Top 17 Games Similar to European Squash

Squash Scorer 2.21
Tim Medhurst
If you referee and score squash matchesthenchances are you'll do what I used to do and use a pen,pre-printedstationary and a clipboard to mark with. The applicationcan alsorecord scores entered after a match.This application makes marking easier by scoring for you. Allyouneed to do is hit "Rally Won" or "Hand Out" (Disable"TraditionalScoring" in Preferences to use Player's names instead)on the scorerscreen and the application will keep track of thescore and as longas you start the server on the correct side (tapon the greyed outball to change to that side), it'll keep track oftheir serving sidetoo.It works for both the Hand-in Hand-out (HiHo) or the PointaRally (PARS) systems and allows you to set the number of pointspergame and games per match. It includes an optional timer tokeeptrack of the warmup, post-warmup, times between games andinjuries.You can optionally enable a match duration timer whichalways showson the scorer screen.It supports scoring for timed singles matches. You can definethenumber of periods played and their length as well as the lengthofthe breaks between each. It supports carrying over the scorefromperiod to period (giving a total score at the end) or treatingeachtimed period as a separate game and awarding each period as agameto the player who is in front at the end of each.At the end of a timed period, you may immediately finish ormaydefer finishing until the current point has been completed. Youmaydefer as many times as you like.You can choose players from your contact list or enterthemmanually. If manual entry is used, auto complete will helpyouselect players who already exist in Squash Scorer's database.Aplayer edit screen allows you to change players' names and ifyourename a player to have the same name as another player (egrename"James" to "James Willstrop") then matches scored againstJameswill instead become scored against "James Willstrop" forstatisticspurposes.The application maintains a history of the games that havebeenscored and you can view statistics regarding the matches(longpress on the match) such as game and match durationsandpercentages of points won from the left or right andstatisticsabout the players such as their number of wins andnumbers of winsagainst other players.The application can also display the results of a game in aformcompatible with the WSF Score Sheet. To access this view, swipetothe left on the match details screen and swipe again to accesseachgame's getails.When scoring you can access an undo and you may undo asmanypoints as you like right back to the beginning of thematch.And finally you can choose to Share current or historicalmatchscores. You may currently use Twitter, eMail or post theresults toFacebook as the methods of sharing.If you like Squash Scorer, then please consider upgradingtoSquash Scorer Plus which adds the ability to score doublesmatches,record lets, strokes and other refereeing decisions,produce acomplete WSF scoresheet as an attachment to a mailmessage, producemore comprehensive statistics as well as graphicalrepresentationsof games and export and import your database ofscored matches.
Squore Squash Ref Tool 4.52
Iddo Hoeve
For referee-ing a squash match. Shows score, serve-side,timers,announcements
Score Squash 2.7.3
Scoring for singles and doubles squash matches
Squash Scorer Plus 2.21
Tim Medhurst
If you referee and score squashmatchesthenSquash Scorer Plus will help you by recording the scoreleavingyouto concentrate on what's important, the game. It may alsobeusedto keep a record of matches entered afterwards.Squash Scorer Plus is the next step up from thefreeapplication,Squash ScorerSquash Scorer Plus can do everything that Squash Scorer candoaswell as being able to score doubles matches, recordlets,strokesand other refereeing decisions, produce a completeWSFscoresheet asan attachment to an email, produce morecomprehensivestatistics aswell as graphical representations ofgames and exportand importyour database of scored matchesAdditional Help is available from within the app viathemenubutton if you have internet access. To use SquashScorerPlusChoose opponents on the match info screen, navigate tothescoringscreen and tep the player's names ( traditional"handout/point won"scoring is also available) or long press ontheplayer's names toactivate the quick let/stroke awarding. Theappwill keep track ofthe score and as long as you start the serveronthe correct side(tap on the greyed out ball to change tothatside), it'll keep trackof their serving side too. Use themorecalls button to make refereedecisions such as conduct warningsandpenalties or to indicate abreak in playIt works for both PARs and HiHo scoring systems and allowsyoutoset the number of points per game and games per match.Itsupportsboth "best of" and a "set number" of games. Itincludesoptionaltimers to keep track of the warmup,post-warmup-pre-matchand timesbetween games as well as injurytimes. You can optionallyenable amatch duration timer which alwaysshows on the scorerscreenIt supports scoring for timed singles matches. You candefinethenumber of periods played and their length as well as thelengthofthe breaks between each. It supports carrying over thescorefromperiod to period (giving a total score at the end) ortreatingeachtimed period as a separate game and awarding eachperiod as agameto the player who is in front at the end of eachAt the end of a timed period, you may immediately finishormaydefer finishing until the current point has been completed.Youmaydefer as many times as you likeIt automatically keeps track of the doubles servingorderandreceiving sides. Three serving orders,International(AXBY),Australian (AXYB) or Hardball (A,XYAB) aresupportedIt handles deuce by allowing you to select the player'schoiceofone more, two more or you may select two ahead.Fordoubleshardball, the deuce options become No Set, Set 3 or Set5asappropriateYou can choose players from your contact list orenterthemmanually. A player edit screen allows you to renameandmergeplayersThe app maintains a history of the games that have beenscoredandyou can view statistics regarding the matches (long pressonthematch) such as game and match durations, percentages ofpointswonfrom the left or right and statistics about the playerssuch astheirnumber of wins and numbers of wins against otherplayers.The app can also display the results of a game inaformcompatible with the WSF Score Sheet as well as beingabletoactually produce a scoresheet for emailing. It can alsoshoweachgame's progression graphically. To access the scoresheetandgraphviews, swipe on the match details screenThe undo button on the scorer screen will undo thelastaction(point awarded, handout as well as lets, strokes and soon)and maybe used as many times as you like and at any timeyoulikeYou can export your database which will becomeanemailattachment. You can import from the exported file if itisdetachedto /sdcard This allows you to share matches withotherpeople andbetween your own devices and backup and restore yourownmatches ifyou upgrade your deviceUsing Twitter, Facebook or email, you can choose toSharecurrentor historical match scores
Squash Let Decider 2.0
Helps to decide whether to award a Let or Stroke in Squash.
Squash Footworker 1.4
iFahja Limited
Description SQUASH FOOTWORKER APPLICATION FOR SQUASH BEGINNERSTILLTHE HIGHEST LEVEL AND BEYOND! This squash footworker app ismanytimes lower in cost than the 200 dollars hardware basedsquashfootworker available in the market. At the same time it ismorefeature rich and you do not need to carry anything extra. It isonyour Android phone which you carry anywhere. It hasbeenappreciated and recommended by great players and championsofsquash. It provides you the exercise of moving around asquashcourt, or anywhere else, playing shots without actuallyhitting aball. It's a great way to practice your footwork andfitness as youmove around the court getting into position to playyour shots, bein balance and move back to the "T". Squash footworkis recommendedby all top players and coach! Try it out with our appand you willnotice how motivating it is and finally you can measureyourghosting routines! This application is much more extensiveandflexible. Features: •You can easily adjust/configure the numberofsets you want to play. •Adjust the number of positions perset.•Adjust the number of positions in court. You can choose tousebetween 4-10 lights/spots. •Adjust the level according toyourneeds and skills.Time per position. •Ability to saveyourconfiguration. •Ability to show the Total Time, Total SetsPlayedand Total Positions Played in the summary. Our focus has beentodevelop an extremely easy to use application, also providingaquality experience! This application gives you the opportunitytoget structure in your practice routines, gives you thecompleteflexibility and works unbelievably motivating!
Squash News 1.5
Escify Apps
The world's best free source of news and commentary about Squash
Squash player
When you find yourself playing squash,nomatter if you are competitive or you just want tokeepscores(results) - this application will come handy.Record your sets and matches, who won and who lost.Reviewhistoryof your opponents and your matches, and even add to youropponentsdata regarding their good and bad sides.**** Permission "Read Contacts" required since players youplayagainst are taken from your Address book ****
Squash Tournament Maker 1.1.0
Create "Round Robin" and "Knockout" tournaments for clubs.
Squash Score CXIO Software
Jack Bodewes
Squash Referee allows you to perfectly keep the overview ofthescore of the game and match in progress. With just a tap ontheplayer who scores a point you can easily keep up with anymatch.Squash Score is designed to help beginner as well asexperiencedreferee's to keep up with the scores in a fast and easyway. Theapp provides a continue overview of what's happening on thecourt.It also provides extra information like a timer during twogameswhich indicates the time when the players have to start theirnewgame. Squash Score is designed to suit both 'best of three'as'best of five matches'. It allows you to save player's namesand/orphoto's and shirt colors. It will also automatically savetheresult of any match during a tournament for you to view later.Ifthe overviews are no longer necessary the referee can easilydeleteany match and/or player information! Squash Score works withthenew "Rally Point System"!
KW Squash 1.0
Keep up to date with the squash ladder• Get notified when matches in your group are played• View the ladder standings• Quickly view your groups standings and matches• Check overall record and match history for players
Squash Guide 1.0
Squash is a racket sport played bytwo(singles)or four players (doubles) in a four-walled court withasmall, hollowrubber ball. The players must alternate instrikingthe ball withtheir racket and hit the ball onto theplayablesurfaces of the fourwalls of the court.The game was formerly called squash rackets, a referencetothe"squashable" soft ball used in the game (compared withtheharderball used in its sister game rackets).Squash supporters are lobbying for its incorporation inafutureOlympic program.The use of stringed rackets is shared with tennis,whichdatesfrom the late sixteenth century, though is moredirectlydescendedfrom the game of rackets from England. In"rackets",instead ofhitting over a net as in sports such as tennis,playershit asqueezable ball against walls.Squash was invented in Harrow School out of the oldergameracketsaround 1830 before the game spread to otherschools,eventuallybecoming an international sport. The firstcourts builtat thisschool were rather dangerous because they werenear waterpipes,buttresses, chimneys, and ledges.The school soon built four outside courts. Natural rubberwasthematerial of choice for the ball. Students modifiedtheirrackets tohave a smaller reach to play in thesecrampedconditions.The rackets have changed in a similar way to those usedintennis.Squash rackets used to be made out of laminatedtimber.In the 1980s, construction shifted to lighter materials(suchasaluminium and graphite) with small additions ofcomponentslikeKevlar, boron and titanium. Natural "gut" stringswerealsoreplaced with synthetic strings.Download Squash App, it's FREE!
BaD Squash 1.0
Fresh Carrot
If you use the BaD Squash service on theweb,you will be delighted to hear that you can now track your statsandview fixtures on the go with the BaD Squash App.Once you're logged in you will be taken to your beautifulprofilepage with all of the stats and metrics which you care aboutas wellas your next fixtureGone are the days where you had to score with pen and paperthencopy the results into the BaD Squash website, the app letsyouscore a match and the results go directly into the system.This is an early build and there are many more featurestocome
Squash Scorer FREE 2.7
Features include:1. Clean interface2. Large buttons suitable for larger hands and smallerscreens3. Simple scoring methods4. No complicated screens and databases. Just an easy scoring app!PRO version available with more advanced featuresincludingText-to-Speech!Never have to shout out the score again!
Squash Points 1.0
A simple and elegant application to keepcountof your winning during a squash game. It's not like everycourt hasa fancy counter, so with this app you can create your own.It's aseasy as hitting your cellphone with a finger and you'll seeyourwinning points go up.We've got you covered if you make a mistake, just moveyourfinger one inch up and everything is restored.What you get:No more "yes/no/yes/no" conversations in which you don'trememberwhat the score was during your squash gameJealous neighbour playersMaximum of 25 undo's when correcting mistakesSounds with on actions: point up, correction and game wonAuto reset to 0-0 when player wins with 11Counter max to 99 when players win with 2 points differenceAutomatic total game points counterUsage recommendation:- Stick mobile on to wall with a two sided suction mat forthemobile phone- Or DIY, use a clear zipbag and duct tape! Yes your screenwillreact through the plastic zipbagManual:Each player chooses a side, left or rightTap on big numbers to increase your pointCorrect mistakes by tapping on the big gray bar at the topReset to zero by pressing in between the big numbers (Tryhittingthe correct button! It works after a reset)When pauzing the game, press the home button. The score willberestored when you continue. If needed press the back button onyourphone.Enjoy your game's!
SquashLevels 1.0
Squash Levels
Note: You will have to sign up for asquashlevels account at to login to the app andget fullfunctionality.How good are you at squash? The squash levels database is oneofthe biggest of its kind in the world. It takes match results fromawide range of sources, such as local websites and clubs, andusesthem to calculate a "squash level" for each player. If you'reanavid squash player, you may already be in our database! Withthesquashlevels app you can track your squash progress, and thatofany of the other thousands of players in our database.Featuresinclude a graph of your progress over time, match resultsand awide range of statistics. For more information about howthedatabase works, go to
Clubladder 3.1
Clubladder is a fun way to meet players of your level.