Top 15 Apps Similar to Easy Makeup 2

Makeup Course 80.0
Free makeup course, learning to apply makeup professionally stepbystep.
Real Make Up: Girl 1.0.1
Beautiful face each other apartfromdifferentapplications can achieve our true makeover. Practicewithdifferentfacial hair dye color, you can adjust the coloroflipstick to thelips. Realistic Makeup application, you cancreaterealistic in ourstyle of your dreams for your model toexperimentwith differenteye color from each other. You can getdifferentideas and previewfor your own makeup. How do you choose ahairstylethat would suitthe eye color, nose, lips, how to be fitfor thismodel? You canfind the answers to these questions inourapplication. Have fun!Pupa Games
Maquillaje Profesional 10.0.0
Maquillar de una manera profesional requieredeconocimientos y habilidades que, aunque no son difícilesdeadquirir, muchas personas no los tienen.Por esa razón hemos creado este curso en el que a través de22lecciones tú aprenderás a maquillar a una persona demaneraprofesional. El temario para que veas en más detalle eselsiguiente:1. Introducción - Puntos a tener en cuenta - TiposdeRostros.2. Pasos Previos antes del Maquillaje - Preparación de la Piel-Depilación de Cejas3. Materiales para el Rostro - Correctores - Polvos - Base4. Materiales para los Ojos - Sombras5. Materiales para los labios - Delineadores - Labiales6. Materiales en general - Brochas - Pinceles7. Uso correcto de la Base8. Aplicación de la Base9. El Corrector - Tipos - Colores - Forma de aplicación10. Los Polvos - Tipos - Colores - Forma de aplicación11. Las Cejas - Reconocimiento de puntos claves12. Las Sombras - Colores - Forma de aplicación13. Las Sombras - Delineación del Contorno del Párpado14. Las Sombras - Cómo cubrir el resto del Párpado15. Delineador de Ojos - Tipos - Formas de apliación16. Máscara de pestañas o Rimel - Tipos - Formas deaplicación17. El Rubor - Puntos a tener en cuenta en diferentes rostros18. El Rubor - Forma correcta de aplicarlo19. Maquillaje de Labios - Tipos - Colores - Formasdeaplicación20. Tipos de Labiales - Colores - Texturas- Formasdeaplicación21. Polvos Iluminadores - Tipos - Formas de aplicación22. Sellar el Maquillaje - Polvos translúcidos - FormasdeaplicaciónBONO. Adicional 20 imágenes que te muestran ideas para maquillarlosojosEn resumen es una aplicación con 22 prácticas leccionesqueincluyen textos e imágenes para que te conviertas en una expertaencuanto a maquillaje profesional.Makeup in aprofessionalmanner requires knowledge and skills, but they are notdifficult toacquire, many people do not.For that reason we have created this course you through22lessons you will learn to make up a person professionally.Theagenda to see in more detail as follows:1. Introduction - Points to consider - Types of Faces.2. Steps Up Pre before - Skin Preparation - Eyebrow Waxing3. Materials for the Face - Concealer - Powder - Base4. Materials Eye - Shadows5. Materials for lips - Liners - Lip6. Materials in general - Brushes - Brushes7. Proper Use of Base8. Application of the Base9. Concealer - Types - Colors - Application Form10. Powder - Types - Colors - Application Form11. Eyebrows - Recognition of key points12. The Shadows - Colors - Application Form13. The Shadows - Eyelid Contour Delineation14. The Shadows - How to cover the rest of the Eyelid15. Eyeliner - Types - Forms app16. Mascara and Mascara - Types - Application Forms17. Blush - Points to consider in different faces18. Flush - Correct way to apply19. Lip Makeup - Type - Colors - How to apply20. Types of Lipsticks - Colors - textures- Application Forms21. Highlighting Powder - Types - Application Forms22. Seal the Makeup - Translucent Powder - How to applyBONO. Additional 20 pictures showing you ideas for eye makeupIn short it is an application with 22 practical lessonsthatinclude text and images for you to become an expert in termsofprofessional makeup.
Professional Makeup Course 80.0
Professional Makeup Course, learn professional makeup step by step.
Curso de Maquillaje 1.1
Curso de Maquillaje es unaherramientacon la que podrás aprender decenas de trucos demaquillaje de unamanera sencilla y amena, con decenas de maneras derealizar un tipode maquillado y conocer procesos profesionales.En esta herramienta de aprendizaje tendrás a tu disposiciónunaserie de pequeños temas en los que se agrupan los mejoresconsejosde cosmética para aplicarlos en función del tipo de piel,de losmateriales disponibles o de la ocasión, entre otras cosas.Así,conseguirás cambios notables siguiendo los pasos e indicacionesquete facilitarán la aplicación del maquillaje sobre cadapersona.El curso está compuesto por veintiuna lecciones, a las que selessuma una breve introducción y una serie de infografías queteayudarán a entender mejor algunas de las explicaciones.Aquíencontrarás consejos sobre los materiales a emplear en ojos,labioso rostro, bases, correctores, cejas, delinear ojos, sombras ydemásmétodos y formas de maquillar. La ventaja de esta aplicaciónes quetodo el material didáctico estará siempre a tu disposición,paraque puedas acceder a él en cualquier momento, y repasartuslecciones desde cualquier sitio.Las lecciones que encontrarás en esta app son lassiguientes:- Preparar la piel- Materiales - Rostro- Materiales - Ojos- Materiales - Labios- Materiales - Brochas y Pinceles- La Base- La Base - Aplicación- El Corrector- Los Polvos- Las Cejas- Las Sombras- Las Sombras - Delinear contorno del párpado móvil- Las Sombras - Cubrir el resto del párpado- El Delineador de ojos- Máscara de pestañas o rimel- El Rubor - Diferentes maneras de aplicarlo- El Rubor - Aplicación- Maquillaje de Labios- Tipos de Labial- Los Polvos Iluminadores- Sellar el maquillajeTe aseguramos que si sigues al pie de la letra todos lospasos,indicaciones, consejos y trucos que te proporcionamospodrásrealizar perfectamente cuantas sesiones de maquillajeprofesionalquieras, logrando cambios verdaderamentesorprendentes.Su nivel es básico así que cualquiera puede seguir este cursosinproblemas y adquirir todas las técnicas de maquillaje.* Si te gusta la app valorala con 5 estrellas. Nos ayuda aseguirmejorando. Gracias.Makeup Course is atoolwith which you can learn dozens of tricks of makeup in asimple andentertaining way, with dozens of ways to make a type ofmakeup andmeet professional processes.In this learning tool have at your disposal a number ofsmallissues where the best tips to apply cosmetics are groupedaccordingto the type of skin, available materials or the occasion,amongother things. So, you will get significant changes followingthesteps and instructions that will facilitate the implementationofmakeup on each person.The course consists of twenty lessons, which are joined byabrief introduction and a series of infographics to help youbetterunderstand some of the explanations. Here are tips on thematerialsto be used on eyes, lips or face, foundations,concealers,eyebrows, eyes outline, shadow and other methods andways ofmakeup. The advantage of this application is that allteachingmaterials will always be at your disposal, so you canaccess it atany time and review your lessons from anywhere.The lessons you'll find this app are:- Prepare the skin- Materials - Face- Materials - Eyes- Materials - Lips- Materials - Paint brushes- Base- The Base - Application- The Corrector- Powders- Eyebrows- The shadows- Shadows - Outline contour of the eyelid- Shadows - Cover the rest of the eyelid- The Eyeliner- Mascara or Mascara- The Flush - Different ways to apply- Blushing - Application- Lip Makeup- Types of Lip- The Shimmer Powder- Seal makeupWe assure you that if you follow to the letter all thesteps,instructions, tips and tricks that you can performperfectlyprovide few sessions want professional makeup, achievingtrulyamazing changes.Its level is essential so that anyone can follow thiscoursewithout problems and acquire all makeup techniques.* If you like the app value it with 5 stars. It helps ustokeep improving. Thank you.
Curso maquillaje profesional 2
Sabemos que te encanta el maquillaje,sabemosloimportante que es para ti y para todas las esposas. Esteálveodemaquillaje está especialmente gestado para chicas como túquebuscaninformaciones circunstancias de maquillarse cadatrayecto,mejorandosus normas o aprendiendo algunas informaciones.Paramemorizar aadornar no debes acosar caros cauces en tu capitaloalrededor de tuvivienda, a sucesiones solo puntada conalcanzaralgún intervalo eninternet, como este que ahora traemospara ti.Este álveo fueocasionado por especialistas y es entregadoa todosen guisa de unacordial app para que puedas llevarlaadondequieras.Curso de maquillaje es una herramienta adonde aprenderástodoslostrucos del maquillaje de una manera fácil y mucho masrapida.Teaseguramos que si sigues al pie de la letra todoslospasos,eindicaciones, avisos , tips y maneras de maquillartequeteproporcionamos podrás verificar correctamente queaprenderasdemaquillaje profesional donde quieras, logrando vuelcosenrealidadimpresionantes. Su nivel es fundamental así quecualquierapuedeacatar este intervalo sin inconvenientes y captartodas lostips demaquillaje.El Curso de maquillaje está compuesto por mas de21leccionesonline que podras ver donde quieras, además deunaintroducción,4infografías muy interesantes y el resultado finaldelcurso demaquillaje profesional para ti.Entre algunas de las lecciones de maquillaje queencontrarásenesta app son las siguientes:- Preparar la piel- Materiales - Rostro- Materiales - Ojos- Materiales - Labios- Materiales - Brochas y Pinceles- La Base- La Base - Aplicación- El Corrector- Los Polvos- Las Cejas- Las Sombras- Las Sombras - Delinear contorno del párpado móvil- Las Sombras - Cubrir el resto del párpado- El Delineador de ojos- Máscara de pestañas o rimel- El Rubor - Diferentes maneras de aplicarlo- El Rubor - Aplicación- Maquillaje de Labios- Tipos de Labial- Los Polvos Iluminadores- Sellar el maquillajeWe know youlovemakeup,know how important it is for you and for all wives.Thismakeup isespecially álveo gestated for girls like you whoareseekinginformation about circumstances of makeup eachway,improving itsstandards or learning some information. To storetodecorate youshould not harass expensive channels on your capitaloraround yourhome, to successions single stitch with internetreachsomeinterval, like this that we now bring to you. This wascausedbyálveo specialists and is delivered to all in the guiseofafriendly app so you can take it wherever you want.Makeup course is a tool where you will learn all the tricksofmakeupeasily and much faster. We assure you that if you followtotheletter all the steps, and indications, warnings, tips andwaysofmakeup that you can provide to ensure properly that youwilllearnprofessional makeup wherever you want, makingrolloversreallyimpressive. Its level is essential so anyone canobservethis rangesmoothly and capture all the makeup tips.The makeup course consists of 21 lessons online but youcanseewhere, in addition to an introduction, you wantfourveryinteresting infographics and the final result of thecourseofprofessional makeup for you.Some of the makeup lessons you'll find this app are:- Prepare the skin- Materials - Face- Materials - Eyes- Materials - Lips- Materials - Paint brushes- Base- The Base - Application- The Corrector- Powders- Eyebrows- The shadows- Shadows - Outline contour of the eyelid- Shadows - Cover the rest of the eyelid- The Eyeliner- Mascara or Mascara- The Flush - Different ways to apply- Blushing - Application- Lip Makeup- Types of Lip- The Shimmer Powder- Seal makeup
Curso Maquillaje Realista 1
Muchas veces se piensa queelmaquillajeconsiste tan solo en la aplicación dedistintosproductoscosméticos sobre el rostro, pero eso no escierto.Elmaquillaje esun arte que, si es practicado de la maneracorrecta,es capaztransformar cualquier rostro, resaltando lasmejoresfacciones sinhacer perder la naturalidad.En el mundo de hoy la presentación es muy importante,porellodominar las técnicas correctas para aplicarse oaplicarunmaquillaje profesional resulta fundamental.Pensando en ello, hemos realizado este cursodemaquillajeprofesional para ti. Luego de realizarlo, estarásencompletacapacidad de realizar un maquillaje impecable, de acuerdoalosdistintos tipos de rostro que existen, y de acuerdo tambiénalaocasión que se requiera.Aprenderás en este curso de paso a pasolacorrectaaplicación de los cosméticos, las nuevas tendencias,lacorrectacombinación de colores, así como los mejores secretosytrucos delmaquillaje moderno.Antes de comenzar, es importante tener siempre encuentatrespuntos esenciales:Considerar la ocasión en la que se requiere elmaquillaje(denoche, de día, casual, de gala, etc.).El color de la ropa, así como el de la piel, los ojosyelcabello.Identificar el tipo de rostro.Para ayudarte a identificar el tipo de rostro, debesguiarteporlos dibujos que encontrarás a continuación. Ten en cuentaque noesnecesario que la correspondencia sea exacta, la idea estomarestostipos de rostro como referencia y elegir el que más seacercaalque se tiene.1) Alargado2) Triangular3) Redondo4) CuadradoEn este curso podras aprender mas sobre maquillaje , comolosonlas siguientes lecciones:IntroducciónPreparar la pielMateriales - RostroMateriales - OjosMateriales - LabiosMateriales - Brochas y PincelesLa BaseLa Base - AplicaciónEl CorrectorLos PolvosLas CejasLas SombrasLas Sombras - Delinear contorno del párpado móvilLas Sombras - Cubrir el resto del párpadoEl Delineador de ojosMáscara de pestañas o rimelEsto hará que el más hermoso maquillaje para laaplicacióndelmaquillaje. Maquillaje de ojos, maquillaje de labios,hay todotipode maquillaje y pestañas que usted se pueda imaginar.Conestaaplicación a los dos para aprender las técnicas demaquillajeyhacer su propio maquillaje en una gran forma.Many times youthinkthatmakeup is only in the application of differentcosmeticproducts onthe face, but that's not cierto.El makeup is anartthat, ifpracticed in the right way, can transform anyface,highlightingthe best features without losingnaturalness.In today's world presentation is very important, thereforemastertheright techniques to apply or apply a professionalmakeupisessential. Thinking about it, we have taken this courseofprofessionalmakeup for you. After realizing it, you will beinfull ability toperform flawless makeup, according to varioustypesof face thatexist, and according also to theoccasionrequired.You will learn in this course step bystepthecorrect application of cosmetics, new trends, therightcombinationof colors as well as the best secrets and tricksofmodernmakeup.Before you begin, it is important to always keep inmindthreeessential points:Consider the occasion when makeup (night, day, casual,gala,etc.)is required.The color of the clothing and the skin, eyes and hair.Identify the type of face. To help you identify the type of face, you should walkyouthroughthe pictures you'll find below. Note that it isnotnecessary thatthe correspondence is accurate, the idea is totakethese types ofreference face and choose the one closest to theoneyou have.1) Elongated2) Triangular3) Round4) SquareIn this course you can learn more about makeup, asarethefollowing lessons:IntroductionPrepare the skin Materials - FaceMaterials - EyesMaterials - LipsMaterials - brushes BaseBase - Applicationthe CorrectorPowdersEyebrowsThe shadowsShadow - Outline contour of the eyelidShadow - Cover the rest of the eyelidThe EyelinerMascara or mascaraThis will make the most beautiful makeup formakeupapplication.Eye makeup, lip makeup, there are all kinds ofmakeupand eyelashesthat you can imagine. With this application bothtolearn themakeup techniques and make your own makeup in abigway.
Course de Maquillage 1.0
Cours de maquillage est un outil oùvousapprendrez tous les trucs de maquillage d'une manière facileetamusant.Nous vous assurons que si vous suivez à la lettre touteslesétapes, des instructions, des trucs et astuces que vouspouvezeffectuer parfaitement fournissent quelques séancesveulentmaquillage professionnel, la réalisation de changementsvraimentétonnantes.Son niveau est essentiel pour que chacun puisse serguir cecourssans problèmes et d'acquérir toutes les techniquesdemaquillage.Le cours se compose de 21 leçons, plus une introduction,3infographie très intéressants et le résultat final du cours.Les leçons que vous trouverez dans cette application sont:- Préparer la peau- Visage - Matériaux- Matériaux - Yeux- Matériaux - Lèvres- Matériaux - brosses- La Base- La Base - Demande- Le Correcteur- Poudres- Les sourcils- Ombres- Ombres - Outline contour de la paupière- Ombres - couvrir le reste de la paupière- Le Eyeliner- Mascara Mascara ou- Le Flush - Différentes façons d'appliquer- La chasse - Demande- Maquillage- Types de rouge à lèvres- La poudre scintillante- Maquillage Sealmakeup class is atoolwhere you learn all the makeup tricks in an easy and fun way.We assure you that if you follow to the letter all thesteps,instructions, tips and tricks that you can performperfectlysessions provide some want professional makeup, achievingtrulyamazing changes.Its level is essential for everyone to serguir thiscoursewithout problems and to acquire all the makeuptechniques.The course consists of 21 lessons, plus an introduction,threevery interesting graphics and the final result of thecourse.The lessons that you find in this application are:- Prepare the skin- Face - Materials- Materials - Eyes- Materials - Lips- Materials - brushes- The base- The Base - Request- The Corrector- Powders- Eyebrows- Shadows- Shadow - Outline contour of the eyelid- Shadows - cover the rest of the eyelid- The Eyeliner- Mascara or- The Flush - Different ways to apply- Hunting - Request- Makeup- Lipstick Types- The glitter- Seal Makeup
Mermaids are the most fantastic andbeautifulprincesses of the ocean. Come in and enjoy the mermaidpainting anddrawing salon. In this free coloring book game forgirls you findmany coloring pages and pictures.You can paint all designs with different colors and you canpainttheir hair, clothes, makeup and tail. But you also have theoptionto draw your own drawing or work with stamps and stickers.Alsoincluded are designs of fish and dolphins.When you're done and have made a nice picture you can easilystoreyour design to use as wallpaper or share it with friendsorfamily.We have a coloring book full of free pages of mermaids inmanydifferent themes which you can paint and draw:- Mermaids in beautiful dresses with long tails and hair.- Playing with other animals like fish, seahorsesanddolphins.- In love which kiss with merman.- Looking for treasures while diving under the sea.- A little mermaid excitement with scary sea creatures.If you or your daughter likes little mermaids she will alsoenjoycoloring and painting the models in this app. And with allthecolors you can chose from you can also makeover and colorthemakeup, tails and hair of these beautiful girls. Can you makethemlook like a real mermaid?Or take a look at our other games with lovely designs forkids,babies and toddlers. Drawing, painting, dress-up and makeovergamesto make beautiful pictures and stimulate the creativity ofyour sonor daughter. We have lots of free painting and drawinggames forboys and for girls.All mermaid coloring pages are copyright protected by2Monkeys
Maquillaje Paso a Paso 1.0
***** ¿Te gustaría tener laaplicacióndelMaquillaje Paso a Paso desde tu dispositivomóvil?Que te parece tener a tu disposición los conceptos esencialesparaelMaquillaje? *****En Como Maquillarse Paso a Paso encontraras:-Aplicación liviana, rápida y de fácil navegación-Recibir notificaciones y/o actualizaciones-Información útil sobre MaquillajeComo Maquillarse Paso a Paso puedes compartirla con tusamistadesenlas redes sociales.No dejes pasar un momento más, Descárga gratis ahoramismotuaplicación de Maquillaje!!Si te gusto nuestra app Maquillaje Paso a Paso califícanoscon5estrellas ★★★★★ para seguir progresando. Tus opinionessonmuyimportantes para nosotros. Gracias!Elaborado por:GandApps***** Would youliketohave makeup application Footsteps from your mobiledevice?You seem to have at your disposal the essential conceptsformakeup?*****In As Putting on makeup Footsteps you will find:light, fast and easy to navigate -Application-To Receive notifications and / or upgrades-Information on Makeup helpfulAs their make-up share with your friends on social networks.Do not miss a moment, free download your applicationnowMakeup!!If you like our app makeup Footsteps Review us with 5 stars★★★★★forfurther progress. Your opinions are very important tous.Thankyou!Produced by:GandApps
Dulhan Makeup 1.2
Malta Apps
Makeup karna sikhiye
Lip makeup 1.1.2
Lip makeupWe end up lipsticking in a way that is worth seeinginwonderfullydifferent styles.💫 step by step💫 There are different stylesKend make color choice yourselfEk we have added a lot of lips for you and we are helping youtofindwhat is right for you from these lipsticksThe only thing you have to do to have them is download.Put down and reveal your life and your style.Every girl joins a ball is totally beautiful and wants tobegreat.So, they need to apply makeup to enhance their beautynexttochoose the best dress. At the same time, the girl worksforyou.You can try this promo makeup tutorial for your big event.Youcanstart by applying a pore to the cream disappearing. Thiscreamwillhelp you hide your obvious pores. Then, base your face ontheface.Foundation will help you make your face completelysmooth.Also,your skin can be balanced out for more partymakeup.
Artesanato Passo a Passo Já! 2.1.1
Artesanatos Passo a Passo diversosreunidosemum mesmo lugar! Agora você pode baixar o aplicativo PassoaPassoJá, que oferece gratuitamente mais de 2 mil passo apassosdeartesanato da internet.Simples, leve e atualizado diariamente, com ele vocêteráacessográtis a matérias completas, com lindos artesanatos emPET,tecido,EVA, biscuit, papel, feltro, vidro, moldes, ideiasparareciclageme muito mais.Entre as categorias que você encontrará nesse APP estão:CategoriasArtesanato com FuxicoArtesanato com ReciclagemArtesanato em EVAArtesanato em FeltroArtesanato em GeralArtesanato em MDFArtesanato em TecidoArtesanato para DecoraçãoEncadernação ArtesanalLembrancinhas de CasamentoPatchworkPintura em TecidoArtesanato com Garrafa PetEntre Outros...Como FuncionaVocê baixa o aplicativo, instala em seu smartphone outabletediariamente você receberá passos a passoincríveis,podendomarca-los como Favoritos e ver quantas vezesquiser!O aplicativo Passo a Passo Já ainda permite vervídeos-aulas,saberdas novidades em cursos de artesanato, dicasespeciais emuitomais.Veja algumas funções legais:• Receba novos passo a passos diariamente;• Vídeos: veja vídeos de passo a passos super legais• Compartilhe as matérias com seus amigos no Facebook;InternetPara ter acesso a novos artesanatos é necessário estarconectadoàinternet. Após atualizado, o passo a passocarregadoficaráarmazenado em seu aplicativo, podendo ser vistoquantasvezesquiser.Comentários,Sugestões, críticas ou reclamações podemserfeitasatravés do e-mail: [email protected]éditosOs artesanatos divulgados são produções de artesãs de todoopaís,que divulgamos sempre com a citação dos devidoscréditos.Casoencontre alguma imagem com créditos não mencionados,entreemcontato conosco que solucionaremosoproblema:[email protected]:Este aplicativo contém publicidade. Pedimos a compreensãodetodos,pois os custos de produção das matérias e de hospedagemdasimagensé alto.Produtor: Step byStepmanygathered in one place! Now you can download theapplicationStep byStep You, which offers more than 2000 step to theinternetcraftsteps.Simple, light and updated daily, with it you will havefreeaccessto comprehensive materials, with beautiful handicraftsinPET,fabric, EVA, biscuit, paper, felt, glass, templates,ideasforrecycling and more.Among the categories you will find this APP are:CategoriesCrafts with FuxicoCrafts with RecyclingCrafts EVACrafts FeltGeneral craftsCrafts MDFCrafts FabricCrafts DecorationBinding CraftWedding souvenirsPatchworkPainting on FabricCrafts with Pet BottleAmong others...How it worksYou download the application, install on your smartphoneortabletand you will receive daily steps to incredible step andcanmark themas favorites and see how many times as you want!Step by step application have also lets you viewvideos,lessons,learn new things in craft courses, special tipsandmore.See some cool features:• Get new step by step every day;• Videos: See step videos super legal steps• Share the stories with your friends on Facebook;InternetTo gain access to new crafts you must be connected totheinternet.After updated, the loaded step by step will be storedinyourapplication and can be viewed as often as desired.Comments, suggestions, comments or complaints can bemadebye-mail: [email protected] crafts are disclosed artisans productions from alloverthecountry, which always disclose to the citation of credits.Ifyoufind any image with no tax credits, please contactustotroubleshoot the problem: [email protected]:This app contains advertising. We ask for understandingofallbecause the production costs of materials and hosting oftheimagesis high.Producer:
URA - Learn Assembler 1.1.3
With this app, you can take your firststepsinto computer programming. It features a very simply designed- yetpowerful - CPU, allowing you to program it easily usingassembler,the most basic programming language. It includes a fulltutorialconsisting of 20 small lessons which are understandableeven forpersons who do not know how to program yet.