Top 14 Apps Similar to YBM eSLS for the TOEIC® Test

Practice the TOEIC Test Toeic_Version_24.00
An useful APP for your TOEIC practice. Prepare your test takersforsuccess
New TOEIC Test 2020 3.7.2
❤️ By applying the intelligent learning method - Spaced Repetition-you will see how ever easy to learn TOEIC. => App includesmorethan 2.500 TOEIC questions from ETS Toeic, New Economy Toeic,HackerNew TOEIC... NEW FORMAT 2020 => Spaced repetition is alearningtechnique that incorporates increasing intervals of timebetweensubsequent review of previously learned material in orderto exploitthe psychological spacing effect. Spaced repetition iscommonlyapplied in contexts in which a learner must acquire alarge numberof items and retain them indefinitely in memory. Itis, therefore,well suited for the problem of vocabularyacquisition in the courseof second language learning, due to thesize of the targetlanguage's inventory of open-class words.(Wikipedia) 🤔 What's newin the TOEIC New format? ----------Listening Section ---------- 🆕 Areduced number of Photograph andQuestion Response questions 🆕 Anincreased number of Conversationquestions 🆕 Conversations thatinclude shorter turns and moreexchanges 🆕 More than two speakers insome conversations 🆕Conversations that include elisions (going to àgonna) andincomplete sentences/fragments (Yes, in a minute; Downthe hall;Could you?) 🆕 New question types testing the connection ofwhat isheard in a conversation or talk and what is seen in agraphic 🆕 Newquestion types testing a speaker’s implied meaning inthe contextof a conversation or talk ---------- Reading Section---------- 🆕 Areduced number of Incomplete Sentence questions 🆕 Twonewquestion-types testing understanding of the overall organizationofpassages: 🆕 Text completion questions that ask test takerstochoose which new sentence fits best in the context of theoverallpassage 🆕 Set-based questions that ask test takers tounderstandwhere in the passage a sentence belongs 🆕 Text messages,instantmessages or online chat conversations with multiple writers🆕Questions testing the understanding of three related texts 🆕Asmall increase in the number of single- andmultiple-passagequestions 🆕 New questions about understating thewriter’s words incontext
Practice for TOEIC® Test Pro 2020 1.2.0
With Practice for TOEIC® Test Pro, you can study for FREEwithourTOEIC® questions, Practice tests, Grammar, Vocabulary,andscorereports with detailed analytics. Best of all, you canaccessthesefeatures anywhere and anytime when you download our app.Thisapphelps you learn the critical concepts tested on the TOEIC®TestProwith detailed flashcards and practice questions. Asyoupracticequestions on TOEIC® Test Pro, the app tracksyourperformance andhighlights your test strengths andweaknesses,helping you zero inon what you need to study in order toboost yourTOEIC® test score.Great Contents: Practice with 4,000+questionswritten by experttutors which cover all sections of theTOEIC®exam: Test Practice,Grammar, Vocabulary..... Thousandsofup-to-date New Format Toeic®2019 questions include topics below:-Part 1: Photos - Part 2:Questions and Responses - Part3:Conversations - Part 4: Talks -Part 5: Incomplete sentences -Part6: Text Completions - Part 7:Single Passages - Part 7:DoublePassages - Part 7: TriplePassages. Major Features: - Get highscorein TOEIC® exam, itfocuses on preparing the best backgroundforusers. - Track yourstrengths and weaknesses with ourin-appanalytics - Detailedstatistics of your progress for everyquestion- Daily reviewcalendar based on your study - Supportoffline mode.- Support textto speech - Support dictionary TOEIC® isa registeredtrademark ofEducational Testing Service (ETS) in theUnited Statesand othercountries. This app is not endorsed orapproved by ETS.
Reading for the TOEIC ® Test 1.0.4
AppFx Design
The best TOEIC reading practices that help you get you highestscorepossible.
Listening for the TOEIC ® Test 1.7.0
AppFx Design
Total Listening Practices for the TOEIC ® Test
TOEIC Listening & Reading 2023.06.28.0
Learn TOEIC listening, speaking, vocabulary, conversation&quiz.
TOEIC Exam - Free TOEIC Test 2021 - New Format 2.3.0
It's not easy to get a high score on Toeic test if youhavenotpracticed your skills. Here we provide you a great toolthatyoucan use to practice your TOEIC skill at anytime, anywhereonyourmobile phone. This app provides you full of listeningandreadingskills on the TOEIC Test • Over 5000 questions dividedinto8categories, 32 mini tests and 16 simulation tests. •Thecategoriespart covers all aspects of the exam:Photos,Question-Response,Short Conversations, Short Talks,IncompleteSentences, TextCompletion, Reading comprehension + Part 1-Photographs: Fourshort statements regarding a photograph willbespoken only onetime. Of these four statements, select the onethatbest describesthe photograph. + Part 2 - Questions &Response:Threeresponses to one question or statement will be spokenonlyonetime. Select the best response for the question. + Part 3-ShortConversation: Conversations between two or three peoplewillbespoken only one time. Listen to each conversation andreadthequestions to select the best response for the question.Therearethree questions for each conversation. + Part 4 - ShortTalk:Shorttalks will be spoken only one time. Listen to each talkandreadthe questions to select the best response for thequestion.Thereare three questions for each talk. + Part 5 -IncompleteSentences:Select the best answer of the four choices tocompletethesentence. + Part 6 - Text Completion: Select the bestanswer ofthefour choices (words, phrases, or a sentence) tocomplete thetext.There are four questions for each text. + Part 7-ReadingComprehension: A range of different texts will be inthetest. Readthe questions and select the best answer of thefourchoices. Thereare multiple questions for each text. + Each ofaPractice contains20 questions, picked randomly in order to getthestudent used todifferent types of questions. • The simulationtestspart offersyou a chance to take the TOEIC in real lifeconditions,meaning 200questions in about 2 hours. We also plannedshortcuts of60 and 100questions. • Track your strengths andweaknesses. • Timeand scorecounting. • Support transcript. •Support offline mode. •Supportmultiple platforms. • Record yourtesting results • NewTOEIC 2021format • Change reading speed • 600essential words forthe TOEIC •Flashcard vocabulary • Gamevocabulary: Match word,multichoiceTOEIC is a registered trademarkof Educational TestingService(ETS) in the United States and othercountries. This app isnotendorsed by ETS.
EduSynch TOEFL® Prep 2.0.9
EduSynch is the first adaptivetrainingplatform for the TOEFL® iBT on the web and on yourAndroiddevice!Sign up to get FREE and UNLIMITED ACCESS to 1,200+ ReadingandListening questions.Get a license to access full-length TOEFL® Simulations completewithpersonalized evaluations done by TOEFL® certified professorsforSpeaking and WritingKnow your score before you take the exam!See your ranking as compared with tens of thousands of studentsfrom195 countries around the world!★ FREE and UNLIMITED ACCESS to 1,200+ Reading andListeningquestions★ Full-length, real TOEFL® Simulations designed to mimic theactualTOEFL® iBT exam★ Personalized evaluations for TOEFL® Speaking andWritingSimulations done by TOEFL® certified professionals within72hours★ Fully integrated web and mobile platform complete with aglobalranking system★ Content partnership with Collins®, one of the oldesteducationpublisher’s in the world.★ Projected scores for each individual skill★ Individualized training designed to target your specific areasofweakness★ Robust analytics with content competency and timemanagementdata★ Integrated platforms designed for students, teachersandinstitutions
Lingoland TOEIC® - TOEIC Test 2.1.0
Lingoland IO
TOEIC test preparation and online TOEIC mock test include all parts
CM Prep for the TOEIC® Test is an application for TOEIC® testers.
Japanese Food Dictionary(Free) 2.4
This app provides the translation and picture of Japanese food
TOEIC Listening & Vocabulary 1.5.3
A free application help you to learn new vocabularies for TOEICtesteveryday.
개념 한국사 1.2.2
Separate book Korean history series