Top 20 Apps Similar to Create a meme

Генератор Русских Мемов 1
Русский Генератор мемов фактическипервыйвсвоем роде проект. У нас постоянно обновляемаябиблиотекарусскихмемов, бабушек, алкоголиков, политиков, юмористови многихдругихперсонажей интернетаЧто тут у нас:- Простота в использовании и понятный интерфейс- Обновляемая регулярно библиотека изображений, чтобысоздатьсвоймемы- Используйте свои собственные изображения длясозданияновыхмемов- Делитесь своими мемы с друзьями, непосредственно изприложениявWhatsApp или FacebookКороче пишите нам на мыло, пожелания - будем обновляться :)
memes 1.0
funniest memes and share them withyourfriends.You can choose to display them randomly orsequentially.Trollea yourfriends, always has the best comment toship viaWhatsApp, Facebook,Line and more other social networks.features:★ Free:★ Download: liked saved. you can save all the smiley you wantonyourdevice.★ Share: available for all social networks at the touchofabutton.
Russian Memes 2016 Soundboard 1.1.0
Max Trum
Regular updates and updating content.Can be used for trolling kids in CS:GO.
GATM Meme Generator Donate 1.887b
Stay entertained for days with hundredsofpopular memes to create from, and thousands of browsablememes.Then share the laughs with your friends!EXTRA FEATURES:✓ Create from your own images✓ Browsable content updated daily✓ Search and sort to find memes easily✓ View memes in a list or grid✓ Short list you favorites✓ Live preview when creating✓ Can be moved to SD-card✓ No watermarkThe app does not store or upload your content withoutyourknowledge.SHARING:Supports sharing to messages, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google+,Twitter,Tumblr, Gmail, Instagram, Drive, Dropbox and many more.FEEDBACK:Have a suggestion or a problem? Contact us:• Mail [email protected]• Message• Tweet always consider user feedback for future versions.PERMISSIONS:• INTERNET - For downloading meme images and texts• ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - To check if network is available• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - For storing meme imagesMEMES:All The Things, Socially Awkward Penguin, Philosoraptor,FuturamaFry, Good Guy Greg, Success Kid, Foul Bachelor Frog,Forever Alone,Scumbag Steve, Insanity Wolf, Brace Yourselves,College Freshman,First World Problems, High Expectations AsianFather, One Does NotSimply, Pedobear, Slowpoke, Y U No, CaptainHindsight, CollegeLiberal, 10 Guy, Bad Joke Eel, Matrix Morpheus,Super Cool SkiInstructor, Bad Luck Brian, Inception, ConfessionKid, Grinds MyGears, Joker Mind Loss, Getting Pretty Serious, I TooLike To LiveDangerously, Actual Advice Mallard, Grumpy Cat, OverlyManly Man,Priority Peter, Overly Attached Girlfriend, LawyerDog,Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, The Most Interesting Man In TheWorld,Condescending Wonka, Conspiracy Keanu, Annoying FacebookGirl,Stare Dad, Successful Black Man, Lazy College Senior,ParanoidParrot, Scumbag Brain and many more!DISCLAIMER:The pictures and captions in the app do not express the viewsoropinions of IDDQD. Content is contributions and suggestionsfromthe community.KEYWORDS:generator, browser, viewer, creator, maker, meme, memes, funny,lol,humor, pictures, pics, gallery, collection, advice animals,ragecomic, troll, lolcats
Crear Memes (2015) 1.3
Marvin Ce
Crea de manera gratuita tus propiosmemes,tarjetas, postales y dedicatorias. Compartilas directamenteenFacebook o descargala para enviar a quien desees.- Memes de la Rana Rene- Memes de Los Simpsons- Postales de Cumpleaños- Tarjetas & Postales de Amor- Plantillas de Fans Page Famosas+ Boludeces No+ Lo dijo Mama+ Que comience el juego+ Amo Quejarme+ Es de Metalero+ Es de Pobre+ Es de For#$+ Es de NerdActualizaciones de las platillas para memes todas las semanassinnecesidad de actualizar tu aplicacion. Comparte tus creacionesennuestra web y llenate de amigos!Create your own forfreememes, cards, postcards and autographs. Share them directlyonFacebook or download it to send to whoever you want.- Kermit the Frog Memes- Memes Simpsons- Birthday Post- Cards & Gifs- Fan Page Templates Celebs + No bullshit + What Mama said + Let the games begin + I love Complain + It is Metalero + Is Poor + It is For # $ + Is NerdUpdates the templates for weekly memes without upgradingyourapplication. Share your creations on our website and fullfillwithfriends!
Avatar Maker: Fantasy Chibi 3.6.5
A tool to design beautiful fantasy chibi characters
Crear un Blog 2.0.0
Crear un blog es una aplicaciónparaaprendercómo crear un blog gratis, o comprando su propiodominioconhosting. En la mayoría de los casos la gente quiere crearblogsdemanera gratuita, y aquí le enseñamos como hacerloencualquierplataforma para crear blogs como blogger,wordpress,tumblr ojoomla. Aunque nuestra recomendación es que siquiere crearun blogo una página web, lo haga con un su propiodominio y unservidor dehosting privado para que su web sea unapágina decalidad.Como crear un blog en blogger paso a paso. Y es que Bloggersehaconvertido en uno de los sitios más famosos para crear unblogdeforma gratuita y que además tiene la ventaja de que estáenespañol.Por eso queremos explicarte como crear un blog enbloggerpaso porpaso con un excelente tutorial para que no tepierdas enningúnpaso. Con blogger podemos crear un blog totalmentegratis,con elúnico “pero” que es que tendremos que llevar laextensióndeblogspot en el nombre de dominio. Aunque esto a veces noestanmalo como parece. La extensión blogger puede ayudarnosaposicionarnuestro blog, porque recordemos que blogger esdegoogle.También te enseñaremos como crear un blog en wordpresspasoapaso, y con el que verás que hacer un blog con wordpress noestandifícil como lo pintan. La mayoría de las paginas web quehayeninternet están creados con WordPress. Tenemos unaguíamagnificapara que puedas crear tu propio blog en wordpresstanto demaneragratuita, en la cual tendrás tu extensión dewordpress (aligualque con blogger), o con tu propio dominio.Crear un blog con Tumblr. Una herramienta excelenteporsupracticidad y sencillez: Tumblr. Este portal web nospermiteatodos los internautas la posibilidad de creación denuestropropioBlog, siendo la alternativa ideal a aquellos nuevosBloggersquepretenden simplificar al máximo su trabajo yhuirdetecnicismos.Como crear un blog con Joomla, una herramienta gratuita conlaquepodrás lanzar tu web en cuestión de minutos, y con sólounoscuantosclicks. Así que si buscas poner en marcha un blog yeligesJoomlapara ello, también te contamos paso a paso cómohacerlo.Además de enseñarte de cómo crear un blog, tambiénteenseñamoscomo posicionarlo en las primeras posiciones degoogle,condiferentes técnicas y métodos que muchos webmasterutilizanparaposicionar sus webs.Por tanto, creemos que esta aplicación te será de granayudaparaempezar a crear tu propio blog o pagina web, concualquiera delasplataformas que te mencionamos en los párrafosanteriores. Nolopienses más y empieza a crear tu blog ya.Create a blogisanapplication to learn how to create a blog, or buyingyourowndomain with hosting. In most cases people want to createblogsforfree, and here we show how to do it on any platform tocreateblogslike blogger, wordpress, tumblr or joomla.Althoughourrecommendation is that if you want to create a blog orweb page,dowith your own domain and private server hosting for yourwebsitetobe a page quality.How to create a blog on blogger step by step. And isthatBloggerhas become one of the most famous sites to create ablogfor freeand also has the advantage that it is in Spanish. Sowewant toexplain how to create a blog step by step with anexcellenttutorialso you do not miss any steps in blogger. Withblogger wecan createa blog for free, with the only "but" we willhave totake blogspotextension in the domain name. While thissometimes isnot as bad asit seems. The blogger extension can helpus positionour blog,because remember that google blogger is.We also show you how to create a blog on wordpress stepbystep,and with which you will see that make a blog with wordpressisnotas difficult as it looks. Most web pages on the internettherearecreated with WordPress. We have a superb guide so youcancreateyour own blog on wordpress both for free, which willhaveyourwordpress extension (as with blogger), or with yourowndomain.Create a blog with Tumblr. An excellent tool foritspracticalityand simplicity: Tumblr. This web site allows usallInternet usersthe possibility of creating your own blog, beingtheidealalternative for those seeking new Bloggers Simplify yourworkandflee technicalities.How to create a blog with Joomla, a free tool with whichyoucanlaunch your website in minutes, and with just a few clicks.Soifyou are looking to launch a blog and choose Joomla forit,alsohave you step by step how to do it.In addition to teaching you how to create a blog, wealsoteachyou how to position it at the top of googlewithdifferenttechniques and methods that many webmaster usedtoposition theirwebsites.Therefore, we believe that this application will be of greathelptostart creating your own blog or website, with any oftheplatformsthat you mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. Donothesitate andstart creating your blog already.
OMG Offline Meme Generator 1.1
OMG! Offline Meme Generator is the easiesttoolto create the funniest memes from your phone or tablet evenwhen youdon't have network connection or you're offline.Download the app and start creating memes using your ownpicturesor by selecting one of our more than 200 memesavailable.Share your creations easily and have fun with your friends.Don't know how a concrete Meme is used? Are you notveryinspired? We've included examples to make easier to createthefunniest meme.We update available memes periodically, so don't forget torevisehow you want to be notified.Features:- Easy to use- Flat interface- Live preview- Image Cropping and Rotation- Adjust text colour and size- Using custom photos to create memes- Share your memes directly from app- Save your favorite memes- Hundreds of memes and examples- Reduced .apk size (<5mb vs 50mb)- No watermarks- Usage tutorial- The app DOES NOT automatically upload any meme you create!Important Note:Follow the instructions provided inside the app to ensureyouroffline experience using this app
Slideshow Maker. Photo Collage and Video Maker. 1.3
Create beautiful and engaging photo slideshows from yourmemoriesand favorite music, custom built for sharing on socialnetworks.Photo Video Movie Maker to convert your photos into video.CreateVideo from your photos and music with photo to videoconverter.Photo Video Maker with music is the best video editor,photoslideshow maker & movie editing app. A video story is ahighlycustomizable photo slideshow with video transitions, music,and atext title. Slideshow Maker is designed to allow you toexpressyour creativity without borders. With Video Slideshow Maker,Youcan customize everything from video transitions, speed, to thetexttile that will be added to the resulting video. - Createphotoslideshows, tailor made for social networks. - Add multiplephotosat once with the possibility to edit, rearrange, or delete. -Nowatermarks whatsoever on the final videos. - Experience thebestmovie maker experience on your phone with minimal ads. Thisishands down best video slideshow maker and editor for Android.Youcan pick up photos from your Gallery or Click new photosfromCamera. Optionally, you can also use the photos from yoursocialnetworks to create the slideshow. The final video slideshowcan becustomized by rearranging the photos or by adding acustombackground to the slideshow. Create a video in slide showstylewith your photos, music and animation. Music VideoMakerapplications through you not delete any photo or image. Youjustconvert all photos to video or slideshow. You just selectphotofrom camera and gallery and convert photo to video or slideshow.Photo collage video maker is perfect for any occasion! Insteadofusing pic collage birthday for your toddler, collect up to tenbabypictures and design a creative baby slideshow! Make yourspecialmoments last with image video maker with music! If you arelost forideas when it comes to invitations and ecards, don't worry!Justmake a slideshow with music – convert beautiful pictures intoaninsta film and voila! Enjoy your customized marriage invitationoranimated birthday invitation! Now make your social eventsspeciallike Birthdays, Anniversary etc and make a video slideshowof thephotos that you clicked using your phone camera or a DSLRcamera.You like different style to capture the photo and this phototosave in the memory. After some time your mobile memory isfullbecause more photo in your devices and no space. After youdeletesome photo and make free space. Features which make VideoSlideshowmaker stand out are: 1) Virtually zero import time for newphotos.2) Rearrange the photos as you want. 3) Choose fromprovidedawesome backgrounds for the slideshow. Photo Video MakerWith Musicis one of the best video editor, photo slideshow makerand movieediting apps in Android Store. With this app, you caneasiest wayto create, edit your video story from gallery photos or. This appsare same characteristic of below apps. - Photo VideoMaker withMusic - Photo to Video Maker - Slideshow Maker - Photoand VideoEditor - Photo Booth and Funny Effects Video - Mega Photofor Videoand Picture - Photo Slide Show Maker - Projector SlideShow - MusicVideo Maker Best Romantic Movie & SlideshowMaker.Photo VideoMovie Maker. create photo to video with music.Photo VideoMaker.Image to Video Movie Maker application through youmakevideo.Selecting Photos, Filters, text, and music, instantlyfinishyour own video.The best way to make love photo musicvideos,slideshows and movie video editor. Movie maker to convertphoto tovideo with music in background. Photo To Video Maker isamazingVideo Editor to create photo to video with music.
Crear frases 1.4
Crear frases es una aplicación de entretenimiento donde puedesverlas frases mas interesantes de autores brillantes y puedescreartus frases y compartirlas con tus amigos.
1001 Мем MOBILE 3.1.1
Смело качаем через мобильный интернет!Клиент для сайта 1001mem.Носи свои любимые МЕМЫ с собой и делиться ими с друзьями!Дает доступ к категориям сайта, есть возможностьсохранятьмемы.Пишите в комментариях свои пожелания! Может быть именно вашаидеявыльется в моем приложении)В ближайшее время планируется добавить функции:Логин,лайки.Качаем, устанавливаем, оставляем отзывы и пожелания! Давайтевместесделаем жизнь веселее!ЕСТЬ ЕЩЕ КУЧА НЕРЕАЛИЗОВАННЫХ ИДЕЙ, ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ НЕ РЕЖЕ РАЗАВНЕДЕЛЮ!!!Feel free to swingthroughthe mobile Internet!Client site 1001mem.Wear your favorite memes with them and share them withyourfriends!Gives access to the categories of site, you can save memos.Write your wishes in the comments! Maybe it was your ideawillresult in my application)In the near future we plan to add features:Login huskies.Download it, install, leave comments and suggestions! Let'smakelife more fun!IS still a lot of unrealized ideas, UPDATES AT LEAST TWICEAWEEK!
Meme Generator PRO 4.6490
Introducing Meme Generator: Your Ultimate Meme-Making Companion!
memes for chat 1.0
Share the funniest memes with allyourFriendsand enjoy. You can choose to display them randomlyorsequentially.Trollea your friends, always has the best commenttoship viaWhatsApp, Facebook, Line and more other social networks.Download and share the funniest memes is not a game.Downloadfreefor Android and enjoy every day with new content andfunnypictures.You can choose to display them randomly orsequentially.Trollea yourfriends, always has the best comment toship viaWhatsApp, Facebook,Line and more other socialnetworks.
Meme Generator new version 1.01
+ Must have this app for trollingandlaughswith your friend.+ With Meme Generator for chat apps you can create thefunniestmemesand share them with your friends via Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,WhatsApp, Google+, E-mail, Dropbox..+The best for chat apps to create humorous memes.+You can create your own memes with photo gallery, or camera.justtake a photo of your friends , and he/her become your meme,somuchfun.+No need to connect to the internet to view the photosMemebecauseit works offline.FEATURES:- Create meme from your own images- Browsable content updated daily- No watermark- Live preview when creating meme- Save and share your memes on Facebook, Whatsapp,Messengeroranywhere.SO , ARE YOU READY TO CREATE A MAGIC !!!
MEMES Creator and Generator 2.1.3
Create or generate your MEMEpreferredhaving the choice between more than 700 completelydifferent imagesto enjoy with your family or your friends cunthumbnails funniestmemes.Do not hesitate and download thisfreeapplication,you can generate smartphone camera or fromyourgallery but also contains over 700MEMEtemplates completely different to that never forgettohave fun with this free application.Do not miss the opportunity to create yourMEMESto laugh non-stop for hours, this application willhave insuredlaughs as their degree of fun is the maximum for anapplication ofthis type.Its easy to use as only must edit the top text and the textbelowthe image and save to your device or share the meme with ourfriendsor family.★ MEMES Generator★ MEME Creator★ Variety of MEMES★ Easy and intuitive use★ Share or save your best MEMES
Я снимаю! 1.3
Замени стандартные звуки камеры намемы+100500!Запускай программу, чтобы заснять что-то стоящее в компании.Пристарте и спуске затвора камеры воспроизводятся фразы "Я снимаю","Язаснял, я заснял". Фотки сохраняются на карту памяти.Без рекламы и ненужных разрешений.За каждые +500 скачек буду добавлять новые мемы.ЗЫ: Думал, что что-то подобное уже есть, но не нашел.Приложениесделал только для фана - по этому если что-то не такработает - неругайтесь, а отсылайте отчет или пишите мне :).Пишите в комментариях какие новые мемы добавить! Обращувнимание,что на на google play нельзя размещать приложения снецензурнымсодержанием. По-этому мемы должны бытьсоответствующими.
анекдоты про ржевского 1.0
Приложение анекдоты про ржевского - этосборникновых смешных анекдотов. Часто бывают ситуации, когданеобходиморазрядить атмосферу. В приложении анекдоты про ржевскоговы найдетеанкедоты себе по вкусу. Анекдоты самые смешные могутбыть как ианекдотами про вовочку, так и анекдоты для школьников.Все зависитот ситуации.Если же вы хотите увидеть взрослый, рассудительный юмор, то вынайдедля себя такой раздел как анекдоты для взрослых. Мыпостаралисьвключить все категории, которые возможно понравятсячитателям. Мырешили не ограничивать себя какими-то возрастнымирамками, иблагодаря этому, школьники найдут анекдоты про школу,анекдоты дляшкольников.Приложение анекдоты про ржевского так же будет интересноиподростками - анекдоты для подростков, анекдоты прорусских,анекдоты про кавказцев. анекдоты с матом, анекдоты 18 имногиедругие привлекательные разделы, которые не оставятравнодушныминикого.анекдоты про ржевского - это прежде всего смешные анекдотысосмешными картинками.Каждый анекдот - это смешные истории, смешные рассказы. Анекдотыиистории - это повествования, рассказы о каких-то персонажахвнеловких ситуациях.Сборник включает в себя категорию "анекдоты проживотных".(анекдотыпро кошек, анекдоты про котов и тд).В семейной поездке всем будет весело с анекдотами длясемьи/анекдотами для детей. Анекдоты про вову, они же анкедоты прововку,тоже замечательно адаптированы для аудитории любоговозраста.Так же, любители жаргона 21 века найдут "анекдоты ржака","смешныемемы","приколы с голосом", "анекдоты про наркоманов"
memes 1.0
Studios World
Memes is an application where youwillinteractwith the most fun and funny memes.--disponível for this application.Twitter, Tagged, Hi5, MMS, imo, eBuddy, Yahoo, Talk,ICQ,Skype,Viber, Kakao, Talk, Tango, BBM chat, WhatsApp,SMS,Facebook,Instagram and email.customized to any social networkcheck if the device contains the necessary applications.
Create Your Fly Pegasus 3.0
Make an impressive flying horse with a beautiful mane usingmanycolors.
Memegene - Meme Generator 4.0
Create your memes instantly! Several images are alreadyincludedandyou can also add any image from your gallery, playwithpictures ofyour friends and create a meme that spread overtheInternet. Easilyshare on Facebook, WhatsApp andotherapplications!