Top 13 Apps Similar to Полезные вещи. Своими руками

Perfect kraft ideas 2.0
Smart Choise
This miracle beauty is very easy. Our application - agodsendformodern parents. With step by step photo instructionscanmakemasterpieces of their own hands. Be ready foraninterestingjourney through the world of needlework. All loversofexotichandicrafts, and those who love to do great thingswiththeirhands, waiting for you in our program "The Council ofDIY." Wehavecreated and filled it with new master classes craftsforeverytaste. Do ornaments with their own hands for theplaygroundandsuburban area. Only here contains tips forcreativeimprovisedseemingly useless things. During operation, youcan studywithoutInternet connection.The unique capabilities of the phone are:* Want to learn how to create crafts with their hands;* Make your own crafts;* Only the best work;
Поделки и рукоделие 1.0
Вы умеете вышивать крестом, но хотелибыусовершенствовать своё умение? Узнать что-то новое?Мастерарукоделия приглашают Вас на фото и видео уроки поразличнымтехникам вышивки: хардангер, ассизи, сашико, швальмскаявышивка,вышивка лентами, мережки, гобелены и многое другое.А так же:- Для детей- Из атласных лент- Из бумаги- Из пластиковых бутылок- Из бисера- Из глины- Для сада- Для дачи- Для дома- и т.п.Вы не можете позволить себе купить золотые серьги с бриллиантами?Ине надо! Сделайте себе серьги, колье, браслеты и многое другоесами- в это Вам помогут мастер-классы по бисероплетению и Мастерасуроками по созданию бижутерии своими руками!You know how toembroidera cross, but want to improve their skills? Learn somethingnew?Master crafts invite you to photos and video tutorials onvarioustechniques of embroidery: Hardanger, Assisi, Sachiko,shvalmskayaembroidery, ribbons frayed, tapestries and more.And:- For children- From satin ribbons- From paper- From plastic bottles- Bead- From clay- Gardening- For the garden- For home- etc.You can not afford to buy gold earrings with diamonds? Do notneed!Make yourself earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and much moreforyourself - this will help you to master classes in beadingandMasters with lessons on creating jewelery with yourownhands!
Gifts with their own hands 1.0
How to make an original gift withtheirownhands for his birthday, New Year or any other holidayofalifetime? In our application contains fine instructions,tipsandworkshops how to make beautiful and interestingcraftsandsouvenirs with their own hands - mom, dad, grandmother,parentsorloved one. Homemade gifts ideas handmade paper,coloredcardboard,and other materials of interest. Detailed stepbystepinstructions, tips, photos.From the app you will learn:How to make original giftsNew Year giftsNew Year cardsCrafts own handsCreative giftsPostcards, quillingPhoto giftsBouquet of sweetsTopiary CoffeeCasket from the bookCandles, seashellsPhoto frameOn New Year's EveThe app is free to download.
Рукоделие 1.0
Рукоделие в наше время -определенносамоепопулярное handmade хобби в мире. Чувствопрекрасногоизначальноприсуще человеку, но людям так же присуще истремлениексамосовершенствованию, стремление ставить цели идобиватьсяих.Рукоделие своими руками дает нам возможность соединитьэтидвафактора в единое целое.Как часто мы восхищаемся красивымикартинами,изящнымиукрашениями, элегантными вещицами и печальноговорим: "Жалья такне умею!" Мастер-классы от Мастеров Рукоделиядают Вамвозможностьсделать прекрасное самостоятельно, своимируками. Такжевприложение есть: Вязание, дизайн интерьера, вышивкаиплетение.Crafts in ourtime-definitely the most popular handmade hobby in the world.Senseofbeauty inherent in man initially, but people justinherentandself-improvement, the pursuit of set goals and achievethem.Craftswith their hands gives us the opportunity to combinethesetwofactors together.How often we admire beautiful paintings, finejewelry,elegantfavors and sad to say: "Sorry, I do not know how!"Masterclassesfrom handicraft masters give you the opportunity toperfecttheirown, with their own hands. Also in the applicationis:Knitting,interior design, embroidery and weaving.
Сделай сам 2.0
Balakovo Apps
Приложение для тех, кто любит делатьвещисвоимируками. Приложения сожержит советы и идеи как сделатьмобильдлядетской кроватки, как украсить торт, как сделать открыткуимногоемногое другое. Наиболее интересные записи вы можетедобавитьвизбранное. На деемся, что это приложение окажется дляВасхорошимисточником вдохновенияApplication forthosewholike to do things with their hands. Applicationssozherzhittipsand ideas how to make mobile for the crib, how todecorate acake,how to make a greeting card and much more. Themostinterestingentries you can add to your favorites. On deemsyathatthisapplication would be for you a good source ofinspiration
Patchwork 1.0
A very popular form of needlework-patchwork.Its principle consists in stitching colored pieceofcloth in acertain pattern.As a result of this exciting process can getquiterecognizableimages of some subjects, the right patternsorintricate patternsunpredictable.With a conventional needle, thread and fabric craftsmenandcreatereal masterpieces of patchwork!With our program, you will learn what a patchworkforbeginners,learn about patchwork scheme, patchwork ideasas well as get acquainted with the patchwork sewing.
Crafts with own hands 1.0
Fast tutorial
All that we are doing with their hands, comes from the soul,fromthe heart. To create beauty is quite simple, you need only alittletime and a flight of fancy. But then, as a result, how nicetoindulge in the original result, treat the new trinket someonefromrelatives. But not always, unfortunately, there is plenty oftime todo needlework. Therefore, we have assembled the mostoriginal andsimple variants of handicrafts that can be created athome, whilespending a minimum of effort, time and money. In ourapplication youwill be able to discover a new world of creativity,interestingideas and wonderful handicrafts. The unique capabilities have already asked to you atthephone:- Always wanted to learn to create things with their hands;- Only the best and most beautiful work;- Do it yourself crafts;
Diy Рукоделие 1.0
Рукоделие в наше время -определенносамоепопулярное хобби в мире. Чувство прекрасногоизначальноприсущечеловеку, но людям так же присуще истремлениексамосовершенствованию, стремление ставить цели идобиватьсяих.Рукоделие своими руками дает нам возможность соединитьэтидвафактора в единое целое.Как часто мы восхищаемся красивымикартинами,изящнымиукрашениями, элегантными вещицами и печальноговорим: "Жалья такне умею!" Мастер-классы от Мастеров Рукоделиядают Вамвозможностьсделать прекрасное самостоятельно, своимируками.Портал Мастера рукоделия - это мастер классы порукоделиюотизвестных и пока не очень мастеров рукоделия: видеомастерклассы,пошаговые мастер классы с фотографиями, рукоделиедлядома,рукоделие своими руками, авторские схемы вышивки,выкройкииописания, полезные ссылки по рукодельной тематике,интересныеипознавательные статьи.Вы не умеете рисовать? Вышивайте дизайны,разработанныепокартинам великих художников! Это намного проще,вышивке крестомненужно учиться несколько лет, а эффект ничем нехуже!Мастер-классыпо вышивке помогут Вам буквально за несколькоминутпонять основныепринципы этой техники.Вы умеете вышивать крестом, но хотели быусовершенствоватьсвоёумение? Узнать что-то новое? Мастера рукоделияприглашают Васнафото и видео уроки по различным техникамвышивки:хардангер,ассизи, сашико, швальмская вышивка, вышивкалентами,мережки,гобелены и многое другоеВы не можете позволить себе купить золотые серьгисбриллиантами?И не надо! Сделайте себе серьги, колье, браслетыимногое другоесами - в это Вам помогут мастер-классыпобисероплетению и Мастерабижу с уроками по созданиюбижутериисвоими руками!Мастера рукоделия- рукоделие для дома в фотои видеомастер-классахКак говорила великая Коко Шанель: "Украшений должнобытьмного.Если они настоящие, это отдает хвастовством и дурнымвкусом.Яделаю фальшивые и очень красивые. Они дажекрасивеенастоящих!"Вам нравятся антикварная мебель и раритетные мелочидляинтерьера,но они так дорого стоят... Значит Вамнужнымастер-классы подекупажу!Работы выполненные в этой технике достойныукраситьлюбойинтерьер! С помощью декупажа можно декорировать своимирукамилюбойпредмет: шкафы, комоды, тарелки, вазы, цветочныегоршки,шкатулки,подносы, вешалки и прочее, всё, что захочетвашафантазия.Стильные, изящные и роскошные изделия создаютсябуквальноизпустоты.декупажНикаких особых приспособлений не нужно, обычные вещи,которыеестьпочти в каждом доме, а также несложные материалыдлядекупажа.С помощью мастер-классов по вязанию и мастер-классов пошитьювынаучитесь создавать эксклюзивные одежду и аксессуары,которыебудутвыполнены в единственном, авторском варианте.Также у нас Вы найдете бесплатные мастер-классы: мастерклассыпополимерной глине, мастер классы по скрапбукингу, мастерклассыпокуклам, мастер классы по плетению, мастер классы пофлористикеимногое другое.Crafts nowadays-certainlythe most popular hobbies in the world. The senseofbeauty inherentin man, but men as well, and is inherent inthepursuit ofself-improvement, the pursuit of set goals andachievethem. Craftsown hands gives us the opportunity to combinethesetwo factorstogether.How often we admire beautiful paintings,exquisitedecorations,elegant favors and sad to say: "Sorry, I donot knowhow!" Masterclasses from the master Needlework give youtheopportunity toperfect their own, with their own hands.Portal Masters of crafts - is master classes inneedleworkfromknown and yet very much the masters of needlework:the videomasterclasses, step by step master classes with photos,crafts forhomecrafts with their hands, copyrights scheme embroiderypatternsanddescription, useful links handmade topicsinterestingandinformative articles.You can not draw? Embroider designs developed onpaintingsofgreat artists! It is much easier to cross stitch notneed tolearna few years, but the effect is no worse! Masterclassesinembroidery will help you in just a few minutes tounderstandthebasic principles of this technology.You know how to embroider a cross, but want toimprovetheirskills? Learn something new? Master crafts invite youtophotos andvideo tutorials on various techniques ofembroidery:Hardanger,Assisi, Sachiko, shvalmskaya embroidery,ribbons frayed,tapestriesand moreYou can not afford to buy gold earrings with diamonds?Donotneed! Make yourself earrings, necklaces, bracelets, andmuchmorefor yourself - this will help you to master classes inbeadingandMasters Bijou with lessons on creating jewelery withyourownhands! Masters of crafts - Crafts house in the photoandvideoworkshopsAs the great Coco Chanel: "Ornaments should be plenty. Iftheyaretrue, it gives bragging and bad taste. I make falseandverybeautiful. They are even more beautiful than this!"I enjoy antique furniture and rare things for theinterior,butthey are so expensive ... Then you need the masterclassesfordecoupage!Work performed in this technique worthy decorateanyinterior!With the help of decoupage can decorate their ownhandsany object:cabinets, chests, plates, vases, flower pots,boxes,trays,hangers, etc., whatever your imagination wants.Stylish,elegantand luxurious products are literally out of thevoid.decoupageNo special tools are not needed, ordinary things thatareinalmost every home, as well as simple materials fordecoupage.With workshops on knitting and master classes on sewing,youwilllearn how to create exclusive clothes and accessoriesthatwill beperformed in a single, author's version.Also here you will find the free workshops: workshopsonpolymerclay, master classes on scrapbooking, master classesdolls,weavingworkshops, master classes in floral design, andmore.
Kraft from God 1.0
You want to create real masterpieces of crafts withtheirhands?Then you've come to the right place! Become a masterofneedleworkwith our application in a very short period oftime,along withunique photo instructions that appear with auniquesimplicity andease. Do not worry, the more you do not haveto,because we willteach you to do amazing things with yoursurroundinggarbage andjunk! Do not miss this opportunity! You willbe betterwith us!The best examples of the craft from the creator!- With us, you will become a master of all trades.- Save time and money, you do not need to buy anything, youdoityourself.- You will amaze your friends with gifts made withyourownhands!- You can also share the app with friends onFacebook,WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Easy Crafts 1.0
Go Scroll
Modern rhythm dictates people rush mode and the pursuitoftime,which eventually causes a lot of desire to escape, todosomethingelse. Crafts in this case, serves excellentoptionsolutions,because using it there is a great opportunity notonly toswitch toanother job, but also to create interestingornaments,decorationsand interior, which in the future may be usedas gifts,souvenirsor additions to favorite outfit. But in asituation wheretime isrunning out, it is difficult to allocateextra hours tocreate avariety of crafts. That is why, here you'llfind a lot ofsecrets,and the various options, how to use theminimum amount oftime,money and effort might create a small work ofart at home.Bycreating their own hands, we will not only presenttheirthoughtsand feelings into harmony, but will always be abletopleaseeveryone around original gifts.Learn needlework with us- Guide to the world of crafts;- Many schemes from simple to complex;- Gifts and home decorations;- You can also share the app with friends onFacebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
The best types of craft 1.0
The best crafts are waiting for you in our application!Youmayhandicrafts such things that had no idea! We will teach youhowtomake items, gifts of varying difficulty and all kindsofstuff!With that will help you, but our program. You will beabletoinvent new gifts, perfect your skills in crafts, andcreativitytoamaze all of their ideas in their subjects, made withhisownhands! He is fond of handicrafts? Then you will gainmoreskillstogether with us, will learn a lot and become the bestinthebusiness! You will be surprised not only himself, butallthepeople around you!Do not be like the others! Begin to do everythingwiththeirhands! Crafts - it's easy!- The most clear-step scheme;- You will be the most original gift;- You will learn so much, using our advice;- You can also share the app with friends onFacebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Create bracelets Home 1.0
Go Scroll
Do you want to learn how to make accessories? Createornaments,or just to stand out from the crowd? We offer a programthatincludes a circuit bracelets, as well as workshops on how toweaveBaubles. Bracelet made with their own hands, will give you awarmsummer mood and will be a nice gift for your friends. This isavery useful application for needlework enthusiasts.All that is needed - this is our application, no coachesortrainers. We made learning very easy! You will learnweavingbracelets - and will surprise all around !We'll show how to make a bright, trendy andbeautifulbracelets!- Simplicity of schemes suitable for all age categories;- You can work with all types of materials;- Training takes place quickly and easily, you will seeforyourself;- You'll create many different ornaments;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Topiary 1.0
In this app you will find a lot of newandwonderful, do Topiary own hands is not so easy, especially duetothe application. From it you'll learn how to do it:- Tree of happiness with his own hands- Master class on coffee from the coffee tree- Coffee beans, how to use them in the work- Coffee tree, do yourself- Topiary their hands, step by step, photo- With the use of satin ribbons- From the color of artificial or live- Of organza, satin ribbons and paper- Sisal, create themselves- Kanzashi, Japanese Art- Bonsai garden- European tree- "Tree of passion"- Decorative mesh for Topiary- Paper Roses, diagrams- From sticks with sugar crystals- Tree of happiness.The app is free.