Top 14 Apps Similar to Схемы фенечек

Фенечки 1.0
Фенечки – это плетенные вручную браслетыизразнообразных ниток, кожи, бисера, лент и другой, порой дажесамойнеожиданной фурнитуры. Название изделия предположительно взятоизанглийского словаря – «thing», что означает «вещь» или «штучка».Внаше время фенечки используются в качестве одной изсоставляющихстиля или просто как украшения. На самом же делепервоначально унеё был свой символический смысл, старинная историяи значение.Так, впервые фенечки появились у племён индейцев иявлялисьсимволом дружбы, единства и доверия. Любвеобильнаясубкультурахиппи, всесторонне поддерживающая этнические корни икультуру,переняла этот символ. Теперь уже нельзя было встретить ниодного«дитя цветов», у которого бы не было этого символа братства.- Плетение фенечек из мулине;- Прямое;- Косое плетение;- Из ленточек;Baubles - a handwovenbracelets of various threads, leather, beads, ribbons, andother,sometimes even the most unexpected accessories. Productnamesupposedly comes from the English vocabulary - «thing», whichmeans"thing" or "stuff". Nowadays Baubles used as a component ofthestyle or simply as decoration. In fact, she initially hadasymbolic meaning, ancient history and significance. For thefirsttime Baubles appeared in Indian tribes and is a symboloffriendship, unity and trust. Loving hippie subculture, tofullysupport the ethnic roots and culture, has adopted this symbol.Nowit was impossible to find a single "baby colors", which wouldnothave this symbol of brotherhood.- Weaving baubles of floss;- Direct;- Oblique weaving;- From ribbons;
Схемы фенечек 3.3
Содержит схемы фенечек, а также мастер-классыотом, как плести феньки. Браслет, сделанный своими руками,подаритвам теплое летнее настроение и станет приятным подарком длявашихдрузей. Полезное приложение для любителей рукоделия. Вприложениипредставлены схемы для плетения браслетов косымплетением, прямым икумихимо, а так же схемы для брелков.Теги: Фенечки, схемы, косое, прямое плетение,браслеты,рукоделие, ручная работа, своими руками, подарок.Contains schemebaubles,as well as master classes on how to weave Fennec. Bracelet,made byhand, will give you a warm summer mood and will be a nicegift foryour friends. A useful application for those who likeneedlework.Attached are diagrams for braiding bracelets wovenoblique,straight and Kumihimo, as well as schemes for trinkets.Tags: Baubles, diagrams, oblique, straight weave,bracelets,crafts, handmade, with your hands, a gift.
Easy Bracelet Tutorials 4.0
Did you know that the history offriendshipbracelets can be traced back to Central and South Americawherenative Indian tribes tied bracelets to friends who in turncouldwish for something when the bracelet was tied to them? Thebraceletwas not supposed to be removed but was supposed to fall offon itsown at which time the wish was supposed to come true.Today, friendship bracelets are more a symbol of friendshipthana wish making accessory. These bracelets come in severalpatternsand designs, and some of the patterns that you can use tomake coolfriendship bracelets at home are given below.Traditional friendship bracelets are made using embroideryflossand while today you can use a variety of different materialstomake these bracelets, friendship bracelets made fromembroideryfloss remain extremely popular.Given below are instructions that you can use to makefriendshipbracelets using embroidery floss for what is popularlyknown as thecandy pattern, which is one of the coolest friendshipbraceletpatterns that you can use.The first step that you need to take while making anembroideryfloss bracelet is to measure the three different coloredflossthreads that you have and cut 3 strands of each color to alengthof three feet each.Now hold all nine strands together and knot them togetheratdistance of three inches from the edge that you are holdingthestrands at. Now using a tape, attach the floss threads to atableso that you can easily thread the bracelet.Next spread out the nine strands of floss so they do notgettangled. Take the floss at the left side and overlap it overthesecond strand and then behind it. Now bring it to the front ofthefirst floss thread. While doing this, ensure that you holdthethreads tightly, as otherwise the knot will not be proper andthebracelet may open up.Now repeat this step with the third strand and continue tillyouhave finished using strand number one to knot each ofthestrands.Once you have done this, you would have created anintricatelypatterned row and the strand that you had started outwith wouldhave ended up at the right hand side.Now start the process again with the strand at the left handside.Keep repeating the steps till an intricate design isvisiblethrough the bracelet.Once you have achieved a desired length with the bracelet, youcanknot it again and finish making the bracelet by braiding theendsof the same.Some of the most popular friendship bracelets are based onthisdesign. It is very easy to learn and with a little practice,youwill easily master this bracelet design pattern.If you have been on the lookout for friendship braceletdesignsthat are easy to make without the headache of embroideryflossthreads and following detailed instructions forfriendshipbracelets, then making bracelets with beads should beeasy for you.These patterns using beads are easy to follow and makeand can bemodified or adapted to suit your fashion and designsensibilitywithout any difficulty.The first step while following instructions for thisbraceletpattern is to apply glue to the end of the string. Thenthread thewhite pony beads to the center of the cord.Next loop the thread around and slip the cord through the firstbeadagain. Hold it tightly to ensure that it does not open up.
Alpha-Pattern Lite 0.3.15
We would like to please lovers of handiwork with newapplicationbySponte! Perhaps you have tried to weave baublesorfriendshipbracelets schemes and already know how interesting itis.Ourapplication will help you to create any scheme of Alphapatternonyour tablet or phone. Program features: - change knotcountofhorizontal and of vertical - Create your own color pallete-Setcolor for each knot of your bracelet, trinket and anythingyouwantto string - When the pattern is ready, you will be abletochangecolor pallete of your strings, and bracelet wouldrecoloranothercolors P.s. The program allows to delete only unusedcolorsfrompallete. If you change color that is in use, the wholeschemewillrecolor :). Use this feature to recolor the scheme. Ifyou wanttodelete color, make it unused. Regards, Sponte team.
Friendship Bracelets beginner 1.0
Learn to make your own colorfulbraceletsofthreads or yarn. As fun for beginners as it istointermedates.Learn. Get inspiration. Share ideas.15 “Summer Camp Style” Friendship Bracelets You Can Make RightNow.ADIY guide to the original arm party
DIY Bracelet Tutorial Ideas 1.0
DIY bracelet tutorial ideasFree download amazing bracelet tutorial design ideasYou can buy bracelets from any store buthavingfriendshipbracelets and especially from person who is yourbestfriend isvery exciting thing. Friendship bracelets arespecialbracelet onefriend gives to another to show his or herfriendship.But if youneed an inspiration in making bracelet on yourown, justinstallthis application and follow the instruction and thebraceletwillbe yours.Some people buy it from store while some like to make itathome.They want to show their love for their friends bymakingfriendshipbracelet patterns more special and unique. You alsocanmake it athome by using threads, beads, and with othermaterialyou wouldlike. This tradition was started by NativeAmericans andnow it isequally popular in whole wide world.bracelet tutorial design ideasNo matter where you live you know the giving friendship bracelettoafriend is amazing feeling. There are some other traditionsthatafriend should not drop off this bracelet from his hand toshowthesame feeling to friend who gave it to you. Ifthatbraceletsremoves naturally then its ok but if friend drops itoffor removesit with his or her consent the it means thatyoufriendship is notlong lasting and somehow it is going toendsooner.bracelet tutorial design ideasWearing bracelet until it worn out is consideredgreatbecausethought this way you pays back all the hard work ofyourfriend. Afriend usually considers making a bracelet by theirselfto gift itto their friends and that shows the love and care ofonebuddy forother. Girls usually like to make and wear veryelegantbraceletfor their selves and for friends while boys likethickerbraceletsmore.
Easy DIY Bracelet Tutorials 1.0
Ghaztee Apps
It is both fun and relaxing to tryandmakefriendship bracelet patterns during your free time.Inthiscreative DIY bracelet tutorials, you can learn, step bystep,howto make for yourself a new handmade bracelet. Manypeoplehavetaken this as leisure activity especially young people.This isapleasant approach to demonstrate your companions theamountyouvalue them by showing them a bracelet that you havemadepersonallyspecial. There are some people who take this asanindividual hobbywhile others appreciate the company of peersorfamily whilefinishing this art.There are various friendship bracelet patterns that youcanbrowse.The candy stripe is said to be the easiest of all. Thesearemadeout of two or more colors that make a diagonal patternalongthebracelet. The Chevron is the one that presents apatternthatcreates what appears to be arrows or a "V" that point totheright.The opposite chevron on the other hand shows a patternthatpointtowards the left. The double chevron is the one thatmakessort ofa "W" effect. There are also heart and zigzagpatterns,which areamong others that you can look over. There aresimplepatterns andthere are more complicated ones. However, as soonasyou actuallylearn the ropes as to how to make thesedesignspossible, you canmost likely create your own versions.The key to these friendship bracelet patterns is theactualcolorsof the weaving floss that you will utilize.Complementingorcontrasting colors make a decent decision overkeeping thebraceletin a single hue. If you will be presenting thisas a tokento acompanion, you would in all likelihood use thecolors thatappealto them the most. It won't just be made withadorationanddevotion, but it will also be presented in a way thatyouweretaking their personal preferences in to consideration.Your bracelets can represent your entire attire, andeverypersonhas their own personal style, this is why some peoplesimplyhave adifficult time finding a bracelet that meets theirneeds andtastes.This application contains various ideas aboutcreativehandmadebracelet that will certainly benefit you suchas:- macrame bracelet- friendship bracelet- bracelet chain- rubber band- and many moreSo, just download this application and get readytobeinspired!
DIY Tutorial Rainbow Bracelets 1.0
Tutorial how to make friendshipbraceletscreative with various colors of course. DIY Craft andProjectBracelets with different ideas and unique designs you canmakeeasily, especially when downloading this application.Yes this application serves a tutorial with pictures to learntomake crafts bracelets, earrings, fashion, mostly made of ropewitha structured step by step which then produces a uniqueandattractive bracelet course.
Схемы плетения 1.0
Из приложения Вы научитесь плестиизразныхматериалов.- Нитки.- Бисер.- и т.п.Вы сможете плести своими рукамифенечки,бисероплетение,одежды.You will learnfromtheapplication weave of different materials.- Threads.- Beads.- Etc.You will be able to weave their own handsBaubles,beadwork,clothing.
World needlework 1.0
Crafts - handmade art created thingsoutoffabric, thread, wool and other materials.In this application, you will learn how to do thefollowingthingswith their hands:- Great idea for gifts packing- How to make your shoes waterproof- Pictures of flowers- Funny Toys- Amazing Cakes- Stencils for mural- Crochet- Learn about the combination of colors- The original packaging for gift with their own hands- Crafts from leaves- Peacock from plastic bottles- Simple and cute cushions- Prints for creativity- Flowers made of cloth- The idea for the cake decorating- Scourge bracelets- Butterfly origami fabric- Organizer of packaging for tea- Decoupage chairs- Stained glass paints with his hands- The technique of quilling- Patterns of old clothes- Simple by a bunch of candy- Tulip flower paper- Weave Bracelet- How to weave Baubles- Miniature bouquet. Quilling- Decoupage- Homemade Soap- Weaving tubes
DIY rope art handmade 1.9
bluewater dev
DIY rope art handmade Tutorial IdeasFree Download DIY tutorial of ropeart handmade ideasIf you are looking for some inspiration how to make a braceletorother by yourself. Here I am providing it for you free.Nowadays people mostly prefer to customize their own charmsandstring bracelets as handmade bracelet ideas. By doing thistheycreate a unique piece that is really appreciated. Observingthisfact, manufacturers have produced bracelet-crafting kits andmadethem available in markets. These craft kits normally have allbasicthings that are required to make charms and bracelets fordifferentpurposes. This kit is really a very meaningful gift foryounggirls. The girls can craft bracelets according to their needsandalso makes friendship bracelets with heart charms, whitebirdscharm, small flowers of numerous colors or two small handsshaking,leather bracelets for women, leather bracelets for men.and in this app contain lot of Tutorial how to makefriendshipbracelets from rope handmade creative with various colorsofcourse. DIY rope handmade Craft and Project Braceletswithdifferent ideas and unique designs you can make easily,especiallywhen downloading this application.Creating a custom men's bracelet is a wonderful way to giveapersonalized gift. It is a fabulous craft that will show offyourcreative side. When creating a bracelet for a man, keep in mindtheguy's personality, and what meaning the bracelet willportray.Beads can be purchased in a wide array of colors and stonetypesthat have a variety of meanings to fit almost any typeofrelationship.Yes this application serves a tutorial with pictures to learntomake crafts bracelets, earrings, fashion, mostly made of ropewitha structured step by step which then produces a uniqueandattractive bracelet course.and in the end of description is this app contain qualityhdimage
DIY Bracelet Tutorial Ideas 1.0
DIY Bracelet Tutorial IdeasFree Download DIY tutorial of bracelet ideasIf you are looking for some inspiration how to make a braceletbyyourself. Here I am providing it for you free.Bracelet is the fashion accessory, which was only seen on thewristsof young girls, in the start. But now people of all ages arewearingit. These bracelets do have a history that starts fromNeolithic eraand Egyptian periods. In the past it was worn becauseof differentreligious and spiritual concepts and beliefs. Buttoday it has trulybecome a fashion item. Now it is very popularand has got numerousnames according to distinguishing qualities.For instance, photocharm bracelets, vintage charm bracelets,beaded charm braceletsetc. Many reputed jewellery designers andcompanies have given theirown specific names after modificationsand by adding some morefeatures. Pandora charm bracelets, Italiancharm bracelets andChinese charm bracelets are a few to name.Recently these bracelets are also being used asfriendshipbracelets. These bracelets are normally hand made and aregiven toothers for making friendship. Making bracelets and theircharms areeasy. Materials like hemp, wool, and beads can be used.Then it isplaced on the wrist of friend. You must not remove ityourselfbecause if you do then it indicates the termination offriend shipand if it is removed by itself that may not affectyourfriendship.Nowadays people mostly prefer to customize their own charmsandstring bracelets as handmade bracelet ideas. By doing thistheycreate a unique piece that is really appreciated. Observingthisfact, manufacturers have produced bracelet-crafting kits andmadethem available in markets. These craft kits normally have allbasicthings that are required to make charms and bracelets fordifferentpurposes. This kit is really a very meaningful gift foryounggirls. The girls can craft bracelets according to their needsandalso makes friendship bracelets with heart charms, whitebirdscharm, small flowers of numerous colors or two small handsshaking,leather bracelets for women, leather bracelets for men.These charm bracelets can be crafted in different colors.Inprevailing fashion bracelets for friend ship are usually madewithhemp or rope. And their charms are adorned with beads.Braceletsare considering as chromatic where beads reflect thepersonality.When you present a friendship bracelet to whom you wantto makefriend ship if she accepts then it means she is interestedtoo.Making friendship charm bracelet is not very complex. Ifyoudon’t know from where to start then visit a reputed bookshop,whichdeals in best books. Ask him about the booklets thatprovideinformation about making own bracelets. These bookletscontainhundreds of ideas and thousand of instructions for makingbracelet.The most easy type of bracelet have looping and cording ofropewith beads. Once you are finished you can attach the bothends.Mostly the friendship bracelet tutorials are plainly tied onthewrist. Once it is completed you must tie it by your self onthewrist of your new friend. The length should be appropriate. Itmustnot be snugly tied on the wrist. There should be some spaceleftthat a finger can easily pass through.It is the necessary that before making friend you must judgeyourfriend properly. After you have decided to make thatfriendship longlasting, then you must present a bracelet that mayrepresent fewqualities of your new friend. Paracord bracelettutorial anf loombracelet tutorial.
DIY Bracelets Tutorial 1.0
DIY Bracelets Tutorial gives you thereferenceabout how to make bracelet step by step. This app containsgalleryof pictures of Easy Bracelet Tutorial.Have you ever thought of making your own charm bracelet?Charmbracelets can look artsy or elegant, depending on thejewelrydesign. There are so many ways to make bracelets, fromforming yourown cuff bracelets out of metal to knitting wire inelaboratepatterns, from making a wire-wrapped bracelet to knottinga simpleleather rope around your wrist. Here you'll learn how tomaketraditional artisan bead bracelets with toggle clasps. This isathick, sturdy beading wire ideal for bracelets, as braceletstakethe most wear and tear of any kind of jewelry.These attractive pieces of jewelry have recently become verypopularagain with the introduction of Pandora and Trollbeads thatallow youto easily add and remove charms, beads and spacers tomake a charmbracelet that is totally unique to you.There is a vast selection of charms bracelets, beads and spacersforyou to choose from both in jewelry stores and online. Choosefromanimal, love, heart, handbag, car, bee, slogan, flower, andgemstonecharms. Why not have a look on Amazon today, as they haveone of thebiggest selections of beads, charms and spacers.Creating a custom men's bracelet is a wonderful way to giveapersonalized gift. It is a fabulous craft that will show offyourcreative side. When creating a bracelet for a man, keep in mindtheguy's personality, and what meaning the bracelet willportray.Beads can be purchased in a wide array of colors and stonetypesthat have a variety of meanings to fit almost any typeofrelationship.Friendship bracelets come in many patterns, ranging from theverysimple to extremely complicated. Make your own varieties thatyoucan complete in minutes or even in a few seconds. Youneedembroidery floss, baby- or sport-weight yarn or plastic lacingforthese patterns.Download and Enjoy!!!!
DIY Creative Bracelet Ideas 1.0
DIY bracelet tutorial ideasFree download!! image of DIY bracelet tutorial ideasIf you need some inspiration on how to make your own braceletbyyourself, here is an application you need. It providescompletetutorials how to make a bracelet. Making friendship charmbraceletis not very complex. If you don’t know from where to startthendownload and install this application. It is very helpful foryouto have it on your phone. It provide image tutorials you need.Justfollow the image instruction and the bracelet will be yours.Nowadays people mostly prefer to customize their own charmsandstring bracelets as handmade bracelet ideas. By doing thistheycreate a unique piece that is really appreciated.Recently these bracelets are also being used asfriendshipbracelets. These bracelets are normally hand made and aregiven toothers for making friendship. Making bracelets and theircharms areeasy. Materials like hemp, wool, and beads can be used.Then it isplaced on the wrist of friend. You must not remove ityourselfbecause if you do then it indicates the termination offriend shipand if it is removed by itself that may not affectyourfriendship.These charm bracelets can be crafted in different colors.Inprevailing fashion bracelets for friendship are usually madewithhemp or rope. And their charms are adorned with beads.Braceletsare considering as chromatic where beads reflect thepersonality.When you present a friendship bracelet to whom you wantto makefriend ship if she accepts then it means she is interestedtoo.Lets have a fun and make your own bracelet guys..