app -Fingerprintsecurity -Custom views - Talkback features -Notifications - Alarmfeature"Domoticz - Home Automation" app iscompatible with all theAndroidsmartphones, Tablets and all theAndroid Wears. Besmart.!Configure multiple servers for an easy andefficient use oftheapplication. Download the smart automatic devicecontrollerapp"Domoticz" and live a smarter life.!***********************SAYHELLO *********************** We areconstantly working hardonmaking this “Domoticz - Home Automation”app better and moreusefulfor you. Please feel free to email usforanyqueries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to sayhello.Ifyou have enjoyed any feature of the “Domoticz -HomeAutomation”app, do rate us on play store and share amongyourfriends.