Top 5 Games Similar to 女王大人(美姬)

女王大人(美女告白) 2.8.6
★★★★★★ 左拥美人,右抱天下,问鼎九州,谁与争锋 ★★★★★★反串的美女武将——《女王大人》为您献上超乎想象的美艳感官刺激!颠覆的穿越剧情——《女王大人》给您带来异乎寻常的全新三国体验!千娇百媚的真人美女,酣畅淋漓的游戏体验,爽快炫爆的卡牌对战,气势恢宏的万人国战。百位名模倾情出演,三国美女武将任君囊括,伴您尽情驰骋沙场!超强的实时玩家交互,为您打造真正的卡牌网游,还原风云变幻的全景三国,让您纵横天下,制霸三国!★★★游戏特色★★★• 首创卡牌万人国战玩法,让您带领小伙伴征战四方,君临天下。• 独创主城系统,与好友联手抵御强敌,实时互动,尽享友情。• 浑然天成的推图玩法,让您身临其境,根本停不下来!• 砰然心动的告白,让您足不出户,与美女武将重温初恋的感觉!• 美女武将转生不断,让您新鲜不停,百花丛中过,宠媚集一身。• 精心打造数百种武将专属装备,神兵一出,无人可挡!• 数十种武将强力羁绊,让您轻轻松松,打造顶级战队,享受超强战力。• 兵种特性、阵营倾轧,对战玩法层出不穷,战斗策略丰富千变。• 数十种精彩活动,极品武将、百万元宝,让您拿到手软!Contact service: Email:[email protected] Platform: Website Link: Facebook fan page:★★★★★★zuoyong beauty, the right to hold the world, aspirationsKyushu,rival ★★★★★★Playing a beautiful generals - "The Queen of adults" foryouroffer unbelievable glamorous sensation!Subversion through the story - "Queen of adults" bring youthreeextraordinary new experience!Enchanting real beauty,Hearty gaming experience,Hyun refreshing burst of card gaming,Magnificent country people battle.One hundred starred supermodel portrait, three beautifulwomengenerals Ren include, with your gallop battlefield!Real-time player interaction powerful, you create a real cardgames,reducing the ever-changing panorama of the Three Kingdoms,allowingyou to vertical and horizontal world, Takeover Three!★★★ Game Features ★★★• first card million national war games are played, allowingyouto lead a small partner campaign Quartet, Harbourside.• Original main city system, together with friends againstenemies,real-time interaction, enjoy the friendship.• cathartic push Fig play, allowing you to the ground, simplycannot stop!• slammed heart confession, let your homes, and the beauty ofthegenerals to relive the feeling of love!• beauty generals reincarnation constantly, allowing you tokeepfresh, the flowers too, set a pet fawn.• carefully build hundreds of generals exclusive equipment,magicone, unstoppable!• Dozens of generals strong fetters, allowing you to relaxandcreate a top team, and enjoy superior fighting force.• arms properties, camp strife, played endless battle,battletactics rich-changing.• Dozens of exciting activities, the best generals, onemilliongold, so you get soft!Contact service: http: // Email: [email protected] Platform: http: // Website Link: http: // Facebook fan page: https: //
女王大人(三国美女) 2.10.15
反串的美女武将——《女王大人》为您献上超乎想象的美艳感官刺激!颠覆的穿越剧情——《女王大人》给您带来异乎寻常的全新三国体验!千娇百媚的真人美女,酣畅淋漓的游戏体验,爽快炫爆的卡牌对战,气势恢宏的万人国战。百位名模倾情出演,三国美女武将任君囊括,伴您尽情驰骋沙场!超强的实时玩家交互,为您打造真正的卡牌网游,还原风云变幻的全景三国,让您纵横天下,制霸三国!★★★游戏特色★★★• 首创卡牌万人国战玩法,让您带领小伙伴征战四方,君临天下。• 独创主城系统,与好友联手抵御强敌,实时互动,尽享友情。• 浑然天成的推图玩法,让您身临其境,根本停不下来!• 砰然心动的告白,让您足不出户,与美女武将重温初恋的感觉!• 美女武将转生不断,让您新鲜不停,百花丛中过,宠媚集一身。• 精心打造数百种武将专属装备,神兵一出,无人可挡!• 数十种武将强力羁绊,让您轻轻松松,打造顶级战队,享受超强战力。• 兵种特性、阵营倾轧,对战玩法层出不穷,战斗策略丰富千变。• 数十种精彩活动,极品武将、百万元宝,让您拿到手软!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Official Website Link: Facebook fan page: beauty generals-"The Queen of adults" for your offer unimaginable glamoroussensorystimulation!Subversion through the story - "Queen of adults" bring youthreeextraordinary new experience!Enchanting real beauty,Hearty gaming experience,Hyun refreshing burst of card gaming,Magnificent country people battle.One hundred starred supermodel portrait, Jun include any ofthethree beautiful women generals, gallop battlefield withyou!Super-real-time player interaction, you create a real cardgames,reducing the ever-changing panorama of the Three Kingdoms,allowingyou to vertical and horizontal world, Takeover Three!★★★ Game Features ★★★• first card million national war games are played, allowingyouto lead a small partner campaign Quartet, Harbourside.• Original main city system, and friends together to resisttheenemy, real-time interaction, enjoy the friendship.• cathartic pushing FIG play, allowing you to the ground, simplycannot stop!• slammed heart confession, let your homes, and the beauty ofthegenerals to relive the feeling of love!• beauty generals reincarnation constantly, allowing you tokeepfresh, the flowers too, set a pet fawn.• carefully build hundreds of generals exclusive equipment,magicone, unstoppable!• Dozens of generals strong fetters, allowing you to easilybuildtop teams, enjoy superior fighting force.• arms properties, camp strife, played endless battle,battletactics rich-changing.• Dozens of exciting activities, the best generals, onemilliongold, so you get soft!ʱ?? ʱ?? ʱ??Official Website Link: http: // Facebook fan page: https: //
Queen of Three Kingdoms Ⅵ 2.9.23
The #1 real beauty card game is coming!This summer, let’s welcome the Queen of Three Kingdoms!In the chaos of the Three Kingdoms, girls can be heroines.With their elegance and beauty, goddess can be tenderness.They’re brave and skillful. They’re wise and gorgeous.Who is your steel rose? Who can be your favorite warrior?Here comes the beauties troops from the Three Kingdoms!With the beauty warriors from the Three Kingdoms,You can join the exciting country war in this pioneering realbeautycard game!With the romance raising from the past,You can be the hero and draw a romantic blueprint withthebeauties!Riding the great horses and arming the rare weapons,All the beauty warriors will accompany you till the end ofthewar!The Three Kingdoms is calling the real hero for arrangingtheworld,And you are the choosing one to be the king in the chaos![Game Features]•Initiated grand country war for millions of players! You canleadyour fellows to conquest the world and become the lordofwar.•Original Main City system! It enables you to resist enemieswithfellows and negotiate with your friends in real time.•Delicate push figure playing method! The immersive viewcanprovides you the best experience.•Flipped avowal system! Recall your first love with thebeautywarriors!•Reincarnation setting! Meet different beauties indifferentdays!•Elaborate exclusive equipment! With the rare weapons, nobodycanblock your path!•Dozens strong fetters! Create your top troops and enjoythewar.•Various fighting methods! Be the wisest tactician and chosethemost suitable strategy!•Numbers of activities! Rare warriors and millions of ingotsarewaiting for you!------------------------- CustomerService------------------------Facebook:[email protected]
Queen of Three Kingdoms III 2.7.20
In the chaos of the Three Kingdoms, girls can be heroines.With their elegance and beauty, goddess can be tenderness.They’re brave and skillful. They’re wise and gorgeous.Who is your steel rose? Who is your favorite warrior?Here comes the Queen of Three Kingdoms!With the beauty warriors from the Three Kingdoms,You can join the exciting country war in this pioneering realbeautycard game!With the romance raising from the past,You can be the hero and draw a romantic blueprint withthebeauties!Riding the great horses and arming the rare weapons,All the beauty warriors will accompany you till the end ofthewar!The Three Kingdoms is calling the real hero for arrangingtheworld,And you are the choosing one to be the king in the chaos![Game Features]•Initiated grand country war for millions of players! You canleadyour fellows to conquest the world and become the lordofwar.•Original Main City system! It enables you to resist enemieswithfellows and negotiate with your friends in real time.•Delicate push figure playing method! The immersive viewcanprovides you the best experience.•Flipped avowal system! Recall your first love with thebeautywarriors!•Reincarnation setting! Meet different beauties indifferentdays!•Elaborate exclusive equipment! With the rare weapons, nobodycanblock your path!•Dozens strong fetters! Create your top troops and enjoythewar.•Various fighting methods! Be the wisest tactician and chosethemost suitable strategy!•Numbers of activities! Rare warriors and millions of ingotsarewaiting for you!------------------------- customerservice------------------------Facebook:[email protected]
【靈狐傳】:無雙妖姬 1.6.2
Pubgame《遊戲酒吧》取得聯運代理權,2014全新出擊《靈狐傳》【靈狐傳 1.6.0版本 無雙妖姬】1.6.0版本更新內容:推薦使用Google輸入法、超注音輸入法以獲得最佳遊戲體驗!客服信箱:[email protected]體驗超正超媚的靈狐們拯救世界,快來寵幸吧!-----三國名將盡收眼裡,立即招募納入麾下。誰說紅顏就是禍水,欽點美人強力支援。經典戰役一一重現,身歷其境重新回味。比武系統一戰高低,英雄佈陣決定勝負。搭配各式技能系統,提升狀態戰無不勝。∆∆∆活動一:首次儲值雙倍回饋,元寶加倍奉還!絕不手軟!∆∆∆活動二:即刻下載登入遊戲,直接送元寶和極品裝備,連續登入獎勵翻倍!∆∆∆活動三:戰役、征討過關加碼送元寶,抽取甲將就趁這時!∆∆∆活動四:新手升級妖姬,等級越高回饋鮮花越多,快點一起寵幸吧!十大遊戲特色:武將系統:帶領眾多名將俠客征戰沙場,霸氣君王,三國攻防打響!技能系統:多種技能特效華麗絕倫,效果鮮明!養成系統:完善的養成系統,各路名將紛紛登場!裝備系統:豐富的裝備種類,上古神兵,重裝出擊!征討系統:帶你穿越歷史,指揮經典戰役!圖騰系統:星宿圖騰助全體武將屬性大提升,戰力大提升。妖姬系統:妖姬美人彰顯名士風流,魅子助戰無往不利!鍛造系統:寶石裝備合成通通自己來!軍團系統:好友組隊殺很大!歡迎進入Pubgame《遊戲酒吧》——靈狐傳的熱血世界!客服回報後台:客服信箱:[email protected] "Games Bar" made transport agency, 2014 a newattack"Hope Fox Biography"[Spirit Fox biography version1.6.0unparalleled Enchantress]1.6.0 version update: https: // use Google IME, ultra phoneticinputmethod to get the bestgamingexperience!Customer Service: [email protected] is super super pro fox spiritwhosave the world, come to patronize it!-----Three star collected the eyes, immediately recruited intothearm.Who is the roots of troubles, hand-picked beautystrongsupport.Eleven classic battle reproduce immersive re aftertaste.System level contest a war hero lineup decide the outcome.With all kinds of skills system, improve the stateofinvincible.ΔΔΔ Activity One : first stored value backtwice,gold double your money back! No punches!ΔΔΔ Activity II : login to the gameinstantlydownload directly send ingot and the best equipment,continuousSign reward double!ΔΔΔ Three activities : Battle crusade to passcodedsend ingot, I must take this time to extract the armor!ΔΔΔ Activity Four : novice upgrade Enchantress,thehigher the level, the more reserved of flowers, quicklypatronizeit!Ten game features:Generals system: led many famous knight swords, domineeringking,three offensive started!Skill system: a variety of special effects skillsgorgeousexquisite, distinctive effect!Develop a system: to develop a sound system, and the brighteststarhave appeared!Equipment System: rich types of equipment, ancient magic,reloadattack!Crusade system: takes you through the history of the classicbattleof command!Totem system: all the stars to help military commandersattributetotem big upgrade, upgrade combat force.Enchantress System: Enchantress highlight Mandarins beauty,charmchild assist in the drawbacks!Forging System: synthetic gem equip all yourself!Legion system: Friends team to killalot!Welcome to Pubgame "Games Bar"-Spirit Fox pass blood in the world!Customer returns backstage: http: // Service: [email protected]