Top 21 Apps Similar to First Aid

First Aid for Emergency 2.4
It's time you know how to handle medical emergency.
CPR First Aid App 1.0
CPR First Aid App is a simplepocketappthat provides detailed guide and how to explanation aboutCPR.Learnhow to do proper CPR and first aid for chokingpersonsespecially inemergency situation.Contents:- Standard CPR for adults.- CPR for kids, children, infants.- CPR for pets (cats and dogs).- CPR facts and questions (Q&A).- First aid for choking adult.- First aid for choking children and infants.Features:- No internet connection required - OFFLINE Version.- Step by step instructions with pictures.- Lightweight app (Only 3MB).- Simple, easy to use app- Always FREEDownload NOW! Care for your health?
100 Moral Short Stories 2.0
Collection of several moralandinspirationalstories. Start your day with great stories toupliftyour moral.Learn the true human values with interestingstory. Usethe lessonslearned by these inspirational stories tochange yourlife.Story includes famous fables from around the world.Several funny and humorous stories to teach you lessonwithalaugh.Stories about love, righteousness, trust, unity, religiousandwellbeing.Moral Short Stories app have all kinds of storieslikeinspirational,funny stories, witty stories, motivationalstories,spiritual storiesand lot more.
Hidden Tricks - Good 2.0
Hidden Tricks contain some mostamaizingHiddentricks.Get the best hidden tricks with this app and also helpyoutoincrease knowledge.Some of the Points of this application are--Business TricksDaily Life TricksFunny Maths TricksCarrom TricksMobile TricksMagic Card TricksPhotoshop TricksThis application is absolutely Free!This app is offline so you dont need tohaveinternetconnection.
200 Secrets of Success - Ebook
If you want to know the 200 secrets of Success Just read this Book
Stories Indian Mythology 3.0
This app is a collection ofgreatindianmythological stories.Through generations, different stories in Indian mythologyhavebeenpassed from generation to generation either by word ofmouthorthrough carefully stored. These stories willinspireyougreatly.Wish you read comic fun with this app.
Humor Stories Short 1.0
The Humor stories short is a freeapplicationthat allows us to become familiar with differentinterestingstories both fascinating and instructive. Applicationallows you toget of fun stories to read and laugh. Depending onyour mood, youcan read this or that story at any time by using theHumor storiesshort .The application is very simple to use and have manyusefulfunctions.
Best Love Tips 1.0
Love is necessity of life, every personneedslove. This App helps the people about their love,likehow to represent their emotions for making strong relationship.This app has many different categories such as:How to date.How to propose whom you love to act in-front of your love to make things positive etc.Good Luck !! enjoy your life
My Life and Work 1.0
My Life And Work by Henry FordThis book is the original autobiographical work byHenryFord,founder of the Ford Motor Company. In this book, Forddetailshowhe got into business, the strategies that he used tobecomeawealthy and successful businessman, and what others candobylearning from the examples he has outlined. This bookshouldberead by small business owners, business studentsandthoseinterested in the history of the automobile. Henry Fordwilltakeyou through a journey of history, business and lessonstobelearned from which he used to develop his financial empire.
World History Ancient History 2.0
World History: Ancient History isacompleteapps for you to learn world history in anancientcivilization. Itcovers pretty well from the age of dinosaurup tothe great war ofancient times. Although it does not talk alotabout dinosaur,there is lots of information about ouroriginalityor it is bestdescribe in Darwin’s theory of evolution.Although,there heavyargument about this theory, it is still alogical theorytoconsider and learn.The list of content for world history ancient: ancient historyareasbelow:Mankind OriginalityAncient Handy ManAncient Man became the HunterAdvance HunterNew Modern HumanCave Painting by Ancestor......
Romance Short Stories 1.0
Do you like romance short stories?Our gentle and touching stories about true love embrace you.Get inspired with the love stories of fantastic people!Expressyourlove with the help of these love stories and impressyourbetterhalf. Put your feelings into words to reveal howstronglyyou feelfor your partner.Everyone searching for true love in the world. Love ifwedefinethe word than its just the most precious time of life,thefeelingsthat never ends, the beauty that never get dull,relationthat isabove all relations.
The Swiss Family Robinson 1.0
The Swiss Family Robinson follows aclosefamilywho has found themselves stranded on an island afterashipwreck. Thestory is told from the point of view of thefather.The religiousfamily is made up of their intelligentandresourceful father, a kindand caring mother, and their foursonsnamed Fritz, Ernest, Jack, andFranz.Fritz is the eldest son, 15-years-old when the family landsontheisland, and he is often tough on his brothers despitehisgoodintentions.Ernest is the second oldest, and he is intelligentandwell-formedthough indolent. Jack is the third oldest son. Heisbold, butoften thoughtless. Last is Franz, the youngestson,nearly8-years-old when the family first is stranded.The story begins with the family’s good fortune when theysurviveashipwreck in a terrible storm.They find themselves stuck on a ship, after being abandonedbytheirshipmates, but not too far from shore. Luckily, thefamilydiscoversmany supplies on the ship including clothing, tools,fishhooks,guns and gun powder, and various useful animals. Theyfindeven moretreasures on the endlessly fruitful island andcontinueto prosperand make new and exciting discoveries foryears.
Scary Ghost Stories 1.0
Scary Ghost Stories is a series ofghoststories from open sources, scary and spooky ghost stories fromallparts of the world. These stories are all scary and full ofhorror.We have selected them with extra effort to make sure thereadergets shivers down the spine. Great resource for late nightstorytelling and camping.Read scary stories from the oldest and largest databaseofstrange tales ever publicly collected. All stories aresubmittedand rated by real people for others to enjoy. New storiesare addedto the collection each week. Stories are categorized andlisted byrating order and many retell scary events that haveactuallyhappened.
Uncle Tom's Cabin - eBook 1.0
Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery novelbyAmerican author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, thenovel"helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War", according toWillKaufman. Stowe, a Connecticut-born teacher at the HartfordFemaleSeminary and an active abolitionist, featured the characterofUncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave around whom the storiesofother characters revolve.The sentimental novel depicts the reality of slavery whilealsoasserting that Christian love can overcome something asdestructiveas enslavement of fellow human beings. Uncle Tom's Cabinwas thebest-selling novel of the 19th century and the secondbest-sellingbook of that century, following the Bible. It iscredited withhelping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s.In 1855, three years after it was published, it was called"themost popular novel of our day." The impact attributed to thebookis great, reinforced by a story that when Abraham Lincoln metStoweat the start of the Civil War, Lincoln declared, "So this isthelittle lady who started this great war."
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.0
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmesisacollection of twelve short stories by Arthur ConanDoyle,featuringhis fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. The storiesarenot inchronological order, and the only characters common toalltwelveare Holmes and Dr. Watson. As with all but four oftheSherlockHolmes stories, those contained within The AdventuresofSherlockHolmes are told by a first-person narrative from thepointof viewof Dr. Watson. In general the stories in The AdventuresofSherlockHolmes identify, and try to correct, socialinjustices.Holmes isportrayed as offering a new, fairer senseofjustice.
Self Motivation
How will you motivate yourself?Find tips in your app formotivateyour self.
Urban Legends 2.0
Urban Legends is a collection of140scarystories perfect for a good scare any time of year.Thesestoriesare especially good for Halloween or around a campfire.Scare yourfriends by telling these stories! Urban Legends hasasavedcheckbox next to each story to help you keep track ofthosestoriesyou have read. Check back soon, many more storiesandoptions tocome. All stories are currently in ENGLISHlanguageonly.
Funny Short Stories 1.0
Don't have much time to go read afullentirebook well in really short time you can read one storiethatwillfor sure make you laugh.
FIRST AID BD ~ প্রাথমিক চিকিৎস 1.9.1
যে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসা র জন্য প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা বিষয় সম্পর্কেজ্ঞানথাকা জরুরী।
Beyond Good and Evil 1.0
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to aPhilosophyofthe Future is a book by philosopher FriedrichNietzsche,firstpublished in 1886. It draws on and expands theideas ofhisprevious work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but with a morecriticalandpolemical approach.In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses pastphilosophersoflacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmaticpremisesintheir consideration of morality.Specifically, he accuses them of foundinggrandmetaphysicalsystems upon the faith that the good man istheopposite of theevil man, rather than just a different expressionofthe same basicimpulses that find more direct expression in theevilman.
Famous Stories - O. Henry 1.0
O. Henry is one of the most famous writerofshort stories. His stories are well known throughout theworld;noted for their witticism, clever wordplay, and unexpected"twist"endings. Out of several work done by O. Henry, we arepresenting 53most famous stories which touch your heart and theirtwists makeyou feel as you are the character .Clean and clean text and clear interface makes yourreadingenjoyable.We hope you would like this application, please rate us,yourratings and feedback are important to us.Thanks!!