Top 4 Apps Similar to FontLand - 빨간리본

FontLand - 통닭구이 2.0
[주의사항]젤리빈, 킷캣 지원기본서체로 적용 할 수 없습니다. 혹시 오해 하고 받으셨다면 15분내로 구글 마켓에서삭제하시면환불처리됩니다.이 앱은 폰트랜드에서 사용하는 폰트 패키지입니다.무료 앱인 폰트랜드를 먼저 설치해 주세요.설치시 아무런 아이콘이 나타나지 않으며 폰트랜드에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.[폰트랜드 소개]폰트랜드는 윤디자인연구소 에서 만든 서체를 사용하게 하기위한 하나의 관리툴입니다.기존에 서체를 구입하면 한개의 앱에서만 사용 가능한 부분을 여러앱에서 사용이 가능하게 만드는 역활을 합니다.앞으로 윤디자인 에서 만들어지는 앱들과 제휴앱들이 폰트랜드를 사용합니다.[주의 사항]폰트랜드 자체만으로는 아무런 기능이 없습니다.현재는 카톡문자, 카드보내기앱 등에서 시범적으로 오픈하였습니다.[알 림]건의 사항 및 제휴관련 문의는 [email protected]로 메일을 주세요----개발자 연락처 :02-332-5611서울시 마포구 서교동 401-18 윤디자인빌딩[Caution]Jelly beans, kitkaet SupportYou can not apply a default font. If you've receivedperhaps15minutes to misunderstand delete your refund will beprocessedinthe Google Market.Land use in this app, the font is a font package.Please install the font aepin first free land.There is no installation, no icon, you can check the font land.Font Land profile]Design Institute of Land Yun font typeface created for usewithasingle management tool.When you buy an existing typefaces are available only in onepartofthe app is available in a number of apps that maketherole.Yun made in future designs font apps are apps in partnershipwiththeland use.[Caution]The land itself, no font features.Currently katok letters, cards, etc. Send apps openedatrialbasis.[Alert][email protected] suggestions andpartnershipinquiries,please mail to
FontLand - 보석반지 2.0
[주의사항]젤리빈, 킷캣 지원기본서체로 적용 할 수 없습니다. 혹시 오해 하고 받으셨다면 15분내로 구글 마켓에서삭제하시면환불처리됩니다.이 앱은 폰트랜드에서 사용하는 폰트 패키지입니다.무료 앱인 폰트랜드를 먼저 설치해 주세요.설치시 아무런 아이콘이 나타나지 않으며 폰트랜드에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.[폰트랜드 소개]폰트랜드는 윤디자인연구소 에서 만든 서체를 사용하게 하기위한 하나의 관리툴입니다.기존에 서체를 구입하면 한개의 앱에서만 사용 가능한 부분을 여러앱에서 사용이 가능하게 만드는 역활을 합니다.앞으로 윤디자인 에서 만들어지는 앱들과 제휴앱들이 폰트랜드를 사용합니다.[주의 사항]폰트랜드 자체만으로는 아무런 기능이 없습니다.현재는 카톡문자, 카드보내기앱 등에서 시범적으로 오픈하였습니다.[알 림]건의 사항 및 제휴관련 문의는 [email protected]로 메일을 주세요----개발자 연락처 :02-332-5611서울시 마포구 서교동 401-18 윤디자인빌딩[Caution]Jelly beans, kitkaet SupportYou can not apply a default font. If you've receivedperhaps15minutes to misunderstand delete your refund will beprocessedinthe Google Market.Land use in this app, the font is a font package.Please install the font aepin first free land.There is no installation, no icon, you can check the font land.Font Land profile]Design Institute of Land Yun font typeface created for usewithasingle management tool.When you buy an existing typefaces are available only in onepartofthe app is available in a number of apps that maketherole.Yun made in future designs font apps are apps in partnershipwiththeland use.[Caution]The land itself, no font features.Currently katok letters, cards, etc. Send apps openedatrialbasis.[Alert][email protected] suggestions andpartnershipinquiries,please mail to
FontLand - 마이멜로디 2.0
[주의사항]젤리빈, 킷캣 지원기본서체로 적용 할 수 없습니다. 혹시 오해 하고 받으셨다면 15분내로 구글 마켓에서 삭제하시면환불처리됩니다.이 앱은 폰트랜드에서 사용하는 폰트 패키지입니다.무료 앱인 폰트랜드를 먼저 설치해 주세요.설치시 아무런 아이콘이 나타나지 않으며 폰트랜드에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.[폰트랜드 소개]폰트랜드는 윤디자인연구소 에서 만든 서체를 사용하게 하기위한 하나의 관리툴입니다.기존에 서체를 구입하면 한개의 앱에서만 사용 가능한 부분을 여러앱에서 사용이 가능하게 만드는 역활을 합니다.앞으로 윤디자인 에서 만들어지는 앱들과 제휴앱들이 폰트랜드를 사용합니다.폰트랜드 내부에 "딸기가좋아"서체가 기본적으로 설치 되어있습니다.(*현재 카톡문자에서만 활용 가능)서체의 종류는 하나씩 오픈할 예정이고 차후에는 많은 앱들에서 다양한 서체를 사용 할 수 있도록업데이트할것입니다.[주의 사항]폰트랜드 자체만으로는 아무런 기능이 없습니다.현재는 카톡문자에서만 시범적으로 오픈하였습니다.[알 림]건의 사항 및 제휴관련 문의는 [email protected]로메일을주세요----개발자 연락처 :02-332-5611서울시 마포구 서교동 401-18 윤디자인빌딩[Caution]Jelly beans, kitkaet SupportYou can not apply a default font. If you've received perhaps15minutes to misunderstand delete your refund will be processedinthe Google Market.Land use in this app, the font is a font package.Please install the font aepin first free land.There is no installation, no icon, you can check the font land.Font Land profile]Design Institute of Land Yun font typeface created for use withasingle management tool.When you buy an existing typefaces are available only in one partofthe app is available in a number of apps that make therole.Yun made in future designs font apps are apps in partnershipwiththe land use.Land inside the font "like strawberries" font is installedbydefault (* currently only utilize katok characters available)The types of fonts and one scheduled to open in the future, alotof apps updated to use a variety of fonts will be taking.[Caution]The land itself, no font features.Katok character now opened a trial basis only.[Alert][email protected] partnership inquiries, please mail to
My Memorial Lover(Esp) 1.0.0
◇◇¡Sistema de Tickets deHistoria!¡Puedesdisfrutar de todas las historias demaneragratuita!◇◇
◇◇ “My Memorial Lover” es una historia completamenteoriginalsobreel inicio de una nueva relación con uno detusantiguosnovios!◇◇
◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡Cumplirás el rol de laheroínayexperimentarás un romance con uno detusatractivosex-novios!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■
Luego de graduarte de la universidad, obtuviste unalicenciaparatrabajar como maestra en un jardín de infantes en laciudad enlaque estudiaste.Tus días transcurren de una manera completamente rutinaria.Sientes que no hay nada “romántico” en tu vida, ya que no sólonohasestado en una relación durante mucho tiempo, sino queapenashashablado con hombres durante ese período.“Pero incluso yo...”Tu vida ha sido muy poco interesante hasta ahora.Recuerdas bien los días que pasaste con tus “Ex-novios”.Te arrepientes de la manera en la que terminaronesasrelaciones,pero ya no hay nada que puedas hacer alrespecto.Entonces, un día,sucede algo que cambiará tu vida parasiempre.Sucede justo en elmomento en que regresabas a tu casa desdelaestación de tren.■■Personajes■■
◆【Ex-novio que se ha hecho cargo del negociodeimportacionesfamiliar】Eiji
Altura: 178cm Edad: 25
“¿Es que acaso no es obvio? Eres la única mujer queheamado.”Eiji fue tu primer novio y lo conociste antes de entraralasecundaria.Eran una pareja jóven llena de ilusiones.Sin embargo, decidió romper contigo para concentrarse ensusestudiosy hacerse cargo de la compañía de su padre.◆【Ex-novio que se ha convertido en músico】Keisuke
Altura: 170cm Edad: 20
“Haré que seas mi fan número uno.”
Keisuke es un novio que tuviste durante la secundaria y esdosañosmás joven que tú.Confesó sus sentimientos por ti en el festival de laescuelaycomenzaron a salir juntos, pero rompió contigo abruptamenteytedijo que se iría a Estados Unidos para convertirse en unmúsicoderock.◆【Ex-novio que tiene 17 años más que tú y tiene una esposayunahija】Nakamura
Altura: 180cm Edad: 38
“Tal vez para ti no sea un hombre, pero para mi túeresunamujer.”
Nakamura es un novio que conociste cuando asistías aclasesdebaile.Tiene diecisiete años más que tú. Tenían mucho en común ysellevabanmuy bien.Antes de darte cuenta, pasabas casi todo el día con él.Sinembargo,no sólo tiene una esposa, sino que también tiene unahijade tuedad...Estas circunstancias hicieron que se separaran.◆【Ex-novio con padres extranjeros yunasonrisaencantadora】Atsuya
Altura: 179cm Edad: 23
Atsuya es un novio al que conociste en una fiesta ycuyoestilo,apariencia y sonrisa te atrajeron inmediatamente.Te enseñó un tipo de romance que sólo creías que existíaenlaspelículas y que nunca antes habías experimentado.La relación era tan maravillosa que cualquier mujerhubierahechocualquier cosa por tenerla, pero tus inseguridades,basadas entusdecepciones anteriores, hicieron que tengas problemasparaconfiaren él y llevaron a la separación.¡Puedes elegir de entre todos estos personajes basándoteentuspreferencias!
¿... De quién volverás a enamorarte?■Cómo jugar■
¡Jugar es muy fácil!
1. Abre la App del juego y presiona el botón de “Prólogo”
2. Lee el prólogo.
3. Elige tu personaje favorito.
4. Toma las decisiones durante la historia y acércatealpersonajeelegido.
5. ¡Hay dos finales para cada historia!¡Tus decisiones determinarán si tienes o no un Final Feliz!
※La historia de esta App puede ser leída en su totalidaddemaneragratuita usando los tickets que te daremos cada día.
※Si no quieres esperar, también puedes comprarlahistoriacompleta.
※ Además, podrás obtener más tickets de maneragratuitamirandovideos y cumpliendo con ciertas condiciones.
※Sin embargo, necesitarás Tickets de Final para poder verlosfinalesy no podrás hacerlo hasta que hayas cumplidoconlosrequerimientos.◇◇TicketingSystemHistory! You can enjoy all the stories for free!◇◇◇◇ "My Memorial Lover" is a completely original storyaboutthebeginning of a new relationship with one of youroldboyfriends!◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You You will give the role ofheroinandexperience a romance with one of yourex-boyfriendsattractive!◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisAfter graduating from college, did you get a license to workasateacher in a kindergarten in the city in which you study.Your days pass in a completely routine.You feel that there is nothing "romantic" in your life,becausenotonly has not been in a relationship for a long time,butyou'vejust spoken to men during that period."But even I ..."Your life has been very little interest so far.Remember well the days you spent with your "Ex-boyfriends."You regret the way in which those relationships ended,butthere'snothing you can do about it. Then one day, somethinghappensthatwill change your life forever. It happens right at thetimeyoureturned to your home from the train station.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has taken over the familybusinessimportsEiji】Height: 178cm Age: 25"Is it not obvious? You're the only woman I ever loved. "Eiji was your first boyfriend and I met beforeenteringhighschool.They were a young couple full of dreams.However, he decided to break up with you to concentrateonhisstudies and take over the company from his father.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has become】 musician KeisukeHeight: 170cm Age: 20"I'll have to be my number one fan."Keisuke is a boyfriend you had during high school and istwoyearsyounger than you.He confessed his feelings for you at the festival ofschoolandstarted hanging out together, but abruptly broke up withyouandtold you he would go to America to become a rockmusician.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who is 17 years older than you and has awifeanda daughter】 NakamuraHeight: 180cm Age: 38"Maybe for you is not a man, but to me you're a woman."Nakamura is a boyfriend who knew you when youattendeddanceclasses.She is seventeen years older than you. They had much incommonandgot along very well.Before you know it, you spent almost all day with him.However,notonly he has a wife, but also has a daughter your age...These circumstances made separate.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend with foreign parents and acharmingsmile】AtsuyaHeight: 179cm Age: 23"Hello."Atsuya is a boyfriend she met at a party and whosestyle,appearanceand smile attracted you immediately.You taught a kind of romance that you thought only existedinmoviesand had never before experienced.The relationship was so wonderful that any woman wouldhavedoneanything to have, but your insecurities, based onyourpreviousdisappointments, did you have trouble trusting him andledto theseparation.You can choose from all these characters basedonyourpreferences! ¿... Who you'll never fall in love?■ How to Play ■Playing is easy!1. Open the App of the game and press the button "Prologue"2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make decisions throughout history and approachthechosencharacter.5. There are two endings for each story!Your decisions will determine whether or not to haveahappyending!※ The history of this app it can be read in its entiretyforfreeusing tickets that will give you every day.※ If you do not want to wait, you can also buy the fullstory.※ In addition, you'll get more free tickets watchingvideosandmeeting certain conditions.※ However, you need Final Tickets to see the end and you cannotdountil you have met the requirements.