Top 23 Apps Similar to Mobile homes Tourism Palencia

Aires Campingcar-infos 2.61
Nouveau ! Nous venons de publier unenouvelleappli qui remplacera celle-ci: officielle dusitehttp://www.campingcar-infos.comMerci de lire cette description jusqu'au bout, notamment encequi concerne l'espace mémoire nécessaire à son utilisation.Ce site est associatif et recense toutes les aires en Franceetdans 42 autres pays.La base de données la plus complète du web en matière d'airesdeservices camping-car, mise à jour quotidiennement par uneéquipeperformante de bénévoles, avec les données, commentaires etphotosenvoyées par les camping-caristes eux-mêmes.Recherchez très facilement toutes les aires de services etdestationnement pour camping-car référencées par Campingcar-Infos,lesite de référence en la matière.L'application permet la localisation des aires parcartegéographique, par son nom, son numéro, ou autour d'un ville oud'unpoint précis.Choisissez vos options (types d'aires, rayon de recherche)etlancez la recherche autour du centre de la carte pourfaireafficher les aires situées dans le rayon choisi.Cliquez ensuite sur l'aire que vous souhaitez pourfaireapparaitre la fiche correspondante, avec photos etcommentaires descamping-caristes.Cette version peut être utilisée gratuitement avec uneconnexionInternet (wifi, 4G, 3G ou Edge), mais aussi horsconnexion(moyennant un abonnement sur notre site web: ).Le mode hors connexion permet l'utilisation sans aucuneconnexionde données, en utilisant les données, photos,commentaires et fondsde cartes préalablement chargées surl'appareil.Ces données sont téléchargeables pays par pays (région parrégionpour la France) depuis l'application aussi souvent que vouslesouhaitez, durant toute la durée de l'abonnement.Attention, cette application nécessite d'avoir un espacemémoiredisponible suffisant pour s'installer et pouvoir fonctionner:- l'application seule nécessite au minimum 100 Mb de libre.Données pour utilisation "hors connexion" :- France/région Alsace : 6.5 Mb- France/région Aquitaine : 23 Mb- France/région Auvergne : 16 Mb- France/région Bourgogne : 11 Mb- France/région Bretagne : 27 Mb- France/région Centre : 16 Mb- France/région Champagne-Ardenne : 7.5 Mb- France/région Corse : 1.5 Mb- France/région Franche-Comte : 8.5 Mb- France/région Ile-de-France : 1.5 Mb- France/région Languedoc-Roussillon : 17 Mb- France/région Limousin : 9 Mb- France/région Lorraine : 8 Mb- France/région Midi-Pyrénées : 23.5 Mb- France/région Nord-Pas-de-Calais : 7 Mb- France/région Basse-Normandie : 11 Mb- France/région Haute-Normandie : 6 Mb- France/région Pays-de-la-Loire : 19 Mb- France/région Picardie : 3 Mb- France/région Poitou-Charentes : 16.5 Mb- France/région Provence-Côte-d'Azur : 18 Mb- France/région Rhône-Alpes : 27 MbSoit pour la totalité de la France : 130 MbAutres pays :- Albanie : 3.5 Mb- Allemagne : 87 Mb- Andorre : 1 Mb- Autriche : 14.5 Mb- Belgique : 11.5 Mb- Bielorussie : 15 Mb- Bosnie : 5 Mb- Bulgarie : 7.5 Mb- Croatie : 8 Mb- Danemark : 9 Mb- Espagne : 52 Mb- Estonie : 5.5 Mb- Finlande : 30 Mb- Grande-Bretagne : 33 Mb- Grèce : 14.5 Mb- Hongrie : 9 Mb- Irlande : 9 Mb- Islande : 13 Mb- Italie : 54 Mb- Lettonie : 7.5 Mb- Liechtenstein : 0.5 Mb- Lituanie : 7.5 Mb- Luxembourg : 1.5 Mb- Macédoine : 2.5 Mb- Maroc : 21 Mb- Mauritanie : 5.5 Mb- Norvège : 43.5 Mb- Pays-Bas : 10 Mb- Pologne : 31.5 Mb- Portugal : 19 Mb- Roumanie : 17 Mb- Russie : 263 Mb (grosse quantité de fonds de cartes)- Serbie-Monténégro : 7 Mb- Slovaquie : 5 Mb- Slovénie : 4 Mb- Suède : 37.5 Mb- Suisse : 9 Mb- Théquie : 11.5 Mb- Tunisie : 3.5 Mb- Turquie : 31 Mb- Ukraine : 35 MbSoit un total France + pays étrangers : 892 MbEn cas de problème, merci de contacter notre équipe debénévoles: [email protected]! We just releasedanew app that will replaceit: application site http://www.campingcar-infos.comThank you for reading this description to the end,especiallywith regard to the memory space required for its use.This site is associative and lists all the areas in France andin42 other countries.The most complete database of the web in terms of serviceareascamper, updated daily by a strong team of volunteers, withthedata, comments and photos sent by motorhome themselves.Search easily all areas of services and parking formotorhomesMotorhome-referenced information, the reference site inthefield.The application allows the location of areas by map, byname,number, or around a city or a specific point.Choose your options (types of areas, search radius) andstartlooking around the center of the map to show areas withintheselected radius.Then click on the area you want to bring up thecorrespondingcard, with photos and comments motorhome driver.This version can be used free of charge with anInternetconnection (WiFi, 4G, 3G or Edge), but also offline (onasubscription on ourwebsite mode allows use without any data connection, usingdata,photos, reviews and maps preloaded on the device.This data is downloadable by country (region by region inFrance)since the application as often as you like, for the durationof thesubscription.Please note that this application requires to havesufficientmemory available to install and to operate:- The single application requires at least 100 Mb of free.Data for use "offline":- France / Alsace region: 6.5 Mb- France / Aquitaine region: 23 Mb- France / Auvergne: 16 Mb- France / Burgundy region: 11 Mb- France / Brittany: 27 Mb- France / Centre region: 16 Mb- France / Champagne-Ardenne: 7.5 Mb- France / Corsica region: 1.5 Mb- France / Franche-Comte region: 8.5 Mb- France / Ile-de-France: 1.5 Mb- France / Languedoc-Roussillon: 17 Mb- France / Limousin: 9 Mb- France / Lorraine region: 8 Mb- France / Midi-Pyrénées: 23.5 Mb- France / Nord-Pas-de-Calais: 7 Mb- France / Basse-Normandie region: 11 Mb- France / Haute-Normandie region: 6 Mb- France / Region Pays de la Loire: 19 Mb- France / Picardy region: 3 Mb- France / Poitou-Charentes region: 16.5 Mb- France / Provence-Côte d'Azur: 18 Mb- France / Rhône-Alpes region: 27 MbEither for the whole of France: 130 MbOther countries :- Albania: 3.5 Mb- Germany: 87 Mb- Andorra: 1 Mb- Austria: 14.5 Mb- Belgium: 11.5 Mb- Belarus: 15 Mb- Bosnia: 5 Mb- Bulgaria: 7.5 Mb- Croatia: 8 Mb- Denmark: 9 Mb- Spain: 52 Mb- Estonia: 5.5 Mb- Finland: 30 Mb- Great Britain: 33 Mb- Greece: 14.5 Mb- Hungary: 9 Mb- Ireland: 9 Mb- Iceland: 13 Mb- Italy: 54 Mb- Latvia: 7.5 Mb- Liechtenstein: 0.5 Mb- Lithuania: 7.5 Mb- Luxembourg: 1.5 Mb- Macedonia: 2.5 Mb- Morocco: 21 Mb- Mauritania: 5.5 Mb- Norway: 43.5 Mb- Netherlands: 10 Mb- Poland: 31.5 Mb- Portugal: 19 Mb- Romania: 17 Mb- Russia: 263 Mb (large amount of maps)- Serbia and Montenegro: 7 Mb- Slovakia: 5 Mb- Slovenia: 4 Mb- Sweden: 37.5 Mb- Switzerland: 9 Mb- Théquie: 11.5 Mb- Tunisia: 3.5 Mb- Turkey: 31 Mb- Ukraine: 35 MbTotaling France + foreign countries: 892 MbIn case of problems, thank you to contact our team ofvolunteers:[email protected]
Aires C.Car 1.97
The app to quickly find a service area for your next trip
Campercontact motorhome camper 7.1.18
With Campercontact, you will always find a motorhome site thatsuitsyou.
AreeAttrezzate Camper Caravan
Logos 99 Srl
App search stops campers, caravans and tents in Italy. It takesyouto your destination.
CamperOnLine 2.2.7
Area camper, camping, picnic areas, camper service, stopping points
Caravan Leveler 27 Free
eland apps
Put your caravan or any other 3-wheel vehicle in ahorizontalposition!
AriApp - Camping/Camper Areas
A quick way to find campsites, camper areas and agricamping inItaly
promobil pitch radar 4.11
Over 12,000 pitches all over europe for your motorhome
Areaspain 2.0.4
Información sobre áreas deautocaravanas,sitios de pernocta y lugares de aparcamiento paraautocaravanas. Lainformación está obtenida de distintos foros deinternet, páginasweb y anotaciones del desarrollador. Entre,, camping-car infos y tenéis alguna duda, podeis poneros en [email protected] viatweeter @autobytesDisponibles los videotutoriales en mi canal de youtube: on RVareas,sites and places overnight RV parking. The information isobtainedfrom various internet forums, web developer andannotations. Othersources:,, camping-carinfos you have any questions, you can get in touch by [email protected] or via tweeter@autobytesAvailable video tutorials on my youtube channel:
CAMC Magazine 4.2
Read the Caravan & Motorhome Club Magazine on the go&access exclusive content
CaraMaps - Motorhome campsite 4.7.4
CaraMaps, motorhome directory to find services areas,campsites,RVdealers...
Camping Checklist 3.9.3
100% Free: Share Assign Reminders Unlimited (sub)tasks NotesInc.10checklists
Caravan Buddy 1.4.8
Caravan Buddy aims to be aninvaluablecompanion for when you next go camping.This app allows you to search for sites, book them, call themupand navigate directly to them. Whilst searching for your site,youcan also check out video reviews, and read reviews that othershavewritten and what to do in the local area (not all sitessupportthis).You can find sites on the following networks:Camping And Caravanning ClubCaravan ClubYou can also start other handy apps from this one, and asmallselection of YouTube videos are included for people who arejuststarting out caravanning.Feel free to leave feedback.I hope you enjoy using this app.
Camper Huren 4.5.3
Bij Averesch Campers in Rijssen vindt uvoorelke reis de juiste camper. Of u nu met een klein of eengrootgezelschap reist, er is altijd een camper die bij u past.Onzehuurcampers zijn uitgerust voor twee tot zes personen. Ukuntkiezen uit 12 verschillende indelingen, de camper die u bijonsuitzoekt krijgt u ook mee dus geen indeling die er op lijkt.Al onze huur campers zijn Nederlandse campers en hebbeneenNederlands kenteken!!Comfortabel en compleetOnze huurcampers zijn uitsluitend van het merk Adria enDochterSunLiving . Adria is één van de grootste camperproducentenvanEuropa met een compleet, hoogwaardig enmarktconformleveringsprogramma. Een innovatief bedrijf dat zijnassortiment deafgelopen jaren veelvuldig vernieuwd en verbeterdheeft.Zorgeloos op vakantieGeen ervaring met een campervakantie? Geen enkel probleem. Uhoeftgeen grote investeringen te doen, maar kunt meteen zorgeloosaan uwreis beginnen. Onze campers zijn voorzien van alle luxeencomfort!De huurcampers zijn uitgebreidt verzekerd met pechhulpenrepatrieering, al onze huurcampers kunt u besturen metrijbewijsBDe huurmodellen verkeren in perfecte staat en zijnbovendienuitgerust met een volledige inventaris, luifel,fietsendrager eneen tafel met campingstoelen. Uw bagage blijft dusbeperkt!Het is bij ons niet mogelijk om uw huisdier mee te nemen,enisroken ook verboden.Boeken?!Neem contact met ons op: 0548 - 51 36 70 | [email protected] AvereschCampersRijssen you find the right motorhome for each trip. Whetheryou aretraveling with a small or a large company, there is alwaysamotorhome that suits you. Our rental homes are equipped for twotosix people. You can choose from 12 different layouts, the RVthatyou find out from us so you will also note that there seems tobeno classification.All our rental campers and motorhomes are Dutch have aDutchlicense plate!Comfortable and completeOur rental campers are solely the Adria brand andDaughterSunLiving. Adria is one of the largest RV manufacturers inEuropewith a complete, high quality and competitive range. Aninnovativecompany that are frequently updated range in recent yearsand hasimproved.Carefree holidaysNo experience with an RV vacation? No problem. You do not needtomake any large investment, but you carefree start to yourtripright away. Our campers are equipped with all the luxuryandcomfort!The rental campers are insured with breakdown andexpandedrepatrieering, all our hire motorhomes you can control witha BlicenseThe rental models in perfect condition and are equipped withafull inventory, awning, bike rack, table and camping chairs.Yourluggage so limited!It is not possible for us to take your pet with you, andsmokingis prohibited.Books!Contact us at: 0548-51 36 70 | [email protected]
ACSI Campsites Europe 2023.10.10
No internet connection needed!
Camping Checklist 1.5
Keto Guy
Lot of people have never been to a camping festival before andorcamping in general.So we have compiled a list of things to bringifthis your first time camping either at a music festival oranythingin general.You will not be able to park next to your tentwhich cansuck having to go back and forth to your car, or godforbidsomething happens to your stuff and you want to sleep in yourcarfor safety.Some items in the checklists have been derived from reallifecamping experiences for an example"store my food in an airtight nylon bag with a valve on itthatcan be hung from trees. When carrying food that can be crushed,Iinflate the bag which prevents the contents inside frombeingcrushed.""When hammock camping, I make sure there are lines hangingdownfrom my suspension so that when it rains water does not dripdownthe lines and onto my hammock.""In cold weather, I heat up a bottle of water and take it intomysleeping bag with me."This checklist is ideal for campers, hikers, bushwalking,peoplewith kids, stargazers, wildlife enthusiasts, fishing tripsand soon.
Camping App Van & Camping
Camping App
The nicest campervan stopovers, wild camping spots &campsitesin one app.
Autocaravanas: En Ruta 3.2
Motorhome areas in Spain and Europe and hundreds ofroutesmotorhome.
Camper Leveler
eland apps
Put your motorhome or any other 4-wheel vehicle in ahorizontalposition!
Caravan and Motorhome Club UK
The official Caravan and Motorhome Club UK Sites app.
AA Caravan & Camping Guide 3.3
The AA has over one hundred years of experience in seekingout,assessing and recommending accommodation. The AA Caravan&Camping Guide app features over 850 recommended andinspectedcampsites located across England, Scotland and Wales, fromfields,forests and moors to lakes and coastal regions.Campsites have been awarded an AA rating by a professionalAAinspector. Entries may include a detailed description,priceinformation, images, telephone numbers, website addressesandmore.The AA Caravan & Camping Guide app includes thefollowingmain features:• Over 850 recommended Caravan and Camping sites inEngland,Scotland and Wales• AA graded campsites• Filter options• Price information• Detailed descriptions• Telephone numbers• Search around your current location• Search around a location of your choice• Search by Campsite name• Inspire Me
RV Parky 75
Completely FREE with NO ADS or In-app purchases. Built byafulltimer to help RVers on the road. Don't be fooled bycopy-catsthatcharge you to unlock the app, this is the mostcompletecollectionof RV parks, camp grounds, rest areas, gasstations, andstores.Get information, view pictures, get directionsto where youareheaded to next. - Includes RV Parks categorizedby:CommerciallyOwned, Public Parks, Military Camp, 55+,KOA,Jellystone, Casino -RV friendly stores like CampingWorld,Cabela's, Cracker Barrel,and Walmart - Rest Areas andWelcomeCenters - Fuel Stops includingFlying J's, Pilot, and TATravelCenters - Low bridge warnings ForNorth America (USA,Canada,Mexico)