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Welcome to download ad-freeSiKu Quan Shu series ************************************************************************************"Yellow Emperor" is the earliest extant writings ofChinesemedicine theory, have a profound impact on futuregenerations laidin medical theory. Legend has it that the YellowEmperor and Qi Bo,Thunder, primary high, Yu tarsal, a smalldivision, Ghost YuDistrict, less Yu and many other ministers todiscuss describedmedicine, but more than that traditionally thebook in the WarringStates period, but some scholars believe to thebook should be inthe Western Han Dynasty.    EMPEROR Western Han Dynasty, the LiuXiang,who had a large-scale school management books, is responsibleforschool management on interspecific party trick, first set outinthe original bibliography Liu Xiang, "Do not record", containedinits child after Liu Xin "Seven little," this two books hasbeenlost, but the contents of the directory is recorded in the HanBancited "Han" , and later reflected in the original can stillbepushed. "Han Yi Wen Fang Technology Strategy," containsmedicalclassics, by the parties, and fairy room of four Chineseclassics.Chinese medicine which have been:    "Yellow Emperor" Eighteenvolumes,"foreign economic relations" Thirty seven volumes;    "Que Neijing" nine volumes,"foreigneconomic relations" Twelve volumes;    "Pak Nei Jing" Thirty eightvolumes,"foreign economic relations" Thirty six volumes, "nextchapter"Twenty-five volumes.    This is the history of the"YellowEmperor" the first record, scholars believe that "YellowEmperor"Bianzhu and named Liu Xiang is likely to be self-hand.    In the Song Dynasty, when the"YellowEmperor" has been a result of private copies and war andlost, into"Q" and two versions of "needleless" were circulated.Afterfinishing the first domestic scholars, is the Mi Jin,according tohim, "Q", "needleless" and "hall hole" Bianzhu to"Huangdi threeacupuncture B by" a book. In the "B by" step, hesaid: "Press" QiLue "," History "," Yellow Emperor "Eighteenvolumes, this has a"needleless "nine volumes," Q "nine volumes,twenty-nine eighteenvolume, namely Canon also, there areBereavements. "    Northern and Southern Dynasties cameinthe first book is "Q" as a school note, the author of thewholeyuan. Full school yuan note the "Q" of the Northern SongDynastyfashion store, it would be a loss not seen. Lin Yi, etc.from thisrevision "heavy Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen Guang sidebar",the volumecan still see the first full directory yuan choreographyand asmall text note.    Early Tang Yang on the goodwill"coffin", "Q" provisions, according to the contentreclassificationof arrangement as the "Yellow Emperor Tai Su"thirty volumes.Although the book early in Bing, but not widelyspread, the smallerthe impact on future generations, in the SongDynasty have beenlost.    "Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi" Yellow EmperorSuWen describes a nine volumes, Liang eight volumes; Huangdineedlethrough nine volumes. This should be the full version yuanand YangShangshan originally adopted, many of which duplicate theerror andobscure places, and therefore did not attract many doctorsto itsin-depth study, this occurred after Bing, was replaced.    The greatest impact on futuregenerationsof Canon version, devaluation of the Tang Bing Note"Huang Di NeiJing Su Wen." Bing-depth study "Q" on the thencurrent version ofthe criticism and the determination to organize,took twelve yearsin the Tang Dynasty Baoying years to complete thepublication. WangBing in its division, "Zhang Gong secret of this"as a blueprint, upinto seven volumes had lost, and participate inother school spreadversion of the "Q" to organize, annotate,ordering of completevolume twenty-four magnum opus. Bing originalcontent with a blackpen to write, he added red pen to write notes,to distinguishbetween the original and the comments of the other.But in latercenturies under private copies, was written in blackand red, wherea Wang Bing Note, and difficult to distinguish. Bingup into theseventh volume of the seven big theory - "Tianyuandiscipline bigtheory", "five runs big theory", "the five permanentmembers ofNational Chengchi University," "six micro-aimed bigtheory", "sixMasaki big theory", " pay larger gas theory "," tothe larger theory"is the main basis of doctrine.    Q version of Bing, after aftertheNorthern Song Lin Yi et recalibrated with, called "theYellowEmperor Guang sidebar Q" (also known as the "New Calibration"thepresent), the most complete "Q" rare, is also an officialtestbasis. Today the spread of the "Yellow Emperor" is the versionofthe Yuan, Ming and Qing physicians, internal notes over time,arealso using this version.    Nei Jing "acupuncture on thechapterseventy-second" and "seventy-third chapter on the disease,"two,when Wang Bing Note has been lost. Song Lin Yi correction "Q"ismentioned there was "Su Wen chapter death" spread, Liu WenShu"Q-in on the Austrian luck" in the original language with thistwo,the Department for the "Q left articles" . Later considered bymostpeople between Tang and Song Wei Tuo.
中醫醫經 2.7.4
《中醫醫經》(繁體)是中醫學術古典著作、古代四種“方技之書”之一。 本應用包括二十二本主要的醫經著作。