Top 14 Apps Similar to Audit Pass

The complete HACCP APP 2.0.6
Küchenmeister HACCP Systeme
The APP to fill the HACCP Lists with your smartphone
FSM Checklist 1.3.3
Food Safety Manager (FSM) Checklist is partofthe Genius Suite of Applications from Kitchen Brains® poweredbySCK® IoT technologies. The FSM Checklist integrates HACCPformsinto a customized daily paperless checklist. With your mySCKlogin,daily checklists can be created and edited to match all ofyourcurrent HACCP forms. An optional Bluetooth probe allows you toworkaccurately and easy throughout the day. Alerts and reminderswillhelp you complete all of your daily checklists and allinformationwill be synced to the cloud. Historical logs willmaintain allcollected data for future reference. FSM Checklists isyourpaperless checklist solution.
Capptions 4.1.1
Build forms, capture observations, record inspections, work offline
OHSAS 18001 Audit 2.0
OHSAS 18001 2007 is an internationalOH&Sstandard. It defines a set of occupational health andsafetymanagement requirements that apply to all types oforganizations.Use our app to audit your organization's occupationalhealth andsafety management system (OHSMS) and to improve itsoverallperformance.The Audit tool is equally useful for internal audit as wellasclient company Audits.The app allows the auditor to:-Create Audits-Manage Audits and Status of audit-Audits can be saved in multiple sessions and hence giveflexibilityto complete audit over period of time without losingany data-Facility of creating and reusing -templates for quick audits-Facility of creating ISO question set and reuse it-Generate report in PDF and Email to potential stakeholders-Print Reports
Calibration & ISO/IEC 17025 1.0
SP Metrology Systems ( Thailand) Co.,Ltdhasbeen accredited ISO / IEC 17025 ScopeAccreditation from the United States has themostextensivebranch. Standard ISO / TS 16949,ISO / IEC 17025, ISO22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO9001,GMP,HACCP, BRC,ISO13485, ISO5001, HA , and others.SPMetrologySystems(Thailand) Co., Ltd has been accredited ISO / IEC17025Scope.Accreditation from the United States has themostextensivebranch. Standard ISO / TS 16949,ISO / IEC 17025, ISO22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO9001,GMP,HACCP, BRC,.ISO13485, ISO5001, HA, and others.
Netresto HACCP
L'application Netresto HACCP est un outil complémentaireàlasolution Netresto. Pour utiliser cette application,vousdevezavoir préalablement créé un compte "Premium" surnotresiteinternet Cette application vous permetde : -desaisir les relevés de température de vos chambresnégativesetpositives - prendre en photo les étiquettes de produitspourgarderleur traçabilité - gérer vos tests et changementsd'huilesdefriture - gérer vos refroidissements de produits -gérervosremises en température de produits - saisir vosrelevésdetempérature d'équipement de cuisson et maintien au chaud.-gérervotre plan de nettoyage et de désinfection -imprimerdesétiquettes de produits - saisir vos tests de températurelorsdesréceptions de marchandises - gérer l'étalonnage de vosmatérielsdemesure. Présentation de Netresto: 1) Netresto, lasécurité devosdonnées Le logiciel Netresto dédié à la restauration,simplifieletravail quotidien et l’analyse de l’activité. Cettesolutionestutilisable avec les navigateurs Web : Google Chrome,FirefoxetSafari. L’accès à Netresto est uniquement possibleavecdesidentifiants : nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe. Ceprocédépermetd’établir avec votre ordinateur une connexionsécurisée àtraverslaquelle vos informations sont échangées entouteconfidentialité.2) Netresto, l’organisation de votrerestaurantNetresto vouslaisse plus de temps pour vous consacrer àvotremétier derestaurateur et satisfaire vos clients : Lesplannings deséquipessont à portée de main et peuvent être modifiésou consultés7j / 7Les alertes conventionnelles sur le planningrappellent lesrèglesdu code du travail Les absences, congés etjours fériés devoscollaborateurs sont disponibles en un clic Lesystème d’alertesRHnotifie la fin des périodes d’essai etl’expiration des cartesdeséjour pour les salariés étrangers...Netresto vous aideégalementà mieux connaître vos établissements età améliorervotrerentabilité : Les tableaux de bord donnent unevisiond’ensemble devotre activité Les statistiques et reportingssuiventl’évolutionquotidienne de votre chiffre d’affaires 3)Netresto, lagestion dupersonnel simplifiée Pour accéder à vosinformations :unordinateur, une connexion internet et c’est tout !1. Vousvousconnectez sur le site 2. Voussaisissezvotreidentifiant et votre mot de passe 3. Toutes lesdonnées devotrerestaurant sont disponibles sur votre espace dédiéVouspouvezdonner accès à tout ou partie de votre logicielàvoscollaborateurs ou à vos partenaires tel quevotrecomptable.L'installation ne nécessite pas deconnaissancesinformatiques,vous maîtrisez le logiciel en quelquesheures.Consacrez du temps àvotre métier n'en perdez plusavecl'administratif !
EMS Makler 1.12
Die EMS-MAKLER vermitteln ImmobilienallerArtin NRW und Niedersachsen. Mit dieser App erhaltenSiedirektenZugriff auf das gesamtes ImmobilienangebotdesEMS-MAKLERImmobiliennetzwerkes per Smartphone oder Tablet.ÜberneueObjektangebote informiert Sie die App aufWunschperPush-Nachricht, so dass Sie immerschnellstmöglichinformiertwerden.Surfen Sie bequem durch das Immobilienangebot und filternSiedieAngebote nach Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen.Ebenfallskönnen Siedas Immobilien-Exposé der einzelnen Objektedirekt undbequem aufIhrem Handy oder Tablet-PC betrachten. MitdemTerminplaner behaltenSie stets den Überblick, überIhreBesichtigungstermine.Die Funktionen im Überblick:- Komfortabler Immobilien-Suchfilter oderAnzeigeallerImmobilienangebote- Merkzettel und Besichtigungsplaner- Kostenfreie 24/7 Push-Meldung bei neuen Angeboten- Exposéübersicht mit Fotos- Suche nach Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien zur Miete, PachtoderzumKauf- Gezielte Suche nach Ausstattungskriterien(Balkon,Einbauküche,...)- Sortieren der Ergebnisse nach eigenenVorstellungen(Preis,Wohnfläche,Zimmeranzahl, Aktualität, etc.).- Direkte Kontaktmöglichkeitzumzuständigen/betreuendenEMS-MAKLEREMS-MAKLER ist eine registrierte Marke.EMS-MAKLER–Franchisenehmer sind rechtlich selbständigeMaklerundUnternehmen.Die Objektangebotsangaben und sonstigeInformationenbasierenausschließlich auf den von unserenAuftraggebernerteiltenAuskünften. Eine Haftung für derenRichtigkeit undVollständigkeitkönnen wir deshalb nicht übernehmen.Es wird damitausdrücklichkeine Prospekthaftung übernommen. UnsereAngebote sindfreibleibendund unverbindlich. Der Kunde hat alleAngaben vorVertragsabschlussselbst zu prüfen. Irrtum undZwischenverkaufbzw.Zwischenvermietung bleiben vorbehalten. Esgelten unsereaktuellenAGB.The EMS BROKERconveyrealestate of all kinds in North Rhine-Westphalia andLowerSaxony. Withthis app, you get direct access to the entirepropertyoffer EMSBROKER real estate network using a smartphone ortablet.About newobject, the app offers you informed on request viapushmessage sothat you are always informed as soon as possible.You can easily surf through the Real Estate and filtertheoffersaccording to your wishes and ideas. You can also viewthepropertyexposé of the individual objects directly andconvenientlyon yourphone or tablet PC. With the diary you can keeptrack, onyour visitdates.Features at a glance:- Comfortable real estate search filter or displayallpropertydeals- List and tour planners- Free 24/7 push notification when new offers- Expose view with photos- Search for residential and commercial properties forrent,leaseor purchase- Targeted Search facilities criteria (balcony,fittedkitchen,...)- According to their own ideas (price Sort the results area,Number of rooms, date, etc.).- Direct contact with their local / supervising EMS BROKEREMS BROKER is a registered trademark. EMS BROKERAGE-franchiseesare legally independent brokers and companies.The property listing data and other information basedsolelyonthe information provided by our clients. A liabilityfortheaccuracy and completeness, we can therefore not accept.Itistherefore expressly assume any prospectus liability. Ouroffersarenon-binding. The customer must verify allinformationbeforesigning the contract itself. Remain subject toprior saleorsubletting reserved. Our current terms andconditions.
HSEQ+ | Safety Reports, Quality Audit, Timesheets 7.3.11
Mellora AS
No subscriptions needed. Install and start using itimmediately!Areyou looking for a safety app to generate accidentreports andnearmiss reports? Do you also want a quality audit andinspectionapp tomake sure your organization / company meets allrequirementsrelatedto quality and the work environment? Meet theaward-winningHSEQ+which saves money, time and effort byofferinguser-friendlyreporting and case management tools for HSEandquality. No useraccount or subscription is required. Installthequality and safetyhse app and start using it immediately! ►5EASYTO USE &HELPFUL MODULES: HSEQ + is an app designed tosimplifyand improvean organization's HSE and quality reporting. Inthe appyou willfind 5 different and user-friendly modules: ◉ QUICKREPORTS-Choose between 6 types of reports: Non-ConformanceReport,AccidentReport, Observation Report, Near Miss Report,ImprovementReport,Prevention Report. - Enter important details suchas Dateand Time,Location, Department, Type of Incident,Project/Reference,IssueDescriptions, Actions Taken, GPS location,Images. - Sendthereports to the relevant manager, sector orauthorities. Useyourname or stay anonymous to protect youridentity. - Keep anarchiveof all your reports created with our hseapp. ◉ INSPECTIONSANDAUDITS: Make use of checklists for safetyrounds and auditsrelatedto quality and the work environment. - Ouraudit app enablesyou toassess and do thorough audits and understandthe context ofeachaudit. May also be used for all kinds of riskassessment. -Neatlyoverview all your inspections in the New, InProgress&Completed sections ◉ SAFE-JOB ANALYSIS (SJA): CreateSJA byaddingDate, Name, Participants. Do the safe job analysis toassesstherisk of all work operations that may involve a certainrisktopeople, the environment, machines etc. Send the finishedsafejobanalysis with detailed reporting within the app. ◉ TIMESHEETS:Noneed to use separate apps to manage your workdays. Usethein-builtTimesheets so you can easily document your working day.Adddetailssuch as Employee No., Department, Entries, Summary,Overtimeandsend them to your managers. View all of the timesheetsyou’vesentat one place too. ◉ DOCUMENT CENTRE Occupational safetyandhealth,or health and safety at work, quality procedures,andsafetyinspections are complicated fields. That’s why inourDocumentcenter you can find Procedures, Instructions,Manuals,Templates,Datasheets on both Quality & HSE. ►CUSTOMIZETHE APPFOR YOURORAGNIZATION Every organization has the opportunityto haveits owncustomized version of the app. Tailored versions ofHSEQ canbelinked to our database HSEQ Reports for an evenmorestreamlined,innovative, and easy way to handle HSE andqualitymanagement.►MEET ALL CUSTOMER & GOVERNMENTREQUIREMENTSProperly used, ourhealth and safety at work &qualityinspection and audit appwill meet all customer andgovernmentrequirements, such as theInternal Control Regulations,ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 45001, andall Achilles qualifications(JQS,Sellicha, TransQ, StartBANK, andAutomotive). 👉SEE WHY: .. In2013,HSEQ+ was named Norway's bestwork environment product 🏆 ..Isbranded and trusted by globalcompanies and organizations ☑️ ..Isused by tens of thousands ofusers 📲 Get this hseq app now andtryit completely for FREE!
Inspection checklists 1.8.2
Inspect work and workplaces with a checklist andmonitorimprovementactions. Improve in a structured manner anySafety,Health,Environmental, Quality or Operational issue: • Ratethejob,workplace usage of tools with the smart checklist • Recordonsiteall positive or negative situations/acts; • Entertakenactions oractions that still need to be executed • Shareyourfindings withcolleagues • Allow safety-coordinators ormanagementto improve theobservations on their desktop computer •Track thecompletion ofactions The andSafety Observation app: •Makes iteasy to inspect •Diminishes the time needed to solve theissues •Scrapsadministrative work and costs • Provides data foryour toolboxtraining • Helps you to better comply with VCA/VCO,OHSAS18001, ISO9001/14001 Features of the (free) mobile app: •On-offline usage:record observations anywhere and share when youhavea dataconnection • Easy input of data with 'touch' and'swipe'features •GPS, photo, selection and text fields •Industryspecific fields forlocation of buildings, rooms andequipment •HSE-checklistsaccording best practices • Possible toadapt thechecklist andfields to your own needs • record takenactionsdirectly or actionsto be taken • Share the observations withyourteam or keep themprivate Features of the web app (for thedesktopcomputer): • Enrichor add data • Report with Word or Excel•Extensive search andfilter capabilities • Bar and pie chartstoview trends • Securedata storage in the cloud • API tointegratewith your internalsystems View our website for our otherWERKTOOLSapps: • HSEObservation app • 5S + Safety Observations •BBSObservation app:for more advanced behaviour observations•Incident (near-miss)register
Safesite: Safety Management System
Safesite is a free mobile-based safety management systemappforteams and individuals who want to prioritize safety.Oursafetymanagement system allows teams and individuals toeasilyconductpaperless safety inspections, audits, incidentreports,toolboxtalks, and more using the Safesite app. Groupyourprojects,regions, or teams to streamline project management.Thenuse thesafety management dashboard to analyze data andrunreports.SAFESITE FEATURES: ✓ Library of safety inspections,auditsandchecklists ✓ Library of safety meetings and toolboxtalks✓Real-time incident reports ✓ Hazard management ✓Recordsafetyobservations on-the-go from any device ✓ Track, manage,andinspectequipment ✓ Schedule weekly safety tasks ✓ Completesafetytaskswith limited connectivity (offline mode) ✓ AvailableinEnglish andSpanish ✓ OSHA 300 form integration (U.S. only) ✓OSHA,VSO, VPPand SHARP compliance assistance ABOUT SAFESITE: Today,over4,000US companies trust the Safesite platform. Safety prosandteams useSafesite’s many features to streamline safetyandcomplianceactivities, drive team safety engagement, andempowereveryemployee to be a safety champion. Go beyonddigitizingsafetychecklists with our free easy-to-use safetymanagement systemanddownload Safesite today!
QHSE Audit,Gap & Risk Analysis 1.6
This product contains following apps:Gap Analysis & Risk Profile for ISO 9001Gap Analysis & Risk Profile for ISO 14001Gap Analysis & Risk Profile for OHSAS 18001Audit Suite & Risk Profile for ISO 9001Audit Suite & Risk Profile for ISO 14001Audit Suite & Risk Profile for OHSAS 18001Audit Suite & Risk Profile for IS 14489, theIndianSafetyStandardAudit Suite & Risk Profile for ISO 50001Audit suite and Risk Profile - Tanker ManagementSelfAssessment(TMSA)The main features of gap analysis app's are:These one of its kind apps can assist you in conductingaGapAnalysis of your management system and tell you instantlywhichtherisk areas are. Basis this you can immediately create aplanofpriority and update you manuals preciselyOver 200 qualitative questions set underdifferentperformanceindicators / risk areasJust tap on the the score basis your current system andaddcommentsif necessaryAttach evidence from gallery or click from yoursmartphone/tab‘Save as draft’ if you still want to work on the report‘Save & Publish’ if the report is complete and readyThe entire report is generated instantlyThe Gap Analysis Scorecard is automatically generated showingyouthegaps in your systemPie charts and bar graphs are generatedThe Benchmarking rating is automatically generatedSend your report directly to your selected recipients.Print only if necessaryMain features of risk based audit app’s are:These one of its kind apps can assist you in conductingauditswithlightning fast speed. The Audit Suite comprisesoffollowing:Audit informationAudit Checklist with several sections as perstandard’sclausesJust tap on the relevant scoreAdd your comments if necessaryAttach evidence from gallery or click from yoursmartphone/tabFill the audit report sectionFill list of findings in the Corrective &PreventiveAction(CAPA) table‘Save as draft’ if you still want to work on the report‘Save & Publish’ if the report is complete and ready.The entire report is generated instantlyThe Risk Profile of the facility with KeyPerformanceIndicators(KPI’s) and their risk score isautomaticallygeneratedThe overall Risk Score of the facilityisautomaticallygeneratedOne Spider graph and bar graph is automatically generatedSend your generated report directly to selected recipients.Print only if necessary
Aşama Danışmanlık
Aşama Danışmanlık Belgelendirme ve Eğitim Hizmetleri, KaliteYönetimSistemleri, Devlet Teşvik ve Yatırımları ile Marka vePatenthizmetleri olarak 3 ana branşta uzmanlaşmıştır. KaliteYönetimSistemleri başlığı altında sizlere ISO belgeleri, CEBelgesi, TSE veTSHYB Belgelendirme danışmanlığı yapmaktayız.Devlet Teşvikleri veYatırımları başlığı altında size KalkınmaAjansları, Kosgeb,Tübitak, Dış Ticaret destekleri gibi birçokdesteğin danışmanlığınıyapmaktayız. Marka ve Patent hizmetbaşlığımız altında, yurt içi veyurt dışı marka, patent,endüstriyel tasarım ve coğrafi işarettescilleri için danışmanlıkyapmaktayız. UYGULAMANIN KULLANIMALANLARI: -TEŞVİK BUL bölümündekiformu kullanarak ERP sistemimizeotomatik olarak kaybolursunuz.Uzmanlarımız size uygun devlet hibeve teşviklerini verdiğiniziletişim kanallarından ulaşarak ücretsizolarak bilgilendirirler.-MARKA BUL bölümündeki formudoldurduğunuzda, aklınızdakimarkaların tescilinin uygunluğu,uzmanlarımız tarafından ücretsizolarak araştırılarak verdiğiniziletişim kanallarından sizibilgilendirirler. - Hizmetlerinizbölümünde yaptığımız çalışmalarıinceleyerek, konular hakkında genişbilgi edinebilirsiniz - Sürekligüncellenen sosyal hesaplarımızıtakip edebilir, sektörle ilgiligüncel verilere ve bilgilereulaşabilirsiniz. - Tüm iletişimbilgilerine ulaşarak bizimleirtibata geçebilirsiniz. - Ulaşımbölümü Google haritalarla entegreçalışarak, adresimize ulaşmanızısağlayacaktır. Aşama DanışmanlıkBelgelendirme ve Eğitim Hizmetleriolarak sunduğumuzdanışmanlıkların konu başlıkları: KALİTEBELGELERİ FABRİKA ÜRETİMKONTROL BELGESİ FPC – FÜK ISO 10002-2004Müşteri Memnuniyeti YönetimSistemi ISO 13485:2012 Medikal SektördeKalite Yönetim SistemiStandardı ISO 14001:2015 Çevre YönetimSistemi ISO 22000:2005 GıdaGüvenliği Yönetim Sistemi ISO 22716 –Kozmetikte İyi ÜretimUygulamaları ISO 27001 Bilgi GüvenliğiYönetim Sistemi ISO 3834KAYNAKLI İMALAT YETERLİLİK BELGESİ ISO50001:2011 Enerji YönetimiSistemi ISO 9001 KALİTE YÖNETİM SİSTEMİOHSAS 18001 İş Sağlığı VeGüvenliği Yönetim Sistemi ÜRÜNBELGELENDİRME DANIŞMANLIKLARI CEBelgelendirme EMC (ELEKTROMANYETİKUYUMLULUK) EN 1090 Çelik YapıMalzemeleri Kaynak Yöntem Testi OnayRaporu (WPQR) LVD TestleriMalzeme Güvenlik Bilgi Formu (MSDS) RoHSve WEEE Tehlikeli MaddeGüvenlik Danışmanlığı (TMGD) TSE Belgesi veTSE-HYB YERLİ MALIBELGESİ İyi Tarım Uygulamaları Gıdaİşletmelerine Yönelik İşletmeKayıt ve Onay Belgesi DEVLET TEŞVİKVE HİBELERİ GİRİŞİMCİLİK DESTEKPROGRAMI Gıda Tarım ve HayvancılıkBakanlığı Hayvancılık YatırımıHibe Desteği KALKINMA AJANSLARIPROJE HAZIRLAMA VE PROJE YÖNETİMDANIŞMANLIĞI KOBİGEL – KOBİGELİŞİM DESTEK PROGRAMI KOSGEB GENELDESTEK PROGRAMI KOSGEB KOBİPROJE DESTEK PROGRAMI Yatırım TeşvikSistemi IPARD TURİZM YATIRIMIBELGESİ TURİZM İŞLETMESİ BELGESİİHRACATA YÖNELİK DEVLET DESTEKLERİMARKA VE PATENT TESCİLİEndüstriyel Tasarım Tescili Faydalı ModelTescili Marka TesciliPatent Tescili İHRACATA YÖNELİK BELGELER Gostve UkrSEPRO SASO – CoCSONCAP Belgesi DİĞER DANIŞMANLIK KONULARIBARKOD (GS1 ÜRÜN BARKODU)GARANTİ BELGESİ Kapasite Raporu SANAYİSİCİL BELGESİ SATIŞ SONRASIHİZMETLERİ YETERLİLİK BELGESİ İŞGÜMBELGESİ KULLANILMIŞ MAKİNE İTHALİZNİ GÜNEŞ ENERJİSİ YATIRIMLARIRÜZGAR ENERJİSİ YATIRIMLARIFİZİBİLİTE ÇALIŞMALARI
BFRPL is ISO 9001:2008,14001:2004 &OHSAS18001:2007 certified company having state –of –theartmanufacturing facilities, catering to the needs ofIndustrialdevelopment with in-depth knowledge & experience ofFivedecades in the field of manufacturing various type of FRP/GRPcomponentsDesign engineering, Procurement, Construction &Installationof effluent disposal pipeline. (On-Shore / Off-Shore),Designengineering, Procurement of Solar Power Plant, Solar StreatLights,CFL Bulbs, LED Lights & Solar Pumps,Piping / Equipment for process industries, De-Salination plant,Seawater piping, Sewerage piping, Power plant piping,Design engineering, Procurement, Construction & InstallationofGRP/FRP items for STP, WTP, ETP & SWDP, FRP/SMC/DMCcomponentsfor Indian Railways & Metros, GRP/PU Stand-AloneTerafil Waterpurification system, FRP/GRP Portable Toilets &PortableBioToilets.
This is Clean Room, an amply potentialandaninnovative company for GMP works. Our home base issituatedatMalkajgiri, Hyderabad. Clean Room deals with the worksvizAirHandling Units , Ducting, False Ceilings, ConstructionofmodularClean Rooms, Laboratories and also redefines andmodifiesthem.Clean Room always strives for the betterment,delectationofcustomers being its prime motto.Clean Room is wellknown foralwaysback slapping its clients and leaves them with adelightratherthan satisfaction.Clean room's constructed by us has the environmentcontaininglowlevel of environmental pollutants suchasdust,airbornemicrobes,aerosol particles and chemical vapors.Moreaccurately ithas a controlled level of contamination thatisspecified by thenumber of particles per cubic meter at aspecifiedparticlesize.