Top 12 Apps Similar to Guide & Tips for Cyberpunk 2077

iLondon Collection. Immersive 1.0.5
The interactive stories of Jack London: A unique reading experience
Cyberpunk Red Companion 5.0.3
Official companion app for the tabletop RPG Cyberpunk Red
The Art of War - PRO (No Ads) 20.912x
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the No Ads version of the free app:TheArtof War by Sun Tzu (ebook & Audiobook). Be advised toremovethefree version for better experience. Don't hesitate tocontact usifyou have any question This app includes the e-book andaudiobookofthe classic strategy book: "The Art of War" (Chinese:孫子兵法) bySunTzu (Sun Zi). The Art of War is a Chinese militarytreatisewrittenduring the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of13chapters, eachof which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, ithaslong beenpraised as the definitive work on military strategiesandtacticsof its time. The Art of War is one of the oldest andmostfamousstudies of strategy and has had a huge influence onbothmilitaryplanning and beyond. The Art of War has also beenapplied,withmuch success, to business and managerial strategies.(SummaryfromWikipedia) Audiobook Read by Moira Fogarty, BobNeufeld,PhilChenevert & Paul Sze Features: - ebook of the ArtofWar(translated by Lionel Giles) - Audiobook versions -Chaptersummaryto help you understand more easily
Arkham Horror LCG Deckbuilder 2.3.2
A fully-loaded app containing a deckbuilder andinvestigatortrackerfor Arkham Horror LCG. Build your deck, trackyourinvestigatorsprogress and update your decklist in an instantwiththis offlineapp! Never worry about shuffling your cards backintoyour boxagain! ◼ Complete with OFFLINE support for decks,cardsand cardimages ◼ Import decks directly from your ArkhamDBaccount◼ Trackyour investigators health, sanity and xp pointsthroughoutcampaigns◼ Build your decks quickly and easily with anarray offilters andsearches ◼ Beautiful, intuitive interface ◼ Useall thelatest cardsand investigators, as soon as they appear onArkhamDB!Become aPatreon over at reportissues and/orfeedback, please use ourgithubissuetracker
Under the Roses Lenormand 2.2.0
Explore secrets in an era of elegant simplicity, with UndertheRoses Lenormand!
The Art of war - Strategy Book 4.1.2
Living a Book
The most influential book about strategy in the world.Indispensablein business
Guilded - Chat, Stats, LFG 8.1.5
Guilded LLC
Chat for gaming communities
HICH - Quiz Trivia Poll Vote 3.03.19
Voting. Polling. Quizzes and Trivia games. Would you rather. Thisorthat.
Ultimate Survival Manual 2.6
Holtet Aprod
Start at the preparedness center where you can monitor disastersandpreparedness management all over the USA. The main feature ofthisapp is a worldwide- all weather conditions survival manualthatgives you what need to survive in any environment. The appwill alsohelp you find your position thru WGS-84 coordinates, andif you needto hunt, this app contains all the calls you will everneed. Withthis app, you are equipped to survive! Chapter 1:Introduction -Survival actions - Pattern for survival Chapter 2:Psychology ofsurvival - A look at stress - Natural reactions -Preparing yourselfChapter 3: Survival planning and survival kits -Importance ofplanning - Survival kits Chapter 4: Basic survivalmedicine -Requirements for maintenance of health - Medicalemergencies -Lifesaving steps - Bone and joint injury - Bites andstings - Wounds- Environmental injuries - Herbal medicines Chapter5: Shelters -Primary Shelter - Shelter site selection - Types ofshelters Chapter6: Water procurement - Water sources - Stillconstruction - Waterpurification - Water filtration devicesChapter 7: Firecraft - Basicfire principles - Site selection andpreparation - Fire materialselection - How to build a fire - Howto light a fire Chapter 8:Food procurement - Animals for food -Traps and snares - Killingdevices - Fishing devices - Cooking andstorage of fish and gameChapter 9: Survival use of plants -Edibility of plants - Plants formedicine - Miscellaneous uses ofplants Chapter 10: Poisonous plants- How plants poison - All aboutplants - Rules for avoidingpoisonous plants - Contact dermatitis -Ingestion poisoning Chapter11: Dangerous animals - Insects andarachnids - Leeches - Bats -Venomous snakes - Snake-free areas -Dangerous lizards - Dangers inrivers - Dangers in bays andestuaries - Saltwater dangers - Otherdangerous sea creaturesChapter 12: Field-expedient weapons, toolsand equipment - Staffs -Clubs - Edged weapons - Other expedientweapons - Cordage andlashing - Rucksack construction - Clothing andinsulation - Cookingand eating utensils Chapter 13: Desert survival- Terrain -Environmental factors - Need for water - Heat casualties-Precautions - Desert hazards Chapter 14: Tropical survival-Tropical weather - Jungle types - Travel through jungle areas-Immediate considerations - Water procurement - Food -Poisonousplants Chapter 15: Cold weather survival - Cold regionsandlocations - Windchill - Basic principles of cold weathersurvival -Hygiene - Medical aspects - Cold injuries - Shelters -Fire - Water- Food - Travel - Weather signs Chapter 16: Seasurvival - The opensea - Seashores Chapter 17: Expedient watercrossings - Rivers andstreams - Rapids - Rafts - Flotation devices- Other waterobstacles - Vegetation obstacles Chapter 18:Field-expedientdirection finding - Using the sun and shadows -Using the moon -Using the stars - Making improvised compasses -Other means ofdetermining direction Chapter 19: Signalingtechniques -Application-Means for signaling -Codes and signals-Aircraft vectoringprocedures Chapter 20: Survival movement inhostile areas - Phasesof planning - Execution - Hide siteactivities - Hole-up areas -Return to friendly control Chapter 21:Camouflage - Personalcamouflage - Methods of stalking Chapter 22:Contact with people -Contact with local people - Survival behavior- Changes topolitical allegiance Chapter 23: Survival in man-madehazards - Thenuclear environment - Biological environments -Chemicalenvironments Appendix A: Survival kits Appendix B: Edibleandmedicinal plants Appendix C: Poisonous plants Appendix D:Dangerousinsects and arachnids Appendix E: Venomous snakes andmollusksAppendix F: Dangerous fish and mollusks Appendix G: Ropesand knotsAppendix H: Clouds foretellers of weather Appendix I:Evasion ofaction
Champions Amino for Paladins 3.4.33514
Amino Apps
Calling all Paladins players! Join the fastest growing communityforPaladins fans. Meet other players, discuss gameplay &strategy,and find fanart, theories, and more. Paladins Amino islike a socialnetwork, chatroom, and fan community all rolled intoone! -JOIN yourfellow Paladins players and meet new friends-DISCOVER new fanart,theories, and more -GET the latest news andupdates -SHARE your owntips and experiences -LEARN and CONTRIBUTEto our Paladins Wiki - anencyclopedia of all things Paladins.
One4Wall - Unique wallpapers
Wallpapers handcrafted specially for this app. Various styles,allin one place!