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Katolikus karizmatikus dalok 1 0.2
DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH -LUMENGENTIUM:It is not only through the sacraments and the ministrations oftheChurch that the Holy Spirit makes holy the People, leads themandenriches them with his virtues. Allotting his gifts according ashewills (cf. Cor. 12:11), he also distributes special gracesamongthe faithful of every rank. By these gifts he makes them fitandready to undertake various tasks and offices for the renewalandbuilding up of the Church, as it is written, "the manifestationofthe Spirit is given to everyone for profit" (1 Cor. 12:7).Whetherthese charisms be very remarkable or more simple andwidelydiffused, they are to be received with thanksgiving andconsolationsince they are fitting and useful for the needs of theChurch.Extraordinary gifts are not to be rashly desired, nor is itfromthem that the fruits of apostolic labours are to bepresumptuouslyexpected. Those who have charge over the Churchshould judge thegenuineness and proper use of these gifts, throughtheir office notindeed to extinguish the Spirit, but to test allthings and holdfast to what is good. (cf. Th. 5:12 and19-21).In this spirit, we now publish these charismatic songs.