Top 17 Apps Similar to Lord Vishnu Live Wallpaper HD

Lord VISHNU HQ Live Wallpaper 1.0
This is a beautiful high quality animated live wallpaperofLordVISHNU and Maa Laxmi. It features Bhagwan Vishnu andMataLaxmiwith shower of animated flowers and leaves, just touchthem onthescreen to transform them into flying Diyas. Lord Vishnuis amainand supreme God of Hindus. God Vishnu is the PreserverofourUniverse. He stays in Vaikuntha, which is deep insidethekshreeraSagara. He is one among the Great Trinity, also knownwiththe nameof Hari and Narayana. Lord Vishnu is a symbol ofpeaceandprosperity. Vishnu, (from the Sanskrit root 'vish', topervade)isthe second god of the Hindu triad and as the preserveroftheuniverse represents mercy and goodness. He is said to bethecosmicocean nara, meaning water, which was the only thinginexistencebefore the creation of the universe. For this reason,heis alsoknown as Narayana, or "one who moves on the waters".LordVishnuwho is solely responsible for maintenance the Universehastakenmany incarnations for protecting the life of Humanitarian.Hiseachavatar has given many teachings to human life. Hissequentialtenpopular living forms are: - Mataysa - Kurma - Varaha -Narshima-Vamana - Parasurama - Rama - Krishna - Buddha - KalkiVishnuisrepresented as a dark man with four arms. In one hand, heholdsaclub, in another a conch shell (see Shankha), in thethird,adiscus (Chakra), and in the fourth, a lotus (Kamal). Heisusuallydressed in yellow robes and therefore also knownasPitambara, or"one with yellow garments". The river Ganga is saidtooriginatefrom Vishnu's feet. He is also depicted as resting onacoiledserpent Seshnaga or Ananta (see Snake Worship) whichfloatson thecosmic ocean. According to the Mahabharata,Vishnu'sabode,Vaikuntha, is made of gold and .jewels. However, heisusuallydepicted reclining on Seshnaga, who floats on thecosmicocean. Hisvehicle is Garuda, and his weapon is thediscus,Sudarshana Chakra.Vishnu's consort is Lakshmi, the goddessofwealth and fortune. Sheis believed to have emerged from thesamudramanthan, andconsidered to be the daughter of Bhrigu andKhyati. Sheis a fairwoman who wears red clothes, and is alwaysdepicted assitting orstanding on a red lotus (see Kamal). She isoftenworshipped byherself as Sri, Bhagya Lakshmi and Dhana Lakshmi,thegoddess ofall things auspicious, of good fortune andwealth.Features: 1.High quality live wallpaper. 2. You can hide orunhidemovingitems, only background will be visible. 3. You caninteractwithmoving items, just touch them to score points 4. Youcanchoosedirection of moving items. 5. You can select speed ofmovingitems.6. You can enable or disable interaction with movingitems.7. Youcan also enable or disable hit counter in thebackground. 8.Youcan change the frame rate of moving items to makethemmovesmoothly on the screen. 9. Very light, optimized tosavebatterylife. Please note free apps may contain ad which maysupportus togenerate more free live wallpapers and applications foryou.Thankyou.
Lord Vishnu Live Wallpaper 1.0
Lord Vishnu Live WallpaperPersonalize your mobile with Spectacular Divinity ofHinduGods.Through this live wallpaper, get a beautiful deepamanimationon Lord Vishnu image.
Lord Vishnu Live Wallpaper 4.0
Lord Vishnu Cube Live Wallpaper, Lord Vishnu 3d cube
Lord Vishnu 3D Live Wallpaper 2.1
Lord Vishnu 3D Live Wallpaper withselectedimages and Great Animations.Vishnu is the Supreme God of Vaishnavism one of the threemainsects of Hinduism and Purushottama or Supreme Purusha inancientsacred texts like the Bhagavad Gita. Vishnu is also knownasNarayana and Hari. The Vishnu Sahasranama declares VishnuasParamatman (supreme soul) and Parameshwara (supreme God).Itdescribes Vishnu as the all-pervading essence of all beings,themaster of—and beyond—the past, present and future, the creatoranddestroyer of all existences, one who supports, preserves,sustainsand governs the universe and originates and develops allelementswithin. Though he is usually depicted as blue, someotherdepictions of Vishnu exist as green-bodied, and in the KurmaPuranahe is described as colorless and with red eyes .In Hindu sacred texts, Vishnu is usually described as havingthedivine blue color of water-filled clouds and as having fourarms.He is depicted as holding a padma (lotus flower) in the lowerlefthand, a unique type of mace used in warfare known as aKaumodakigada in the lower right hand, a Panchajanya shankha(conch) in theupper left hand and a discus weapon Sudarshana Chakrain the upperright hand. Vishnu is also described in the BhagavadGita as havinga 'Universal Form' (Vishvaroopa or Viraata Purusha)which is beyondthe ordinary limits of human perception orimagination.Vishnu's eternal and supreme abode beyond the material universeiscalled Vaikuntha, which is also known as Paramdhama, the realmofeternal bliss and happiness and the final or highest placeforliberated souls who have attained Moksha. Vaikuntha issituatedbeyond the material universe and hence, cannot be perceivedormeasured by material science or logic. Vishnu's other abodewithinthe material universe is Ksheera Sagara (the ocean of milk),wherehe reclines and rests on Ananta Shesha, (the king of theserpentdeities, commonly shown with thousand heads). In almost allHindudenominations, Vishnu is either worshipped directly or in theformof his ten avatars, the most famous of whom are Rama andKrishna.The Puranabharati, an ancient text, describes these asthedashavatara, or the ten avatars of Vishnu. Among the tendescribed,nine have occurred in the past and one will take place inthefuture as Lord Kalki, at the end of Kali Yuga, (the fourthandfinal stage in the cycle of yugas that the world goesthrough).These incarnations take place in all Yugas in cosmicscales; theavatars and their stories show that gods are indeedunimaginable,unthinkable and inconceivable. The Bhagavad Gitamentions theirpurpose as being to rejuvenate Dharma, to vanquishthose negativeforces of evil that threaten dharma and also todisplay His divinenature in front of all souls.The Trimurti (three forms) is a concept in Hinduism "in whichthecosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destructionarepersonified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Vishnuthemaintainer or preserver, and Shiva the destroyer ortransformer."These three deities have also been called "the Hindutriad" or the"Great Trinity", all having the same meaning of threein One. Ofthe three members of the Trimurti, the Bhagavata Purana,whichespouses the Vaishnavite viewpoint, claims that thegreatestbenefit can be had from worshipping Vishnu.Vishnu is also venerated as Mukunda, which means God who isthegiver of mukti or moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirths)tohis devotees or the worthy ones who deserve salvation fromthematerial world.Thanks.
4D Little Krishna App & Live W 11.1
Beautiful animation of Shri Krishna in Vrindavan. HappyJanmashtami:)
4D Lakshmi Live Wallpaper 12.0
Maa Lakshmi Live Wallpaper & App with beautiful sceneandinteractive animation.
Krishna Live Wallpaper 1.1
KMS Solution
Download Free God Krishna Live Wallpapers with beautifulfireflieseffect.
God Live Wallpaper 7.0
Spiritual religious animated backgrounds of God in heavens
Hindu God Live Wallpaper 1.0.4
Hindu God Live Wallpaper is unique to decorate your mobile screen.
Lord Ganesha Live Wallpaper HD 1.00
Lord Ganesha Live Wallpaper HD is a beautiful livewallpaperwhereGanesh idol will be showed with flowers (rosepetals)continuously.The photo of lord Ganesha is taken duringGanapathifestivalaarthi. This is a Free live wallpaper, Downloadnow!Ganesha, alsoknown as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one ofthebest-known and mostworshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon.Hisimage is foundthroughout India. Hindu sects worship himregardlessofaffiliations. Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffusedand extendstoJains, Buddhists, and beyond India. Ganesha is alsocalled byothernames like Vinayaka, Vinayakudu, Ganapati, Ganapathy,etc.
4D Hanuman Live Wallpaper 12.1
Lord Hanuman Live Wallpaper with 14 images in circular slide show
4D Shiva Live Wallpaper 15.1
Lord Shiva Live Wallpaper with 13 images in circular slide show
3D Saraswati Live Wallpaper 6.0
3D Live Wallpaper depicting Maa Sarawati reacting to gestures.
3D Narasimha Live Wallpaper 8.0
Fully 3D live wallpaper depicting Lord Narasimha reactingtogestures.
4D Maa Durga Live Wallpaper 12.1
Maa Durga Live Wallpaper with 12 images in circular slide show
God Live Wallpaper 22.0
If you are a religious person! If you truly believe in Godputbeautiful images of God on your phone screen. The vast majorityofpeople all over the world believe there is a God. Thereissomething within us, something that cries out for meaning,purpose,and direction and we naturally look to God forfulfillment.Download “God Live Wallpaper” for Android™ and enjoy inspiritualwallpaper created especially for you! Download ♱God LiveWallpaper♱and show your devotion. If you passionately believe inGod than youshould download the latest app for your mobile! Praisethe Lord andJesus Christ with religious wallpaper or screen saver.Spiritual“God photos” are a click away from you. Wait no more, bethe firstto have these God wallpaper completely free of charge.Pick youfavorite God photo and decorate your phone with marvelous“livewallpaper”. If you truly believe in God download “Godwallpaper”and spread Christianity. A dynamic, caring and biblical♱God LiveWallpaper♱ is created for all the people loving God andfollowingJesus Christ. Set “God pictures” as your screen saver andenjoy.Set magical “God images” and feel the God’s presence everytime youlook at your phone screen. Feel faith whenever you look atyourscreen. *Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
4D Krishna Live Wallpaper 6.0
Krishna Live Wallpaper as well as standaloneapp optimize for battery consumption.24 Beautiful Krishna images.Please support us by giving positive rating and review.