Top 24 Games Similar to 单机癞子斗地主

斗地主 1.20
一款界面精美,智能强大的斗地主游戏。1. 支持单机游戏,联网对战,蓝牙、Wi-Fi 联机对战。2. 提供多个难度级别,电脑智能相当强大。3. 支持抢地主和叫分玩法,以及游戏任务。4. 可以在一定范围内任意设置底分。5. 支持滑动连续选牌,出牌提示功能。6. 蓝牙联机对战如果出现连接失败的情况,请尝试重新连接或者换个人创建游戏。7. Wi-Fi 联机对战需要双方接入同一个无线局域网。8. 适合各种分辨率的屏幕,画面精美,无任何广告。An attractiveinterface,intelligent powerful Landlords game.1. Support single games, networked gaming, Bluetooth, Wi-Fionlinegaming.2. Provide multiple difficulty levels, the computerintelligencequite powerful.3. Support grab landlords and called minutes of play, and thegametask.4. within a certain range can be arbitrarily set end points.5. Support slide continuously selecting cards, thecardsprompts.6. Bluetooth online gaming connection fails if thesituationappears, try to reconnect or to create a gameforindividuals.7. Wi-Fi access to online gaming requires both sides to thesamewireless LAN.8. for a variety of resolution screen, beautiful screen, withoutanyadvertising.
明星斗地主2015(单机+联网) 2.3.0
最火红的斗地主加上明星真人搞笑配音,不但可以单人玩,还可以连网对战﹗随机配桌,开局快速,智能跟牌,轻松上手,这么好玩有趣的明星斗地主正等着你用手机下载﹗==明星斗地主游戏特色==★免费玩 天天都补币:永远不怕没筹码 养金猪赚更多★最真实 牌技步步高:与明星斗地主平台成千上万玩家同桌竟技,最严谨的防弊系统,让你有更真实、更刺激的游戏体验。★大明星 配音超好笑:化身为你喜欢的明星,牌桌上充满搞笑夸张的动作,斗地主也能玩得这么欢乐★特效多 爽度100倍:精心设计的画面特效,让你赢牌赢得更爽更有劲﹗★到处玩 单机也可以玩:支援万人联网对战,也支援不用上网的单机玩法,随时随地不无聊。若您在游戏玩明星斗地主手游版上有任何建议、反应,请联系客服信箱:[email protected]
Landlords 2.7
The most classic poker game Landlords.* Complete stand-alone mode, without a network!* Completely free, without money and you can not afraid ofnegative,infinite permanent play!* The new AI, human-computer interaction stroke, enjoythechallenge!The rule is simple, highly entertaining and confrontational,nowbegin to landlords!
Popular board games
鬥地主 神來也斗地主
Gamesofa Inc.
【Rated Five Stars by Our Users】 。Register for free and get1500chips
一年的蟄伏,博雅四人鬥地主新版本盛大發佈!全新界面,全新玩牌體驗,一切都與眾不同,等你來體驗!★★★★★博雅⋅四人鬥地主(酷炫新版)★★★★★1.全新界面,清爽升級,天天玩牌好心情;2.簽到獎勵,日進斗金,免費領錢鬥地主;3.活動多多,驚喜連連,獎勵狂贈不停歇;4.牌局配桌更合理,遊戲體驗再升級5.網路連接優化,玩牌更流暢A year ofhibernation,Burson four Landlords released a new version of agrand! The newinterface, new playing experience, everything isdifferent, and soon for you to experience!★★★★★ Burson ⋅ four Landlords (cool new version) ★★★★★1. The new interface, fresh upgrade, playing every day agoodmood;2. attendance incentives, Rijindoujin, free pick up themoneyLandlords;3. activities, lots of surprises, rewards mad gifts donotstop;4. The Board table with more reasonable gaming experience andthenupgrade5. Internet connection optimization, playing more smoothly
DOUDIZHU reality is China 's most funthingsLandlords live chess game , gathering around the country andHongKong, Macao and Taiwan chess players , chess battle hottiescloudclusters , see the confusion between winning and losing thescreen, the game rich and interesting , in addition to play yourcardtechnology , the course of the game and can communicate witheachother to communicate , to express their feelings and emotions ,aswell as a lot of beans every day gift, card playing casualpuzzlegames of choice .Please comment and leave your frog number , we willbecomplimentary beans in your frog 10000 5 working days.The latest version of the new weixinl group / QQ group / weibo/customer service phone functionality , players can expresstheirgame experience on the official weixin group / QQ group /weibofreedom , the company will have a professional team to serveweixingroup / QQ group / weibo user , and the user 's wonderfularticleMini frog beans and prizes at the weixin group / QQ group/weibo.1 ) flow over the province ! Landlords inning game not worththetraffic flow of a WAP page !2 ) super-fast ! Ultra-small nanoscale installation packagedownloadfast, saving resources to run smoothly !3 ) Play Super Multi ! Joy, Laizi , many multiples of your choice,fun to burst !4 ) Super easy to use ! A key registration , eliminating thetediousprocess of registering an account , catch good cards ,directly openLandlords !5 ) high popularity storm , all Landlords players are real .Hottiestogether High earthshaking .6 ) Get a daily log in frog beans, successive login surprises,isnot the only market where recharge Landlords can also play thegame.Let a right to live DDZ!
Landlord 1.0231
Play FREE online multiplayer, with friends or against achallengingAI.
斗地主单机版 1.4.0
×××Goolge Play首发×××跟QQ斗地主一模一样, 标准斗地主单机版。目前单机斗地主中最好的版本,ai远远超过其他斗地主在国内各大市场上线不到两个月下载量就已突破两百万Starting ××× ×××GoolgePlayQQ Landlords with exactly the same standard Landlordsstand-aloneversion.At present, the best stand-alone version of Landlords, ai farmorethan other LandlordsIn the domestic market, the major line less than two monthshadexceeded two million downloads
单机斗地主 1.0.8
最纯正经典玩法的单机斗地主,纯绿色单机,无需联网,无任何收费,无任何广告,让你随时随地畅快爽不停!游戏特色:1、纯绿色单机,无广告,无收费,无需联网,使用手机权限最少2、超强人工智能,高超的出牌技巧,毫不逊色真人PK,不联网也能得到极富挑战性的单机游戏体验!3、不耗费任何手机流量!兼容所有系统,兼容所有屏幕大小,高效性能,省电又安全。4、国内顶级美术团队倾力绘制特色场景道具,画面精致细腻,给您带来无穷新鲜感。5、成长最快,完整最爱玩,全五星评价的斗地主Purestclassic gameplay of the single Landlords, pure greenstand-alone,no networking, no fees, no advertising, so you keepcool funanytime, anywhere!Game Features:A pure green stand-alone, no ads, no fees, no networking,permissionto use the phone at least2, super artificial intelligence, superb skill cards favorablyrealPK, not networking can get challenging stand-alonegamingexperience!3, does not consume any phone traffic! Compatible with allsystems,compatible with all screen sizes, high performance, energysavingand safety.4, the country's top art team effort to draw the characteristicsofthe scene props, screen delicate, to bring youendlessfreshness.5, the fastest-growing, full love to play, all five-starratingLandlords
FightLandlord 1.0
FightLandlord has rich voice andbrilliantanimation and intelligent computer.Game contains three modes, which is normal mode, challengemode,bossmode.Normal mode is matter with score. With player level up,theGamebecomes more difficult. Player can feel hard to win the gamewhenit's level six.Challenge mode is matter with task,Which can make you morefun,Whenyou finish the task.Boss mode has veryWhat? Computer is too stupid? NO, there is only God as teammatesandNB opponent.So what ~ ~ quickly download and experience it ~ ~ ~ ~
B-Bro Big2 (Big Two/Pusoy Dos) 1.55
Recax Game
The Most Complete and AuthenticBig2/PusoyDos!(Chinese Poker, Deuces, Giappuniza,Ciniza,CapSa)****** Support the International Rule,TaiwanRuleandPhilippinesPusoy Dos!****** Innovative UI design helps youtoidentifydifferentcombinationin your hand!****** Powerful Automatic Card Pickupsystem"Slide-2-Select",justslide your card, and the computerwillchoosethe mostappropriatecombination/card for you.****** Automatic Pass Function. NomoreannoyingPass!(Activateinsetting menu)****** Voice with English,Cantonese and Mandarinenjoythecardplayingexperience !****** Unpredictable Computer AI, which will hold thecardandendthegame in a way that you don't expect.****** Unlock various achievements,collect your medal now!****** Over 19 Ranks, Challenge to become the king in Big 2!****** User interfaced designed in a way to help youplaythegamebyusing only one hand, if you are left hand user,youmayalsoswitchto left hand mode!Big Two Rule (Base on Hong Kong/Pusoy Dos/InternationalRule)Big Two (also known as Deuces, pusoy dos, 大老二, 鋤大D)isacardgamewith a Rule Similar to Texas Hold'em.The game is very popular in Asia,especiallythroughoutChina,HongKong, Phillippines, Macau, Malaysia,SingaporeandTaiwan.Common gameplayed with four players. Theobjective ofthegame isto be the firstto get rid of all of yourcards.Cards may be played as singles or in groups oftwoorfive,incombinations which resemble poker hands. Theleadingcardtoatrick sets down the number of cards to be played;allthecardsofa trick must contain the same number ofcards.Thecombinationsandtheir rankings are as follows.Single CardRanking:2->A->K->Q->J->.....->3Suit:HongKong:♠>♥>♣>♦Taiwan:♠>♥>♦>♣PusoyDos:♦>♥>♠>♣Single cards: Any card from the deck, orderedbyrankwithsuitbeing the tie-breaker.Pairs: Any two cards of matching rank, orderedaswithsingularcardsby the card of the higher suit.Triples: Any Three card of matching rank, order by rank.5-card hand: Uses the same ranking as Poker. Therearefive(var.2)different valid 5-card poker hands, ranking, fromlowtohigh,asfollows (the same ranking as in poker):Straight : Any 5 cards in a sequence (but notthesamesuit).Thereisn't JQKA2, while A2345 is largest 23456is2ndlargest.(Fortaiwan game, A2345 is the smallestwhile23456islargest)Flush: Any 5 cards of the same suit (but not inasequence).Rankisdetermined by highest value card and thenbyhighestsuit.Full House: a composite of a three-of-a-kindcombinationandapair.Rank is determined by the value of thetriple.Four of a kind + One card : Any set of 4 cards ofthesamerank,plusany 5th card.Straight Flush: A composite of the straight andflush:fivecardsinsequence in the same suit.Each player got 13 cards.At the beginning of each game, the playerwiththesmallestcard(3♦in Hong Kong, 3♣ in Pusoy Dos or Taiwan)startsbyeitherplaying itsingly or as part of a combination, leadingtothefirsttrick. Playproceeds counter-clockwise,withnormalclimbing-gamerules applying:each player must play ahighercard orcombinationthan the onebefore, with the same numberofcards.Players mayalso pass, thusdeclaring that he does notwanttodiscard anycards (or does not holdthe necessary cards tomakeaplaypossible).A player need to warn others when he/sheisoneplayingcombinationaway from winning. The goal is, then,fortheotherplayers to play(and get rid of) as many cardsaspossiblewhileavoiding thecombination that would allow thecallingplayerto winthe game. Forexample, if the said player has onelastsinglecard,the otherplayers would play pairs or othercombinationstoforcehim/her topass. If the other players doesn't dothat, itisknownas illegalassist. 3X Penalty will be applied.The game ends when one player runs out of cards.
斗地主单机 1.0
斗地主不仅可以享受传统斗地主带来的游戏乐趣,全新的玩儿法、紧张刺激的比赛更是让广大斗地主玩家兴趣盎然,单机版Landlords Landlordscannot only enjoy a traditional game brings fun new playmethod,exciting game is to let the majority of players Landlordsimmenseinterest, stand-alone version
JJ欢乐斗地主(doudizhu) 3.02.03
JJ欢乐斗地主,智能手机上斗地主游戏第一品牌,全球奖品最多的棋牌游戏,累计8千万用户下载,棋牌玩家首选的斗地主游戏。JJ欢乐斗地主四大特色:1. 同时支持斗地主,欢乐斗,二人斗和单机四种模式,有网没网都能爽。2.话费充值卡比赛每天5分钟一场,24小时不间断;每周末更有大奖赛,全部免费参加!完备的兑奖系统和物流体系,让您的奖品最快速度到手中!3.最省流量的游戏:经实际测算,在没有WIFI的情况下,每天打1小时JJ斗地主,每月流量费不超过3块钱,有WIFI,流量全免费!4. 每天百万真实玩家,特色“咆哮”功能让你认识更多帅哥美女牌友!更多JJ欢乐斗地主活动信息,请关注JJ官方微信号jjmobile
Dou di zhu 1.1.5
Dou di zhu is a very popular poker gameinChina.Officialhttp://www.gts8.comFacebook want to make Dou di zhu the best chess game on Androidandyour 5-star reviews keep us inspired and motivated! Please takeamoment to review Dou di zhu on the Android Market if you enjoythegame and we will keep the free updates coming. Enormous thankstoeveryone for their feedback, suggestions and support.
博雅斗地主(支持癞子玩法) 4.2
百灵斗地主 3.4.0
“亲,你知道为什么全国人民都爱斗地主吗?”“趣味益智性,变化多节奏快,跟麻将一样好玩!”“真正的原因是:人生就像斗地主!”“在斗地主中,小王都被大王拍死。”“说明副职没实权!”“无论你多会记牌、打牌,都抵不过一把好牌““说明实力比能力重要!”“为了斗败地主,一会结成同盟,一会反目成仇。”“说明没有永远的敌人,也没有永远的朋友!”◆欢乐斗地主,百灵手游诚意之作,再推新品。兜里揣手机,百灵斗地主,随时来一把,欢乐乐不停。百灵欢乐斗地主,扑克游戏中的精品,充满了益智性和趣味性,手机中休闲娱乐必备的棋牌游戏。支持QQ登录微信分享,赢了还可像休闲益智类的节奏大师、消灭星星、popstar一样分享积分和排名到QQ、微信、微博、陌陌中得瑟得瑟。◆百灵手游,专注制作手机棋牌游戏,已出品欢乐斗地主、百灵麻将、斗牛牛、百人牛牛、飘三叶online、百灵德州扑克等多款精品扑克牌游戏,获得广大棋牌爱好者的支持和好评。用心制作游戏,娱乐交友,快加入吧!◆ 游戏特色:1.超低的手机流量,妈妈再也不用担心流量耗完了;2.无与伦比的游戏体验,联网和全国人民斗地主;3.游戏精致又流畅,全新玩法乐趣多,俏皮表情;4.公平游戏防作弊,自动配桌,比赛场争做第一名。◆ 温馨提醒:适度游戏,坚持锻炼,享受生活!◆ 微信公众号:百灵手游,客服QQ:10249203。"Pro, you know why allthepeople Landlords love you?""Fun puzzle sex change more fast-paced, with the samemahjongfun!""The real reason is: Life is like Landlords!""In the Landlords, and Wang have been shot dead king.""Explained the deputy did real power!""No matter how you'll note cards, playing cards, we havearrived,but a good hand.""Explanation strength more important than ability!""In order to fight defeated the landlords, one would formanalliance against each other for a while.""Description no permanent enemies, no permanent friends!"◆ Happy Landlords, Braun hand travel sincerity to make, againandagain new products. Pocket hides phone, Braun Landlords, atanytime a joy music non-stop. Braun Happy Landlords poker game intheboutique, full of educational and entertaining, phoneRecreationnecessary chess game. Support QQ Login micro lettersharing winalso like casual puzzle master rhythm, the eradicationof stars,popstar share points and ranked as the QQ, microletters,microblogging, unfamiliar street in Joseph Joseph.◆ Braun hand travel, board games focus on the production ofmobilephones, has produced joy Landlords, mahjong Braun,bullfightingcattle, beef hundred people, floating clover online, J& TexasHold'em poker games such as number of boutique, getsupport, andthe majority of chess enthusiasts praise. Intentions ofmakinggames, entertainment friends, join it!◆ Game Features:1. Ultra-low phone traffic, my mother no longer have to worryabouttraffic consumption over;2. unparalleled gaming experience, networking and all thepeopleLandlords;3. Game delicate and smooth, new play is fun,playfulexpression;4. Fair game anti-cheat, Automatic table, playing field tobecomethe first.◆ Reminder: Moderate games, exercise and enjoy life!◆ micro-channel public number: Braun hand travel, customerserviceQQ: 10249203.
單機鬥地主 1.28
單機鬥地主是一款畫面精美,特效絢麗,操作爽快的鬥地主棋牌競技遊戲,擁有精美的界面,動感的音樂,簡單的操作,爲鬥地主玩家提供了流暢而有節奏的遊戲感覺.並且還擁有強大的AI以及智能的提示功能.電腦具有很高的人工智能,爲玩家提供了強勁的對手.特色:1.整個遊戲操作界面均無廣告,讓討厭的廣告不再阻礙妳的視覺,偷著樂去吧.2.強大的AI和自動提示功能.3.全程語音,並有男女區分,讓妳一耳就能辨識對方身份.4.等級劃分:長工 佃戶 貧農 漁夫 獵人 中農 富農 等等一直到帝王 相當多個等級.5.多種主題可選.換上妳喜歡的背景主題.6.優美的背景音樂,爽快的音效伴隨,隨時可以關掉和打開這些聲音.操作自如.*******************************************************更新:- 修改升級界面- 美化遊戲中的字體Landlords is astand-alonescreen fine, brilliant special effects, operatingrefreshingLandlords chess competitive games and has beautifulinterface,dynamic music, a simple operation for Landlords playersa smooth andrhythmic feel of the game. And also AI has a strongand intelligentprompts. PCs with high intelligence, gives playersa strongopponent.Features:An entire game interface no advertising, so annoying ads nolongerimpede your vision, blase go.2 powerful AI and automated prompts.3 full voice, and a distinction between men and women, so thatyouwill be able to recognize each other's identity in oneear.4 classification: Permanent tenant poor peasant fishermanhuntermiddle peasants kulaks, etc. until the emperor rathermultiplelevels.5 A variety of theme options. Put your favoritebackgroundtheme.6 beautiful background music, accompanied by refreshing sound,youcan always turn off and turn on those sounds. Operatefreely.************************************************** *****Updated:- Modify upgrade interface- Landscaping game fonts
Fightlandlord-boss 1.0
Fightlandlord-boss, is a game of playingcardswith containing boss and skill. This game contain rich voiceandbackground music, allowing you to enjoy the pleasure ofthegame.        Game roomcontainingfour kinds, easy room, common room, hard room andpurgatory roomhouse,.When you enter purgatory room,you should be careful,It'sverydifficult to win the game.If you are not good at the game,youcanchoose esay room instead,else you will loss all scoreyouearn.When you challenge boss ,you will be careful,too. But when youwinthe boss,you can get the skill of boss.         So goodgameis here,quickly download and enjoy it.         Here, youarethe main character, you're Landlords king!
富豪麻將單機版(單機麻雀) 1.3
单机欢乐斗地主 1.0.0
斗地主是一款全国各地流行的扑克游戏,由三人玩一副牌,地主为一方,其余两家为另一方,双方对战,先出完手中牌的一方胜,规则简单明了,极富娱乐性和与对抗性。特色:1、单机绿色随开随玩,让你摆脱一定要联网的束缚及断网掉线带来的烦恼2、智能升级AI毫不逊色的真人PK,不联网也能得到极富挑战性的单机游戏体验3、酷炫动画在界面简洁大方的基础上加入了各种牌型的酷炫动画Landlords acrossthecountry is a popular poker game played by three deck, thelandlordis a party, the other two on the other, the two sidesbattle,finished the first card in their hands the party wins, therule issimple, very entertaining and the confrontational.Features:1, single greenAs open with the play, so you have to get rid of the shacklesofnetworking and dropped off the network annoyance2, Smart Upgrade AINo less real PK, not networking can get challenging singlegameexperience3, cool animationIn simple and elegant interface on the basis of a variety ofcardsadding cool animation type
至尊麻將王 HD (單機版 Mahjong) 1.2.74
♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣若您有遊戲或點數問題,請提供您的MoaiCity帳號寄到[email protected],我們會盡力協助您解決。謝謝!♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣※此版本已針對平板最佳化,若您使用平板,請優先下載此版本,以獲得更細緻的遊戲畫面,一般手機版本請搜尋「至尊麻將王」,更多HD版本遊戲請搜尋 MoaiCity.一時手癢卻苦無牌咖?打牌太high怕被鄰居舉發?你的困擾將獲得救贖!《至尊麻將王HD》是一款專為想純休閒、練牌技、解解悶的朋友所設計的單機版麻將遊戲。正統台灣十六張麻將,倍感親切揪甘心,輕鬆上手門檻低!免連線,免等人,開桌立即打!想躲起來自己偷偷練功的你,《至尊麻將王HD》是你最好的選擇,快來立即摸兩圈吧!★ 遊戲特色 ★1. 正統台灣16張麻將,讓你倍感親切2. 畫面簡潔大方,玩久也不會眼花花3. 可自選 底/台 金額,小賭或是豪賭~任君挑選4. 不限制打牌圈數上限,愛玩多久就玩多久5. 免連線,免等人,開桌就打不用等,再也不怕三缺一★ 遊戲說明 ★- 第一次進入遊戲可獲得10000遊戲幣- MoaiCity會員每天登入遊戲可獲得獎勵金1000遊戲幣,連續登入5天最高可獲得5000遊戲幣- 選牌時按住不放,左右拖曳,被選到的牌會放大,確認要丟哪張牌再將手放開出牌,可避免丟錯。↓↓↓更詳細的遊戲介紹可參考 MoaiCity 部落格↓↓↓♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣If you have games or points questions, please provide youraccountnumber MoaiCity sent [email protected], we willdoour best to help you solve. Thank you!♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣※ This version has been optimized for the tablet, if you usethetablet, please download this version of priority, to get amoredetailed picture of the game, the mobile version of thegeneralsearch for "Extreme Mahjong King", more HD version of thegame,please search MoaiCity.Sometimes itchy but bitter unlicensed coffee? Cards are toohighfor fear of neighbors held hair? Your problems will getsalvation!"Extreme Mahjong King HD" is a designed for want of pureleisure,practicing card technology, the solution is designed torelieveboredom friend standalone version of Mahjong game. OrthodoxTaiwansixteen mahjong, more cordial pulling willing, easy to uselowthreshold! Free connection, free and others, opentablesimmediately hit! Wanted to hide it in your own practicesecretly,"Extreme Mahjong King HD" is your best choice, comeimmediately totouch it twice!★ Game Features ★An Orthodox Taiwan 16 Mahjong, so you feel at home2 screens simple and elegant, and will not play for a longeyeflower3 can be chosen at the end / sets the amount of flutter or gamble-take your pick4 does not limit the maximum number of laps cards, playing longtoplay long5 free connection, free and others, do not hit the opentables,etc., no longer afraid of San Queyi  Game Description ★ ★- For the first time into the game get 10,000 tokens- MoaiCity Sign incentives available daily game 1000 gamecurrency,and receive up to five days of continuous log in gamecurrency5000- Press and hold when the election card, so drag the selectedcardwill zoom to confirm which card you want to lose and then handsoffthe cards, you can avoid losing fault.↓ ↓ ↓ more detailed description can refer MoaiCity game blog ↓↓↓
天地人天九 1.1
Game nine days for beginners
单机全民斗地主 1.0.5
斗地主由三人玩一副牌,地主为一方,其余两家为另一方,双方对战,先出完手中牌的一方胜。胜负判定任意一家出完牌后结束游戏,若是地主先出完牌则地主胜,否则另外两家胜。天天斗地主界面美观大方、智能强大,并且在经典欢乐玩法的基础加入了残局模式规则介绍如下1、每局玩家都以地主的身份迎战2、每局对手都有固定牌型,且为明牌3、总共有10个关卡,尽情鏖战Landlords by the trioplaya card, the landlord of the party, the other two on the other,thetwo sides battle, first complete the cards in the hands of thepartywins. Determine the outcome of any one play out the end ofthe gamecards, the cards play out first if the landlord wins, thelandlord,or the other two wins.Every day Landlords attractive interface andgenerous,intelligent strong and joyful play based on the classicalmodeljoined the messRules are described below1, each game player's identity against the landlord2, each game has a fixed rival card type, and forwinningnumbers3, a total of 10 points, enjoy the fight