Top 7 Apps Similar to XYZworks Triangulate

Map Check 1.02
The XYZworks Map Check app is used toenterdatafrom a map, plat, or legal description of a lot orparcel,andquickly produce a plot on the screen and compute theareaenclosed.This is used by Land Surveyors, landowners,titlecompanies, andothers to determine if the area of the lotmatcheswhat the recordssay. Useful to check the data on a countyGIS(geographicinformation system) or tax maps. You don't want topayproperty taxon more land than you own! Works for lines andcurveswith manyoptions for the type of curve data.Optimized for phones and tablets.Designed for international use: distances in feet ormeterstoproduce areas in acres or hectares, and degrees orgrads.Enterbearings using quadrants, or north or southazimuths.
Latitude Longitude Coordinates
Welcome to Latitude & Longitude!Latitude & Longitude will find your device's latitudeandlongitude coordinates, as well as its altitude, bearing, speedandmore. The app can use either GPS or your local network tofindgeographical coordinates.Latitude & Longitude also has map functionality(accessiblethrough the map icon on the bottom of the screen forphones or topfor tablets) to find the latitude and longitudecoordinates of anypoint on earth. You can also input latitude andlongitudecoordinates you already know to place a marker on themap.- Latitude & Longitude is more accurate with yourdevice'sGPS is turned on.- Latitude & Longitude requires Google Play Services."Latitude & Longitude" allows you to manipulate yourlocationtwofold:**Holo design**Beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder. It'soverhere.Latitude & Longitude follows the Android designguidelines,providing a much more intuitive user experience.**Customization**Change how long the app uses GPS to find your latitude,longitudeand more (you can turn GPS search off alltogether if youwant, butits more accurate to find your latitude and longitude viaGPS). Setan idle time refresh rate. It's all here in Latitude&Longitude.**Best in its class**Latitude & Longitude is small, fast and efficient.Everything is on one screen - no unnecessary swiping, tappingorjumping is required. Your device's latitude, longitude,altitude,bearing, speed (and more) are the first things you see.Ofcourse,you can explore your latitude, longitude, accuracy, bearingetc.further. Tapping any location item (such as latitude orlongitude)will show you extra information, such as conversions,comparisonsand a full history.40,000+ downloads and 96% positive reviews don't lie.**Permissions**android.permission.INTERNET - retrieve maps, advertsandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - checkforconnectionsandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - save data(formaps)android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - usemobilenetworks/wi-fi to get locationandroid.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - use gps -checkfor Google Play services (for maps, adverts)
MAX6 0.8-4
Dan Toma
MAX6 Vector Network Analyzer controller
For pilots: log and debrief your flight
HRD IP Server tester 0.2.2
Dan Toma
This is an Android only application used to test thefunctionalityof the Ham Radio Deluxe IP Server.Current version of the application has thefollowingfeatures:- Works on any Android device with an OS version 2.x or higher,withany resolution greater than 320x240;- Load all the buttons, dropdowns and sliders available forthecurrently connected transceiver;- Save all this info in a file;- Build specific IP Server commands using dropdown lists, insteadofwriting them manually;- Configurable font size.
Comunello ONE App 1.0.3
Comunello One App, applicazionediprogrammazione remota tramite Wi-fi degli attuatori per cancelliebarriere stradali della linea Comunello Automation compatibiliconla One Technology. Questa App consente una programmazionesemplice,intuitiva ed estremamente veloce dell'attuatore dainstallare peril proprio progetto. La funzionalità “Pro Setting”consenteall'installatore più esperto tarature della massimaprecisione diogni parametro di funzionamento del motore e deidispositivi adesso collegati, una gestione semplice ed immediata di400radiocomandi, la possibilità di salvare la programmazioneereplicarla su altri attuatori e molto altro ancora.Utilizzaretutte queste potenzialità è facile: installa l'Appgratuita, aprilae registra il tuo account “Comunello”. ComunelloOne App poisemplificherà il tuo lavoro giorno dopo giorno.Caratteristiche:- Connessione agli attuatori Comunello Automation compatibiliconla One Technology via Wi-fi tramite K-One, trasmettitoreWi-Fibidirezionale- Auto-Set: auto-programmazione della centrale in pochisemplicipassaggi- Pro Setting: interfaccia per una programmazione avanzataedestremamente precisa di tutti i parametri del motore edegliaccessori periferici connessi come fotocellule,lampeggianti,ecc.- Selezione rapida ed intuitiva del senso di marcia delmotore,senza bisogno di invertire la polarità dei cavi- Vista 3D del progetto con tutti gli accessori adessocollegati. Basta un tocco sul singolo accessorio permodificarne lefunzionalità- Gestione dei radiocomandi: nella modalità Pro-Settingèpossibile gestire fino a 400 radiocomandi. Mai più la necessitàdicancellare l'associazione di tutti i radiocomandi perrimuovernesolo uno. I radiocomandi ora possono essere identificatida un nomee aggiunti o rimossi singolarmente- Backup di tutti i tuoi progetti/configurazioni incloud.Rimarranno sempre associati al tuo account Comunello.REQUISITI- In caso di connessione con il server Comunello perilsalvataggio o recupero di progetti verrà applicato il costoditraffico dati previsto dal vostro operatore telefonico.- Il vostro device deve essere collegato via Wi-fi allacentraleda programmare tramite K-One per poter utilizzare lefunzionalitàdell'appComunello OneApp,application of remote programming via Wi-fi actuators for gatesandroad barriers line Comunello Automation compatible with theOneTechnology. This App makes programming simple, intuitiveandextremely fast actuator to install for your project. The"ProSetting" allows the installer more experienced calibrationofprecision of each operating parameter of the engine and thedevicesconnected to it, a simple and immediate management of 400remotecontrols, the ability to save the programming and replicateit onother actuators and much more. Use all of these capabilitiesiseasy: install the free App, open it and register youraccount"Comunello". One App Comunello then will simplify your workdayafter day.Features:- Connection to the actuators Comunello Automationcompatiblewith the One Technology via Wi-fi via K-One, Wi-Fitransmitterbidirectional- Auto-Set: self-panel programming in a few simple steps- Pro Setting: interface for advanced programming andextremelyprecise of all the parameters of the engine and relatedperipheralaccessories such as photocells, flashing lights, etc.- Speed ​​Dial and intuitive sense of the motor, without theneedto reverse the polarity of the wires- 3D view of the project with all the accessories connectedtoit. Just a touch on the single accessory to changeitsfunctionality- Management of the radio controls in the Pro-Setting modeyoucan manage up to 400 transmitters. No more need to deletetheassociation of all the remote controls to remove only one.Theremote controls can now be identified by a name and addedorremoved individually- Backup all your projects / configurations in the cloud.Willalways be associated with your account Comunello.REQUIREMENTS- If the connection to the server Comunello for rescueorrecovery plans will be billed as traffic data provided byyourservice provider.- Your device must be connected via Wi-Fi to be programmedviathe central K-One to be able to use the features of the app
Planimeter Area Measure Guide 1.0.4
Free guide for popular Planimeter - GPS Area Measure Android app.