Top 16 Apps Similar to Agenda Jardin Nature

Mon Jardin 2.0.1
Apprenez à jardiner avec "Mon Jardin" etgérervos différentes plantations. Retrouver des fiches et desconseilssur le jardinage.Voici les fonctionnalités de "Mon Jardin" :- Gestion au jour le jour vos plantations- Calendrier lunaire du mois- Météo du jour pour votre ville- Fiches détaillées sur les légumes- Les travaux du potager à réaliser pour les différents mois- Un lexique sur les termes du jardinage- Des conseils et astuces pour mieux gérer votre potager.
My Potager Garden 1.16
The app that ease the planification of your garden and thegrowingof vegetable
Women's shoes fashion 7.8.1
Minaw Power
A huge range of Women's shoes fashion fashion to keep your feetontrend
Potager et Jardin 2.1.4
Potager et Jardin est le compagnon idéal pour le jardinier!!Potageret Jardin vous permet de gérer et planifier les culturesdevotrepotager en respectant les règles d'associations etlesfamilles delégumes et de fruits. Vous avez la possibilitédeconsulter, de créeret de partager avec les autres utilisateursdesfiches légumesregroupant toutes les informations nécessaireàleurs cultures ausein de votre jardin. Vous disposez d'unoutilpuissant permettant deplanifier vos cultures en définissantvotrepotager en planche deculture et emplacements. Cet outilutiliserales informations desfiches légumes (comme le type, lafamille, lepositionnement, lecompagnonnage...) pour vous indiquerle meilleurchoix depositionnement de votre culture par rapport auxautres.L'ensemble del'application, excepté l'espace partagé, nenécessitepas deconnexion internet et peut fonctionner hors réseaudansvotre potager!
Calendrier du Jardin 1.1
Timetable monthly garden
Garden Manager : Plant Alarm 1.8.3
'Garden Manager' app is an essential gardening tool to save time.
DIY Garden Ideas 1.0
Sometimes we want to create abeautifulgardenbut just do not know where to start and how to doit.DIY Garden Ideas Application provides great ideas forgardendesigns,no matter how big or small the garden is, flowergardenideas andmore.Cool wall decorations, small party accessories, nicerecycleflowerpots and many more.If you need help about designing your landscape, gardenorbackyard,the diy garden ideas in our help can help you.You can find great diy garden ending ideas, diy herb gardenideasaswell as some nice diy garden projects for decorationandoriginalgarden accessories.Don’t waste time and money on garden designer – choosethedesignthat you want and create it in your garden.Take a break and get inspired with these DIY, Garden Ideas!List of Garden Ideas:• Backyard Idea• Creative DIY Planters• Garden Pathway Ideas• Easy Garden Gift Ideas
Encyclopédie Jardin 1.1
Encyclopedia of plants ornamental garden
Moon & Garden 5.1.4
With Moon & Garden, perfect your garden!
Au Potager 3.1
In the garden, tips of the month and encyclopedia aromatic&garden vegetables
Garden ideas - Garden DIY 0.0.1
DIY Garden Ideas offers dozens of goodoutdoorgarden diy ideas to recreate in your garden. Whether youneedstorage ideas DIY garden or want to create beautiful garden,thisapp can give you some valuable ideas.You can find great ending garden diy ideas, DIY Ideas herb gardenaswell as some good DIY garden projects for furniture andoriginalgarden accessories. Use the ideas and spend some time withtheirchildren, doing projects beautiful and colorful gardens.Dreamcatcher DIY Garden Ideas!Take a break and be inspired with these DIY, We update withnewideas often.Garden diy ideas burn decoration is the basis of anygoodlandscape design. What does your dream garden decorationideasseem? Make that dream a reality with simple secret gardendesign.APPS is the photo gallery of the best easy home landscapingideasand designs gardening DIY ideas planting flower beds, smallgardenideas and landscaping plans for the surroundings.A modern or contemporary garden features an elegant, stylishandsophisticated style. Modern garden designs are based onthesimplicity of Asian design some time design has pink,water,terrace, and cactus. Rock gardens are a fantastic way to adduniqueshapes and textures of rocks and garden landscape ideas thatgive anatural touch to your backyard or front.See most popular styles of garden diy ideas, landscape designandbackyard diy ideas. Browse and get ideas for selecting its ownstyleof garden. Includes Japanese garden, Roman garden, Frenchgarden,English garden, Chinese garden, Greek small garden ideas,JapaneseGarden.In designing a butterfly garden dreamcatcher diy ordesigningcottage garden, you need a sunny spot and a humidatmosphere. Ifyou think you do not have a place where naturallight. We loveevery shade garden design, garden design but food isour specialty.Want an organic garden ideas, perennial garden, herbgarden, buthave no idea? garden diy ideas Download free!
Garden Design Ideas 4
Garden Design Ideas for you. You can save and share allGardenDesign photos. This application shows you the galleriesofbeautiful Garden Decorating Ideas, designs, themes, paintingforyour garden. You can get a hundred ideas of Garden DesignIdeasfrom this application. This app. contains the various typesofGarden Design Ideas & garden decorating such as : large,small,for apartments, luxury, elegant, country and more. If youhave oneidea about your Garden Design, this application can guideyou todiscuss it easily with your seller, decorator, family orfriends.Disclaimer: All the images are not under our Copyrights andbelongto their respective owners. If any Graphic/Image/Photo isoffensiveor under your Copyrights PLEASE send us an E-mail to giveit acredit or get it removed, as you wish. bhn6n kkk5gb
DIY Garden Ideas 16.0
DIY Garden Ideas is a gallery app with lots of original diygardenprojects...
Landscape Garden Decor 1.1
Landscape garden decor, You can find thebestgarden decorating ideas more 1000+ in this apps, Landscapingideasfor your backyard, including landscaping design, gardenideas,flowers, and garden design. Download Now!Get inspired and Update your front yard or backyard designwithshrubbery, gardens, walkways, and more. rock garden, watergarden,modern garden, Get landscaping ideas and inspiration fromourgardening apps to design your own backyard or gardenoasis.Download now free!
L'Arrosoir: jardin & potager 2.0.1
L'Arrosoir vous aide à vous occuper devosplantes grâce à une fonctionnalité unique : un journal destravauxqui vous donne, de manière automatique, les tâches àréaliser survos plantes tout au long de l'année. Que vous ayez unpotager, unjardin, ou quelques fleurs en pot, facilitez-vous latâche avecL'Arrosoir.L'Arrosoir vous donne l'essentiel pour cultiver unpotager,entretenir votre jardin ou vous occuper de vos plantes:• Découvrez et apprenez grâce à des fiches conseil sur lesplantes(légumes, fleurs, arbres, arbustes... de nouvelles fichessontajoutées régulièrement)• Organisez vos travaux de jardinage avec un journalpersonnel• Cultivez et entretenez vos plantes grâce à des conseils• Sachez quoi planter grâce à des recommandations en fonction delasaison (par thème: potager, jardin d'ornement, pièced'intérieur,verger)• Accédez à vos informations depuis n'importe queléquipement(ordinateur, tablette, téléphone)• Des surprises à venir !REMARQUE :L'Arrosoir est une application disponible sur Internet et surlestéléphones mobiles. Les informations sur le suivi de vosplantesseront stockées sur le "cloud" (dans le nuage), ce qui vouspermetde ne jamais les perdre et d'y accéder depuis n'importequeléquipement. Pour profiter des avantages du "cloud", lacréationd'un compte est nécessaire (non, nous ne vous enverrons pasdespam).The Watering helpsyoucare for your plants with a unique feature: a job log thatgivesyou, automatically, the tasks to be performed on yourplantsthroughout the year. Whether you have a garden, a garden, ora fewpotted flowers, you make it easy with the watering can.The Watering gives you the essentials for a vegetablegarden,maintaining your garden or take care of your plants:• Discover and learn through tip sheets on plants(vegetables,flowers, trees, shrubs ... new records are addedregularly)• Organize your gardening with a personal diary• Cultivate and maintain your plants through counseling• Know what to plant with recommendations depending on theseason(by theme: garden, garden ornaments, interior room,orchard)• Access your information from any device (PC, tablet, phone)• Surprises to come!NOTE:The Watering is an application available on the Internet andmobilephones. Information on monitoring your plants will be storedon the"cloud" (in the cloud), so you never lose them and accessthem fromany device. To take advantage of the "cloud", creating anaccountis required (no, we do not send you spam.)
Garden Border Design Idea 1.0
If you want to define some space inyourgarden, then you can do so with the use of garden borders.Borderscan be used to separate grass from walks and for other typesoflandscape edging and they can also be used to create gardenbeds.The borders add both depth and texture to the garden, andenhancethe aesthetic appeal.If you need ideas on how you will design your garden border,thisapplication really suits for you. Garden Border Design Ideawillhelp you in building your desired garden border. There is a lotofdesigns you can see in Garden Border Design Idea. From thesimpleto the complex, from the classic to modern design you willget inGarden Border Design Idea.Garden beds create a small controlled space, making it theidealplace to grow edibles like fruits and herbs, or toplantperennials. The borders are usually used for a garden bed thatisplaced at a higher level than the area immediately surroundingit.They are an important component of raised garden beds, as theyformthe frame in which the soil for the bed is placed. Inaddition,they assist in keeping the soil in the bed intact, andinpreventing erosion. Because there is no erosion, thenutrientsremain in the beds, and this causes the plants to flourishandthrive.The garden borders also play another very important role, astheyhelp to stop the spread of grass roots, so that the grass doesnotinvade your garden bed. In addition, planting in the raisedbedsmakes tending to them a lot easier, and the betterdrainageencourages the growth of the plants, thereby ensuring abetteryield. It's the perfect solution to a soggy garden.Garden borders offer a great deal of versatility when settingupyour garden, as they are available in a range of styles andshapes.These edges can make your garden look a lot more attractive,as itis possible to create a circle, square, or rectangular designwiththe borders. Also, you may opt to make the border end freely,andthen create an undulating design.There are garden border kits that you can purchase from Frameitall, which have stackable joints that allow you to raise thelevelof the edgings to the desired height. The borders are modularindesign, which allows for a range of design options, which canbeeither angular or subtle.The borders are made of composite wood, which is safe andnon-toxic,as it has not been treated with harmful chemicals. Thiseco-friendlyalternative is strong and durable. The colors arenatural, whichmakes it a lot easier for them to blend into thelandscape, withoutdetracting from the attractive design of thegarden. In addition,the composite wood is resistant to rotting andwarping, so it won'tbe affected by the weather extremes.Installation of the Garden Border Design Idea is quite easy, andinjust a few hours, you can have your garden looking great. Allyouneed to put the borders in place are a screwdriver, hammer,andtape measure. The garden borders by Frame it all requireverylittle maintenance, and are the ideal solution for thosepersonslooking to add some texture to their garden space.After knowing the things to consider when choosing one, this isthetime for you to grab the design ideas to make your stunninggardenborder with Garden Border Design Idea. Take a look andbeamazed!