Top 23 Apps Similar to Learn to read sheet music

Learn music notes with Pioplay 4.6
Learn music notes with Pioplay. 100 levels are waiting for you.Bethe best
Note Trainer 6.0
Note tutor teaches you to read notes, sight-reading, learning notes
Gitarre Noten Lernen 1.0
Sie Gitarrennoten finden und dukannstGitarrennoten LearYou will find notesforguitar and you can guitar notes Lear
Partitura Memorização - Sheet
Melhore o aprendizado e memorização dapautamusical com esse aplicativo simples e prático.Improve learningandmemorization of musical staff with this simple andpracticalapplication.
Read Music Notes HN
Pascal RIBEN
Learn to read music notes quickly and easily in G Treble clef andFBass clef
MuseBook - free sheet music 1.0.5
Tired of searching on Google for yoursheetmusic or tabs? Tired of printing every single score?MuseBook gives you everything you need when you love playingsheetmusic. You can easily search for new free sheets from withintheapp. Fine-tuning your search to find only the sheet music youneedis easy. Use filters like instrument or number of parts(solo,duet). Or search for guitar and find your favoritetabs.MuseBook displays your scores in a very intuitive and fast way.Youcan even play the sound of the displayed sheet, for fasterlearningand understanding!Your favorite scores can be added to your personal collectionofsheet music, which is grouped by artist. This collectionwillautomatically be synced with all your other devices you'reloggedin with MuseBook! So you can search sheets on your phone andplaythem from you tablet.And of course there is support for your own personal collectionofpdf sheet music, which can be played in the sameconvenientway.Features:- search a huge collection of free sheets for piano,guitar,keyboard, flute, violin, and more- search on instrument (piano, guitar, etc.)- add scores you like to your own library- sync music library with multiple devices, so you can play thesamescores from your phone and tablet- play directly from your screen- share your favorite scores with friends- play the sound of the sheet music you found- browse local pdf files- login with your social account- play directly on Spotify- supports (bluetooth) page turning pedals (AirTurn, PageFlipandmore)- fast sheet music viewer- pdf fullscreen- bookmark your favorite local music- recently opened music history
Notation Pad - Sheet Music Sco 1.2.2
Song Studio
A sheet music creator for composer or songwriter.Compose yourmusiccomposition.
MobileSheets 3.8.6
MobileSheets is a sheet music viewer with powerful toolsformusicians.
Create and play complex chord progressions and arrangements
Partituras Católicas e Cifras 1.0
Com o app Partituras o músicocatólicoficamuito mais tranquilo nas missas:- Chega de correria e bagunça de partituras na missa. Comorecursode "Listas" você pode deixar gravado no programa todasasmúsicasque usará na missa. Isso lhe dá acesso rápidoàsmúsicas.- Use o recurso Favoritos para deixar separado as músicasourefrõescostumeiramente usados na sua comunidade e assimnãoprecisarpesquisar por eles toda vez.- Se durante a missa alguém sugerir uma música quenãoestavaprevista, você pode pesquisar rapidamente a músicasugerida ejávisualizá-la na tela.- Várias formas de pesquisa para localizar a música desejada.Deixe os papeis e livros de lado. Tenha tudo com você emtodolugarno tablet ou celular:- Cadastre seus arquivos de partitura ou cifra (Própriosoubaixadosda internet) no app concentrando tudo num lugar só.- A base atual de músicas conta com mais de 15milarquivosdisponíveis.- A maior parte das músicas são classificadas pororigem(CantosPastorais, Louvemos ao Senhor, Cantemos ao Senhor eSalmos),porémalgumas estão classificadas como "Outros" pois nãotive tempodeclassificá-las corretamente. Algumas podem ter duasorigens,masaqui estão classificadas somente em uma delas, então amelhoropçãoé pesquisar pelo Título da música. O Título da músicaéexatamenteseu início e não o título real da música. Isso porquenomeu caso,as pessoas da comunidade sempre se lembram do começodamúsica edificilmente se lembram do título... Por isso oTítuloestácadastrado com o texto inicial da música...Fundamental para o músico católico!Baixe hoje mesmo o app Partituras e aproveite os 30diasgratuitospara conhecer seus recursos.Se gostar, compre uma licença e use o Partituras com a acessoatodosos recursos pelo período escolhido da licença.Se não quiser comprar uma licença, após o período de 30dias,vocêcontinuará com acesso a lista completa de músicascadastradas(maisde 15 mil), podendo visualizar cada umadelas.Instale agora mesmo e torne mais simples a organizaçãodasmúsicaspara as celebrações de sua comunidade!With thescoresappCatholic musician is much more quiet in the masses:- No more rush and mess of music at Mass. With the abilityto"Lists"you can leave the program recorded all the songs thatuseat Mass.This gives you quick access to music.- Use the Favorites feature to make separate songsorchorusescustomarily used in your community and so do not needtosearch forthem every time.- If during Mass anyone suggest a song that was not provided,youcanquickly search the suggested music and now view itonthescreen.- Various forms of search to find the desired song.Let the papers and books aside. Take everything withyoueverywhereon your tablet or mobile:- Register your score files or figure (Own or downloadedfromtheInternet) in the app concentrating all in one place.- The current base of music has over 15,000 files available.- Most of the songs are sorted by origin (Cantos Pastoral,PraisetheLord, Let us sing to the Lord and Psalms), but someareclassified as"Other" because I had no time to classifythemcorrectly. Some mayhave two sources, but here are classifiedonlyin one of them, thenthe best option is to search by songtitle.The song title is justthe beginning and not the actual songtitle.That's because in mycase, community people always rememberthebeginning of the song andhardly remember the title ... Sothetitle is registered with theinitial text of the song ...Fundamental to the Catholic musician!Download today the scores app and enjoy the 30 free days toknowyourresources.If you like, buy a license and use the scores with accesstoallresources by the license period chosen.If you do not purchase a license after 30 days, you willcontinuetoaccess the full list of registered songs (over 15 000)and canvieweach of them.Install now and make easier the organization of the songsfortheircommunity celebrations!
Classic Score 1.04
You can find scores for music such asBaroque,Classical and Romantic in one place. You can not onlyfindclassical music sheets, but also enjoy famous performersplayclassical music. It is no longer difficult to read music withascroll that moves along as music plays. With Classic Score,youdon’t need to carry heavy music sheets. Create your ownlibrarythrough your favorites!■ Main Features of Classic Score- Search Composer- Add/Delete to favorites feature- Preview the first page- Music Sheet page display- Music player features- Score once received can be used without anInternetconnection- Scores added without updates
Compartitura 15.0.0
ÚNASE A COMPARTITURA PARA1- VISUALIZAR EL MAYOR REPERTORIO DE ARCHIVOS MUSICALES.2- Búsqueda de profesionales de la música3- Crowdfunding, para compra de partituras originalesentrevariosinteresados.4- Compra-venta de instrumentos.Esta aplicación pertenece a una comunidad de profesionalesdelamúsica de todo el mundo:-Compositores-Arreglistas-Directores-Docentes-Músicos de todos los génerosCON ACCESO PREMIUM:1.- Acceso a un potente buscador, descargas e impresióndearchivosentre todos los títulos de nuestro repertorio2.- Carpeta personal con espacio ilimitado en la nubeparaguardartodos tus archivos y acceder a ellos desdecualquierdispositivo ylugar.3.- Contacto directo a través de un grupo cerrado de chatconelresto de colaboradores para hacer peticiones ycompartirtítulosque no encuentres en nuestros archivosEs el lugar ideal para conocer gente con las mismasinquietudesquetu, encontrar apoyo y ayuda para cualquier proyectomusicalquevayas a emprender. -Si quieres acceder a través de PC, portatil, etc...entraaqui: VIEWING THE LARGEST REPERTOIRE MUSIC FILES.2 Search for music professionals3- Crowdfunding for purchase of original scoresamongvariousstakeholders.4- Buying and selling of instruments.This application belongs to a community of musicprofessionalsfromaround the world:-Compositores-Arreglistas-Directors-teachers-musicians Of all genresACCESSIBLE PREMIUM:1. Access to a powerful search engine, downloading andprintingfilesbetween all titles in our repertoire2. Personal Folder with unlimited space in the cloud to saveallyourfiles and access them from any device, anywhere.3. Direct contact through a closed chat with other employeestomakerequests and share titles group can not find inourarchives It is the ideal place to meet people with the sameinterestsasyou, find support and help for any musical project yougo totakeplace. -If you want access via PC, laptop, etc ...gohere:
Sheet Music Transposition 1.5
You can transpose multiple notes on the staff notation at a time.
Music Sight Reading 1.0.5
Apps Musycom
This is the free version of“MusicSightReading”.This app is to practice several aspects related tomusicsightreading:- Rhythm values sight reading. 4/4 and 12/8 time signatures.- Memorizing rhythmic formulas and executing them. 4/4and12/8time signatures.- Recognizing music notes on the staff and retainingtheirnamesin G Clef.- Recognizing music notes on the staff and clicking theirnamesinreal time.This app includes:- Forty lessons.- The lessons are divided into four different formats tohelpyoupractice an specific aspects of music sight reading.- The lessons are divided into four different formats, eachonetopractice an specific aspect of music sight reading.- In the blue lessons you will see a sheet music and youhavetoclick on a button when each of the music notes is heard.- In the yellow lessons you will see a rhythmicformulathatdisappears after a few seconds. Then you must playitbymemory.- In the red lessons you will listen and you will readsomemusicnotes. When the sheet music disappears you have to clickonthenames of the notes in the same order they werepreviouslyshown.- In the green lessons there will be music notes onthestaffappearing one after the other. You have to click onthepitchnotation corresponding each one.If you want to know how to sight read music this appwillhelpyou.Increase your ability to recognize music notes values andyouwillbe able to grasp any music theory lessons, guitar lessonsorpianolessons.If you want to play piano music, flute music, guitarmusicorviolin music this app is something you will use daily.Knowing how to read music enables you to read pianosheetmusic,violin sheet music or any other type of music sheet.How to play piano, how to play drums, how to playanymusicalinstrument becomes easier when you increaseyourreadingskills.
Maestro - Music Composer 2.2.013
Write sheet music with various musical notations andsymbols.Compose music easy
Orpheus Sheet Music FREE 3.1.7
Maeve Lander
Orpheus is a simple and effective digital sheet musicappformusicians. No more 3 ring binders or display books fullofpaper...use Orpheus to store all your digital sheet music,andaccess it onthe fly. Features •  Annotations •  DropboxIntegration•  GoogleDrive Integration •  Compatible with all majorbluetoothfootpedals •  Search charts •  Set List functionSimple,intuitive,user-friendly design. This app is bloat-free,making itincrediblyeasy to get started with digital sheet music.Bringfreedom to yourmusic - go digital with Orpheus sheet musicreaderfor Android.Find out more at FreevsPro FREEversion has banner ads, and allows one Set List, andoneMusicFolder only. Get PRO version to removetheselimitations.
Ear Training Basic 1.0.9
Apps Musycom
Music has rhythm and melody. Being abletolisten some music notes and knowing whats going on in termsofpitch and duration is an important ability for a musician.Eartraining helps you to read a sheet music without an instrumentandknowing how it sounds.If you are taking guitar lessons or piano lessons this appwillbe very useful for you. Playing piano music or guitar musicisbetter done when you have a clear idea about music notesdurationand pitch.Ear training is vital to understand music theory. How toplayguitar or how to play piano is not just a matter of movingyourfingers, it has a lot to do with listening and knowing what youarelistening to.Perfect pitch is not a requirement to enter a musicschoolbecause there will be ear training lessons. So this appissomething you must have if you are on singing lessons, tryingtolearn how to read music, studying music scales, playingviolinmusic or reading piano sheet music.This app is for those who want to develop a good musicalear.
Read Bach Sheet Music 1.0.12
Apps Musycom
Practice music reading with works by Bach, anywhere and anytime.
Pentagrom Practice music right 1.7.7
***At last, efficient music practice***Pentagrom helps anyone to learn music in a much moreefficientway.Like having a teacher with you 24/7!+ Pentagrom gives you visual and auditory real-time feedbackofeach note you play/sing, telling you which note is it, howitsounds like, and how it would be written on a music score.Learnwritten music by association, not just repetition.+ Upload a MIDI file, choose the voice you would like to“see”,and press play. Pause. Slower. Change the key signature.Whateveryou need.Plus:- Works with any instrument.- Perfect for singers.- Fit for transposing instruments (B ♭ and E ♭)- Valuable for musicians at any level.- Upload a MIDI file and select the instrument you want to “see”thenotes for.- Select the key signature for any tonality.- Adjust the cleff, octave and tempo.FAQ“What makes Pentagrom different of what is already outthere?”Pentagrom shows you back what you’re playing, in a visualandauditory way. As simple and powerful as that. This makes iteasierfor you to associate what you see, with what you hear, withwhatyou play (or sing). In other words, it allows you to learnbyassociation.By adding the sense of sight and its connection to the musicscore,you’ll achieve ear-instrument-score connection much fasterthanwith traditional methods of abstract repetitions andfrustratinglong-term results.“Is this cheating? Will I learn less?”Of course not! We know what we’re doing: he have more than 20yearsof experience teaching music to all kinds of students of allagesand levels. Pentagrom is the closest you can get to havingyourteacher inside your smartphone, listening to every note youplay,24/7.Pentagrom is a music score translator so to speak, but you’retheartist.In fact, we’ve designed Pentagrom so that it answers the threekeyquestions of music practice:a) Which note am I playing and how is it written? b) How doesthiswritten note sound like? c) And how can I tune correctly?“How come this hasn’t been invented before?”We often ask ourselves the same question :)
Music to Notes 2.2
Easily find the note in a song, and accelerate yourlearningofplaying a song. Sound Sight listens using your microphoneandseethe pitches that it hears to the common musicalstaff.**Description ** As you scroll down the lower pitches areshown,asyou scroll up, higher pitches are shown. Roughly In themiddleisthe human voice. Notes are represented by a greenline.Whichslides left on the staff. A green line on A4 means thatyourphonehears a sound with a pitch that you will play onamusicalinstrument as A4. A blue line means it is a sharp (#).Themoregreen/blue the louder the pitch and the more invisiblethequieterthe pitch is heard. *** Full paid version now availableat***SoundSight*Ithas saving/loading. * up to date improvements & bug fixes*Adfree ** Use Cases ** You can use it to practice playinganinstrumentif you know how to read notes, but will not tell youifits a sharpor flat that you are playing unless you areambitiousenough tomaster matrix mode of Sound Sight (Seelimitation 6).Find out thecomposition of pitches that make up yourvoice Findout the note ofthat song you are trying to master (seelimitation6 & 2) If youmaster matrix mode, you can tune yourinstrument(see limitation 2)** Limitations ** There are somelimitation Iwould like to addressso you will not get disappointed.1 - Mostforms of music that youlisten to everyday have lots ofnotes beingplayed at the same time.And seeing it all in one screenwill bedifficult to try and masterthe tune of 1 particularinstrument. 2- Some instruments likeguitar, are not easilycomputed and youwill not see anything useful.The best detectedinstruments aresoft like the flute, recorder,violin and etc...Like wise a songwith many instruments will notwork very well. Asong with around 3instruments will work fine. 3 -This is veryprocessor boundapplication, and the weakest device M2NChas beentested on is HTCLegend which has a cpu of 600 MHz ARM 11processor.If you have anolder device its best not to get this app.M2NC hasbeen heavilyoptimized to be smooth on devices as old as HTChoweverits alreadyreaching such devices processing capability (IEon theedge of whatthe CPU can handle) 4 - Microphone quality is alargefactor indisplay of musical notes. 5 - It may not always be soeasytocalibrate using the 2 sliders at the top, away fromexternalnoise.See calibrating section for info. 6 - Sharp and Flatnotesaredetected but not shown in this version. In a laterversionperhapsdifferent colors for sharp and flat will berepresented.Howeverthe algorithms used are tuned to thosefrequencies. There isamatrix mode where you can see all frequenciesthat are not showninstaff mode. 7 - There is no recording/playbackfunctionality.Thisand other features will be included in the paidversion. Asidefromthese limitations its a fun toy. From a technicalstand pointitstuned and optimized for standard musical notefrequencies whereA4= 440 hz. Discussions
Music Note Tutor Free 1.0.6
Music Note Tutor Free is a simple andeffectiveapp designed simply to teach beginners on reading musicnotes forpiano or anyone who would like to improve their sightreadingabilities. The goal is to identify as many notes as youcan, as fastas you can without any mistakes. At the end of thequiz, you willget instant feedback on your number of wrongattempts and your totalelapsed time. Targeted for beginners whoare just starting outlearning music notes and sight reading togive them a gentle and funintroduction without all thecomplexities. This app can help youimprove your music sheetreading skills with continuous practice.This free version is ad supported.Key features:- Treble and/or Bass Clef Notes- Practice and Quiz Mode- Good quality piano samples- Multiple Difficulty Level- Random Notes Generation- Different Notation optionMusic Note Tutor FreeVersion 1.0.6Copyright © 2015Global
Violin Sheet Music
Violin Sheet Music is the ultimate appbyJellynote to learn and practice your favorite songs on Violin.♫.This app has been specifically designed for violinists.With Jellynote, you have a direct access to thousands of freehighquality interactive violin sheet music with video covers.Many covers have been automatically synchronized withourinteractive sheet music. You can now navigate through thevideowith the music score and vice versa!Easy learning: We are making music learning fun &inspiringthanks to the helping tools we developed.Jellynote has everything you need to help you become thenextLindsay Stirling or Joshua Bell !User-Friendly features:• Huge catalogue from classical songs to the latest hits! Freedailyupdates• Advanced Search Engine• Great Tuner• Filter by genre: Rock / Metal / Pop / Folk / Electronic / Soul/Hip-Hop / Reggae / Jazz / Soundtrack / Classical• Filter by level: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced• Filter by Artists• Offline access to your songbooks and your favorite songs• Synchronize your favorite songs with yourjellynote.comaccount!• History, find very easily what you have already played• Share with your friends your sheet musicSheet Music & Music Score & Tabs features• Tempo control: play the song at your own speed.• Cover videos from YouTube: some covers have been synchronizedwithmusic scores & tabs• Audio player: listen to the song with a good sound playback.Realtime highlight the notes that you should be playing.• Multiple tracks control: set up the volume of each track• Metronome with volume control• Transpose any score / sheet music to change the pitch of thewholepieceSubscribe to Jellynote Premium - One account for allplatforms• Monthly plan: $9.99 renewed automatically each month• Yearly plan: $59.99 renewed automatically each year -Save50%!★ Contacts :Site Web : https://www.Jellynote.comFacebook : : @JellynoteInstagram : @Jellynote