Top 9 Games Similar to dots β | Jump Across

Bliss Beta 3.2.2
Body Cube Final Destination
PlatForge Beta 1.0.6
PlatForge lets you make, play and share platformer-style gamesonyour phone. It is currently in its Beta stage.
Brainless Beta 1.53
Xiled Systems
** BETA VERSION**Zombies have invaded your town in this turn basedmock-RPGgamefrom Xiled Systems. You're not sure why they're here,butyou'resure as hell going to find out.- Pick your characters and set out to destroy theBrainlesszedbefore they eat your brains. Each character has uniquetraitsandabilities, so choose your team wisely.- Zombies lurk throughout the map, waiting to attack.Defeatthemto survive and level up your character. You can choose astattoincrease when your character has slaughtered enough zombiestoreachthe next level.- When your health gets low, grab a health pack thatcontainslifesaving supplies such as beer, duct tape, andgroceries.- Collect 'Left To Find' items to advance in yourmission.Onceall are collected, you can face the group of zombiesblockingyourpath to the next area.Menu Navigation:- Hit the menu button to access the new report acrashfeature,music options, and to return to the main menu.- Control the difficulty level and music intheOptionssection.- Get game play tips and character information undertheSurvivalTips section.* This is just the beta version of Brainless.We'vestartedworking on the full version, Brainless: Rise of theZed, andarescheduling to release it eventually. Why no date? Simplelackoftime (sorry!). We're only two people, and we have to paythebillswith regular jobs, and we're busy creating other apps.Butwe'vebeen tweaking and planning this game for over the pastcoupleofyears. We've taken your user feedback and featurerequests(thankyou!) into consideration,and believe we've evolvedBrainlessROTZinto 14 levels of zombie killing fun (or will when weactuallygetit finished). The full version will include moremaps,morezombies, more weapons, and way more features. And wepromiseitwill be done within the next year. We'll also be postingupdatesonour site, so visit for more infoandupdates.NOTE: This game was created in 2011 as a beta version, andyes,thegraphics were designed for a 480 x 320 display (before theriseofhigher resolution devices). Kudos to all of you supersleuthsoutthere for solving that one. Other than a slight bug fixthebetaapp has been abandoned, as a full version willeventuallybereleased.
APTModSD Beta 3.1
Android front end for your CivIVBTSAPTModGames. Any pitboss game played with this mod you will beabletocheck your time remaining , scores and events in the gamejustintoyour android device.DON'T DOWNLOAD If you are not playing a Civ IV game.Willbetotally useless.More info of this mod help with the mod? Contact 'Manolo' or 'Magno'atApolytonCivilization Site forumStay in contact visit us at our hostedforumin
Swarm (Beta) 0.3.2
DescriptionSwarm is an arcade / tower defense game withfast-paceplayerinput that will put your reaction skills to thetest!Survive through the hordes of enemies to reach the boss,thendefeatit to clear the stages and survive the swarm!Play the challenging endless stage and defeat the enemiestoreachthe highest score possible.This game is currently in development and the planedfeaturesarelisted below.Planned Features- Rouge-Like progression of the stages- Purchase upgrades in order to beat the increasingdifficulty- More complex enemies to defeat- More challenging boss fights- Improved endless stage- More music- Leader-boards- AchievementsVisit for more informationaboutthedevelopment.
Gomme-Universe (BETA) 3.7
> Description :Incarnez vous en votre gomme et sautez à droite ou àgauchepourvous déplacer et esquiver les crayons. Pour la beta denotrejeudeux modes de jeu sont disponibles un mode dejeunommé"Téléporto-Gomme", il consistera à déjouer la mortensetéléportant de carrés en carrés, et un autres'appelant"l'attaquedes crayons", il consistera à ne pas se faireembrochersur lescrayons.> Remarques :Vous pouvez télécharger Gomme-Universe gratuitementmaiscependantvous pouvez acheter des packs de gommes d'or avecdel’argent réel.Les gommes d’or sont la monnaie du jeu.> Caractéristiques :Vous possédez deux boutons de saut un à droite etunàgauche.Dans Téléporto-Gomme il faut cliquer sur les carréspoursetéléporter.> Description:You play with your gum and jump left or right to moveanddodgethe pencils. For the beta of our game two game modesavailablegamemode named "Teleporto-gum", it is to outwit deathbyteleportingsquare to square, and another being called "theattackpencils" heis to avoid being skewered on the rods.> Notes:You can download Eraser Universe-free but however you canbuygoldgum packs with real money. Gold gums are the currencyofthegame.> Features:You have two buttons jump one right and one left.In Teleporto-Eraser you have to click on the squarestoteleport.
Ball'n'Bounce BETA 1.0
Betray your phone gravity to help theballgetto the boombox in this exciting new arcade game. Becarefulwithfire and sharp things. At this point the game isstillunderdevelopment.
Zombie Zurvival Zystem Beta 1.40
Have you noticed, that thereissomethingstrange going on in the world, that people areactingweirdly? Didyou see the blood stains on the office coffeemaker?Did you noticethe various random body parts lying around? Orthatpeople seemdistant and that moaning has become the favoredmethodofcommunication in large groups of society? You haven'tgonecrazy,the world has...Yet there is still hope! Zombie Zurvival Zystemtransformsyourphone into a full fledged survivial kit. It keepstrack ofnearbyzombies and also provides support for advancedweaponry tofightthe zombie threat.The app uses your phone's gps to track your position.Itthendetects zombies in your vicinity and displays them on agooglemapsbackground. Furthermore, it detects weapon stashes, pickthemupand use them well.The Zombie Zurvival Zystem provides a storyline ofwhatishappening to you after the zombie apocalypse, with what needstobeaccomplished in order to survive. As you progressthroughthestory, you will also have the possibility toperformcustommissions, such as getting to a safehouse, or tryingtoexterminateal zombies in an area.This is a Beta version of the game, if you like theconceptandthe style, but there is stuff that annoys you, pleasedon't giveupon us, instead: post comments and wait for the nextversion!
Reverence: Beta 1.6.2
In the not so distant future manhasspreadacross the solar system. Mankind was in a time ofpeace.Until now.You are a highly trained space fighter. Your mission istotakeout as many enemy ships as possible in order todelaymankind'sinevitable doom. You must put yourself into the fraytosavemillions of human lives, you must do this alone. How longcanyousurvive?FIGHT- Take on waves of enemy's using only your machine gun,rockets,andwits.FLY-Realistic-ish flight simulator controls, if that'swhatyou'reintoSURVIVE-Featuring a custom made AI system for aerial dog fightingyoumustkeep your wits about you in order to surviveTHAT'S COOL, I GUESS- If you like making game videos we added a cinematiccamera.Youhave to provide your own screen capture programthough.Do you have what it takes to survive the alien hordethatneverends? That would be impressive.This game is a wave based shooter, if you didn'tgetthatalready.*Attention: This game is currently in beta, donotexpectperfection.Known glitches and problems:*The tutorial can glitch out sometimes on slower devices.*The missiles don't kill sometimes.