Top 24 Apps Similar to 地震 津波の会- ウェザーニュースの地震速報、防災速報アプリ

防災速報 - 地震、津波、豪雨など、災害情報をいち早くお届け 3.14.4
★利用数1000万人突破★☆Google Play無料1位獲得☆地震、台風の雨、警報、避難勧告などを、現在地と設定3地域まとめてニュース速報する無料天気予報アプリ。タイムライン表示が人気のヤフーの防災速報アプリです。--------------------【防災速報はさまざまな災害に対応】■地震情報(緊急地震速報を含む)緊急地震速報:各地の震度や到達予想時刻を予測し、震度等の予報・警報を伝えます。※震源に近いところでは地震速報が間に合わないことがあります。※緊急地震速報は地震の発生直後に震度計がとらえた観測データを素早く解析して発信するものですが、1地点のみの観測の場合は、誤報や推定震度の精度が低い可能性があるため、防災速報では2地点以上で観測された場合に緊急地震速報を発信しています。これにより精度の高い緊急地震速報をお伝えすることが可能となります。地震情報:地震の後に、観測結果を速報。地図で地震を確認できます。■豪雨予報(台風による大雨など)台風や大雨・集中豪雨の備えに。直近1時間以内に、設定した降水量を超える大雨が予報される場合にニュース速報。天気予報をチェックし忘れても大雨に備えられます。■気象警報大雨警報、大雪警報、洪水警報など、気象庁発表の気象警報をニュース速報。台風接近時などに役に立ちます。■津波予報全国の津波警報・注意報を速報し、地図で発表地域をニュース速報します。■避難情報集中豪雨や台風などによる避難勧告等、天気予報の重大ニュースを速報します。■土砂災害情報大雨により土砂災害の危険性が高まったときに、気象庁と都道府県から共同で発表される土砂災害警戒情報を速報します。■河川洪水情報河川氾濫の危険が高まったときに発表される指定河川洪水予報を速報します。■熱中症情報真夏などの、高温の天気予報時、熱中症の危険が予測される場合に速報します。■火山情報気象庁が定める火山で、噴火速報や噴火警報が発表された場合に速報します。■国民保護情報(Jアラート:全国瞬時警報システム)弾道ミサイル攻撃、航空攻撃、ゲリラ・特殊部隊による攻撃、大規模テロ情報などが政府から発表された場合、ニュース速報します。■防犯情報各都道府県の警察本部が発表する犯罪発生情報や、防犯に関する注意情報などを、関係する地域の方にお知らせします。対応エリアを順次拡大して提供しております。■自治体からの緊急情報自治体が発表する防災情報をお知らせします。対応エリアを順次拡大して提供しております。■訓練通知災害に備えて防災訓練ができます。天気予報を見逃しても、災害時にはプッシュ通知でいち早く情報をキャッチできるのが、防災速報です。【プッシュ通知ですばやく速報】スマートフォンのプッシュ通知で、すばやく天気予報のニュース速報が得られます。もちろん緊急地震速報にも対応!【マナーモード時にプッシュ通知の音を鳴らせます】音の種類、音量、通知を受け取る時間帯などを災害の種類ごと個別に設定できます。マナーモード時の通知音の初期設定は、緊急地震速報は「鳴らす設定」に、豪雨予報や地震情報など、その他の災害は「鳴らさない設定」になっています。設定ページから確認・変更できます。【最大3地域の速報の通知を設定できます】自宅、実家、勤め先など国内最大3地域の災害速報を受け取れます。・旅行先の緊急地震速報にも対応知らない場所での地震は怖いもの。防災速報アプリがあれば、旅行先でも揺れる数秒前から緊急地震速報をプッシュ通知できます。※緊急地震速報が発表された場合のみ・台風が近づいてきて、これから自宅に帰ろうか迷うとき自宅付近で、30分後に大雨が降る天気予報が出ていることをいち早く知れるので、すぐに帰宅して雨戸を閉めるなど、集中豪雨の準備ができます。雨雲レーダーで大雨の動きも確認できます。・実家付近に津波警報・注意報が発令されたとき。津波警報・注意報が発表されたことをいち早く知れるので、すぐに実家に連絡をとることで、津波の危険から家族を守ることができます。【無料で信頼できる情報を得られます】気象庁、環境省などが発表する情報をもとに、ヤフー株式会社が無料でまとめて速報しています。※通知される災害は日本国内の情報のみです。※地域の設定で設定できる地域は、日本国内のみです。【権限について】本アプリケーションで必要となる権限は、それぞれ下記のために利用しています。「位置情報」現在地の災害情報をプッシュでお知らせする機能「現在地連動通知」に利用しています。「端末 ID と通話情報」および「Wi-Fi 接続情報」ネットワークが圏外からモバイル回線(3G,4G,LTEなど)に復帰した場合や、wifi回線とモバイル回線が切り替わった場合などにそれらを検知し、素早くプッシュ通知が届けられるようにするために利用しています。「画像/メディア/ファイル」プッシュ通知時に鳴らす音として、端末内の音源が利用できるようにするために利用しています。音はアプリ内の設定で変更できます。■本アプリケーションはYahoo! JAPAN利用規約、ガイドラインをご確認のうえ、ご利用ください。・Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約・プライバシーポリシー・ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)
Yurekuru Call 3.6.38
About 5 million users in Japan. The standard applicationofproviding the Earthquake Early Warning. Providing theEarthquakeEarly Warning by a push notification. When an earthquakeoccurs, weprovide a sense of security. ■ Improved visibility of"EarthquakeEarly Warning" Utilizing the Earthquake Early Warningfrom theJapan Meteorological Agency, this application provide youwith theearthquake warning. It notifies you of an earthquake bycountdown.It notifies you the tsunami information, warning andcancelation. ■"Seismic intensity map" You can confirm shaking ofyourNeighborhood. And when a tsunami warning is announced, you canseethe information of the tsunami. ■ "Shaking report" Let's sharetheseismic intensity that you felt. You can contribute the commentandan icon of five phases on the map. ■ "Earthquake Lists" Thetsunamican be careful, too. You can confirm earthquake informationwith alist. You can see the detailed earthquake information. ■"SafetyConfirmation" You can post "Safety" or "Damaged" withname(required) and phone number (optional) . You can searchSafetyConfirmation by name or phone number. (Displayed phone numberisunder four digits. ex:0312345678 -> xxxxxx5678) ■ "+sonae"Youcan get useful knowledge about disaster prevention in "+sonae".Itis easy to understand with illustrations. You can sharetheknowledge about disaster prevention. ■ A configuration ofthenotification. It is possible to choose from 2,000 forecastregionsof municipal unit and a predicted seismic intensity from 1to 7.These services are available in the basicfree.◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ 【 Yurekuru Call Premium Plan(paidsubscription) 】 ◆ Rates form Monthly fee (automatic update) :$0.99(USD) / month ◆ Function of the premium plan Yurekuru Callpremiumplan offer the following services. 1. High speed "EarthquakeEarlyWarning" Notifies an earth quake early warning preferentially.2.Increase in the number of list of earthquakes cases Itincreaselist of earthquakes to 50 cases. 3. GPS function &Multiplelocation It add "the current location" to the predictivelocationby a GPS interlocking movement. And it is setable to up tofourlocations. 4. Hide ads from display 5. Voice navigationWhen"Voice" of the notification sound is selected, we inform youbyvoice when receiving an Earthquake Early Warning. ◆Cancellationmethod of the premium plan Google Play Store ⇒ Menu ⇒Account ⇒Subscriptions Find the subscription you want to cancel andtapCancel. (For moreinformation) to uninstall the app, it does not mean that you cancancel ◆Terms ofUse◆Privacy Policy NOTE: Anyunusedportion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeitedwhenthe user purchases the premium plan.◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇Yurekuru CallFAQ:
Strong Motion Monitor
A viewer application for Strong Motion Monitor.
日本地震情報 2.3.13
Earthquake Alarm in Japan 1.43s
100 yen per month. "Earthquake Alarm" pushes earthquakeinformationof Japan
Earthquakes in Japan 2.1
Earthquakes in Japan Get the latest Japan EarthquakeinformationReal Time Notification for earthquakes bigger than 5M.Watch thelocation of earthquakes on a map. Data are provided fromtwodifferent places: 1. U.S. Geological Survey 2.Euro-MedSeismological Centre
Earthquake Alert GuraKuru 0.1.4
!!!!!!!!!!This application will receivetheEarthquake Early Warning in Japan!!!!!!!!!!It is the Earthquake Early Warning receiving application using(FCM)push notification.By taking advantage of the (FCM) push notification, you canreceivea preliminary report by the power-saving quick.・I'm developing to target theAndroid4.1.2・4.2.2・4.3.1・5.0.1・5.1.1・6.0.1.・I received the first report of earthquake early warning. Thisisnot a final report, some errors will be included intheinformation.・The maximum seismic intensity of the Japan MeteorologicalAgencyforecast announcement of 3 or more, or magnitude will receiveapreliminary report of 3.5 or more.・I will positioning the place where its low power consumption.Orderto use the NETWORK positioning error of a few kilometerswilloccur.・GPS positioning is also possible. (Battery consumption willbemore)・By combining the location positioning, regional settings priorisunnecessary.Notes・The operation of the present application, GooglePlay developersthelatest services, GoogleMaps is required. Please install thelatestversion in advance.・I do not guarantee notification of 100%. When an earthquakeoccurs,please try to keep to get from TV and radio, etc..And time it takes to obtain the position information. Couldbeimproved by placing the mobile phone in places where radiowavescan reach.・If the notification arrives early, there may be times whenyouarrive late.・Earthquake early warning is not a thing to be announced forallearthquakes.・Battery consumption will change radio wave conditions, the stateofthe mobile phone. Please note.・If you do not receive the things of the accidental radiowavecondition, and other mobile phone side.・You may want to delay the Wifi connection.
★全台天氣地震資訊最豐富的APP──KNY台灣天氣.地震速報★獨家地震專區,輕鬆設定地震速報、地震資訊不漏接★百萬下載肯定,您最好的天氣小夥伴選擇KNY致力將最完整的天氣、地震資訊提供給您,美好的早晨,您還蜷縮在被窩裡,苦思今日衣著的厚薄嗎?要不要帶雨具?防曬乳、太陽眼鏡該出馬了嗎?打開「KNY台灣天氣」,迅速掌握今日天氣狀態。充足的準備,讓您擁有一整天的好心情!【KNY功能報馬仔】§首頁§自動偵測您的所在位置,提供氣溫、濕度、時雨量、日出日落、空氣品質、紫外線指數、環境輻射值、每小時預報、一週天氣、天氣小幫手等實用資訊,讓您1分鐘快速掌握天氣狀態。§最愛鄉鎮§全台368個鄉鎮市區自由選,加入「最愛鄉鎮」清單,讓您同時關注各地天氣。§地震速報§KNY獨家─倒數計時地震速報。地震發生後,透過公式運算產生的地震速報,為您爭取數秒至數十秒的預警時間,以進行地震防災應變。§觀測§10大天氣與環境品質動態資訊,滿足您專業的需求:雷達回波圖、衛星雲圖、雨量累積圖、溫度分布圖、紫外線指數、空氣品質監測、環境輻射值、累積雨量值、颱風消息、現在天氣§預報§─期待著周末的到來嗎?預報專區提供旅遊景點預報、天氣概況、天氣小幫手、天氣周報、地面天氣圖,讓您預先獲取天氣資訊,做出最好的安排!─討海人最方便的漁業氣象資訊,簡便的潮汐預報提供衝浪海釣者參考,讓您避開危險,滿載而歸.§天氣影音新聞§集結了最新天氣影音與即時新聞,讓您新聞不漏接§警報與特報§─提供中央氣象局、水利署、交通部等警報、特報,接收資訊沒煩惱─颱風來襲風雨飄搖,停班停課了嗎?人事行政總處停止辦公及上課情形,打開App就知道~「KNY台灣天氣.地震速報」輕鬆看、輕鬆找、輕鬆成為氣象小達人,知天象而趨吉~【聯絡我們】為您提供最實用最溫暖的體驗,是KNY團隊的追求,有任何問題或建議歡迎來信:[email protected]。我們會盡速回覆您:)【資料來源】 -中央氣象局 -國家災害防救科技中心 -行政院環境保護署-行政院原子能委員會-行政院人事行政總處-天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司WeatherRisk(影音頻道授權)【請關閉手機內建的省電模式,允許自啟動】【請關閉省電App】請不要讓KNY台灣天氣App,進入省電模式,這會關閉網路,造成地震警報無法接收。一些手機有「自啟動管理」、「省電模式」、「效能最佳化」之類的設定,或有您安裝「省電」、「清除記憶體」類似的App,請把KNY台灣天氣設定為*允許自啟動*放入白名單*不受監控的名單 *不要啟用省電模式 *或是不要安裝相關的軟體。 才會收到地震警報 ASUS自啟動管理:***三星應用程式最佳化:
地震防災求援 040
eQuake - Earthquake Alerts 3.8.5
eQuake™ is an earthquake early-warning app developed by Zizmos™.Ituses a network of seismic sensors to detect earthquakes. Whenanearthquake occurs, the Zizmos servers send the useranearly-warning notification that alerts the user of expectedshakingin the area. The ability to detect earthquakes and providealertsis dependent on the number of sensors in the Zizmosnetwork.Another feature of eQuake™ is its capability to use yourphone as asensor which contributes to the Zizmos earthquake warningsystemimproving the coverage of seismic detection. The sensor modeonlyworks when the device is charging and connected to a Wi-Finetwork.The app provides other features that give the userusefulearthquake information. Features include: - Early detectionofearthquakes and early warning of shaking expected in thearea.Users in an affected area are notified that an earthquakehasoccurred, and shaking is expected, granting the userpotentiallycrucial advanced warning. - A map of recent earthquakesthat haveoccurred worldwide which uses USGS databases for thelatestinformation. - An earthquake early-warning simulatorfeature.Allows the user to simulate Zizmos™ earthquake alerts onthe phoneusing historical earthquakes in the vicinity of thecurrentlocation.
臺灣超威的 - 氣象、空汙PM2.5和PSI、地震、寒流颱風 1.6.2
臺灣超威的 Taiwan SuperWeather陪你渡過城市每一天,掌握臺灣鄉鎮市區每天的天氣、氣象、空汙、PM2.5、PSI、地震、寒流、颱風等資訊
PocketShelter 2.0.2
Pokéchez is an offline navigation service applicationpackedwithsightseeing information. In the event of a disasteritwillautomatically switch to the disaster preventionmodeincoordination with warning systems. It is a sightseeingandadisaster prevention application that will help in savingliveswhenit comes to emergencies. You can select the types of pinstobedisplayed on or hidden from the map by tapping the"Filter"buttonon the home screen. (In case of a disaster warning,itwillautomatically display only the pins with informationrelatedtodisasters.) Disaster prevention functions fully includewhat canbeused while offline in the event of a disasterwhiletakingadvantage of what had been learned from earthquakedisastersof thepast. This is an application providing total supportfromdisasternotifications to instructions on actions forevacuationandconfirmation of safety. ▼ Tourism · You can search foraddressesonmaps while offline! · Linkage with Twitter! You canchecktweetsabout places. · Category search / navigation can becarriedout onoffline maps! · Multilingual support (Japanese ·SimplifiedChinese· Traditional Chinese· Korean · English) Disasterprevention·Instant push notifications for earthquake emergencyreports/tsunami reports / ballistic missile warnings · Instantdisplayofnearby evacuation related facilities when the disastermodeisactivated · Automatic sending of safety confirmationemailsWhilethis is a usual tourist navigation tool, it is alsoadisasterprevention application to protect your life in caseofdisaster!!In the free version, you can use the basic functionswhenyou areon-line. You will get the premium version for free forthefirstday after installing the Pocket Shelter. Please checkoutthefeeling of convenience during offline use!Applicationfunctionswill be restricted after the free periodexpires, soplease proceedwith the purchase of the premium versionfrom"Contract details" onthe menu screen. [Recommended Devices] Tousethis App optimally,we recommend a device running Android 5.0orhigher. Please readthrough and agree to the Terms of Use/Disclaimer displayed duringthe initial launch before using theApp.
PocketShelter Plus+ 1.9.2
Pokéchez is an offline navigation service applicationpackedwithsightseeing information. In the event of a disasteritwillautomatically switch to the disaster preventionmodeincoordination with warning systems. It is a sightseeingandadisaster prevention application that will help in savingliveswhenit comes to emergencies. You can select the types of pinstobedisplayed on or hidden from the map by tapping the"Filter"buttonon the home screen. (In case of a disaster warning,itwillautomatically display only the pins with informationrelatedtodisasters.) Disaster prevention functions fully includewhat canbeused while offline in the event of a disasterwhiletakingadvantage of what had been learned from earthquakedisastersof thepast. This is an application providing total supportfromdisasternotifications to instructions on actions forevacuationandconfirmation of safety. ▼ Tourism · You can search foraddressesonmaps while offline! · Linkage with Twitter! You canchecktweetsabout places. · Category search / navigation can becarriedout onoffline maps! · Multilingual support (Japanese ·SimplifiedChinese· Traditional Chinese· Korean · English)▼Disasterprevention ·Instant push notifications for earthquakeemergencyreports /tsunami reports / ballistic missile warnings ·Instantdisplay ofnearby evacuation related facilities when thedisastermode isactivated · Automatic sending of safety confirmationemailsWhilethis is a usual tourist navigation tool, it is alsoadisasterprevention application to protect your life in caseofdisaster!!◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆Features available withPlus+◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆■■Tourism■■ ■Offline Map Display / Navigation ■Function availablefor the firsttime in the industry!! Addresssearch on offline maps■ All-Japantourism information (multilingualsupport) ■ Checktweets relatedto the place you are planning tovisit! You may beable to be thefirst to get information on trainservice conditionsand shopcongestion situation! ■ Navigation,footprint marks whileonline ■■Disaster prevention■■ Speedy deliveryof pushnotifications ofEarthquake Early Warnings, tsunami warningsandBallistic missilewarnings. ■Offline maps for when Wi-Fi isnotavailable. They arereassuring because they will navigate you totheevacuationfacilities even when you are offline. ■Safetystatusconfirmationin an earthquake In case of an earthquake withanintensity oflower 5 or more, an automatic email to informyoursafety statuswill be sent to the pre-registered addresses ofyourloved onessuch as your family members, friends andsignificantothers. Sincethe mail will be sent to families in yourhomecountry, let'sregister contact information of important peopleincase ofemergency. ■Notification Test enables you to conductanemergencydrill by yourself Tap "Notification Test" to hear thetestalarmsound of the Earthquake Early Warning, audio navigationwillplayin several seconds and an evacuation map automaticallyappearsonthe screen. ■Over 180,000 evacuation facilities, thelargestnumberof entries ever among disaster protection Apps ■Searchfornearbyevacuation facilities You can search forevacuationfacilities bycategory and evacuate to a suitable placefor thedisaster. Thenearest facilities from the current locationwillappear first.■Quickly check out necessary information:toilets,water stations,convenience stores and hospitals. ■Check outthepasttsunami,earthquake history and ballisticmissiles■Automaticallygenerated seismic intensity map ■Informyouracquaintances of whereyou are by sharing your location Youcanshare your currentlocation via email, Twitter or Lineetc.■Personal Alarm: SOS[Recommended Devices] To use thisAppoptimally, we recommend adevice running Android 5.0 orhigher.Please read through and agreeto the Terms of Use /Disclaimerdisplayed during the initiallaunch before using the App.
P2P地震情報 モバイル 0.9.5
Japan Meteorological Agency In addition to earthquake information,aP2P earthquake information app that allows users to share"shaking!"Supports push notifications.
地震サーチ 3.1.0
The earthquake within three weeks we expect.
Local Weather Widget&Forecast
⛅A free weather location app with daily forecasts,globalweather,clock weather
QuakeJP 5.0
This application displays earthquakes in Japan very graphically.
Weather news 2.4
An easy-to-use weather app withbeautifuldesktop plug-ins and a well-designed applicationinterfaceWeather modern UI design, more convenient for you to understandthelocal weather and weather forecasts. By using thisweatherapplication, you can not only know today's weather, but alsoto seethe next 5 days weather forecast. Just like putting aweatherchannel in your pocket, you can see wherever you go.characteristic- Status Bar Notification: Displays the current temperatureandweather information- Home screen: Drag the widget to the Home screen to displaytheweather information for the day and the current time, dependingonyour current location or the selected location- Forecasts: Weather forecast for the next 5 days- You can add any of the different cities and view the weatherinthese cities- Easy to use widgets- Complete set of functions, you can set the refresh rate ofweatherinformation, whether in the status bar shows theweathernotice- Display visibility- Accuracy of sunrise and sunset- Show humidity and wind speed, give you better travel tips- Display yesterday's temperature and can be used as a referencefortoday's temperatureYou can also add weather widgets to your home screen andeasilycustomize widgets to show where you want to go, or dream togoanywhere on Earth!A simple and easy to use weather application for you! With it,youcan easily get weather information. Providing accuratelocalweather information, such as maximum / minimum temperatureandcurrent climatic conditions, is definitely the best choice inyourdaily life.If you encounter problems, please do not give me negativefeedback,please contact with [email protected], we willreply assoon as possible and resolve all problems.
weathernews for navi 1.0
車での移動中も、"世界で一番、詳細な天気予報"を確認して、安全運転にお役立てください。ご利用環境1.Android1.6以降2.パイオニア カロッツェリア Linkwithモード対応機種との接続が必要になります。3.位置情報を利用いたしますので、スマートフォンの位置情報機能をオンにしてください。
航空波浪気象情報 1.3
Weather information for fisheries and aviation,constructionmanagement, disaster prevention, and Marin Skyleisure-friendly andthe weather-mail service
Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live 1.71.0
All-in-one weather app with real-time NOAA radar. Anticipateanyconditions!
Local Radar Now with Weather Forecast
🏆 More than 50 million users’ choice! A Popular weather widgetappfor you!🏆 This weather widget is a full featured,completelycustomizable digital clock and weather forecast app. Withthisweather forecast app, you can get daily and hourlyforecasts,severe weather alerts, daily&7 day weather updates,fancy clockweather widgets, weather news and global weather.————Features————Realtime local temperature checker & live localweather Thisclock weather app displays weather temperature based onyourcurrent location. You can also add more cities to your citylist,so that you can check global weather anytime. HourlyforecastsBefore you go out, you can check this free weather app togetprepared for unexpected weather changes. In addition, you canalsocheck hourly temperature and rain probability to plan youroutdooractivities. Daily weather Besides, you can alsochecktoday&tomorrow forecasts (7 day weather forecasts) withthistemperature app. With this accurate weather report app, youwon’tget caught in the rain again! Severe weather alerts Thisclimateapp can also turn into a global weather tracker and it cansend yousevere weather alerts to help you get prepared for upcomingweatherchanges. So in another word, you can see it as a rain appofminute-level precision, as it can inform you these severeweatherand sudden temperature change ahead of time. Distinctiveclockweather widgets & weather themes This weather pro app ispackedwith different weather themes and temperature clock widgetstodecorate your home screen. In addition, these weather widgetsforandroid also display radar information like accurateoutsidetemperature, forecasts, sunrise time and sunset time,humidity, airpressure, wave, UV, and cloud info. Free weather radarIn ourstore, you can also find many customized widgets with freeradar todecorate your phone. With the help of weather satellitemap, youcan check weather more intuitively. Detailed weatherupdates Inthis daily and hourly weather app, you can get more thanjusttemperatures and clock. You can check humidity, visibility,UVindex, air pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset timeindifferent units. Global weather coverage This accurate weatherappenables you to add global cities on your check list andgetreal-time local weather forecast information. Feel free totakethis weather app with you everywhere you go worldwide! WeathernewsThis world weather app is not just about weather. Inthistemperature checker, you can get the latest news coveringsociety,entertainment and sports. Daily weather updates brief Userscanchoose to receive daily weather updates brief report in themorningand evening to check weather today and weather tomorrow.Stay intouch If you would like to help with the translationandlocalization, please write to: [email protected]
Weather Live Free 7.5.0
Apalon Apps
Check the weather around you and all overtheworld at a glance.Rely on the accurate weather forecast and adjust your scheduletothe weather coming in. You won’t even have to look out thewindowas the app will make you feel like you are alreadyoutside!Weather is sometimes difficult to predict. This accurate weatherappallows to find out a detailed forecast wherever you are, foranytime of the day or for the next 7 days just by tapping ontheicons:- Current and “Feels like” temperature- Wind speed and direction- Pressure and precipitation information- Sunrise/sunset time- Weather Radar & Rain mapsand other useful weather data accompanied by live animationsandgraphics.You can easily switch between detailed or compact layout togetweather information that is relevant for you.In addition, you can check weather forecast even without openingtheapp. A visually appealing widget is easily integrated intoyourscreen. Choose a detailed full-size widget or keep your homescreenas clean as possible with just the essentialweatherinformation.A clear and simple live weather app will show you everythingyouneed to know about the weather in any part of the world rightonthe screen of your device.Enjoy the perfect balance of beautiful pixels and accurateweatherforecast!AdChoices:
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Provide useful earthquakes information of S. Korea with JMA or KMA