Top 14 Apps Similar to Prime Land

NumWiz (Full) 1.0.2
In addition to a well designedscientificcalculator, NumWiz provides a wide range of functionalitytosimplify everyday calculations. It gives the ability to carryoutcalculations in the following areas: composite numbers,factors,fractions, hcf (highest common factor), lcm (lowestcommonmultiple), mean, median, mode, multiples, number bases,percentage,prime factorization, prime numbers, roman numerals, setnotation,area, chi-square distribution, correlation coefficient,density,force, molar mass (molecular weight), perimeter, power,pythagoras'theorem, quadratic equation, standard deviation,standard error,variance, velocity, volume and z-score probability.It also includes a stopwatch, a timer with optionalalarmsettings, a password generator, and a GMT display.The conversion section of the app allows you to convertangle,area, currency, energy, length, power, pressure,speed,temperature, time, volume and weight.In addition, the app has awesome features, such as the abilitytoread answers aloud. Many other features are to be discovered inthisfully integrated, seamless application.
Factorization, GCF and LCM 1.0
•Type your number, Factorization Toolwilldothe factoring and prime factorization for your•Practice Mode and Quiz Mode•Lessons and Example for Factorization, GCF, LCM•Scratch Pad•Elegantly Designed and User Friendly InterfaceFactorization, GCF and LCM is a cool way to learn,practiceandquiz on how to factor a number, prime factorization,GCFandLCM.This app is a wonderful tool for any student,parentsandteachers. Type your number, out come a list of allfactors, andalist of prime factors for the number you typed.Nowprimefactorization is as easy as simply typing your numbers.Practice Mode and Quiz Mode offer a fun,innovativeandchallenging way for young learners to master theconcepts andtheiruses.Lessons and Examples section offers comprehensivelessonswhichintroduce the concepts, techniques used to solveproblems.Varioustypes of examples are included to demonstrate howtheproblemsolving techniques are used.
Prime Factorization 2.1
Prime Factorization app converts the given number into productofprime numbers
Prime Factorization 0.2
Finds prime Factorization numbers from a given number
GCSE Maths Number Revision LE 6_Sep_2023
Most comprehensive GCSE Maths- Number app.
GCD - LCM 2.2
Ww Corp
Calculate the Greatest commondivisor(GCD)andthe Least common multiple (LCM) easily from a listof numbers.Discover also the prime factorization of every number used!!
Number Theory Deluxe 1.52
For those enrolled in an ElementaryNumberTheory class looking for some help, this app provides somebasictools to help you succeed. Tools included are theEuclideanAlgorithm, a Linear Congruence solver, primefactorization, andmany other useful tools.If you would like to see additional features added, [email protected].
GCD, LCM, and Prime Factors 1.0.4
Mike Hou
A app used to calculate gcd, lcm, and prime factors.
factorit 2.0
Here is the best tool for improving a student's skill atfactoring.The app presents a target number to be factored, and thestudentresponds by entering a prime factor (2, 3, 5, 7, 11) ofthatnumber. For example, if the initial target number is 210(2*3*5*7),and the user enters 5, the app will do the division andrespondwith the partial factoring 42*5, and the user is prompted toentera factor of the new target, 42. The process repeats untiltheoriginal number (210 in this case) is completely factored. If,atany step, the user enters a number that is not a prime factorofthe target number, an error is charged and the user is promptedtore-enter a correct factor. When the factoring is complete theappdisplays the number of errors. This automatic, real-time,scoringsaves the teacher, or tutor, the trouble of correctingtheexercises, and provides the student with immediate feedback. Averyefficient process for all concerned. The app can be set up torun aspecified number of problems, and will keep a tally of thenumberof errors. This automatic scoring saves the teacher, ortutor, alot of trouble. The other adjustable parameters are thenumber offactors in the original problem (2 through 5) and themaximum primefactor (5, 7, 11, or 13). The instructions give allthe essentialtips to help the student find a factor correctly thefirst time(avoiding being charged with an error) without the botherof ashort division exercise to test it. Since the app does allthedivision, the student can concentrate on getting the factors.Thiswill sharpen his/her skills, even in the midst of allthedistractions that modern youth is subject to.
Factorizer 1.0
Factorizing a number means to multiplyprimefactors so that they are equal to the given number.Factorizerfinds all of the prime factors of a given number showingthemthrough a prime factor stack. The given number is the productofall the factors on the left side. It is also intended to beateaching tool.
Prime factors Y2017
App generates simple random numbers to be decomposed intotheirprime factors. You can go on step by step, beginning fromthelowest factor to the highest one. You can enter your number tobefactored.
GCD & LCM 3.0.1
Greatest Common Divisor &LeastCommonMultiple of two numbers.An application to calculate the greatest common divisorandleastcommon multiple of two numbers without ads for whatreallymatters.Your kids can review mathematics in a practical andsimpleway.Click the appropriate button and you will get thedecompositioninprime factors.(If you like this application please make g+ 1)
Prime and Composite Numbers 1.0
You have the following options:CONCEPT of prime number.COMPOSITE number definition.PRIME for knowing if a number is prime.FACTORIZATION for knowing a number factorization.CONGRUENCE generates a random problem about congruentnumbers.DIVISOR generates a random problem about divisible numbers.SCORE set to zero.CHECK you must press this button to know if your answer isright.Inthis case, the answer must be written in thespacebesideCHECKVOICE The big button of the bottom of the screen allows youtoselectyour option and give your answer using your voice.Thevoicerecognition feature only can be used with anactiveinternetconnexionHELP, only can be used with VOICE, allows you listening allthevoicecommands.AUTHOR provides some information about the author.
Prime Factorization 1.3
It's only an application which factorizes the inputted numberintoprime factor.