Top 9 Apps Similar to 帮帮抢

Red packet for WeChat 1.9.5
Automatically grab a red packet onWeChatFeatures:- welfare red envelopes- to improve the probability of robbing big bag - Raise the best probability of luck- Increases the probability of red envelopes for specialauspiciousnumbers- to improve the probability of avoiding the minimum package- red envelopes to speed up grab- delay to grab red envelopes- open screen to grab red envelopes- automatic response- do not grab the specified group or message red envelope
全能抢红包 1.0.0
全能的微信抢红包和qq抢红包软件,为您自动抢,软件介绍:1.QQ红包和微信都能自动抢,只需说明进行设置。2.您还可以加入交流QQ群学习更多抢红包技术。Almighty micro-channelqqgrab grab a red envelope and red software for youautomaticallygrab, Software:1.QQ red and micro-channel will automatically grab, justtheinstructions set.2. You can also add QQ exchange group to learn more techniquestograb a red envelope.
抢红包神器 3.2.1
Pinery Studio
抢红包神器惊天出世,只需要根据提示在手机上安装我们的软件,当微信里出现红包时,我们的程序将自动启动,将红包抢入你的囊中,百人,千人大群红包轻松抢!Grabredartifactshakingout, only need to install our software on thephonewhenprompted,when micro letter envelopes appear, ourprogramwillstartautomatically, the red envelopes get intoyourpocket,hundreds ofpeople, thousands of large red easygrab!
自动抢红包 1.0
特点:只需要简单操作就可以自动抢微信红包,再也不用时时盯着微信看了介绍:1.操作简单,只需简单操作就可自动抢红包2.反应迅速,红包统统拿来,一个都跑不掉3.遇到问题您可以进社区交流Features:Only need a simple operation can automatically grab microletterenvelopes, no longer have to constantly stare at themicro-channelreadDescription:1. Simple, simple operation can automatically grab aredenvelope2. rapid response, all red envelopes used, are a captive3. You can encounter problems into the community exchange
红包快手 1.0
G Techoogle
红包太多了,收不过来,不同的群都在发红包要怎么来抢呢?没关系,使用红包快手,轻松抢到各种红包.1. 安装应用2. 开启快手,进入辅助功能,打开红包快手的辅助功能服务下来只需要等待红包的发送,不需要进入微信,插上充电,等待自动来给你抢红包吧Red envelope too much,butclose to, the different groups are in red envelopes to how torobit?It does not matter, use red deft, easy to grab a variety ofredenvelopes.1. Install the application2. Turn on the deft, enter auxiliary functions, openedenvelopesdeft accessibility servicesJust waiting to be sent down a red envelope, you do not needtoenter the micro-channel, plug charging, wait for the automaticredenvelopes to give you grab it
CodeBoy抢红包 3.0.8
微信抢红包是目前功能齐全、广受大众喜爱的全自动抢红包插件。全新的界面,人性化的功能,有着更好的用户体验和稳定性,全面兼容主流的微信、QQ及支付宝红包。迄今已为用户成功抢得上亿次红包,被誉为最勤奋的“红包搬运工”。1、【防封号规则库】独创全网唯一的防封号规则库,有效避开各种封堵、拦截。2、【自动抢红包】开启自动抢红包服务,将严密监控红包消息,妈妈再也不担心你抢不到红包了,现在限时免费哦!3、【加速抢红包】新增强大的加速抢功能,在同等条件下将提高90%的抢包速率,让你决胜于0.0001秒,快人一步,将红包手到擒来。4、【智能红包过滤】灵活定制你的抢包需求,可以指定不抢某个群、某个人或某个内容的红包,更加人性化。5、【自动回复】如果每个人抢了红包就跑,这世界还有人会发红包吗?!为维护世界和平,我们自动帮你说声感谢。6、【红包记录】出来抢总是要还的!这里提供详尽的抢包记录,该给谁发多少红包,你将了然于心!7、【安全可靠】微信抢红包系统辅助工具,绝不含有任何安全漏洞和隐患,并通过腾讯手机管家等安全软件严格检测,安全可靠,请放心使用。Micro-channel grab aredenvelope is a full-featured, widely loved by the publicofautomatic grab red plug.The new interface, user-friendly features, has a betteruserexperience and stability, is fully compatible with mainstreammicroletter, QQ and Alipay red envelope.So far it has been successful for the user to grab the redenvelopebillion times, known as the most diligent of "redporter."1, [anti-title rule base]Original entire network of anti-title rule base, effectivelyavoidall kinds of block, interception.2, [automatic grab a red envelope]Open Auto grab a red envelope service, will closely monitor theredmessage, then do not worry about your mother grab a redenvelope,and now limited free Oh!3, grab a red envelope [accelerated]New powerful acceleration grab function, under the sameconditionswill increase the rate of 90% of scrambling, so youwinning in0.0001 seconds, quick step, the red Shoudaoqinlai.4, [intelligent red filter]Scrambling flexibility to customize your needs, you can specifynotto grab a group, a person or a red envelope contents,morehumane.5, [automatic reply]If everyone ran to grab a red envelope, there are people inthisworld would send red envelopes it? ! For the maintenance ofworldpeace, we automatically help you to say thanks.6, [red record]Grab it always have to repay! Here scrambling to providedetailedrecords, the number of red envelopes sent to whom, you willclearin mind!7, [safe]Micro-channel system aids grab a red envelope, never containanysecurity vulnerabilities and risks, and by other securitysoftwareTencent mobile housekeeper rigorous testing, safetyandreliability, ease of use.
Red Alert - 微信抢红包神器 3.0.1
Rufus Zhu
An app that helps you detect and open WeChat redpacketsautomatically
红包助手 1.9
Codeboy聊天机器人-聊天助手 2.3.0
Codeboy聊天机器人是一款可以自动回复好友的工具,也可以自动确认添加好友,整个过程不需要root权限,原理是通过Android原生系统的AccessibilityService服务实现自动模拟回复操作。而回复的内容可以自定义,比如在本地添加关键词规则然后选择根据部分匹配、完全匹配、正则匹配关键词,也可以通过服务器接口响应回复内容。主要功能如下:1、自动回复好友消息;2、好友红包与转账自动收取;3、自动确认好友添加消息;4、支持锁屏下回复好友消息;5、支持自定义关键字回复;6、支持服务器接口回复;Codeboy chatbot is atoolthat automatically reply to friends, can also beautomaticallyconfirmed add friends, the whole process does notrequire rootprivileges, works by AccessibilityService serviceAndroid nativesystem of automatic reply analog operation.The reply of the content can be customized, such as localrulesand select Add keywords based on a partial match, exactmatch,regular match keywords, you can also reply to the response bytheserver interface.The main functions are as follows:1, the automatic reply message friends;2, friends and transfer envelopes automatically charged;3, automatic confirmation message add a friend;4, with the support lock screen buddy reply message;5, support for custom keywords reply;6, support for server interface to reply;