Top 28 Games Similar to Aztech treasure free slots

Aztec Invaders Slots 9.94
Experience the mysterious powers oftheAncientAztecs in Aztec Invaders Slots.Bow to the all powerful Xochiquetzal as you harness thepowerofthe third reel and bring amazing wins through theexcitingfreegames. The gold sun disk will power your wins. Can yougetenoughflowers to trigger the flower feature? Try it nowandsee!The Quaxecatacal Feature:3 or more Aztec Pyramid scatters appearing in any positiononanyreels award 20 free games!During the free games, the GOLD SUNDISK can appear onthethirdreel. If the gold disk appears on the top or bottom linethenawildcard will drop onto each reel!If the GOLD SUNDISK appears on the middle line, thenALLpicturesymbols other than pyramids and flowers willchangeintowildcards!The Xochiquetzal Flower Feature.The Xochiquetzal feature is won only during the normalfreegameswhen 4 or more flower symbols show anywhere on screen.Thenormalfree games will pause and the Flower Spins will begin.All images will vanish from all reels, vanquished bytheimmortalXochiquetzal. 5 Flower spins will then commence.Aftereach spinevery new flower appearing on screen will lockintoposition for theremainder of the Flower spins.At the end of the flower spins the number of flowersshowingonscreen is the number of Xochiquetzal free games you havewon.The Xochiquetzal flower free games will playimmediately.Aftereach spin one additional wildcard is added to eachreel andwilllock in for the remainder of the Xochiquetzal freegames. Threeormore scattered pyramids will win you additionalXochiquetzalgames.The Golden Sundisk will pay as it does during thenormalfreegames.At the end of the Xochiquetzal feature your normal freegameswillresume. The Flower Spins can be won again duringnormalfreegames!This game is for entertainment purposes only. No real moneycanbewon or lost.The odds of winning in this simulation are not the same asinrealslot machines. Real slot machines are designed tomakeyouconsistently lose.You must be aged 18 (or 21 in some areas) to gamble.Pokie Magic supports responsible gambling andappropriateparentalsupervision. For gambling help,
Игровой аппарат Aztec Gold 1.0
Aztec Gold - игровые аппараты Пирамиды,ставшиеклассикой жанра.Известный русскоязычным пользователям также под названиемПирамиды,этот слот давно завоевал любовь игровогосообществабесхитростностью своей конструкции и в то же времявысокимпроцентом отдачи. Однако для геймеров, предпочитающих игратьвигровые аппараты бесплатно, этот эмулятор также станетнастоящейнаходкой. Игровой аппарат Пирамиды поможет отвлечься отбудничныхзабот – просто скачайте мобильное приложение на свойсмартфон изапускайте его, когда и где вам будет удобно.Некогда величественные древние цивилизации, исчезнувшие с лицаземлимногие столетия назад, оставили после себяпоразительноеисторическое и культурное наследие, до сих порпривлекающеемножество искателей приключений. Игровые аппаратыонлайн бесплатно,повсеместно доступные в Сети, также нередковоплощают эту тематику.Тяга к неизведанному отнюдь не чуждаазартным геймерам. Игровойавтомат Пирамиды – представитель именнотакого типа слотов – даетигрокам возможность почувствовать себяархеологами, отправляющимисяна поиски легендарного богатства народаацтеков. Эта задача подсилу только самым отважным – однакоблагодаря тому, что игровыеаппараты бесплатно предлагаются вмобильных версиях, она не несетни малейшего риска длягэмблеров.Игровые аппараты Пирамиды обладают незамысловатойструктурой,привычной для опытных игроков и легкой для освоенияновичками. Онисостоят из пяти барабанов и 21 выигрышной линии,количество которыхигрок может устанавливать на свое усмотрение,нажимая на кнопку«Line». Чем больше игровых полос активировано –тем динамичнеестановится процесс игры в аппараты игровые бесплатно.Ставка наспин производится с помощью клавиши «Bet», а еемаксимальноезначение, как и стоимости комбинаций, можно уточнить вокошке«Paytable». После того как игровые параметры установлены,остаетсятолько нажать на «Start», чтобы привести пятерку барабановвдвижение.«Фишки» слота Пирамиды, которыми не смогут похвастаться,например,традиционные игровые аппараты 777 – это специальныесимволы ибонусные раунды. Так, изображение профиля Сфинкса –Вайлд-символигрового автомата, «суперспособность» которогозаключается в том,что он подменяет собой другие иконки, повышаяшансы собратьпризовую комбинацию. Однако выпадает он только набарабанах 2, 3 и4, и единственный символ, не подвластный ему –Пирамида. Еслиигроку удастся собрать более 3-х таких картинок набарабанах слота,они становятся его пропуском в бонусный тур PyramidBonus. Скаттерэмулятора – Жар-птица – выпадая в количестве 3-х иболее штукодновременно, сулит игроку существенную прибавку наигровойсчет.Отдельно стоит остановиться на бонусных уровнях игровогоаппаратаПирамиды. Первый из них – уже упомянутый Pyramid Bonus.Игрокупредстоит поочередно открывать ячейки с ацтекскими символами– изразличных изображений, которые за ними скрываются,тожесоставляются призовые комбинации. Бриллиантовая пирамидаодаритудачливого геймера джек-потом, а вот если из-за одной изячеекпокажется змея – его игровой счет обнулится. Второйдополнительныйраунд игрового автомата Пирамиды – это игра наудвоение. Так, чтобыувеличить выигрышное значение собраннойкомбинации в два раза,необходимо выбрать из двух карт, появляющихсяпосле нажатия накнопку удвоения, старшую.Как видим, игровой автомат Aztec Gold в андроид-версии ничемнеотличается от модели, запускаемой онлайн и хорошознакомойбольшинству геймеров. Скачав приложение на свой смартфонилипланшет, вы сможете всегда иметь под рукой интересноеразвлечение,которое поможет скрасить утомительное путешествие,скоротатьожидание в длинной очереди или просто подарить яркиевпечатления влюбой момент, когда вы захотите. Запускайте игровыеаппаратыПирамиды и проверяйте удачу на прочность!Aztec Gold - Pyramidslotmachines, which have become classics of the genre.The well-known Russian-speaking users also called Pyramids,thisslot has long won the love of the game community ingenuousnessofits design and at the same time, a high percentage of return.Butfor gamers who prefer to play slot machines for free, thisemulatorwill also be a real boon. The gaming machine of the Pyramidwillhelp escape from everyday worries - simply download the app onyoursmartphone and run it whenever and wherever it isconvenient.The once magnificent ancient civilization disappeared from thefaceof the earth many centuries ago, left behind aremarkablehistorical and cultural heritage, still attracts manyadventurers.Gaming machines online free, universally accessible onthe web, andoften embody this theme. The desire for the unknown isnot alien togambling gamers. Slots Pyramid - is representative ofthis type ofslots - gives players the opportunity to feel likearchaeologists,goes in search of the legendary wealth of the peopleof Aztecs.This problem only by the most courageous - but becausethe slotmachines for free are available in the mobile version, itdoes notbear the slightest risk for gamblers.Pyramid slot machines have uncomplicated structure, familiartoexperienced players and newcomers easy to master. They consistoffive reels and 21 pay line, the number of which the player canbeinstalled on its discretion by pressing the «Line». The morebandsplaying activated - the game becomes more dynamic process intheslot machines for free. Bet performed using spin «Bet» key anditsmaximum value as the value combinations can be specified inthewindow «Paytable». After the game parameters are set, itremainsonly to press the «Start», to lead the five reels inmotion."Chips" Pyramid slot, which can not boast, for example,traditionalslot machines 777 - are special symbols and bonusrounds. Thus, theimage of the profile of the Sphinx - Wild symbolof the gamemachine, "Superpower" that is, he substitutes the othericons,increasing the chances to collect the prize combination.However,it falls only on reels 2, 3 and 4, and the only characterthat isnot subservient to it - the Pyramid. If a player is able tocollectmore than 3 of these pictures on the slot reels, they arehisticket to the bonus round Pyramid Bonus. Scatter emulator-Firebird - dropping in the amount of 3 or more pieces at thesametime, promises the player a significant increase in theplayer'saccount.We should also focus on the bonus game levels Pyramid apparatus.Thefirst of them - the aforementioned Pyramid Bonus. The playerwillturn to open the cell with Aztec symbols - of different imagesthatare hidden behind them, too, compiled prize combination.Diamondpyramid bestow lucky gamer jackpot, but if because of oneof thecells seem snake - his game score is reset. The second extraroundgame Pyramids machine - this is a game to double. So, toincreasethe value of the winning combinations collected twice, youmustselect the two cards that appear after clicking on thebuttondoubling older.As you can see, the gaming machine in the Aztec Gold versionofAndroid is no different on the model, triggered online andfamiliarto most gamers. Download the app to your smartphone ortablet, youcan always have on hand an interesting game, which willhelp tobrighten up the tedious journey, pass the waiting in a longline orjust give vivid impressions at any time, whenever you want.RunPyramid slot machines, and check the strength of luck!
Pyramid Pays 2 Slots 10.76
When the moon sets over the famouspyramids,thePharaoh returns with his biggest ever wins!With 5 different game features, 25 or 50 paylines and theallnewRoyal Reels, it's Pyramid Pays 2! With a massive60specialachievements, there's more to see and play thaneverbefore...During normal play the Pharaoh acts as a wildcardandsubstitutesfor all symbols except scattered pyramidsymbols. Scattered pyramid symbols pay anywhere in the window.3 or more pyramids showing anywhere in the game window (4intheSpecial Edition) triggers the Mega Pyramid feature.Can you win the Nefertiti Royal Reels Feature, SlaythemightlyScorpion Spins, or mesmerize the reels in theamazingReelManiafeature?! Try it now and see...NOTICE: These games are for entertainment purposes only.Norealmoney can be won or lost. The odds of winning inthis simulation are not the same as in real slot machines.Youmustbe aged 21 (or 18 in some areas) to gamble. PokieMagicsupportsresponsible gambling and appropriateparentalsupervision.
Aztec Slots – Golden Tomb 1.3
Let’s spin together and discover themysteriesof the ancient empire. The Aztec tomb is full of goldencoins. Theempire is full of mystical mysteries, legendary secrettreasures soyou can win big by spin the fortune wheel fast. You canwin theprogressive jackpots and Pandora boxes which are full ofgold anddiamonds. As you know that Aztec empire was full of hugegold soyou have super chance to win big. You can explore thesecrets withthe help of this slot machines. Your spinning prizeswill bedoubled. You can win super bonuses games, jackpots andcoins. Youshould play this game with true winning spirit. Mega slotwins,Free spins and sun slot machines are on the way, just spin andwinhuge rewards.The sun goddess Aztec is waiting for you in the tomb withultimatewinning and huge prizes and gifts. So come and join thisancientadventure and discover the hidden golden treasure from thewholeempire. Super lucky slot machines with re and auto spinbutton. Itis different kind of legendary slot machines because itgives you amultiple ways for win big, bonuses games, chips andcredit withtons of coin rewards.You have the opportunity to win the crazy Aztec gods which willhelpyou to spin fast and powerfully and win the mega jackpots plusfreehits. Quickly hit spin machine and win extra free spin. Freebonusesrounds. The super HD graphics and sound will help you towin big inthe Vegas casino.- Unique and incredible mega win- Free bonuses rounds with mini slot machines- Double down your winnings- Re spin and auto spin for win big- Free coins on daily basis- Progressive jackpots- Extra spin, credits and chips for bet max- HD graphics and sound- Play online and offline- Real Vegas casino thrill- Discover Ancient Aztec goldDownload it now and enjoy the ancient history and win freehugeprizes with Aztec slots
Slots 777 Casino by SonnyGames 3
Slots 777 will surpass your wildestimaginationof freeslots.Get ready to achieve the Super BIG WIN - without any risk!Feel the thrill of being at the casino house just like the LasVegasnightlife. The atmosphere, music, and appearance are similarto theoriginal free slots games. These amazing slots will dazzleyour eyeswith deluxe slots symbols and icons.Packed out with FREE SPINS and BIG WINS surrounded byincredibleJackpots and Bonuses to bring you the best Las Vegascasinoexperience ambiance right to your Android device.THOUSANDS of Gems, Jewels, Casino Bonus, and Free Coinseveryday!Everyone will feel lucky and find treasure while playing thebestfree casino game Slots 777.No need for special skills, it all depends on your luck andfortunesymbols.Get slotsfree with Free Welcome Bonus Coins andcasinosrewards.These fun exciting slots are 100% fair. Each player has thesamechance of the Big Win, Jackpot and other Bonusesavailable.So bet big and WIN BIG, without risk. It is straightforward –100%based on your luck!Features:- Fun and exciting slots!- Free Welcome Bonus Coins to start!- The more you play, the greater your chances of winning!- Genuine casino look and feel- 100% based on fun and luck, no need for special skills orriskingreal money- 100% fair, each player has an equal chance to win- Worldwide leaderboards- Exciting gameplay- Smooth HD graphics and animations- Rewarding casino Jackpots and Bonus Rewards- Easy hands-off play - automated Free Spins and Re-Spins- Play for hours on end!THOUSANDS of Gems, Jewels, and Free coins every day!Follow our Youtube link for unique offers and bonuses!YouTube: best FREE Vegas slots app ready and available, DOWNLOAD NOWfromGoogle Play Store Android market -- FREE!
Tomb of the Aztec Slots 1.0
Be aware of the Tomb of the Aztec!True,thereis much gold to be found! But don’t forget aboutMontezuma andhisrevenge! No amount of money in the world is worthhisrevenge!However, the thrill of Aztec slots will make itallworthwhile!Game Features► Treasure trove MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Hand drawn HD graphics, Aztec HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins with Cortez!► Auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Boost your fortune with boost multiplier!► Get wild in the jungle Wildcards► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Legend tells of a great kingdom in the uncharted lands oftheNewWorld! Are ready to join the explorers in search of thefamedAztecEmpire? If so, don’t forget your slots and get readytosail!There in the distance, that is an Aztec pyramid! Thatiswherethey would bury their royal families! According to Azteclore,theywould bury their royal family with enough gold tobeincrediblywealth in the world to come! Let’s check it out!This seems dangerous! I want to find the money and thegold,butit’s really dark in here. What if there are demons orspiritsofthe fallen Aztec people. Don’t worry you’ll be fine.Let’sjustfind the secret treasure! Okay, if you insist! Wow, lookat allofthat gold!You can’t help but play Tomb of the Aztec Slots! The soundoftheslots and the desire for secret treasure are just tooalluring.Thisdangerous, multi-line slot game will keep youcaptivated forhours.Prime HD graphics and awesome HD sound willdraw you in.Downloadand play now! FREE!
DreamPusher 【メダルゲーム】 3.0.6
<メインゲーム>タップでメダルを投下し、手前に押し出してゲットしよう!メダルをフィールド下部にあるチェッカーに通すと、スロットが回ります。同じ絵柄が3つ揃うとそれぞれ以下の配当がもらえます。■1~6■数字×5枚の払い出し奇数が揃うとビンゴチャンスステップアップ■7■フィーバーモード突入■ボール■ボール1個払い出し■JPC DIRECT■ジャックポットチャンスを獲得■宝箱(TREASURE CHANCE)■トレジャーチャンスを獲得◇メインゲームの物理抽選◇メインゲームには10つの物理抽選が存在します。■クルーンチャンス■ボールを5つ獲得することで挑戦できるモードです。ボールが入ったポケットに書かれている配当を得ることが出来ます。一度入ったポケットはJPCに入るまでホールドされます。JPC以外のポケットを全て埋めると、JPCがSPJPCに変化します。■ジャックポットチャンス■クルーンチャンス、スロット、またはトレジャーチャンスでJPCを獲得することで挑戦できるモードです。ボールが入ったポケットに書いてある配当を得ることが出来ます。JPの絵柄が書いてあるポケットに入るとJP獲得です。今までで貯まっていたJPの枚数が払い出されます。■ダブルアップチャンス■JPCでJP獲得後に挑戦できるモードです。成功するとJP枚数が倍になりますが、失敗すると0になってしまいます。■スーパージャックポットチャンス■クルーンチャンス、トレジャーチャンス、またはプレミアムチャンスでSPJPCを獲得すると挑戦できるモードです。JPがGoldとSilverの枚数を合わせたSPJPになります。最初に倍率抽選が行われ、その後に配当の抽選が行われます。SPJPのポケットに入ればジャックポット獲得です。JP獲得後のダブルアップはできません。■スペシャルチャンス■クルーンチャンスでSPCの穴に入ると挑戦できるモードです。OUTのポケットに入るまでボール抽選が続きます。(獲得枚数がカンストすると終了)ポケットの配当は入るたびに25→50→75→100と増えていきます。最大9999枚まで獲得可能です。■ボーナスチャンス■ボールを10個使ったボーナスゲームです。全てのボールがポケットに入るまでゲームが続き、入ったポケットに応じてメダルを獲得できます。ポケットに入る度に獲得できる枚数がアップし、最大2000枚まで増えることがあります。■ドリームチャンス■ボールを3つ使ってどこのポケットにボールが入るか予想するゲームです。的中するほど配当がアップしていきます。0HIT→100枚1HIT→300枚2HIT→1000枚3HIT→3000枚■プレミアムチャンス■PMCゲージを最大まで溜めると挑戦できるモードです。ボール抽選を行い、ポケットに入った配当が得られます。■プレミアムジャックポットチャンス■プレミアムチャンスでPMJPCのポケットに入る、または、トレジャーチャンスでPMJPCの配当を獲得すると挑戦できるモードです。抽選回数が無くなるまでボール抽選が続き、入ったポケットの配当が得られます。+2のポケットに入ると抽選回数が2回追加されます。JPSTEPのポケットに入るとJPSTEPの配当が得られ、配当が上昇し、抽選回数も1回追加されます。3回JPSTEPのポケットに入るとJPを獲得することが出来ます。4回目以降もJPを何度でも獲得できます。最大99999枚まで獲得可能です。JPを獲得した際のダブルアップは出来ません。■ビンゴチャンス■ビンゴチャンスのステップを満タンにすると挑戦できるモードです。ボール抽選を行い、入った数字のマスが埋められていきます。ラインを揃えると揃った数に応じて以下の配当が得られます。0ライン→NewNumber⇒50枚 UsedNumber⇒25枚1ライン→200枚2ライン→500枚3ライン→3000枚ラインが揃うと、揃っているマスは元に戻ります。<フィーバーモード>スロットで777が揃う、もしくはJPCでFEVERMODEのポケットに入るとフィーバー状態になり、スロットで7以外の絵柄が当たりやすくなります。JPCで100または200のポケットに入ると終了します。<トレジャーチャンス>スロットで宝箱の図柄が揃うと挑戦できるモードです。宝箱をタップして選択し、マッチさせた絵柄のボーナスを得ることができます。獲得できるボーナスは、JPC、PMJPC、SPJPC、BNC、DMC、100のいずれかです。<アナザーゲーム>バンパーとボールを使ったゲームです。1プレイ300枚でプレイができます。バンパーにボールが当たるとメダルを2枚獲得できます。100WINを越えると、ルーレットチャンスへの壁が無くなり、ポケットを狙えるようになります。ポケットにボールが入るとルーレットチャンスに挑戦でき、ポケットに入った配当を得ることができます。ボールが全てOUTに入るまでゲームが継続します。ゲーム終了時にゲーム内で獲得したメダルを得ることができます。最大99999枚まで獲得可能です。■ルーレットチャンス配当■・50:メダル50枚獲得・100:メダル100枚獲得・RED & BLUE BONUS:色に応じたBONUS配当を獲得します・BALL+1:ボールを1個追加・OUT BLOCK RECOVER:アウトブロックが全て復活し、無敵時間も延長されます・BUMPER WIN UP:バンパーヒット時の獲得枚数が3枚増えます■アウトブロック■アウトブロックはボールがOUTに入るのを防いでくれる壁です。ボールが当たると壊れてしまいます。ブロックが青い時は無敵状態で、ボールが当たっても耐久力が減りません。左右どちらかのブロックが全て無くなると、ブロックが復活します。<ベットゲーム>メダルをベットして高配当を目指すゲームです。ボールが倍率ポケットに入ると、ベット額X倍率のメダルを獲得できます。Nextポケットに入るとステージを移動します。第3ステージにあるRUSHCHANCEポケットに入るとラッシュチャンスに突入です。最大ベット額X999倍のメダルを獲得できます。■ラッシュチャンス■再びRUSHCHANCEポケットに入るまで抽選が継続します。獲得した倍率は加算されていきます。メダル大量獲得のチャンスです!■ホールド機能■第2ステージにあるHOLDポケットに入るとそのポケットが塞がり、第3ステージの抽選回数が増えます。2つともホールドすると第3ステージを3回抽選することができます。HOLDの倍率は3倍です。<パズルゲーム>ピースを消してメダルを獲得するゲームです。3プレイ500枚でプレイができます。最初にボールでどの色のピースを消すか抽選を行います。抽選が終わると、獲得した色のピースが消え、消えた数と同じ枚数のメダルを獲得できます。さらに、同じ色が4つ以上繋がるとピースが消え、繋がった数だけメダルを獲得でき、連鎖が起こります。連鎖が起こると獲得できる枚数にボーナスが付きます。また、7連鎖毎に残り抽選回数が1回増えます。抽選回数が無くなるとゲームが終了し、それまで獲得したメダルが貰えます。■ピースボーナス■ピースを消す度にそれぞれの色のカウントが減っていきます。カウントを0にするとそのピースに書かれている枚数分のメダルを獲得できます。<その他>オプションでさまざまな設定を変更可能。好みの設定でプレイしよう!
Crazy Monkey 1.0
Игровой автомат Crazy Monkey знаютабсолютновселюбители азартных развлечений. Мы хотим представитьвашемувниманиюновшество, которое позволит всем желающим играть влюбимыеигровыеавтоматы бесплатно или на деньги на своеммобильномтелефоне илипланшете. Вам нужно скачать всего одноприложение, ивы получаете всесамые популярные игровые автоматы воднойколлекции:ResidentRamses IIThe Money GameMagic PrincessLucky HaunterGryphon GoldUnicorn MagicKing of CardsDolphins PearlLucky Lady Charm DeluxeBanana SplashThe Ming DynastyRoyal TreasuresAztec TreasureWonderful FluteGolden PlanetCrazy MonkeyPolar FoxAttilaMermaids PearlBook Of RaPanther MoonPharaohs Gold IIISpartaSafari HeatPharaohs Gold IIEmperors ChinaSecret ForestОбязательное условие – это подключение к интернету!Основные преимущества:- быстрое скачивание и простой процесс установки- меню помощи и таблица выплат вызывается в любое время игры- обновление контента производится ежедневно- полное отсутствие сбоев и системных ошибок- простой и удобный интерфейс, который оптимизированподвсеустройстваSlot MachineCrazyMonkeyknows absolutely all lovers of gambling entertainment.Wewant topresent to your attention an innovation that willallowanyone toplay your favorite slot machines for free or formoney onyourmobile phone or tablet. You need to download just oneapp, yougetall of the most popular slot machines in the samecollection:ResidentRamses IIThe Money GameMagic PrincessLucky HaunterGryphon GoldUnicorn MagicKing of CardsDolphins PearlLucky Lady Charm DeluxeBanana SplashThe Ming DynastyRoyal TreasuresAztec TreasureWonderful FluteGolden PlanetCrazy MonkeyPolar FoxAttilaMermaids PearlBook Of RaPanther MoonPharaohs Gold IIISpartaSafari HeatPharaohs Gold IIEmperors ChinaSecret ForestMandatory condition - is an internet connection!Main advantages:- Quick download and easy installation process- Help menu and table of payments is called at any timeofthegame- Updating of content produced daily- The complete absence of errors and system errors- Simple and intuitive interface, which is optimizedforalldevices
PatolePusherMini (Coin Pusher) 1.4.14
This is a coin pusher game you can play casually.
777 Hot Slots Casino - Classic 2.0.2
41 Games
Vintage 3-Reel Slots - Downtown Old Vegas Classic Slot MachineGames- Play Free
Pharaoh Slots - Double Deluxe 1.0
Luna Valley
Welcome to Pharaoh Slots - the Vegas-style Double Deluxeslotmachine!
Book of Treasures slot 1.1
popcorn games
Slot machine "Book of Treasures" isaninteresting, vivid game. Subjects of ancient Egypt gives thisgameoriginality and mystery! In the game there is an additionalrisk ofthe game - to multiply winnings and the bonus game - fortheaccumulation of even more winnings! Spend time enjoyable!The game is free and is a simulator of a slot machine.
Animo Inc.
NEW 8LINES VIDEO SLOT is appeared !
Animo Inc.
NEW 8LINES SLOT Appearance!
Coin Pusher 2
Coin Pusher is a popular arcade coingame.Enjoythis brand new Coin Pusher with realistic casinoslotsmachine. Dropcoins onto the table and push more coins to theedge.Stock up onmore coins and breathtaking prizes. Run out ofcoins?You would alsobe able to sell prizes and gifts to exchangeforsome more coins.Test your luck, collect lots of coins andwinjackpot. Download andtake a real challenge in CoinPusher.<<< SPECIAL FEATURES>>>The special prizes are so cool you will want toexperiencethemall.• Impressive 3D graphics and special effects• Shiny new coins• Swashbuckling prizesHave fun with this Coin Pusher Game!If you have some questions,please connectusat
Egyptian Ark slot 1.1
popcorn games
Slot machine "Egyptian Ark slot" will takeyouto a place of amazing adventure and ancient Egyptianrelics.Together with a charming heroine, open all the secrets oftheancient world! The game is available to multiply the riskofwinning the game. Interesting bonus game will help makeyourwinnings even more. Play with pleasure and set new records!Thebest result you can see in the game menu. Enjoy yourspendingtime!
Pharaohs Gold II Slot Machine 1.0
The video slots on the Egyptian topiccanbesafely referred to as the golden classics of gambling.Firstly,weall know that the kings were extremely passionateabouttheprecious metal. Secondly, the games of this specificgenreallowedmany people to become rich. These slots came fromtheland-basedcasinos, and despite their simple gameplay andobviouslypoorgraphics, most of them continue to enjoy greatpopularity tothisday, especially among the nostalgic gamblers. ThedevelopersfromNovomatic used the pictures of pyramids, scarabs,kings’statues,and other traditional attributes of this topic intheircreations.The Pharaohs Gold II slot confirms it like nothingelse.FeaturesThe video slot is designed in a classic style that isinherenttoNovomatic developments. It includes 5 reels, 9paylines,specialsymbols, and a double game. Frankly speaking, thedesign oftheslot machine is far from being fancy, but it issomething thatmostEgyptian video slots are known for. On the reels,you can seethestatues of pharaohs, the pyramids, a cat, a scarab,and thecards.Winning combinations are counted from left to right.ThePharaohGold II slot is the successor of the classic slotversionthat wasavailable in the old gambling establishments, hencethename thatit received. All the icons are located againstthebackground thatresembles the texture of parchment.BonusesThe slot has earned great popularity even in the timesoftheland-based casinos due to the abundance of bonussymbols.Thehighest position in the hierarchy is occupied by theimage ofthepharaoh. It brings the payouts of up to 9000 credits,and alsoactsas a wild symbol that substitutes all the other iconsinthewinning combinations except for the scatter. A scatter, inturn,isrepresented by a pyramid decorated with the image of the eyeofthegod Horus. 3 scatters give a player 15 free spins with atriplewinmultiplication. As befits a "vintage" video slot, thePharaohsGoldII slot machine does not offer any other bonus rounds.But,thedevelopers from Novomatic were generous enough to offeradoublegame, during which a player has to guess the color ofthecardsuit.Compared to its predecessor that people could enjoyintheland-based casinos, the Pharaohs Gold II slot hasasignificantdifference. This difference is the opportunity toplayPharaohsGold II for free.It contains a list of games:AttilaThe Money GameRamses IIRoyal TreasuresMagic PrincessMermaids PearlPanther MoonPolar FoxPharaohs Gold IIISafari HeatUnicorn MagicSecret ForestSpartaAztec TreasureGryphon GoldGolden PlanetEmperors ChinaBanana SplashKing of CardsLucky Lady Charm DeluxeResidentLucky HaunterCrazy MonkeyDolphins PearlPharaohs Gold IIThe Ming DynastyBook Of RaWonderful Flute
Slots Palace 1.0.104
Boqu Games
Play Free Casino Slot Machines and Win Jackpots, Free Spins,Bonusesand more!
Pharaoh's Luck Casino Slots HD
Download the best multi-slot experienceforfree today! Fun, excitement and entertainment of the realcasinoPokies!Prepare to explore the world’s most mysterious placeinsuper-addictive slot machine, set right into the heart ofEgypt.These slots play just like a dream - easy to understand,massivewins, unique bonus games. Join the Pharaoh and Cleopatra ontheirbreathtaking journey. Play like a real winner, win like atrueemperor!Reveal the secret of the Mighty Pharaoh and find the hiddenwayto the Great Pyramid Slot Machine where the Legendary Treasuresofthe Nile is waiting for you! Massive Casino Jackpots is justoneclick away for those who is going to follow the Book of Ra onapath to the Valley of Magic.Experience the thrill of Las Vegas on the palm of your handinyour home, office, or on commute. Pharaoh's Luck SlotsCasinobrings you the best funfair from the Cleopatra's Valley. Thegameis jam-packed with Pharaohs, chariots, pyramids, beautifulEgyptianwomen, and genuinely antique symbols. Enjoy the endless funfromthis amazing slot machine brought to you directly fromVegasCasino!DOWNLOAD NOW! YOU WILL LOVE SLOTS - PHARAOH'S LUCK!Winning combinations trigger many awards on this pokies game:Youcan win millions in jackpots, hundreds of free runs, ofunlimitedfree coins. Regardless of how many similar games you haveplayed,this slot machine is going to blow away your mind. Amazinggraphics,smooth animations, fantastic bonuses and surround soundsguarantee apremium slot experience..Free Pokies Features★ HUGE VARIETY: 20 Games to start with.★ NEW games added each week.★ BEST interactive BONUS GAMES★ BONUS WHEELS★ FREE COINS★ 3D and HD★ Incredible FREE SPINS★ Themed on ancient Egypt★ Multiple jackpotsJoin thousands of Pharaoh's Luck Slots Casino playersonAndroid and win incredible jackpots everyday.Important:This Pharaoh's Pokies App is for entertainment only. Althoughitfeels and looks like a real Vegas slot there is no realmoneyinvolved. Feel like you are in a Casino slots andplayresponsibly.This game uses virtual units called "Coins" to play the game.Youcan purchase additional coins-packs for real money via the"BuyCoins" window. These coins bought or won cannot be changed backtoreal money and cashed out, transferred, redeemed or collectedinany other way or changed back to any other real world goodsand/orservices. Once purchased or won, the coins can only be usedto playthis game.The payout percentages, odds, payout methods and otherfeatureson our for-fun, entertainment only slotsarehigher/better/different than slot machines inregular/onlinecasinos. You should not expect similar results!Download Free Pokies and Have fun!
Ancient Egypt Casino Slots 1.1
Welcome to the Ancient Egypt CasinoSlotGame!If you like Egyptian games, Pyramid Solitaire games,MayaPyramidgames, Pyramid Pokies, or any other type ofEgyptianPharaoh’s gamethis Slot Machine is for you!!! Be a Legend,playthis game and winthe Egypt Jewels! This FREE Pharaoh’s Slotsgameis a Journey ofFire, Ancient Artifacts, and find the SecretBonusWay! Plus wehave Pharaoh’s bonus games in 3D! The Vegas slotscrazesaga hastaken over! Crush the Competition and Win the EverRisingJackpot!Boom goes the Bonus! Such a Blast to play thisPyramidCasino SlotGame! Win Pharaoh’s bonus cash and play your wayto afabulousfortune in the fun, free new Pyramid Casino withamazingbonusgames. Double your bet and beat the Pharaoh with 2 or 3bonusgamesand prizes in our slots bonanza frenzy. Be a legend,takingrisksand winning the amazing Jackpot is the only way! Whyjourneyto LasVegas when we can bring the party to you?Ready For A Slots Party? Yes?! Then let’s Burn, Baby, BurninthisCasino Inferno!By the way did we mention the game is free? Download itToday!House RulesSpin the Reel. Spin the Bonus Wheel. Hit Jackpot. Win aBigFortune.Party. Play Again!Game Details* 12 fun filled slots casinos in 1, with bonuses!* Wheel spins and guess what’s in the magic box bonus games.* Ran out of cash? We have an in house bank!* HD Graphics* Free to Play* Unlock 12 New and Fun Slots Rooms* Hit Jackpot and Play Bonus Mini Games To Win Big!* Party Like a Rockstar & Live Your Vegas Dreams* Big Jackpot Payouts! Beat the House and Cash Out!* Free to Play, No Internet Connection RequiredPayout Table - All line payouts are multiplied by line betFortune 5 (Hit 5 of a kind) – Win up to 400 bonuscoins!PureCraze!Hot Fever (Hit 4 in a row) – Win up to 200 bonus coins!I’minHeaven!Triple Royale Joy (Hit 3 of a kind) – Win up to 100 bonuscoins!I’mfeeling rich!World Double (Pair) – Win up to 10 bonus coins! Getting Hot!Start your journey to an authentic Las Vegas casino experienceinthepalm of your hand with this fun new slots machinegameforAndroid!With this Las Vegas World Casino game you will:• Discover a hot and exciting bonanza of jackpot slots!• Start Rich with Free Coins!• Journey begins with a free room. Keep playing to unlockbonusroomsand more bonus coins!• More features and more fun! Have it Your Way!• 5-reel slot machines and we add more!• Master awesome slot machines games. Win it all in one app!• Experience a slots showdown with fun, smooth game playandrichrealistic graphics.• Fantastic animations giving you the mostauthenticslotexperience!• Play this free slots game with bonus round!• The best bonus rounds, highest jackpots, andbiggestpayouts!• The greatest 777 casino game house in the slotscasinoworld!• More fun slots bonanza and slots royale!• A variety of free top-quality slot machines, each withitsownunique features and feel!• An insider view to new games released by our game studio!• Rich progressive jackpots and exciting bonus rounds!• Massive Payouts Jackpot Bonanza!Here at Mission Mob we have a romance with Slots CasinoGames.We’rejust crazy about making deluxe, HD quality games andhave aBONANZAof free casino apps. If you share in our craze andlike ourgamesplease leave us a nice review, if you hate it leaveusyourfeedback. We love advice on how to make our gamesbetter.Play It Now!
FREE SLOTS: Pharaoh's Might
In the middle of a far away desert, onthebanksof the River Nile there is a palace full of goldWhat do those hieroglyphics mean? That with alltheBONUSES,WILDCARDS and royal spins, you can win yourself ajackpotbefittinga Pharaoh!Download FREE SLOTS: Pharaoh's Might to your mobiledevice,enjoysuperior realistic graphics and gameplay experience&reelyourself a treasure that can fill up a king's tomb!★★★★★FREE SLOTS: Pharaoh's Might Features ★★★★★► 5 Reel Slots with customized line count.► MASSIVE wins and MAJESTIC payouts!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel 6 times a day!► Tons of free spins and brilliant bonuses!► Level Up and unlock free golden coins, more lines &ahigherbet max!► Improve your chances of winning with Boost Multiplier.► Double Down on your wins – risk it all or win big!► Get more action with the wildest and mostwonderfulWildcardsEVER!► Auto-spins and fast stop for a better gameplay experience!► Reach the top of the pyramid & enjoy more mini gamesthanyoucan handle!► Astounding hand-chiseled HD graphics.► Superior sound quality.► Play on your smartphone or tablet!► Multilingual interface - play in your language!► FREE to download and play, so start swiping away!Don't forget to check out our other games forendlessplaytime!Your Golden Chariot AwaitsWhat if you could visit the earliest casino that everexisted?Follow in the footsteps of the mighty Pharaohs, gloriousrulersofancient Egypt, the most advanced civilization of the time,andtakeover the world by storm of sand & gold!Are you ready to start spinning & collectingthosewinnings?Download FREE SLOTS: Pharaoh's Might to yoursmartphone ortabletCOMPLETELY FREE and discover a world ofaddictiveexcitement!
King of the Nile Slot Machine 1.0
Chimp Play
King of the Nile Slot Machine takes youonadecadent journey to explore King Tutankhamun’sluxuriousinnersanctum. Dodge the dreaded curse and search forwonderfulexotictreasure in this magnificent Egyptian Free Slots.You’ll bewinningBREATHTAKING JACKPOTS and taking home GARGANTUANPAYOUTS inno timeat all!★★★★★ Game Features ★★★★★► Play in your own Egyptian hieroglyphics with theMultilingualUI& win REMARKABLE payouts!► Bonus pops a fun mini-game randomly chosen fromseveralavailablegames fit for a pharaoh!► The Level Up System gets you kingly Free Coins, nobleExtraLines,& awesome Higher Max Bets!► Select up to 20 stately bet lines on this majestic 5ReelsSlotMachine for SUPERIOR wins!► Lucky Wheel Prizes dole out a Free Prize every 4 hours&royalWild Symbols replace ANY Symbol!► Scatter gets you sensational Free Spins & BonusCoinsappearevery 4 hours like magic!► Use the Double Down option for your winnings whileplayinginsuperb HD Graphics & HD Sound!► Don’t forget to take advantage of the Auto Spin&BoostWinnings Multiplier when you play!When he was nine years old, Tutankhamun became theyoungestpharaohof ancient Egypt. He died when he was only eighteenand wasburiedin a solid-gold coffin. Pyramids were built as tombsforbelovedpharaohs. Egyptians believed that mummificationpreservedthe soulsof the pharaohs for eternity. During his reign,King Tutrestoredthe old temples of the Egyptian god Amun. As areward forhisdevotion, Amun granted King Tut immortality in amagicalSlotMachine. King Tut commanded that the Free Slots beadorned inthesame manner as his opulent palace on the east bank oftheRiverNile. The walls of the Casino Slots are lined withextravagantgoldcoins and exquisite treasure. Wealth and cash flowswiftlythroughthe Slot Machine like a boat down the River Nile.King Tutpraysregularly to Amun to fill the Free Slots withphenomenal luckandotherworldly jackpots. Ancient Egyptians heldcats inhigh-esteemand they are revered in this Casino Slots. KingTut andhis royalfelines roam the halls of the Free Slotsrefillingenormous chestswith unbelievable fortunes. The King of theNileclimbs aboard hisroyal chariot in the Casino Slots. Heblazesthrough the Free Slotsleaving great clouds of glittering goldcoinsbehind him. Mightymagical sphinxes come to life and scour thehotdesert sand forsovereign riches. Free Spins swirl across thedunesin the CasinoSlots. Winning is a royal pleasure in King of theNileSlotMachine.
Aztec Idols Slot-A Gold Empire 1.1
imba Ltd
Welcome to the majestic Aztec World!Bepreparedto dive into one of the greatest ancientcivilizationseras. Thiscasino slot machine will bring you into theamazingwarrior domainswhile you have fun playing a classicmust-havegame. If you areinterested in knowing more about theAztec cultureand at the sametime feeling the rush of being in areal casino,well, you´re on yourlucky day! Definitely, this slotsgame is whatyou have been lookingfor. What makes our version aunique slotamong other free slotmachines is that you won’t have towait forgetting extra cash, nointernet connection, so you can playanytimeyou want without worriesabout being online. We offer tonsofdifferent ways to win bigprizes, bonus credits, and crazycoinrewards! Also, you can get theAztec Sun God, which makes yougetinstant free extra spins. Let thegreat Shaman bless you withthefortune magical spell, and see if youcan hit the Jackpot tomakethe Aztec treasure yours!★★★ Ready to Be Among the Almighty Aztec Gods? Keep SpinningtoWinReally Good Gold Rewards & Lots of Extras!DownloadAztecIdols Slot-A Gold Empire NOW for Free on GooglePlayStore!!!★★★Is any better way to learn than having a history classwhileyouplay? We don’t think so! It’s unusual to find good slotmachinesorcasino games that offer a perfect mix of fun,adrenaline,andculture! You’ll get familiar with Aztec Gods namesand allthemysticism around them. We assure progressive jackpots!Testyourfortune in our different game modes, you can choose howmanylineswill play and how much you bet on each. If you´re luckyenoughyoumay find the hidden Aztec Calendar special theme!Triggerthepyramid temple booster to double the Spinning Wheelprizes!Thereare plenty unlockable features, boosts, mini games,pokiesVegasdouble ups, 100x multipliers, All in All bets, and muchmore!Thefun never ends!★★★ Join the ultimate premium slot experience and beginplacingyourbets! Download NOW Aztec Idols Slot-A Gold EmpireforFree onGoogle Play Store!!! ★★★Thinking always of bringing you the best slot machines freeoftimebattery consumers or memory wasting complicated games;wedesignedour game keeping in mind all slot players requests.Ourslotmachine professionals gave spectacular atmospherical soundstoourslot. The detail on the 5 reels will allow you to admirethebeautyof Aztec art, as all the symbols are Aztecs drawings.Havingthatquality level on graphics, we don’t need to say anythingaboutthegame’s gorgeous HD Graphics. Don't worry aboutdevelopinganaddiction to our game: No real money is involved, feelfree toplayas much as you like, after all you’re having hugewins,andlearning history! Enjoy the extraordinarily highpayouts,freespins, bonus games, daily rewards, and constantnewcontents.Features of the game:- Fast Reel Stop & Individual Reel Stop Mode- Wildness Atmosphere Sound Effects- Auto Stop Option- Pyramid Chamber Special Bonus- Artistic Scatter and Wild Symbols★ Time to get one of the best slot machines with bonusgames&sophisticated design completely for FREE!!! DownloadAztecIdolsSlot-A Gold Empire NOW for FREE on Google PlayStore!!!★
Blu Slots: Free Jackpot Casino 1.1.0
Play Blu Slots for free andexperiencethewinner's rush as you spin and win one of the hugejackpots inthemultilines slot machine or with a 777 line in our 3lineslotsmachines.Whether you enjoy retro classic slots machines ormultilineslotsmachines you will find one that you love in thegame.Play our three line slot machines like Lucky 7 andfindtheelusive 777 for a mega win, or try Twelve Times Twelve andX2tomultiply your luck.You can find many multiline slot machines themes:* Wild Luck: Play a safari slot machine, featuring tigerwild,andlion jackpot.* Pharaoh Riches: An ancient Egipt slot machine, where youcanfindthe hidden jackpot in the pyramid by gaining access totheminigame.* Pirate Adventure: Sail accross the sea and find thejackpotburriedin on of the mini game island.* And many other themed slot machines: Aztec,SeaAdventure,Hollywood, Vegas, Olympus, Candy Luck, Fruity.If you like casinos, you will love this free casino app,whereyouwill enjoy the thrill of Las Vegas excitement withhugejackpots,wild payouts, amazing 777 wins, free spins, hourlyfreebonus andminigames, start playing and join all thejackpotwinners!
Unicorn Magic 1.0
Игровой автомат Unicorn Magic на андроид—этоудобная мобильная версия популярного видеослотаоткомпанииNovomatic. Приложение обязательно понравится тем,ктолюбитазартные игры со сказочным сюжетом. Аппарат переноситигрокавволшебный лес, где можно повстречать самых разныхперсонажей.Послебыстрой установки этого приложения вы сможетепользоватьсявсемипопулярными игровыми автоматами:Crazy MonkeyGryphon GoldDolphins PearlLucky Lady Charm DeluxeRoyal TreasuresPolar FoxAttilaMermaids PearlBanana SplashSecret ForestKing of CardsThe Ming DynastyResidentRamses IIThe Money GameBook Of RaPanther MoonPharaohs Gold IIISpartaSafari HeatPharaohs Gold IIEmperors ChinaMagic PrincessLucky HaunterAztec TreasureWonderful FluteGolden PlanetАвтомат Магия Единорога на мобильный телефонилипланшетустанавливается в течение считанных минут. Игра идетна5-тибарабанах по 9-ти линиям. Главный герой выступает вролидикогосимвола и дарит выигрыши до 9000 кредитов. Каждаяпризоваявыплатаможет быть удвоена при помощи риск-игры.Важно знать, что обязательно должно быть подключение кинтернет,дляработы приложения!Особенности:В одном приложении собраны лучшие игровые автоматыНет глюков и зависанийЕженедельное обновлениеИдет на любом устройстве АндроидОчень быстрая установкаSlot machine intheandroidUnicorn Magic - is a handy mobile version of thepopularvideo slotsfrom the company Novomatic. Appendix necessarilyappealto those wholike to gamble with a fantastic plot. The deviceputsthe player in amagical forest where you can meet a varietyofcharacters. you willbe able to enjoy all the populargamingmachines After a quickinstallation of this app:Crazy MonkeyGryphon GoldDolphins PearlLucky Lady Charm DeluxeRoyal TreasuresPolar FoxAttilaMermaids PearlBanana SplashSecret ForestKing of CardsThe Ming DynastyResidentRamses IIThe Money GameBook Of RaPanther MoonPharaohs Gold IIISpartaSafari HeatPharaohs Gold IIEmperors ChinaMagic PrincessLucky HaunterAztec TreasureWonderful FluteGolden PlanetAuto Magic Unicorn on your mobile phone or tablet isinstalledina matter of minutes. The game runs on the 5 reels for9-lines.Themain character acts as a wild symbol and gives winningsof upto9,000 credits. Each bonus payment can be doubled with thehelpofthe risk game.It is important to know what must be a connection totheInternet,for the application!Features:In one application contains the best slot machinesNo glitches and freezesWeekly updateIt goes on any Android deviceVery fast installation
Pharaoh's Gold II Deluxe slot 1.2.2
Noob Makers
The ancient Egyptian theme online slot gameisvery popular. Not spared this topic and gaming slot calledPharaohsGold 2 Deluxe.What could be more attractive than gold pharaoh? Online slotgamePharaohs Gold 2 Deluxe - This is the second version ofthealready-its laurels among the fans of the game, and it's agreatopportunity to enjoy the spirit of antiquity and mysticism,andtouch the culture that accumulates on a daily basis withnewlegends.What is the difference of this game and the previous release?Thefact that the new series generated Deluxe more accurate andmoretraced convex. Also in the slot there is another additionallinepayments (in the first edition of the game lines only 9).Thenumber of reels former, their 5 Symbols also not sufferedanychanges - all the icons have the same multipliers.Should start with the fact that the background of the game isthepapyrus on which appear the card image, stylizedcharacters.In order to create a favorable combination of symbols that youonlyhave only two characters - the pyramids and nines. For all oftheremaining attributes already need to be at least 3-digitsequence,which originates from the first drum, strictly on theleft.Nine has factors in 2-5-25-100 (at 2-5 icons), Jack, Queen, youwillbring a dozen 2-25-100 coins located at 3-4-5 pieces on thesametrack. Scarabs and cats have coefficients 15-75-250(3-5-valuedgroup of characters on one track). Golden Eagle, whichis considereda mysterious and yet very familiar secret power ofthe ruler in thegame as much as estimated in the 20-100-400 loans.A royal tomb,pyramid, will bring you 2-25-125-750 coins if yourtrack will appearin a number of 2 to 5 pictures.
Festival coins (free game) 2.2
Atech Inc.
One day, the god of cat appread and went to the festival Thegodofcat seems to be very interested in coins and he will playwithyourcoins Feel free and easy, it's coin game that you canplayanytime!Pretty much anyone can play this game, from kids toadults,frompeople who don't often play games to people who areaddictedtogames Let's gather a lot of coins and complete thecollection!Thefestival will start when 4 glittering festival ballsarecollectedit's possible to get large amount of coins at once Timeisextended5 seconds when the ball is dropped When festivallastslonger, morepoints can probably be earned? Let's trade forcatcollection whengreat number of coins get collected There aretotal30 kinds ofcute cats are waiting for exchange When coinsgetreduced, let'suse the obtained capsules and tickets Coins anditemsthat arefavorably convenient for coin acquisition can beexchangedIt'salright even if all coins are gone. They can bepurchased fromtheshop. It's alright to play with no charge. Coinswillincreasedafter certain time. Besides, there are full ofotherinterestingelement Please enjoy it! /*/*/* How to play */*/*/Coinscan bedropped when tapping on the rock in front of the shrineCoinsgetstocked when they fall in front screen. They won't bestockedwhenthey fall on left side and right side When coins fallintheoffertory box that is moving from left to righ, theslotwillrotate The same pattern got hit 3 times means jackpot.Itemswillfall down from slope When "festival" is gathered,festivalballswill be dropping In order to make the coins fall well,pleaseleadthem toward you It's fever time when 4 festival ballsiscollected!Festival will start! There will be food standduringfestival socoins will fall left or right Sound effectMaterial:Pocket Sound -
Mr.Tanaka's coin pusher FREE 1.20
This is Free version include Ad Banner.Oh!!! Sales Manager Mr. Tanaka has turned his cubicle into acoinpusher game! A sequel, to the popular game "Mr. Tanaka"(over700,000 downloads!).It's a busy office and many documents need your manager'sstampapproval! Touch the document as it crosses your desk. Coinsfallfrom the sky. Collect coins and win prizes.Mr. Tanaka got tired of pressing stamps all day long. Heturnedhis desk into a coin arcade. Now it's your challenge… are youaHanko (Japanese official stamp) Master? It's time to showyoursuper Hanko style RIGHT NOW!Get the prize and learn his secret! Enter hyperdrivemode…pushfast!Watch the spinning numbers and pictures. Match all three andgetmany many coins as your reward. Let's rotate the slot!Get a special match and increase your probability ofwinningcoins! Only Mr. Tanaka knows this combo secret.Play Movie[youtube] to play:As the documents come across the top of the screen, tap eachfieldto place a stamp and approve each one.Watch the document's number to see how many coins youreceive.Hint: 100 coins is better than 1! Each stamped documentcosts you 1coin.The countdown timer gives you 1 coin every 30 seconds. Keepthegame running or shut it down. Don't worry, you'll never have0coins! You'll never get rich either! The countdown timer willonlyaccumulate up to 50 coins.Hyperdrive mode!!!!!!!!Mr. Tanaka is a natural born stamp pusher. In hyperdrivemode,documents come VERY fast. if you can concentrate as good astheHanko Master, you can catch many coins!