Top 22 Apps Similar to Kanji Word

Hán - Việt Từ Điển 1.4
Khánh Phong
HÁN - VIỆT TỪ ĐIỂN là chương trình tracứunghĩa Hán - Việt được xây dựng với mục đích hỗ trợ dịch thuậtKinhsách Phật giáo dựa trên dữ liệu của 2 bộ từ điển thông dụnghiệnnay, là: Từ điển Lạc Việt và Tự điển Thiều Chửu.Lưu ý: Nếu không sử dụng chương trình cho mục đích DỊCHTHUẬTKINH SÁCH PHẬT GIÁO, xin vui lòng đừng cài đặt vì chương trìnhsẽkhông nhiều chức năng như mong đợi và không phù hợp với các nhucầusử dụng cao cấp. Xin chân thành cảm ơn.Vì mục đích nhỏ hẹp là dịch thuật Kinh sách Phật giáo nên dữliệusẽ không thể so sánh với các bộ từ điển khác hiện có, nhưng bùlạichương trình được thiết kế với các tính năng thiên về dịchthuật màhiện chưa có chương trình từ điển nào trên thị trường cóđược, đồngthời chương trình còn được tối ưu tốc độ tra từ vớithuật toán xử lýdữ liệu đặc biệt nên cho tốc độ tra rất nhanh.HÁN - VIỆT TỪ ĐIỂN có 5 chức năng tra từ sau:1. ÂM HÁN - VIỆT: cho phép tra nghĩa chữ Hán theo âm Hán -Việt,là ngôn ngữ thông dụng của người Việt Nam.2. PHIÊN ÂM PINYIN: cho phép tra nghĩa chữ Hán theo phiên âmPinyin,đặc biệt chương trình có khả năng tra theo Pinyin: có dấuthanh,không dấu thanh và dùng số thay dấu thanh.3. CHỮ HÁN: cho phép tra nghĩa chữ Hán theo đúng chữ Hán. Vớicáchtra từ này, chương trình sẽ hiển thị cả các kết quả làthànhngữ.4. TÌM TRONG NGHĨA: đây là chức năng đặc biệt cho phép tìm chữHáncó nội dung trong nghĩa tương ứng.5. SỐ NÉT: cho phép liệt kê tất cả chữ Hán có số nét tương ứng,baogồm cả những chữ Hán không có nội dung nghĩa trongchươngtrình.Chương trình sử dụng dữ liệu từ điển được cài đặt kèm theo,khôngđòi hỏi kết nối internet, không thu thập dữ liệu ngườidùng.HAN -VIETNAMESEDICTIONARY definition lookup program Han - Vietnam wasbuilt withthe purpose of supporting translation, Buddhist sutras of2 basedon data dictionaries now commonly used, are: LacVietnamesedictionary and Self Thieu Chửu dictionary.Note: If you do not use the program for the purposeTRANSLATIONBuddhist texts, please do not install because manyprograms willnot function as expected and did not fit the high-enddemand.Sincerely thank.Because narrow is the purpose of translating Buddhist sutrasdatashould not be compared with other existing dictionaries, butinreturn the program is designed with features thatcurrenttranslation in favor of no show the dictionary on the markethasbeen, at the same time the program has been optimized fromthesurvey speed data processing algorithms specifically to speedupthe investigation quickly.HAN - VIETNAMESE DICTIONARY 5 investigation function fromthefollowing:1. Sino - VIETNAM: allows definition kanji according Sino-Vietnamese, is the common language of the people of Vietnam.2. SOUND SESSION Pinyin: allows definition phonetic PinyinChinesecharacters, special programs have the ability to investigateunderthe Pinyin: Full bar, unsigned bar and use of replacementsealbar.3. Kanji: Kanji allow definition in accordance withChinesecharacters. With this way of investigation, the programwilldisplay all the results are idioms.4. FIND THE MEANING: this is a special function that allows tofindcontent in Chinese characters corresponding meaning.5. SOME FEATURES: allow listing all Chinese characters withthecorresponding number of strokes, including the Chinesecharactersmeaning there is no content in the program.The program uses data dictionary is installed together with,doesnot require an internet connection, does not collect userdata.
Hoc Kanji Han Viet 2136 1.2
Với Kanji 2136 Vn việc học hán tự của bạn sẽ trở nên dễ dànghơnbaogiờ hết.Lĩnh hội trọn 2136 từ hán tự sẽ giúp bạn dễ dàngchinhphụcđược các cấp độ N2,N1 trong tiếng Nhật. Bạn sẽ không cònbậntâm vớiviệc nhầm lẫn trong số hàng ngàn từ hán tự vì ứng dụngđãsắp xếpmột cách rất hợp lý theo bộ,âm án,âm on,âm kun. Hỗ trợchứcnăngđánh dấu yêu thích và ghi chú giúp cho việc học đượcthuậnlợi,ngoàira ứng dụng được bổ sung chức năng tìm kiếm theoâmhán,hán tự,onkun,số nét,nghĩa tiếng anh đáp ứng cho những bạncónhu cầu tra cứunhanh các từ mong muốn. Chức năng kiểm tra sẽđượcnhóm cập nhậttrong thời gian sớm nhất. Vì ứng dụng mang tínhchấtcộng đồng nênhoàn toàn miễn phí.Nếu thấy hay mong các bạnclickquảng cáo để nhómcó kinh phí đầu tư,nâng cấp và cho ra đờinhữngsản phẩm phần mềmtốt hơn. Mọi ý kiến đóng góp xin vui lòng gửiquađịa chỉ[email protected]. Cám ơn các bạn
Kanji Study 1.6
Learning Kanji pictures will help you remember more easilyThe application consists of the Kanji of the level N5 , N4,N3We will continue to update N2 , N1 as soon as possibleWish you effectively learn JapaneseKeywords : Kanji , Japanese
Japanese Kanji Flash Cards 2.0
Nahu Studio
Learn Japanese by playing Kanji flashcards from JLPT levels N5,N4,N3, N2, N1
Japanese-kanji 2.0.0
This is an app for adults who learn Japanese kanji for thefirsttime!
Kanji teaches you the history and structure of the Kanji,thenletsyou learn the Kanji at your own paceusingeasy-to-navigatelessons, quizzes, and flashcards, as well asanintegrated KanjiDictionary. In addition to our BeginningKanjilessons and quizzeswe have intermediate/advanced lessons onOn-YomiReading Groups aswell as Quizzes grouped by JLPT Level andover 40Topics. Features:★ History and structure of the Kanji ★KanjiDictionary ★Integrated lessons, quizzes and flashcards ★StudyKanji by Topicor JLPT Level ★ On-Yomi Reading Groups ★KanjiAnimations ★ Learnthrough On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi vocab quizzes★Covers over 2,000Kanji
Chinese Radicals 1.0.7
Kwon EunJung
The 214ChineseRadicals,Traditional,simplifiedChinese,VariantBook configure the number of copies that are the foundationofmostChinese into the picture.Show only be made to remember.Chinese was the original picture.Immerse yourself in the world of the book interesting astheChinesebegin!
Japanese Kanji Study - 漢字学習 5.1.4
Chase Colburn
Kanji Study is my ongoing project thattriesto be a helpful and easy-to-use tool for learningJapanesekanji. Study with flashcards, customizable quizzes andwritingchallenges. Each kanji has detailed information and manyexamples.The app provides a powerful search tool for looking upkanji byradicals, stroke count and more. You can also make customsets tomatch your textbooks or focus on the kanji you struggle withthemost.The app is NOT entirely free; however, thefreeversion has no ads and offers unlimited study forhiragana,katakana, radicals and beginner kanji. Kanji search andrankingfeatures are also completely unrestricted. The one-timeupgradeunlocks the remaining kanji study groups and allows you tocreateyour own custom sets. It also supports the continueddevelopment ofthis project.Main Features★ Quick kanji lookup• Search over 6000 kanji using readings, radicals, strokecounts,levels and more all in one text field.• Combine any number of radicals and see them highlighted intheresults.• Add search results to a custom group to, for example,studymultiple grade levels.★ Detailed kanji info• View animated strokes, readings and meanings as well as yourstudytime and quiz stats.• See a breakdown of the radicals found within each kanji.• Check out example words (grouped by the kanji readings),sentencesand names.• Customize to hide meanings, collapse sections, show romajiandmore.• Explore the kanji used within each of the examples and usethebreadcrumbs to navigate back.★ Flashcard study• Drill characters in manageable sized sets.• View stroke animations and toggle the visibility of readingsandassociated meanings.• Tap a reading to show a list of example words that usethatreading.• Swipe to quickly launch writing practice and viewadditionalinformation.• Assign study ratings which allows you to filter kanji as youlearnthem.★ Multi-choice quizzes• Customize quizzes to show either readings, associatedmeanings,example words or sentences.• Example words can selected from JLPT and common vocab, as wellasyour favorited examples.• Quiz timer and distractors adapt based on previousquizresults.• Further customize with options to repeat wrong answers, removethetimer, pause after answering and more.★ Writing challenges• Improve your kanji recognition by challenging yourself torecalland draw the characters.• Learn the correct stroke order using the finely-tunedstrokedetection algorithm.• Strokes will snap into place when correctly drawn and hintswillappear if you are struggling.• Use the self-check mode to compare your drawing attempts withthecorrect answer.Additional Features★ Study kanji grouped by JLPT levels, Jouyou grades or KanjiKenteilevels.★ Send custom study reminders when you haven't studied.★ Read Japanese text with text-to-speech audio support.★ Add shortcuts to your home screen to study a particularset.★ Use the rankings screen to make custom sets based onstudystats.★ Favorite kanji, radicals and examples for referencinglater.★ Save progress using Google Drive or local storage.★ Customize MANY additional settings.Permissions- In-app Purchase (purchase upgrade)- External Drive (store backup files)- Install Shortcuts (add home screen shortcuts)- Run at startup (reschedule notifications)- Full network access (send analytics)TranslationsThere is a volunteer translation project for the app interfaceandcontent. If you would like to help, please let me know!
Kanji - Read and Write
Alephbet Kanji takes you through the very first steps oflearningJapanese Kanji
Simple Kanji Quiz (JLPT N5-N1) 0.91
Simple: Only a few kana-readingsandenglish-meanings for each Kanji.Kanji: Actually contains Hiragana / Katakana too, but mainlyJLPTN5-N1, and Grade 1-6 Kanji.Quiz: Contains only continuous multi-choice quiz per Kanji list.You can set the question types in the settings menu (Forexampleif you only want to study kanji to english translation, andnoton/kun kana readings).You can reduce the word count by on the list on main pageScoring is used to track successful answers, words with 10/10scorewill not be asked again, new words will be added to thequestionsinstead.This is a tool created for myself to practice and learnjapanesekanji words.The kanji symbols are extracted from Jim Breen's kanjidiclibrary,and grouped by the JLPT (japanese language proficiencytest)levels.The app is free, even no ads, though you can donate on [email protected]
부수 한자 사전 (214개의 부수, 오프라인 가능) 1.1
Completed all errors and renovated! ('20 .1 month) 214incidentalkanji study (3300 kanji included),
Học Kanji cho người Việt 4.0
IKANJIỨng dụng học chữ Kanji cho người Việt thông qua:-Hình ảnh minh họa cụ thể-50 Bài học về chữ Kanji của Minano Nihongo-Bộ chữ Kanji trong tiếng Nhật-Trắc nghiệm theo bàiỨng dụng hoàn toàn miễn phí. Nếu thấy hay mong mọi ngườiclickquảng cáo ủng hộ mình tiếp tục phát triển ứng dụng tốthơn.Với ứng dụng này mong rằng việc học kanji trong tiếng nhật sẽtrởnên thú vị hơn cho mọi ngườiありがとうございます[keyword] nvtsoft,ikanji,hoc kanji,jbenkiyo,
School Kanji 1.0.3
With this app you'll be able to learn thebasickanjis (1.006) with his translations and the 'On'yumi'and'Kun'yumi'.The kanjis are organized in six grades, as well asjapanesestudents learn these kanjis.You can practice playing to choose the correct Kanji or choosethecorrect translation.Also you can search the english translation to find faster thekanjithat you're looking for.Hope you enjoy learning!
Kanji Senpai
Kanji Senpai will help you learnJapanesevocabulary and kanji.By using a spaced repetition system (SRS) you can memorizethedifferent aspects of each vocabulary: meaning,pronunciation,reading, listening, writing, etc.Included it's the N5 level of the JLPT (JapaneseLanguageProficiency Test) vocabulary list and you can download (forfree!)all the levels (though N1).Ah! This app assumes you've already mastered hiraganaandkatakana.FEATURES• Study several vocabulary aspects: reading, listening,writing,meaning and handwrite• Answers are not so easy so you will really learn that thekanjifor "person" is 人 (hito), no 八 (for example)* In the kanji write aspect, strokes are checked forrightness(there's even a strict mode!)• Lists can be downloaded and upgraded• You can a study a session without audio questions (in caseyou'rein a public place with no headphones)• There are vocabulary translations for English and Spanish• You can create custom listsIf you are serious about learning Japanese, you can downloadpremiumaudio packs for the study lists (don't worry, it's cheap!).Theseaudios are professionally audio recorded from a Japanesenativeteacher that will help you master the vocabulary.The Audio pack for a list (inapp purchase) will unlock:• Audio for words• Audio aspect (you'll be asked for listening questions)• Kanji handwritten aspect (you'll have to write kanjiandkana)• Ads will be disabled• Unlimited custom listsWith your support, the application will evolve with newexcitingfeatures.
Kanji Draw 1.0
leafdigital Kanji draw is a simple application that lets youdrawJapanese characters (kanji) using the touch screen. It isintendedfor Japanese language learners who might need to entercharactersin order to look them up in a dictionary or enter them onawebsite. Open source software. Free and no ads. It identifiesthecharacter you have drawn using a special form ofhandwritingrecognition. You can select the correct character from alist.After entering one or more characters, you can copy them intotheclipboard as text for use in a dictionary. Note that this willNOTwork - at all - if you don't know basically how to draw kanji.Ifyou just draw something any old way that looks like it,itcertainly won't be recognised. You have to drawcharactersbasically the official way. That said there are two formsofrecognition: exact (you must enter the character with thecorrectstroke count, stroke order, and direction) and inexact (youmustdraw basically the correct strokes but can use any orderanddirection). If the inexact search doesn't find it, you cantrysearching for characters with 1 stroke more or fewer than youdrew.This might sound complicated but the interface is easy; yougetexact results straight away, if it's not there then hit thebuttonand wait for inexact results (this takes several seconds,there's aprogress bar), and if it's not there either, you can goonto the+/- 1 results. Notes: - If you've drawn a character and the'Done'button is still greyed out, this is because it's stillloading thedata file. It usually only takes a few seconds, soplease wait.This only happens the first time you draw a characterafterstarting the app. - Some characters don't work very well ifyoudraw them in the normal handwriting style. The data is basedonprint style. If you have difficulty getting a characterrecognised,try drawing it like the print version. This program isreleasedunder GNU Public License version 3. It's based on theleafdigitalkanjirecog library, which is already released under thatlicense. -Uses kanji drawing database derived from the SVGkanji stroke orderimages produced by the KanjiVG project andreleased under CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Learn Japanese hiragana, katakana andkanji,and test yourself by drawing, or multiple choice.This application helps you memorize:- Japanese syllabary :Katakana & Hiragana, with flashcard,keyboard, or drawing recognition- Numbers, in romaji, Hiragana, or kanji- 2300+ japanese kanji's (level 1-5 JLPT or Jouyou 1-7) withstrokeanimation (source KanjiVG), translation, readings(SourceKanjiDict) with flash card and drawing game.- 14600+ japanese words (in english) from EDICT with flashcardtest- Experimental gramatical particle test (around 100 sentencesfromproject Tatoeba) central to japanese language.- Tae Kim Japanese Grammar guide.- new locales (German, Spanish, Russian, Portugues, Thai,Polish,Chinese, Swedish and French), if you can help me adding newlocalesplease contact me.SD write authorisation for write Database to SD cardAnalytic ( and Ads can be disabled in thesettings.-- If at install you have an error "unknown 18", try to removeyourMicroSD car and install again. If it still don't work try tosendme a mail (thanks for the help Matthiew)
Kanji Image 8.0
App with many features to learning japanese.Learn kanji with kanji image very usefull,very exciting.Main content of application:-Learn kanji by image,help to you remember kanji better-Exercise (kanji many level)-Bookmark kanji-Search-App no purchasePlease review and rate for app if you feel useful.ありがとうございます。
Japanese-kanji(free) 3.0.1
This is an app for adults who learn Japanese kanji forthefirsttime!
Daily Japanese Kanji 2.2
Nahu Studio
Learn Japanese JLPT kanji daily for N1,N2,N3,N4,N5withEnglish-Kanji dictionary
Hoc Kanji Han Viet 1.1b2
Kịt Vòng
Kanji Vn là một phần mềm miễn phí dùng đểhọc,tra cứu kanji bằng từ hán việt.Bao gồm 1945 chữ kanji thông dụng đã được sắp xếp theo tần sốsửdụng (chữ kanji được sử dụng với tần số cao được xếptrước.)(Nguồn Phần mềm giúp người dùng tra cứu qua lại giữa kanji - hán việt-âm on - âm kun.- Phần Bookmark giúp người dùng đánh dấu để ghi nhớ các từ.- Phần Tag giúp gom nhiều từ kanji thành 1 nhóm.- Phần Test giúp người dùng kiểm tra lại các từ kanji đã thuộc(Đượcchia ra làm nhiều cấp độ ).Keyword: Học kanji, hoc kanji, han viet, hán việt.My Kanji is afreesoftware to learn, look up kanji by the Vietnam draft.Includes 1945 kanji common had been ordered by frequency ofuse(kanji used with high frequency is ranked first.) (Source Software to help users searching between kanji - Drought Vietnam-sound on - sound kun.- The mark Bookmark help users to memorize the words.- The Tag helped collect more from kanji into one group.- The Test helps users to check all of the kanji (It is dividedintoseveral levels).Keyword: Learning kanji, kanji hoc, viet han, han Vietnam.
Learning Japanese
Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese now available in Google Play!
Learning Japanese 2.5
Efficient Japanese learning application, including kana, dailyandJLPT vocab.