Top 21 Apps Similar to Yazh Russian Case Declension

Начинаю учить русский язык 1.0.0
ND Company
Начинаю учить русский язык. Уроки фонетики.Пособие адресовано детям, начинающим изучать русскийязыккакиностранный (неродной). Содержание программынаправленонаформирование слухопроизносительных навыков русскойречи.Пособиесоставлено на базе лексического играмматическогоматериала«Программы по русскому языку для детей 8-12лет, невладеющих илислабо владеющих русским языком» (Этносфера,2007).Обучение строится по принципу возрастающейсложности:отпостановки артикуляции изолированного звука до введенияеговофразу и автоматизации вчистоговорках,стихотворениях,мини-диалогах и текстах.• 12 интерактивных уроков с заданиями и упражнениями;• Образцовая речь носителей русского языка ибогатыйиллюстративныйматериал.С пособием могут работать не только дети, ноивзрослые,приступающие к изучению русского языка. Учебный дискбудетполезенпреподавателям русского языка как иностранноговкачестведополнительного пособия на этапевводно-фонетическогокурса, атакже на других этапах обучения дляработы надфонетическойстороной русской речи.Begin to learntheRussianlanguage. Phonetics lessons.The manual is addressed to children, beginners learntheRussianlanguage as a foreign (non-native). Contents of theprogramaimedat building skills sluhoproiznositelnyh Russianspeech.Thehandbook is based on lexical and grammatical material"Programmeinthe Russian language for children 8-12 years old who donotspeakor insufficient knowledge of the Russianlanguage"(Ethnosphere,2007).Education based on the principle of increasingcomplexity:fromthe formulation of sound articulation isolatedbeforetheintroduction of the phrase and its automationchistogovorki,poems,mini-dialogues and lyrics.• 12 interactive lessons with assignments and exercises;• Sample speech of native Russian language andrichillustrativematerial.The manual can work not only children but also adultsembarkingonthe study of the Russian language. Training will beusefultoteachers disk Russian as a foreign language as asupplement tothelead-in phase phonetic rate, as well as at otherstages oflearningto work on the Russian side of phoneticspeech.
Polyglot. Learn German. Pro 2.14
Learn German in 16 hours!
Arriba Spanisch 1.0
lamar soft
Spanisch Sprachlehrgang. Erklärt dieGrammatikund die Konjugation der Verben. Vokabelkartei,Verbenlisten undÜbungen.Der Lehrgang ist praxisbezogen. DurchKonversation, durchmehrere Übungsarten und Erlernen der Grammatikwird die Sprache vonAnfang an korrekt gesprochen.Beschreibung-Sie Lernen Spanisch sprechen durch eine einfache undschnellereArt: Schrittweise wird die spanische Grammatik und dieKonjugationder Verben erklärt. Einfache Grammatische Regeln undeine Gruppevon Vokabeln werden verständlich proUnterrichtsabschnitterklärt.-Man fängt mit einfachen Regeln und Vokabeln an und steigertsichallmählich auf eine höhere Niveau.-Das Erlernte wird durch verschiedene Arten von Übungenvertieft:Anhören der Aussprache, Mehrfachauswahl, Sätze aufSpanisch bilden,Leseverständnis und Übersetzungen.-Hauptziel ist die Kommunikation in Spanisch: Um eine SprachezuLernen sind Grammatik und Vokabeln nötig, aber noch wichtigeristes sich zu verständigen. Deswegen basiert der Unterricht auchaufdie Kommunikation. Wir lernen das Sprechen inverschiedenenSzenarien.-Sich auf Spanisch mitteilen in jeder Situation.Um eineSpracherichtig zu sprechen muss man 4 Sachen können: lesen,schreiben, dasGesprochene verstehen und selbst sprechen. Von Anfangan werdendiese Fähigkeiten entwickelt um bei reellen Situationenzukommunizieren-Sie können sich besser erinnern weil sie verstehen. Deutlichundsystematisch werden die grammatischen Regeln beigebracht undeswird geübt durch hören, Sätze bilden, LektüreundÜbersetzungen.-Man lernt nicht nur Vokabeln sondern auch Sätze zu bildendurchAnwendung der grammatische Regeln.-Die App ist für Leute ohne Spanisch-Vorkenntnisse undfürFortgeschrittene die Ihre Kenntnisse ergänzenmöchten,geeignet.-Für deutschsprachige Anwender.-Leicht bedienbar.-Keine Internetverbindung.notwendig.-Beinhaltet 77 Lektionen, 72 Übungen. Vokabelliste mit 450Vokabelnund Verbenliste mit der Konjugation.-Audio von Muttersprachlerin gesprochen.-Das Konzept ist durch eine langjährigeUnterrichsterfahrungerprobt.-Verständlich, leicht durchführbar, keine Monotonie-Diese App erleichtert das Spanisch lernen.-Der Lehrgang beinhaltet folgende Punkte:Kapitel1: Die Betonung, Ausnahmen, EinsilbigeWörter,FragewörterKapitel 2: Die Aussprache, die Vokale, die Großbuchstaben,dieSonderzeichen, Sprachunterschiede, die Aussprache derBuchstabenB,V, C, G, J, Ñ, Q, R, Y, Z und der Kombinationen CH undLL.Kapitel 3: Das Hauptwort, der Artikel, der bestimmte Artikel,derunbestimmte Artikel, Mehrzahl des Hauptwortes, Mehrzahlderbestimmten Artikel, das Eigenschaftswort, MehrzahldesEigenschaftswortes.Kapitel 4: Ist / sind, Fragebildung, Die Verneinung / nicht /nein,Nationatlitätsadjektive, Die Fragewörter: WER / WAS,dieSubjektpronomen, das Verb SEIN, das Verb HABEN.Kapitel 5, Die Gegenwart: Gebrauch von ESTA', ES – ESTÀ,HAY,Endungen der Verben, Verben mit der Endung AR, Verben mitderEndung ER, Verben mit der Endung IR.Kapitel 6: Die Präposition DE in Verbindung mit dem Artikel, señor/señora / señorita, die Anrede, Nominativ, Akkusativ und Dativ,diePräposition A vor WER / WEN, die Präposition A in VerbindungmitdemArtikel, WO und WOHIN: Gebrauch der Präpositionen, Wem gehört,dieWörter POCO / MUCHO, das Fragewort CUANTO, das Verb ESTAR, dasVerbHACER, das Verb VENIR, die Fragewörter: WOHER, WIE , WOMIT,WARUM,WANN.Kapitel 7: Die Tage der Woche, Verben mit derStammänderungUE,Die Satzbildung mit zwei Verben: Ein konjugiertes Verb und einVerbin der Grundform, Verben mit der Stammänderung IE, Die Zahlen,dieMonate,die Jahreszeiten, das Datum, IR A plus ein Verb in derGrundform,die Nahe Zukunft.Kapitel 8: Das Verb HABER, die Vergangenheit PERFECTO,Satzbildungmit Perfecto, unregelmäßiger Partizip Perfekt,diePossessivpronomen: mein, dein, sein, ihr, unser,euer,dieReflexivverben, Satzbildung mit Refeflexivverben, dieReflexivVerben in der VergangenheitSpanish languagecourse.Explains the grammar and conjugation of verbs. Vocabularyflashcards, verbs lists and Übungen.Der course is practical.Throughconversation, through several types of exercises andlearning thegrammar, the language is spoken correctly from thebeginning.Description-Learn to speak Spanish with a simple and faster way:GradualSpanish grammar and conjugation of verbs is explained.Simplegrammatical rules and a set of vocabulary are explainedclearly perclass section.-You start with simple rules and vocabulary and increasesgraduallyto a higher level.-The method will be deepened by different types of exercises:makelistening to the debate, multiple choice, sentences inSpanish,reading comprehension and translations.Main goal is to communicate in Spanish: In order to learn alanguagegrammar and vocabulary are necessary, but it is even moreimportantto communicate. Therefore, the teaching is also basedoncommunication. We learn to talk in different scenarios.-Embarking on Spanish announce in every Situation.Um to speakalanguage properly you have to 4 things can: read, write, speakandunderstand the spoken word itself. From the beginning, theseskillswill be developed to communicate in real situations-You can remember better because they understand. Clearlyandsystematically the grammatical rules are taught and it ispracticedby listening, make sentences, reading andtranslations.-You learn not only vocabulary, but also sentences togetherbyapplication of grammatical rules.-The app is suitable for people with no previous knowledgeofSpanish and advanced who want to supplement your knowledge.For German-speaking users.-Easy to use.-No Internetverbindung.notwendig.-Includes 77 lessons, 72 exercises. Vocabulary list of 450 wordsandverbs list with the conjugation.Audio by a native speaker spoken.-The concept is tested by long Unterrichsterfahrung.-Of course, easy to perform, no monotony-This app makes it easier to learn the Spanish.-The course includes the following:Chapter 1: The emphasis, exceptions, monosyllabic words,questionwordsChapter 2: The pronunciation of vowels, the upper caseletters,special characters, language differences, the pronunciationof theletters B, V, C, G, J, Ñ, Q, R, Y, Z and the combinations CHandLL.Chapter 3: The main word, the articles, the definite article,theindefinite article, plural of the noun, plural of thedefinitearticle, the adjective, majority of the propertywords.Chapter 4: Is / are, question formation, Negation / not /no,Nationatlitätsadjektive, the question words: WHO / WHAT,thesubject pronoun, the verb BE, the verb HAVE.Chapter 5, The present: use of ESTA ', ES - Esta, HAY, endingsofverbs, verbs with the suffix AR, verbs ending in ER verbsendingIR.Chapter 6: The preposition DE in conjunction with the article,señor/ señora / señorita, the salutation, the nominative,accusative anddative, the preposition before A WHO / WHO, thepreposition A inconjunction with theArticle WHERE and WHERE: use of prepositions, Who heard thewordsPOCO / Mucho, the question word cuanto, the verb ESTAR, theverbHACER, the verb VENIR, the question words: WHERE, HOW, WHAT,WHY,WHEN.Chapter 7: The days of the week, verbs with the stem changeinUE,The sentence formation with two verbs: A conjugated verb and averbin the base form verbs with the stem change IE, The numbers,themonths,the seasons, the date, IR A plus a verb in its basic form, thenearfuture.Chapter 8: The verb HABER, the past PERFECTO, sentenceformationwith Perfecto, irregular past participle, the possessivepronouns:mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, the reflexive,sentenceformation with Refeflexivverben, the reflexive verbs inthepast
Russische Grammatik 1.0.3
Kurzüberblick über die russischeBasisgrammatikAllgemeines- Das Alphabet- Aussprache- FälleNomen- Geschlecht- Plural- DeklinationPronomen- Personalpronomen- Das Reflexivpronomen „Cебя“- Demonstrativpronomen- Possessivpronomen- Interrogativpronomen (Fragewörter)- Indefinitpronomen- Das Pronomen „Весь“- Das Pronomen „Друг дрyга“- NegativpronomenAdjektive- Deklination- Komparation- Substantivierung- Adjektivendungen- KurzformenAdverbien- Komparation- Indefinite Adverbien- Temporaladverbien- Lokaladverbien- Relativ- und Demonstrativadverbien- Modaladverbien- NegativadverbienVerben- Präsens- Perfekt- Futur- Partizipien- Imperativ- Modalverben- Aspekte- Konjunktiv- Konjugation- Infinitiv- Bewegungsverben- Verben mit der Partikel „-ся“- PräfixeZahlwörter- Kardinalzahlen- Deklination der Kardinalzahlen- Deklination der Sammelzahlwörter- Ordnungszahlen- Bruchzahlen- Uhrzeit- Datum- RechnungenKonjunktionen- Koordinierende Konjunktionen- Subordinierende KonjunktionenPräpositionen- Präpositionen mit Akkusativ- Präpositionen mit Dativ- Präpositionen mit Instrumental- Präpositionen mit Präpositiv- Präpositionen mit GenitivSätze- Negationen- FragenQuick look at theRussianbase grammarGeneral- The Alphabet- Exchange of views- EventsNoun- Gender- Plural- DeclensionPronoun- Personal pronoun- The reflexive pronoun "Cебя"- Demonstrative- Possessive- Interrogative (question words)- Indefinite pronouns- The pronoun "Весь"- The pronoun "Друг дрyга"- NegativpronomenAdjectives- Declension- Komparation- Nominalization- Adjective endings- Short FormsAdverbs- Komparation- Indefinite adverbs- Temporal adverbs- Adverbs- Relative and Demonstrativadverbien- Modal adverbs- NegativadverbienVerbs- Present- Perfect- Futur- Participles- Imperative- Modal verbs- Aspects- Conditional- Conjugation- Infinitive- Motion verbs- Verbs with the particle "-ся"- PrefixesNumber of words- Cardinal numbers- Declination of the cardinal numbers- Declination of the collective numerals- Atomic numbers- Fractions- Time- Date- InvoicesConjunctions- Coordinating conjunctions- Subordinating conjunctionsPrepositions- Prepositions with accusative- Prepositions with dative- Prepositions with instrumental- Prepositions Prepositional- Prepositions with genitivePhrases- Negations- Questions
Imparare il russo 1.1.2
Con app puoi imparare e migliorare ilrussoovunque tu sia.L‘app è pensata sia per i principianti che per chi conosce giàilrusso, ma vuole rinfrescare le proprieconoscenzelinguistiche.Per il Download delle nostre App non è necessarianessunaregistrazione e nessun ulteriore acquisto del lessico – unavoltaacquistato, avrete tutto il lessico completo sull’App.Complessivamente si possono imparare 450 parole di 21gruppitematici diversi - per esempio: in albergo, al ristorante,farsicapire, in macchina, fare lo shopping, i numeri, il tempo,lemalattie, ecc.Caratteristiche dell‘App:Stabilire la velocità linguistica – con l’App èpossibilescegliere tra „imparare la lingua“ o „sgobbare lalingua“.Ascolto originale – è possibile ascoltare ogni parolaperimpararne la pronuncia. Tutte le parole sono pronunciatedamadrelingua.Ampliamento individuale dell’apprendimento – èpossibileadattare il numero delle lezioni e delle parole secondo lapropriarichiesta, allo stesso modo per la sequenza e per ladistribuzionedei vocaboli.Interface intercambiabile – è possibile modificareapiacimento i caratteri delle schede e tutti gli sfondi.Controllo dell’apprendimento – di ogni parola èpossibilevalutare se si sapeva già o meno la risposta. Nel caso incui nonsi conosca già la parola, essa viene ripresentata più e piùvoltefin quando non viene imparata. Con il controllodell’apprendimentoè possibile vedere quali progressi si compiono divolta involta.Nessun imbroglio – l‘App si installa sulproprioSmartphone, così che si può imparare la lingua quanto sidesidera.Non ci sono costi aggiuntivi e non si effettuanessunabbonamento.With the app you canlearnand improve Russian wherever you are.The app is designed for both beginners and those who alreadyknowRussian, but want to brush up on their language skills.To download our App is not required no registration andnoadditional purchase of the lexicon - once purchased, you havethewhole lexicon full App.Altogether you can learn 450 words of 21 differentthematicgroups - for example, in a hotel or restaurant, beunderstood, inthe car, do the shopping, numbers, time, disease,etc.the App Features:Determine the speed Language - with the app you canchoosebetween "learn the language" or "language slog".Listening Original - you can hear every word to learnitspronunciation. All the words are spoken by nativespeakers.Expansion individual learning - you can adjust the numberoflessons and words according to his request, in the same way forthesequence and for the distribution of words.Interface interchangeable - you can freely edit thecharactersof the data and all backgrounds.Control learning - every word you can assess whether ornotyou already knew the answer. In case you do not already knowtheword, it is presented again and again until it is learned.Withcontrol of learning you can see what progress are performedfromtime to time.No cheating - the app is installed on your smartphone, soyoucan learn the language as you want. There are no additionalcostsand you do not make no subscription.
Russian for Kids 1.0
PetraLingua® Russian for Kids: ClothingThe combination of imaginative video sequences and cheerfulsongswill help you learn basic everyday words the fun andefficientway!PetraLingua® lessons are designed for children between theagesof 3 and 10 years, but also for grownups who still feel thechildinside of them!How do PetraLingua® lessons grab the children's attentionanddevelop their love of language learning? Below you'll findeighttips of an experienced teacher:- Generating curiosity- Using an interesting story- Using fun and humour- Relating a personal experience- A friendly mascot that guides the children throughthelessons- Repeating the same topic using different approaches- Repeated listening to the audio picture dictionary helpsusmemorize the words- Using the need for self-affirmationFeatures:- Introductory video sequencePetralingua® Russian teaches the kids the basics of Russianthroughcommon everyday situations (Clothing). New vocabulary isintroducedthrough an introductory video sequence.Lovable creatures and animated films will be interestingforlearners of all ages.- Revision videoThe introductory video is followed by a revision version. Afterthebeep, the children repeat the words and sentences spoken byanative speaker in the video. This way, they practicelanguagestructures and develop their speaking skills.- Russian learning songThe lesson includes a song composed to repeat and practicethevocabulary from the lesson. Children will gladly listen tothecheerful melodies more then once and quickly memorize thenewwords.- Sing along activitiesThe song is followed by an instrumental version, so the childrencansing alone to the known melody and proudly show what theyhavelearned.- Talking Picture DictionaryThe audio picture dictionary can be used to help us rememberthewords that were introduced in the videos, repeat the wordsafterthe speaker, but also to practice writing.For the complete course, please visit the officialPetraLingua®website: www.petralingua.comAbout PetraLingua®Currently available courses: English, French, Spanish,German,Russian and ChineseContents of PetraLingua® online multimedia language coursesforchidren:• 20 everyday topics• 11 songs• 80 animated videos• 140 interactive exercises• 500 basic words• talking picture dictionary• Activity Books to downloadWe’ll use songs, animated videos, interactive exercises,comicsand rhetorics to take your everyday worries away and freeyour mindto learn a new language!Interesting interactive exercises will help you check whatyou’velearned and improve your vocabulary! The exercises are neverthesame, because every time you refresh the page, you get adifferentset of words and sentences to practice!PetraLingua® foreign language courses for children aresupportedon all major current browsers and platforms includingWindows, MAC,iPad®, iPhone® and Android® tablets and phones.Also available: Complete PetraLingua® Language Learning SetsFeedback and support:If you have any questions, email us on support(at)petralingua.comorvisit our website www.petralingua.comFollow us:
Learn and play Russian words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
German Grammar Learning 1.06.4
Learning Apps
A grammar book is too boring and doesn'tgiveyou enough feedback?Then have a look at this program.It is fully usable-offline.You can immediately apply in practice, what you have readandyou'll get feedback instantly. In all tasks German phrasesareused. There are currently over 6000(20-200 for a task)sentencesfor the exercises available. If you do not know a word inyourlanguage, translations are available from a database.At the moment the interface and all lessons are translated to* German* English* Spanish (beta)* French* Russian* Arabic (beta)* ChineseFurthermore you can choose the exercise translation languageandthese are:* French, English, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Arabic,Turkish,Persian,Romanian, Hungarian, Greek, Polish, Czech, Dutch,Korean,Swedish,Portuguese, Danish, Hindi, Norwegian, Slovak, Vietnamese,Chinese,Japanese,Bulgarian,Catalan,Estonian,Hebrew,Indonesian,Latvian,Lithuanian,Malay,Hmong Daw,Thai,Ukrainian,Urdu(Translations are generated and could be not totally right)Topics include:- use of articles- formation of nouns- declensions (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative)- pronouns- verbs- tenses (1000 most used verbs)- adjectives/adverbs- prepositions- sentence structure- subjunctive- passive- negationsDepending on the lesson, you have to* Find errors* Set right words* Set or find word endings* Form phrases from existing words correctly* Push words in correct positions in the sentence(over 150 different tasks in the above groups with a total of300tasks)(In App Purchase)Based on list views sorted topics and subtopics of Germangrammarare shown.There are now two modes.In the first mode, you must proceed the lessons sequentially likeina courseand in the other mode you can freely choose what you want to do.(InApp Purchase)Course Mode:At the beginning no lesson in the lesson list is available, butthiswill change during the course of the game when you unlock moreandmore tasks.If you have successfully completed tasks according todifficulty,you can choose new lessons that you want to work on.During thecourse you will get a growing range of tasks andtopics.Using statistical analysis, you can then do your worst ormostrecent tasks again to improve your results.If you want to have more examples in a task or you finderrors,please write an email to [email protected] be great.
Rusça Konuşma Rehberi (DEMO) 1.04
Phrasebook helps you interact with people.
Learn Russian. Speak Russian 7.10.0
ATi Studios
Learn Russian with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the Russian language quickly and effectively.Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core Russian words,formsentences, learn to speak Russian phrases and take partinconversations. Fun Russian lessons improve your vocabulary,grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method.Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional witha tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts toyourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Russian language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Russian language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofRussian grammar lessons and at the end of a fullsemester’slanguage course you could barely translate a sentence orsay“Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional way to learnalanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Russian phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Russian pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Russian words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Russian clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningRussian. Mondly teaches you Russian vocabulary by offeringyou corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Russian. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreRussianvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakRussianclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Russian verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Russian is different frompersonto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Russian lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Russian Azerbaijani Translator 3.3.7
Pro Languages
Translator from Russian to Azerbaijani, and from AzerbaijanitoRussian.
German Declension 1.4
German declension tables dividedbyDefinite/Indefinite/No Article or Possessive PronounsandNominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive. A great helpforpeople who are learning German!
Learn German DeutschAkademie 1.4
Learn German by DeutschAkademie is the mostcomprehensiveGermangrammar trainer App! This German grammar traineroffers: -Morethan 22.000 grammar exercises - Learn German accordingtoyourlevel (A1 A2 B1 B2 C1) - Learn German according toyourtextbooks(70 textbooks) - Practice a specific German grammartopic-Statistics on your performance - Our exercisesarestructuredaccording to the European Framework of ReferenceforLanguages TheDeutschAkademie Online German Course has beendesignedbyexperienced German teachers. You can control yourprogress asyoulearn German. The exercises are organised accordingto thecoursebook and the European Framework of Reference forLanguages.
Russian in a Month Free 1.27
Our application is a great chance to learnthebasis of the foreign language fast and effectively.Unique study method. No more grinding repetitivewordstranslation that will slip your mind soon.You're supposed to figure out the meaning like children learntospeak. They link what they hear with what they see and learnthemeaning of each word or phrase comparing the differencesbetweenactions or things.Nail down the knowledge that you grasp with the help ofwritingtasks.The full version offers:- 50 lessons with increasing difficulty levels- 3200 words and phrases voiced by male and femalenativenarrators- over 2600 colorful imagesThere is a free version to try before you buy. It contains3lessons: from the beginning, middle and the end of the course.Theyare given to show the method and the course level that weofferAbout 5 million people all over the world have already chosenourapplication as a fair companion. Give it a try too!**Check out FAQ if you encounter anyissues: **
German Article Test App 2.2.0
Stephen Young
This app is for sale. I can adapt it toyourfit in with your corporate identity and offer it with orwithout amaintenance contract. There is an extended versionavailable whichalso enables testing on adjective and pronounendings. Contact mevia the email address below for moreinformation.Learning the gender of nouns is the biggest hurdle inlearningGerman grammar. All too often we learn the noun but forgetto learnthe gender at the same time and without knowing the genderof anoun one cannot speak or write correctly using thenominative,accusative, dative or genitive.I developed this tool as a practice and learning aid forrememberingthe gender of a noun and it is also useful forremembering when touse the nominative, accusative, dative orgenitive.You can paste your own German text into the text area and thentestthe definite or indefinite article or, probably much moreuseful,you can let the app select some text for you from the latestnews.You can select from the following topics: News, Finance,Sport,Politics, German Politics and Foreign Politics. You can alsodecideon how long you want the text you are to be tested on to be,thereare five lengths of text available.Once you have selected your topic and length of text you clickonDefinite or Indefinite according to whether you want to betestedon the definite article (die, der, das etc,) or theindefinitearticle (ein, eine, etc.).The screen is then replaced by your text with all of thearticlesreplaced by selection boxes for you to select the correctarticle.When you click on "Get Score" the correct article willbehighlighted in green and incorrect ones in red.I hope you enjoy this app and find it useful!
Cursive Upper Case - Autism 1.0.8
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device beforelaunchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Airfrombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Why not learning in a style? Twist the letters and createyourownstyle of writing. Learn how to do that with the helpofCursiveUpper Case - Autism. WebTeam Corporation has designedthisapp toteach special children some special techniquestoimprovehandwriting.The app is developed by WebTeam corporation.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation isaSomerset-basedmobile application development firm thathaspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management programcomprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’sABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts,researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage theentirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood andemployment.By developing apps for autism intervention,WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices,therebymakingthese necessary services available to theunder-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lackthe expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in acost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietarytechnology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 PowerfulAnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and sharedataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that willultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growingdevelopmentaldisorders.*** About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per weekofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been citedbymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success.TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizestheskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA programas:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistivetechnology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation oftheenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and theeffectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems ingeneralizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need fortraining inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrumdisorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associatedwith autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardationand severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make theneed fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”
Azerbaijani - Russian Translat 5.1.2
With this translator you can easily translate from AzerbaijanitoRussian.
Learn Russian 1.2
Galeon Apps
Learn Russian is an easy to use mobile learningapplication,designed for those who are starting to learn thisawesome andbeautiful language. For each 100 downloads new words andphraseswill be added Features - Russian Alphabet (cyrillicalphabet) withpronunciation and examples - Common and usefulphrases - Basicvocabulary using flashcard style - Great designKeywords: Russian,alphabet, grammar, language learning, learning,Russian phrases
Basic Russian (Tablet) 1.1
Hello-Hello’s Basic Russian app is a greatwayto build your vocabulary. The app has the following features:★ More than 1,000 words and phrases★ 3 different modules for learning the words★ Practice Reading Skills★ Practice Speaking Skills★ Practice Writing SkillsThis app allows you to learn words using pictures andthenpractice these words so that they are easier to remember.Hello-Hello also has a Conversational Course App that is arobustlanguage course with 30 conversational lessons. The coursesweredeveloped in collaboration with The American Council on theTeachingof Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which is the largestassociation ofteachers and administrators of all languages at alllevels, servingmore than 12,000 educators.ABOUT USHello-Hello is an innovative language learning companythatprovides state-of the art mobile and online courses. Foundedin2009, Hello-Hello launched the world’s first language learningappfor the iPad. The company’s first app was included in thelimited1,000-app Grand Opening of the iPad App Store in April 2010andfeatured as an Apple Staff Favorite. Our lessons were developedincollaboration with The American Council on the Teaching ofForeignLanguages (ACTFL) which is the largest and mostrespectedassociation for language teachers and professionals.With over 5 million learners worldwide, Hello-Hello appsareamong the top selling language learning apps in the U.S.andinternationally. Hello-Hello has over 100 apps teaching13different languages available on the iPad, iPhone, AndroidDevices,Blackberry Playbook and Kindle.
Speak Russian : Learn Russian 1.0.18
Speak Russian fluently from many languages with Audios, ImagesandGames.
Lower Case - Autism Series 1.0.7
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device beforelaunchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Airfrombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Don’t know how to start writing a word? Thinkinghowsmallalphabets look like? Simply learn all the 26 letters oftheEnglishalphabet with the app Lower Case - AutismSeries.WebTeamCorporation has developed this app that can helptoddlerslearnlowercase initial alphabets in a simple way. LowerCaseutilizesbrief animations that introduce children with autism totheworldof language.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation isaSomerset-basedmobile application development firm thathaspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management programcomprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’sABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts,researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage theentirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood andemployment.By developing apps for autism intervention,WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices,therebymakingthese necessary services available to theunder-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lackthe expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in acost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietarytechnology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 PowerfulAnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and sharedataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that willultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growingdevelopmentaldisorders.***About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per weekofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been citedbymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success.TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizestheskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA programas:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistivetechnology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation oftheenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and theeffectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems ingeneralizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need fortraining inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrumdisorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associatedwith autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardationand severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make theneed fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”