Top 14 Games Similar to Super Cow Striker Adventure

Bug Heroes 2
Foursaken Media
Every day while you're gone, an epic battleofswords, guns, and armor rages on your counters, on your floors,andin your yard... Enter the world of the Bug Heroes!From the creators of Monster Adventures and Heroes &Castlescomes a new adventure, blending fast paced action, strategy,anddefensive gameplay!Master 25 unique heroes - from a hook wielding Waterbug pirate,toan old and wise Aphid sensei, a champion Bumblebee boxer, agrenadelaunching Worm, a poison obsessed Stinkbug, and tons more!Chooseand customize your squad of two, then seamlessly switchbetweenthem while unleashing a variety of powerful abilities onyourenemies. Scavenge for food and junk, fortify your base,buildturrets, level up your heroes, equip weapons and armor,andsurvive!----------------------------FEATURES• MOBA-like competitive & cooperative multiplayer• Tons of single player content, including missions, anendlessmode, and a base vs base skirmish mode• 25 unique heroes to master - form your team of two• Innovative squad based gameplay - control twoheroessimultaneously• Level up your Bug Heroes, increase their skills, and buyweapons,armor, and gear• Scavenge for food, then defend your Food Stash with turretsandupgrades• Complete missions, earn stars, and unlock a host ofpowerfulupgrades• Master both melee and ranged combat. Slice your enemieswithswords, swat bugs off of ledges, blast them from long rangewithguns and magic, and more• Tactical gameplay - use cover to defeat your enemies• Over 75 varied enemy types to battle• Sync across devices with cloud save----------------------------Questions or comments? Follow us on Twitter @FoursakenMedia, orlikeus on Facebook!
League Of Pixels The Game 1.1
League of Pixels is a Moba 2D pixelated.Beta version 1.0Please comment bugs and errors.Next update:- More champions;- Bug fixes;
Vô Song Tây Du 1.7.9
Vô Song Tây Du - Game Mobile thể loạiMOBAcựcđỉnh, do Joymi Entertainment chính thức ra mắt với cộngđồngngườichơi!Tham gia Vô Song Tây Du, người chơi có cơ hội trải nghiệmnhữngphacông kích mạnh mẽ, thao tác kỹ năng linh hoạt, thú vị. Dễdàngthaotác game, đa dạng các kỹ năng anh hùng, di chuyển nhanhchóngcùngCombo liên trảm cực mạnh, thoát khỏi lối chiến đấu theohiệptẻnhạt. Ngoài ra, khi tham gia loại hình “chiến thực,3V3,chiếnwifi" mới lạ trên di động, người chơi được thỏa sứctunghoànhtrong gameplay. Các tay đấu cừ khôi, 2016 sẽ là năm chứađầydấu ấnkhi bạn thử sức với Game Vô Song Tây Du!●Trải nghiệm “MOBA đối chiến” cực đỉnh. Phối hợp chiến đấuvớigamerkhác, đấu 3V3, đấu chiến cùng wifi, người chơi sẽ cảm nhậnsựvuisướng tột độ khi tham gia Nhất Tuyến Thiên!●Hình ảnh sắc nét, đồ họa tuyệt vời, sẽ mang đến phong cáchmớilạxưa nay chưa từng có dành cho tín đồ Game Mobile.●Gần 100 anh hùng Tiên, Yêu, Ma, Phật mở ra kho tàng “kỹnăngchiếnđấu" vô cùng phong phú và đa dạng. Người chơi được tự doxâydựngtrận hình với “bộ sưu tập bồi dưỡng anh hùng Tây Du”. Aisẽlàngười cầm cương trên con đường thỉnh kinh muôn vàn gian khổ,bạnsẽlà người quyết định sau cùng!●MOBA, RPG, thẻ bài thế hệ mới, nuôi dưỡng là sự kết tinhhoànhảonhất của tất cả các loại hình hiện nay. Hãy cùng nhaucảmnhậnGameplay có thẻ bài cực tốt, RPG siêu hay, MOBA cựcđỉnh!●Cập nhật các tính năng mới như: chiến thực, chiến3V3,chiếnwifi..... mở ra không gian đa chiều cho người chơi thỏasứcthamgia bữa tiệc Vô Song Tây Du!Tải ngay Vô Song Tây Du, tham gia bữa tiệc MOBA hoành trángmọilúcmọi nơi
Cosplague Arena - Casual MOBA
Gazeus Games
Brace yourselves! The greatestmultiplayerbattle arena is here. Let’s play Cosplague Arena!Choose yourcosfighter and enter this legendary arena for amultiplayer battleagainst players from all over the world in thisinsane Casual MOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)! .A cosplague is running rampant at a Nerd Con. A powerfulvirussuddenly emerged that caused all the cosplayers to embody thesuperpowers from their costumes and go berserk. And just likethat,chaos ensues in the Nerd Con, turning it into a battle arena.Nowit’s up to you! Choose your cosfighter, enter in the arena andKILLEVERYBODY! Check out the game features:Casual MOBA Style: a very intuitive and simplemultiplayerbattle arena system for the fans of the action MOBAgenre that alsolove quick and casual fun.Multiplayer Battle Arena Online: play against otherplayersfrom all over the world in the awesome battle arena.Other features:- Crazy Items: find items in the battle arena and use themagainstyour enemies.- Daily Quests: complete challenges everyday to get coinsandexclusive cosfighters!- Leaderboard: check out who is the best cosplayer in thebattlearena between your friends!If you like MOBAs or other multiplayer battle arena games, thisisexactly what you are looking for. Download Cosplague Arena-Casual MOBA now and become a legendary Cosfighter in thiscasualMOBA. Let the nerd battles begin! READY? FIGHT!
PigBang Ru 1.1.4
Хотите всегда иметь под рукойвозможностьпоучаствовать в забавном и динамичном онлайн сражении?ТогдаPigBang это ваш выбор. Мы соединили самое лучшее для Вас -стройте,стреляйте и командуйте своими войсками в арена шутереновогопоколения. Играйте один и с друзьями, а адаптированное иудобноеуправление, а так же приятный визуальный стиль, позволятВамнасладиться игровым процессом с первой минуты.События игры происходят на некой арене представляющейсобойприродный ландшафт, где две группировки боевых кабанов борютсязазапасы воды. Для боя игроки могут использовать различный,заранеевыбранный инвентарь, состоящий из множества видовогнестрельногооружия, спецспособностей, вспомогательных турелей, атак же юнитовподдержки. Команда, потерявшая все запасы воды,проигрывает.Бои происходят 3 на 3 и 4 на 4You want to always haveonhand the opportunity to participate in a fun and dynamiconlinebattle? PigBang Then it's your choice. We have put togetherthebest for you - build, shoot and commands his troops in anarenashooter of a new generation. Play alone and with friends,andadapted and convenient operation, as well as a nice visualstyle,will make you enjoy the gameplay from the first minute.The game take place on a certain stage which is a naturallandscape,where there are two groups fighting boars fighting overwatersupplies. For the battle, players can use a different,pre-selectedequipment, consisting of a plurality of types offirearms, specialabilities, auxiliary turrets, as well as supportunits. The teamlost all supplies of water, it loses.Battles take place on 3 and 4 3 4
Arena of Valor
The Arena for Everyone
Devil City - 2016最佳丧尸动作手游 0.20.1031
2016年史尸级MMORPG手游火爆来袭,生化危机蔓延,拯救人类!目前火热预下载中,欢迎各位fighter进驻!公测版本 V 1.0隆重登场,病毒战争席卷全球!Download For Free! 快来拯救世界吧~【游戏介绍】危机爆发,灭族末日,拯救人类,踏上寻秘之路!覆灭还是救赎,全在你的手中!年度最具期待的动作ARPG手游,全新3D场景视角,给你带来最震撼的丧尸场景,流畅的打击快感,绚丽的技能释放,激动人心的即时动作战斗!病毒战争40人团战,为争夺顶级病毒浴血奋进;共斗世界boss,击杀排名唯我独尊;崭新MOBA竞技玩法,与小伙伴一起荣登巅峰!这个金秋,邀你拯救世界!【公测OBT福利】福利一:七日登录送豪华奖励;福利二:升级即可获得丰厚奖励,战力提升轻而易举;福利三:首次充值除了能获得翻倍外,还能获得连续三天的海量奖励,极品神装伴你同行;更多更丰富的游戏福利活动等着你,下载完全免费哦!【游戏特色】-全新公测大型玩法,病毒战争-40人的激烈团战,为争夺顶级病毒而战斗!积分越高,奖励越丰厚!充分发挥占地策略,夺得先机,战力称王,舍我其谁!每日必玩的线上活动,和全服顶尖玩家一起PK,享受战斗的乐趣。-爽快打击感,连击痛打丧尸-游戏痛快的打击感,COMBO计数给你全新的战斗体验。丰富的地图场景以及丧尸形象,给予无以伦比的通关快感!是技术帝就来鬼泣之城!-使用绚丽技能,击杀BOSS,解放沦陷区 -全新的unity3D引擎技术带来更为精致的人物建模与逼真的环境质感。绚丽的角色技能,痛快连招一波统统带走,成为拯救沦陷区的末日英雄!-共斗世界boss,协作击杀 -三大职业齐聚鬼泣之城,近战远程各有所长,心仪职业随你扮演。世界BOSS强悍无比,等待英雄百种特技炫彩绽放,协作击杀!- MOBA玩法乱斗场,一起来夺取最高荣誉-游戏拥有丰富的PVP玩法要素,更有MOBA拆塔的大乱斗场,与各职业一较高下,成就单挑王者。运用你的团队策略,默契小组争夺全服最高荣誉!结识天下英豪,共同研习职业通关PK手法,全面检验自身战力。【联系我们】如果您在游戏中遇到任何问题,我们将竭诚为您服务!客服宝贝Gloria在等着你哦~FB主页客服邮箱:[email protected]
今天你將來到帝國與自由之子的戰場上,征服還是被征服,正義還是邪惡、忠誠還是背叛,都上演在灼熱的遠古大路上。召集你的兩三戰友開始自由之戰,史詩就掌握在你手中!遊戲特色專利操作,向真正擁戴創新的勇士玩家致敬!完美操作,簡單易上手,精準響應極限微操!經典玩法,補刀、三殺、超神一個都不能少!戰隊集結,創建戰隊,招募戰友,積極備戰!開房約戰,戰隊賽不再是夢,完善競技模式!海量英雄,深度英雄池,更多選擇更多挑戰!掌上競技,不限時間!不限地點!激情依舊!Today you will come totheSons of Liberty and the Empire of the battlefield, to conqueror beconquered, justice or evil, loyalty or betrayal, staged insearingancient road.Gather your comrades began a couple of free battle, the epicliesin your hands!Game FeaturesPatent operation, to truly support innovative Warriorsplayerspay tribute!Perfect operation, simple and approachable, precise responselimitmicromanagement!Classic play, make up a knife, three killed, over onelessgod!Team build, create teams, recruiting friends, preparing!Open house Yuezhan team game is no longer a dream, improvethecompetitive mode!Massive hero, hero pool depth, more options more challenges!Pocket athletics, Any Time! Any place! Passion still!
魂之幻影 - 格鬥之魂 無限燃燒 1.0.0
★★★遊戲特色★★★【超狂動作 爽快連擊】躍擊觸發幻影時間!無視技能CD痛快連擊!震屏、時間停頓、技能取消、閃躲 格鬥精髓拳拳到肉!▶ 無視CD的酣暢搏殺 激活“幻影時間”,酣暢快感百玩不厭遊戲獨創浮空幻影時間,玩家通過躍擊破甲,即可對怪物無盡連斬,享受暢快淋漓的陸空追擊連招格鬥體驗。玩家攻擊精英怪物時,可使用“躍擊”將其攻擊打斷並進入“幻影時間”,用強勢技能將浮空僵直的怪物暴擊殆盡。▶ 前所未見的“浮空”格鬥 掙脫二維束縛,全空間奔襲突殺浮空格鬥突破時空束縛,改變同類競品平面刷怪的單一模式,陸空全空間自由轉換。遊戲採用3D角色建模,創新性加入跳台元素,配合3D鏡頭轉動和震動效果,戰鬥動作毫無死角。多層立體場景,高落差地形,長縱深視覺營造真實戰鬥氛圍。【真人格鬥 任性開打】實時PVP!單人匹配PK、開房PK、3V3 MOBA!▶ 真人同屏同步格鬥 組本、PK、建公會,每一局都是新挑戰突破技術瓶頸,幻影對決,PK爭鋒,天空競技場,真人對戰。同圖闖關,多層副本,無盡塔挑戰自我極限,計時塔無盡連砍怪物。公會戰爭,卡爾之書,和隊友聯合守護世界。【霸氣召喚神 橫掃一切】上百召喚神收集培養!升星、進階、羈絆、角色技能搭配;誰說動作遊戲沒有策略?▶ 與“召喚神”並肩戰鬥 百款可收集召喚神,親手選培天命夥伴遊戲獨創召喚神系統,召喚神參戰如虎添翼,為你釋放大招,配合各類招數,格鬥打法更加豐富,戰鬥節奏輕易掌控,粉碎一切敵人。【角色介紹】超感官暴力美學,三角色各有魅力,為玩家呈現極致的動作打擊感。菲特劍術精湛,戰鬥走位瞬移,劍一出鞘刀刀見血;庫洛斯爆發力十足,雙手鐵拳聚集魂火拳拳到肉;維薇兒冰冷禦姐,劍鋒之下殺傷力致命,召喚冰霜殺人於無形!魂之幻影官網:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]本軟體依Google應用程式分級辦法分類為:12+歲級。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣,物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。★★★ Game Features ★★★[Super mad action refreshing batter]Leap trigger phantom time! Happy to ignore the skills CDcombo!Shockscreen, pause time, skills cancel, dodge fighting theessenceof thekind of meat!▶ disregard CD Earned fight activate the "phantom time"earnedthepleasure of sheer funOriginal floating phantom game time, players jump breakthroughthearmor, you can even cut endless monster, land and airpursuittoenjoy the dripping fun fighting experience evenstrokes.Elitemonsters attack the player, you can use the "Leap" toattackandbreak into the "phantom time", with strong skills willfloatstiffmonster crit exhausted.▶ unprecedented "floating" two-dimensional fightingbreaktheshackles of sudden raid to kill the whole spaceFighting floating break the shackles of time and space, tochangeasingle mode similar competing products flat brushstrange,thewhole land and air space free conversion. The gameuses3Dcharacter modeling, innovative platform element is added,withthe3D camera rotation and vibration effects, there is nodeadspacecombat action. Multi-dimensional scene, high dropterrain,longdepth of vision to create a real combatenvironment.Fighting broke out capricious reality []Real-time PVP! Single match PK, open room PK, 3V3 MOBA!▶ synchronized with the screen real fighting groupspresent,PK,construction associations, each game is a newchallengeOvercome technical bottlenecks, Phantom duel, PKCommander,skyarena, live game. With FIG checkpoints, multi-copy,endlesstowerchallenge the limits of self, timing towerchoppedendlessmonsters. Guild Wars, Carl's book, and his teammatesjointguardianof the world.[Sweeping] domineering call GodGod summoned collected hundreds culture! RisingStar,Advanced,fetters, the role of skills mix; Who says nopolicyactiongame?▶ and "call of God" shoulder to shoulder battle tocollectcallGod a hundred models, hand-picked trainingpartnerDestinyOriginal game system call God, call God unleashed the war,asyourelease the big move, with all kinds of tricks, fightingplaymorerich, easy to control the battle rhythm, smashingallenemies.【Character introduction】Extrasensory aesthetics of violence, the three roles havecharmforthe players showing the ultimate sense of combataction.Buffettfencing skills, fighting to walk Teleport, a swordscabbardknifewith blood; Ku Luosi full power, his hands gatheredTekkensoulfire kind of meat; Wei Wei children ice Royal Sister,underJanusdeadly lethal, summon Frost kills!Soul Mirage officialwebsite: fan group: https: // Service: [email protected] software by Google App rating approach classified as:12+yearsold class.This game is free to use, and the other offers to buyvirtualgamecurrency, items such as paid services within thegame.Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
Nightmares! 3D 2.1
Nightmares! 3D is a (FREE)beautifuldual-stick3D survival shooter based in a little boy'sNightmares!-COMING SOON (Feb 2016)-- Bluetooth controller support (samsung, Moba, Xbox etc)- Health pickups- More weapons!Try to stay alive as you battle swarms of nasty,angrymonsterswhile avoiding environmental obstacles andcollectinggrenades formaximum destruction! This game is infiniteand scaleswith theplayer as they improve, creating a compelling andhighlyaddictivegame-play!Mini-Missions in most levels crank up the excitement withnewweaponsand aggressive game-play! Remember, your mini missionscorewill onlysave and post to the leaderboards IF you exitthemini-mission beforeyou die! Mini-Missions can be foundbyfollowing the red arrow on thein-game map! (no mini missionforlevel 1)Google Play Leaderboards are incorporated in eachlevelANDmini-mission so you can compete against friends andstrangersfromaround the world!Game Highlights:-NEW- Rewarded weapon upgrades like double fire rateandextragrenades--No ads unless you want rewards!---NEW- Level 5 added!-NEW- Mini mission: King of the hill added to level 2-NEW- Mini mission: Slaughter added to level 3-Chain gun added to Mini mission: Slaughter!-Machine gun with infinite ammo-Grenade launcher with collectible ammo-Multi-Kill bonuses to drive up top scores-Steam vents for a quick escape-Evolving enemies-Physics based-Real time 3D graphics-The better you get, the more intense the nightmare becomes!-Simple controls makes this game easy for anyone to play,buthardto master! Can you survive?--This version of Nightmares! 3D is UNLIMITED and 100%free,wehave NO IN-APP PURCHASES-Recommend playing with at least 2ghz quad core deviceforbestresults (All development was performed on a Samsung Note 2andNote4)-To increase game performance and frame rates, startgameandpress the pause button, then press "Toggle FX"Don't forget to check out:http://www.sector1games.com Sector 1 games on Twitter!- @sector1games--Check out our review from Gaming from Sector 1 Games!
Đại Mạc Phong Vân 1.1.7
Đại Mạc Phong Vân là game hành độngnhậpvaichiến đấu thời gian thực có thú cưỡi 3D trực tiếpthamchiến.Đại Mạc Phong Vân tái hiện cuộc chiến khốc liệt nhất thời trungcổdoThành Cát Tư Hãn dẫn đầu tiến đánh Trung Hoa, thống nhấtthiênhạ.ĐẶC SẮC GAME* Hơn 188 thú cưỡi 3D trực tiếp tham chiến* Võ đài đấu thời gian thực, 3vs3 phong cách MOBA* Đại loạn chiến - càn quét cừu nhân, tranh giành bảo vật* Vũ khí thần tương sinh tương khắc - Thủy Hỏa Lôi Mộc* Hệ thống mỹ nhân hỗ trợ chiến đấu toàn diện* 3 hệ phái nhân vật - Dũng sĩ (Thần Lực), Cung thủ (VũLinh),Thíchkhách (Nộ Phong)* Phó bản đặc sắc như Boss thế giới Ma Chủ, Ác chiến hồn anh,Bảovệlong mạch, Địa cung thám báo, Phụ bản tổ độiNếu bạn là một người yêu thích game hành động nhập vai,chiếnđấuthời gian thực, đồ họa đẹp mắt, “nhiều cái để chơi” thìĐạiMạcPhong Vân là game thích hợp nhất dành cho bạn.Tải game và trải nghiệm ngay hôm nay!Website: fanpage: Mac Phong Van - Game Mobile Đầu Tiên Có Thú Cưỡi 3DTrựcTiếpTham ChiếnDai Mac Phong Van - Game Đầu Tiên Về Đề Tài Thành Cát Tư HãnDai Mac Phong Van - Top 20 Game Mobile Đáng Chơi Nhất Năm2016Dai Mac Phong Van - Top 10 Game Hành Động Nhập VaiHayNhất2016Dai Mac Phong Van - Top 5 Game Mobile Miễn Phí Trên CH PlayĐại Mạc Phong Vân - Hiệu Lệnh Thiên Hạ - Thống Nhất Mông Cổ -MãĐạpTrung NguyênGame hanh dong nhap vai chiến đấu thời gian thực có thú cưỡi3Dtrựctiếp tham chiến.
League of Miracles 1.0.0
League of Miracles is a Massiveonlinebattlearena focused on adrenaline-fueled player vs playercombat.Shortand intense matches. Welcome to a world wherechampionsdedicatetheir lives to the arena. Step up to the challengeandmaximizeyour skills. It’s all about timing andprecision.Predictabilityleads to punishment. This is fighting inits purestform.Choose a champion depending on your playstyle.Buy items to get stronger.Obtain new friends and conquer the Forbidden Path together.
Mr.Cow Ninja 1.0
Anthony Siu
A fun and simple game where Mr.Cowisdualyielding swords and training in the ninja ways.
Super Cow 1.0.9
A cow was abducted by the aliensandgainedsuper powers! Now the Super Cow must fight againsttheenemies thathave abducted it and the humans who want theirpower.With its hugebazooka and flying through the sky, it mustdestroy asmany enemiesas possible to not become barbecue.Follow us:Facebook: cow was abductedbythealiens and Gained super powers! Now the Super Cow mustfightagainstthe enemies que have abducted it and the humans whowantTheir power.With its huge bazooka and flying through the sky,itmust destroy themany enemies the possible to not Becomebarbecue.Follow us:Facebook: