Top 13 Apps Similar to Smart Vision Manager

Smart Phone Contact Manager 1.0
This has mainly the facility tocopyphonenumbers and names in Windows computer or tablet.Thesephonenumbers are stored in Windows app with a very easy andobvioususerinterface (U.I) in groups. The group name consistsofphone'sBluetooth name and date of download. So you canmaintainsuch listsof phone numbers for different handsets withdifferentdates. Whenyou change your phone handset or get itformatted orwant to add oralter phone names and phone numbers youcan do so byeither copyinga complete or partial list so stored inWindowscomputer or tablet.You can also copy combination of phonenumbersfrom different listspreviously stored on windows app. onlyin fewseconds. This app haspackaged windows app also in itselfwhich canbe sent to windowscomputer or tablet after clicking 'SendWindowsModule to Computerby Bluetooth' button on this app. Thisappenables to store allmobile handset contact numbers onwindowstablet or computer ,retrieve them in MS Excel file , editany listof contacts ,pooling of all list of contacts and alteringmobilephone contactsin few seconds at a whimsical click of mouse.Thisapp has alsobeen embedded in another app - Quick Manager(Windowsversion) fromthe same developers which has several otherfunctionslike RemotePhone etc. also besides this. Users can installthe apprelevant tothem.
Data Wallet 1.3
This app stores data in tables in aneatlyanduser friendly interface. The data can be readilyreproduced onawhimsical click. Filter facility is also available tosee datawithanalytical purposes. The tables are customizable to agreatextentwith respect to colors and size of tables and textinside it.As ademonstration one table named Tender and Contracts iscreatedasdefault during installation of this app. For some peopleit maybegreatly helpful and for those who do not want to have itmaydeleteit and create other tables of their choice on the linesofthistable.The app is prepared keeping in mind to enhancetheconfidenceon information,readyness,perfection and peace ofmind.Detailedfunctional instructions are given inside app on clickofbutton HowTo Use.The data feeding and customization isextremelyeasy andsmooth.Further refinements in app will be donetime totime.
The Smart Manager 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
The Smart Manager, India's first world-class managementmagazine,was founded in 2002 by eminent business historian Dr GitaPiramalwith Harvard Business School Dean, Prof. Nitin Nohria withthemission of updating managers and business practitioners inIndiawith the latest thought-provoking strategic ideas fromexperienced,world-class managers, academics and consultants fromacross theglobe. Over the years, the magazine has carried articlesauthoredby illustrious management gurus such as the late CKPrahalad andSumantra Ghoshal, Jack Trout, Ram Charan, Gary Hamel,Gay Haskins,Jagdish Seth and Lynda Gratton. We believe that"managers are thebest teachers of managers" and most of ourarticles are written inthe first person by top-tier CEOs such asKumaramangalam Birla,Sunil Mittal, Aditya Birla, KV Kamath,Santrupt Mitra, Rajeev Dubeyand S Ramadorai. We also haverelationships with a number ofB-schools around the world, apartfrom most top-level schools inIndia. The Smart Manager hosts theTata Consultancy Services SmartManager Case Contest, the mostprestigious competition of its kindin the Indian print media. Thecontest, with a cash prize ofINR50,000 per issue, sees wideparticipation from national andinternational business managers andstudents. The 'Smart" in TheSmart Manager is an acronym forStrategy, Marketing, Analysis,Resources and Technology. Trulyuseful knowledge when you need it24 x 365, year after year.
Smart Manager (Pro) 1.5
This app. is advertisement free ascomparedtoits free version. The app.- Smart Manager Pro makes itveryhandyto keep your work items and people's phone numbers atoneplace andenables you to follow up your urgent work items quickandeasily.So through this app the faster andfacilitatedcommunication(principally through phone call and sms )helps inbettercoordination of work and life and the app help you togrow inlife.Whenever you find ready for work you will be able toquicklybrowsethe work items category wise and start quickcommunication toallthe related people virtually within no time .Suchrecurrentsessions give boost to the progress of work itemsoragenda itemsor To - Do items. The managers,executives andordinarypeople inordinary life will find it as an indispensableapp. Inlong termthis app helps to give direction, meaning andpurposeinlife.
Smart Management 1.0.2
Limonist Tarafından SizlereÖzelOlarakHazırlanan Dijital Yönetim Sistemimize Hoşgeldiniz!Siz de Sosyal Medya Paylaşımlarınızdan veRaporlarınızdanAnlıkOlarak Haberdar Olmak İstemez misiniz ?Peki ya Markanıza Ait Tüm Mühendislik ve Arge ÇalışmalarıNeDurumdaAnlık Olarak Görmek İstemez misiniz ?Creative Ajans Hizmetlerimizi 7/24 BuUygulamadanYönetebilirsinizDesek ?Yasal Zorunluluk Hizmeti Olarak Wi-Fi Log Kayıt HizmetiYönetimideYine Bu Uygulamada Olsa ?Çok mu Abarttık Sizce, Hayır Çok Daha Fazlası BuUygulamada,ŞimdiTek Yapmanız Gereken Smart Management UygulamamızİleMarkanızıYönetmekWelcome youtoLimonistSpecially prepared by Digital Management System!You also Social Media Sharing your and your reports as youdonotwant to be aware Snapshot?What about all the engineering and R & D Studies BelongIncaseyou do not want to see what your brand as instant?Creative Agency Services 7/24 This can ourmanager'spracticepatterns?Legal Obligation Service as Wi-Fi LoganRegistrationServiceManagement Again, though this practice?Do you think we exaggerate too, no Much More Thispractice,nowyou only have to do with our app, Smart Management Needtomanageyour brand
Smart Manager on PC Desktop 1.2
This app operates through its windowspartormodule on windows desktop computer or windowstabletafterbluetooth connection to this android app. with windowsapp.Theoperation through windows computer or tablet gives easeandcomfortof use. The windows app is also packed in this androidapp.Oncethis app is installed , windows app can be sent tocomputerthroughbluetooth by clicking a button on this android app(computermustbe bluetooth paired with your mobile handset ). Thisapp givesyouthe ability to pursue all your tasks and pending workthroughcallsand SMSes in a very comfortable and quick manner whichcanbepercieved only when used. The management of phonecontactlistthrough a database in desktop or windows tabletanditsreproduction to Excel file and pushing contact namesandphonenumbers to any android mobile having this app at awhimsicalclickgives a joy of its usage.
SmartVision 5.2
SmartVision lets you remotely monitorandcontrol your video security directly from your Android Phone.Havepeace of mind by keeping an eye on your home or businessanytimefrom anywhere in the world.
Smart Manager with Data 1.11
People from all segments in societyhavevitalinformation related to work and life in general.Allissuesemanating either from this information or situationsasperceiveddictate some steps and pieces of tasks to be firstcreatedas alist and to work upon them daily , consistently andrecurrentlytoarrive at ones goal, life expectations and carriergrowth andafterall preparedness,perfection and consequently peaceofmind.This appcombines the functions of a popular app'SmartManager' from samedevelopers and a data handling module as'DataWallet' to give finecomfort of usage.It is hoped that the users will find this app extremelyhelpfulintheir official work,home life or any other aspect oftheirprogresspossible.This app uses the voice call and sms facilitytochase andexpedite the progress. As an illustration the appcreatesa defaulttable during installation named 'Tenders andContracts' tohandleproposals , tender , works and contracts etc.Users canmodify itand or create other tables or information as pertheirchoice.People can identify new tasks for themselves duringperusalof dataso maintained in an easy and quick way or from issuesintheirmind. The app provides full specrum of customization. Theeaseandcomfort can be realized only after its usage. The longtermusageof this app helps to give direction, meaning andpurposeinlife.
Smart Fabrication Manager 0.0.29
**Please note that you need to have signed up for the and need the user ID and passwordtologin to this app** Smart Fabrication Manager works seamlesslywithour cloud-based production welding management application.Apartfrom being able to access data through Android tablet devices,theapp can be used to record details in the field, includingcreationof pictorial weld maps. The data rich application canstoreinformation in the tablet and you would be able to accesstheproject data and work with it in the field even when there isnointernet connectivity. Data would be verified and synchronizedwiththe Smart Welding Manager application upon your return to aplacewith internet connectivity, thereby allowing seamless accessofdata and high productivity. Smart Fabrication Manager is thefirstof its kind app for the welding and construction industryengagedin code compliant pressure or structural welding thatrequires fulltraceability. Oil & gas, petrochemical, powergeneration,chemical processing, water treatment, mining and mineralprocessingproject contractors, pressure pipeline and pressurevesselfabrication manufacturers would find the app very valuable.AsSmart Fabrication Manager is a cloud-based application,theapplication can be accessed by any of your staff withaccessrights, regardless of where they are located. Obviously,there isno requirement for servers and other hardware and you cansave oninstallation and maintenance costs. Smart FabricationManager is amulti-tenancy model SaaS (software as a service)application. So,the cost of development and maintenance is sharedamong more usersthan a customized application would be. It is ahighly scalablesoftware product. It would suit small, medium andlarge companiesalike. The application resources can be increased asyourrequirements change, which makes Smart Welding Manager a verycosteffective application, at the same time offering itsrenownedperformance and features at all levels.
텔레투게더 스마트매니저 2.22
Tele Together Smart Manager - Tele Together is an applicationforconference calls.
Agenda 2017 pro 4.25
I tried make this application as closeaspossible to a real Daily Planner/Diary (to those of paper sotospeak, the one that still we can not abandon ...).So no synchronizations, no fields to fill, no events, etc..Only 365 pages can not be modified to go to write and findeasilyand safely what we want.Are appreciated suggestions, ideas, and confirmations workingonyour equipment, and any bugs found, thanks.More space for annotations + linesHours customizable with sound Reminderpersonalized timetables and quarter hoursbuilt-in calculatorWidgets to the screen (to keep tabs on the events of the day)Text search option (to quickly find what interests us)You can bar or check off notesReboot immediately (we will not have to wait for the start oftheAgenda)No advertising ....Import of all that you have already written agenda freeand more .....WARNING it is essential to activate at least one widget toworkthe reminders sound.ATTENTION for the proper functioning of the notifications youneedto disable the function Optimization App reached in theBatterysection of the Control Center Smart Manager, this stopstheoperation in the background of all applications, the batterylifewill remain unchanged .The supported languages ​​are Italian, English.French,Portuguese, Spanish, German, (Russian, Korean *)I remind you that we are the first version of the programandthen tell any inaccuracies or errors. I will provide tocorrectthem ...Have funThis application is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either onthefunctioning that the integrity of the data that may [email protected] 2016 ilpesceweb* translation almost complete
Smart Welding Manager 0.0.35
**Please note that you need to have thelicenceto use Smart Welding Manager for this app to work**Smart Welding Manager works seamlessly with ourcloud-basedproduction welding management application. Apart frombeing able toaccess data through Android tablet devices, the appcan be used torecord details in the field, including creation ofpictorial weldmaps.The data rich application can store information in the tabletandyou would be able to access the project data and work with itinthe field even when there is no internet connectivity. Datawouldbe verified and synchronized with the Smart WeldingManagerapplication upon your return to a place with internetconnectivity,thereby allowing seamless access of data andhighproductivity.Smart Welding Manager is the first of its kind app for theweldingand construction industry engaged in code compliant pressureorstructural welding that requires full traceability. Oil &gas,petrochemical, power generation, chemical processing,watertreatment, mining and mineral processing projectcontractors,pressure pipeline and pressure vessel fabricationmanufacturerswould find the app very valuable.As Smart Welding Manager is a cloud-based application,theapplication can be accessed by any of your staff withaccessrights, regardless of where they are located. Obviously,there isno requirement for servers and other hardware and you cansave oninstallation and maintenance costs.Smart Welding Manager is a multi-tenancy model SaaS (software asaservice) application. So, the cost of development andmaintenanceis shared among more users than a customized applicationwould be.It is a highly scalable software product. It would suitsmall,medium and large companies alike. The application resourcescan beincreased as your requirements change, which makes SmartWeldingManager a very cost effective application, at the sametimeoffering its renowned performance and features at alllevels.
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