Top 2 Games Similar to 脑筋急转弯

单机急转弯游戏 8.15.304
脑筋急转弯单机游戏收集了近3600多条有趣益智题目,休闲益智单机游戏中的精品。趣味盎然,老少皆宜,通过阅读可以锻炼你从多角度思考问题,认识世界的能力,也可以帮助你破除固有思维,培养灵活多变的思维方式.经常练习,你的智力水平和思维能力都会得到质的飞跃.如果您觉得此软件还不错的话,记得推荐给好友使用哦!声明:本程序永久免费,一下下载,永久使用。功能列表:一、精选出近3650多条趣味盎然的脑筋急转弯题目;二、隐藏答案,让您领会和猜想,增加游戏的乐趣;三、每次进入都是不同的题目,有3600多条题目随机显示;四、好友分享,如果你想和你的好友互动,可以分享通过微信、QQ、短信多种方式发送;喜爱脑筋急转弯的理由:1、娱乐互动,掌握多的脑筋急转弯能让我们在交往中更加好的拉近距离;2、开发大脑,思维变得更加活跃;3、放松心情,在紧张的工作环境中,为何不来几个脑筋急转弯来放松一下自己呢;使用中遇到的任何问题,欢迎反馈!Riddles singlegamecollected nearly more than 3,600 pieces of interestingpuzzletitle, casual puzzle single game in the boutique. Fun-filled,allages, through reading can exercise your thinking frommultipleperspectives, recognizing the ability of the world, canalso helpyou get rid of the inherent thinking,Culture flexible way of thinking. Regular practice,yourintelligence and thinking ability will be a qualitative leap.Ifyou think this software is also good, then remember to recommendtoa friend to use Oh!Disclaimer: This procedure permanently free, clickdownload,permanent use.function list:First, the selection of nearly more than 3,650 pieces, funandfulfilling Riddles subject;Second, hide the answer, so you understand and conjecture,increasethe fun of the game;Third, each entry is a different subject, there are more than3600pieces randomly display the topic;Four friends to share, if you want to interact with yourfriends,you can share the letter sent by the micro, QQ, SMS varietyofways;Riddles of favorite reasons:1, interactive entertainment, Riddles allows us to grasp moreandmore good draw closer in a relationship;2, the development of the brain, thinking becomes moreactive;3, relax in a stressful work environment, why not come and relaxafew Riddles ourselves;Use any problems encountered, welcome feedback!
脑筋急转弯5000 1.5.0