Top 17 Apps Similar to Xem Tivi Truyen Hinh VN

Xem Tivi Truc Tuyen Sieu Net 1.1
Xem tivi mọi lúc mọi nơi trên mọithiếtbịandroid.Chỉ cần kết nối internet, bạn có thể xem tivi miễn phí. Cậpnhậttintức thể thao, thời sự, thông tin, kinh tế một cáchnhanhnhất.Giao diện phần mềm đẹp, tiện dụng mang lại trải nghiệm tốtnhấtchongười dùng.Phần mềm hoàn toàn miễn phí. Không SMS ngầm, không lấy dữliệungườidùngWatch TVanytime,anywhereon any device android.Just connect to the Internet, you can watch TV for free.Sportsnewsupdates, news, information, economy quickly.Nice software interface, handy to bring the best experiencetotheuser.The software is completely free. SMS No underground, do nottakeuserdata
Live View Satellite 1.0
Live view satellite opens up new methodsofstaying in touch, sharing information, locating addresses andnow,it allows you to view specific addresses from satellite maplive.Major Internet entities like Google or TerraServer allow youtoenter an address live view satellite of earth, sometimes evendownto a specific home or building. In many cases, this technologyisfree, requiring only a fast Internet connection.You will also find them useful when hiking, boating or exploringnewlocations. After reading the GPS coordinates that yourhandhelddevice provides, you can go to GPS Live Maps, feed thatinformationinto it and view your current location on a Live MapsSatelliteView.Satellite camera live view requires the installation andcorrectaiming of a satellite dish. Aiming the live satellite dishisaccomplished through gradual up/down and left/right adjustmentstothe dish while mounted. While many people rely on a professionaltoprovide this installation, you can install and aim asatelliteyourself and receive live satellite programming on yourtelevisionso long as you have patience and the help of anotherindividual.Currently, it is not possible to get live satelliteimages forevery location by looking online. It is relatively simpleto accesslive images of interesting and important places in theworld,however, as a few sites are dedicated to providing livesatellitefeed for these particular sites. who have been three bigprovidersof live map satellite view and imagery up until 2016,will, nodoubt, work to make a Live maps Satellite views availablefor therest of the globe. A live satellite feed is video that isrecordedlive at an event and then broadcast on the Internet. Byaccessingthe site from which the feed is broadcast, you can watchitsatellite map live as it is transmitted. All you need to dotowatch Live Maps 2016 feed is make sure that you know onwhichwebsite the feed will be broadcast.
FPT Play - K+, HBO, Sport, TV 7.11.12
Play is an application FPT watch television, films and videoclipsShow.
Real Satellite View 1.0
real satellite view With this tracking Appyoucan locate, find and track other people through the use ofLivemaps Satellite view. Note, the app would find only the numberthatis register on our server, so to Satellite Live Maps locateofanother person, both should install the app and register thephonewhich is stored on a Global server. If phone number any ofyourfriend is not configured the app would automatically prompt tosendan invitation to them to use this appStreet View Map Currently, it is not possible to get Satellitemaplive images for GPS satellite location mapLive by lookingonline.It is relatively simple to access live images of interestingandimportant places in the world, however, as a few sitesarededicated to providing live satellite feed for theseparticularsites.This app can display the trajectory of GPS satellite MAPnavigationwith movement speed on the map. If you need to find alocal map orget directions, you might prefer to used that. streetview gps letpeople easily find, discover, plan and share relevantlocalinformation that is important to them.It is relatively simple to access live images of interestingandimportant places in the worldIt enables you to find directions to just about anywhere rightfromyour own car.It also helps of a Live Satellite View service,You can use ittotrack your friends and family locating.Features:+ Get Live Maps 2016 on Your device.+ See a Real Time Street View map of your homeandneighborhood.+ View Someone's House or another places Via Satellite.+ See Live Satellite Map ViewsEasy share with social media platform such as facebook , twitter,instragram and other.
Truyền hình Tube 1.0
Đến với Truyền hình Tube, bạn sẽ được cập nhật những video clipnóngbỏng ngay trên thiết bị smartphone ở bất kỳ đâu mà không cầnđếnTivi- 5S Online- Ơn giời cậu đây rồi- Fim ngắn- Trailer Film- Trailer Game- Hài kịch- .....ComingtoTV Tube, you will be updated with the hottest videos onthesmartphone from anywhere without having to TV- 5S Activity- Grace wants to move forward're here- Short Fim- Film Trailer- Game Trailer- Comedy- .....
Die ZDFtivi-App bietet Ihnen einen bequemenundkinderleichten Zugriff auf das ZDF-Kinderprogramm. WiealleZDF-Onlineangebote, ist die ZDFtivi-App kostenlos und werbefreiunddamit für Ihr Kind ein sicherer Bereich, um Videos anzuschauen.Fürdie Nutzung außerhalb eines WLAN ist eine Flatrate sinnvoll,dasonst hohe Verbindungskosten anfallen können. Optimiert fürAndoird4.4 und höher.Ihr Kind kann seine Lieblingssendung im Fernsehen nichtanschauen,wenn sie gerade läuft, oder es hat eine Sendungverpasst?Aus dem breiten On-Demand-Angebot kann Ihr Kind sich seineeigeneMerkliste zusammenstellen und sich die Sendungenjederzeitanschauen. Auf Wunsch wird es per Push-Meldung informiert,wenn dieSichtbarkeit eines gemerkten Videos abläuft. Mit dem Loginhat ihrKind seine Merkliste auf allen Geräten, die es nutzt,verfügbar(PC, Smartphone, Tablet, HbbTV auf demFernsehgerät).Mit der Herz-Sendungen Funktion können KinderihreLieblingssendungen markieren. Sobald es zu dieser SendungetwasNeues gibt, erscheint dies in der Übersichtsseite. Darüberhinauserscheinen die neuesten Inhalte aus denausgewähltenLieblingssendungen auf der Startseite derZDFtivi-App.Im Wochenrückblick "Sendungen der letzten 7 Tage" oder aufdenverschiedenen Sendungsseiten finden Sie eine große AuswahlunseresProgramms. Klassiker wie Löwenzahn, 1, 2 oder 3, logo!, pur+undSiebenstein sind ebenso vertreten wie die erfolgreiche SerienMako– Einfach Meerjungfrau, Jungs WG, Mädchen WG, BibiBlocksberg,Jonalu und Meine Freundin Conni. Märchen- undKinderfilme bietenzusätzlich großen Unterhaltungsspaß für die ganzeFamilie. AlleInhalte sind auf den Sendungsseiten nach ganzenSendungen, Clipsund Bildergalerien gegliedert.Auf der Sendungsseite der Kindernachrichten logo! finden sichdieneuesten Nachrichten des Tages nicht nur als Video sondern auchinTextform zum Nachlesen.Über die Chromecastfunktion können die Videos aus derZDFtivi-Appauf dem Fernseher übertragen werden.Zudem haben wir eine kleine Überraschung eingebaut: BringenSieunsere tivi-Stars zum Sprechen, indem Sie ihrGerätschütteln!Hinweis zu ZugriffsberechtigungenFür die Programmierung der App wurden Plug-Insverwendet(Crosswalk), die verschiedene Zugriffsberechtigungeneinfordern,auch wenn die App nur einen kleinen Teil der angebotenenFunktionennutzt.Telefon• Telefonstatus und Identität abrufen: Ist notwendig,umMedia-Dateien (z.B. Audio) in der App abspielen zu können (z.B.inder Bildergalerie).Fotos/ Medien/ Dateien wie auch Speicher• USB-Speicherinhalte ändern oder löschen: Ist notwendig,umMedia-Dateien (z.B. Audio) in der App abspielen zu können (z.B.inder Bildergalerie) und um Daten im "Local-Storage" derWebViewspeichern zu können (z.B. Daten der Merkliste).• USB-Speicherinhalte lesen: Ist notwendig, um Media-Dateien(z.B.Audio) in der App abspielen zu können (z.B. in derBildergalerie)und um Daten im "Local-Storage" der Web-Viewspeichern zu können(z.B. Daten der Merkliste).Mikrofon• Audio aufnehmen: Ist notwendig, um Media-Dateien (z.B. Audio)inder App abspielen zu können (z.B. in der Bildergalerie)WLAN Verbindungsinformationen• WLAN-Verbindungen abrufen: Ist notwendig für eineoptimierteVideoqualität.Geräte-ID & Anrufinformationen• Telefonstatus und Identität prüfen: Ist notwendig,umMedia-Dateien (z.B. Audio) in der App abspielen zu können (z.B.inder Bildergalerie).Sonstiges• Beim Start ausführen: Erfolgt durch Local-NotificationPlug-In.Dieses Plug-In ist notwendig, um Meldungen/Notifications andemGerät anzuzeigen• Audio-Einstellungen ändern: Ist notwendig, um Media-Dateien(z.B.Audio) in der App abspielen zu können (z.B. inderBildergalerie).• Zugriff auf alle Netzwerke: Ist notwendig um auf dasInternetzuzugreifen.• Netzwerkverbindungen abrufen: Plug-In ist notwendig, umdenNetzwerkstatus (Online/Offline) abrufen zu könnenThe ZDFtivi appprovideseasy and foolproof access to the ZDF children's program.Like allZDF online deals ZDFtivi app is free and ad-free and thusfor yourchild a safe area, to watch videos. For use outside of aWi-Fi, aflat rate is useful, as this may incur high charges.Optimized forAndoird 4.4 and higher.Your child can not watch his favorite TV show when it is running,orit has missed a shipment?Your child can put together his own shopping list and look attheprogram anytime from the broad on-demand offering. On request,itwill be informed via push message when the visibility ofamemorized videos expires. By logging has her child hisshoppinglist on all devices that it uses, available (PC,smartphone,tablet, HbbTV on TV).With the Heart program function children can mark theirfavoriteshows. Once there about this program something new, itappears inthe summary page. Moreover, the latest content from theselectedfavorite programs appear on the home page of ZDFtiviapp.In Wochenrückblick "broadcasts the last 7 days" or on thevariousbroadcast pages is a wide range of our program. Classicslikedandelions, 1, 2 or 3, logo !, + pure and Siebensteinarerepresented as well as the successful series Mako - Easymermaidguys WG, WG girl, Bibi, and JoNaLu My friend Conni. Fairytales andchildren's films also offer great entertainment fun forthe wholefamily. All contents are divided on the broadcast side toallbroadcasts, clips and picture galleries.logo on the broadcast side of the children's news! to findthelatest news of the day not only in video but also in writingforfuture reference.About Chromecast feature the videos can be transmitted fromtheZDFtivi app on the TV.In addition, we have built a little surprise: Bring our tiviStarsto speak, by shaking your device!Note on access levelsFor programming the app plug-ins were used (Crosswalk) arecallingfor different access privileges, even if the app uses only asmallsubset of the features• Retrieve phone state and identity: Is required to play mediafiles(for example, Audio) in the app can (for example, inthegallery).Photos / media / files as well as memory• USB storage contents modify or delete: to Is necessary mediafilesto play (eg, audio) in the app (eg in the gallery) and todata inthe "Local storage" of WebView save (eg data the list).• USB memory contents read: If necessary media files to play(eg,audio) in the app (eg in the gallery) and to data in the"Localstorage" of the Web View to save (eg data the list ).microphone• Record Audio: Is required to play media files (for example,Audio)in the app can (for example, in the gallery)Fi connection information• WLAN connections retrieve: Necessary for optimizedvideoquality.Device ID & call information• Check the phone state and identity: Is required to playmediafiles (for example, Audio) in the app can (for example, inthegallery).Others• Run at Startup: If by Local Notification Plug-In. This plug-inisrequired to display messages / notifications on the device• Change audio settings: If necessary, in order to play mediafiles(for example, Audio) in the app can (for example, inthegallery).• Access to all networks: Necessary to access the Internet.• Retrieve network connections: plug-in is required to retrievethenetwork status (online / offline) can
Television Gratis en vivo 3.0.0
Encuentras todas las maneras simples depoderver television gratis , desde tu celular o tablet. Mira todalaprogramacion totalmente gratis .Tv en vivo online gratis.You find all simplewaysyou can watch free TV from your phone or tablet. Look at alltheprogramming .tv totally free online live free.
TV Play MBF 3.0.4
Truyền hình trực tiếp
Live Maps Satellite view 1.0
Live maps Satellite views opens up newmethodsof staying in touch, sharing information, locating addressesandnow, it allows you to view specific addresses from satellitemaplive. Major Internet entities like Google or TerraServer allowyouto enter an address live view satellite of earth, sometimesevendown to a specific home or building. In many cases, thistechnologyis free, requiring only a fast Internet connection.You will also find them useful when hiking, boating or exploringnewlocations. After reading the GPS coordinates that yourhandhelddevice provides, you can go to GPS Live Maps, feed thatinformationinto it and view your current location on a Live MapsSatelliteView.Satellite camera live view requires the installation andcorrectaiming of a satellite dish. Aiming the live satellite dishisaccomplished through gradual up/down and left/right adjustmentstothe dish while mounted. While many people rely on a professionaltoprovide this installation, you can install and aim asatelliteyourself and receive live satellite programming on yourtelevisionso long as you have patience and the help of anotherindividual.Currently, it is not possible to get live satelliteimages forevery location by looking online. It is relatively simpleto accesslive images of interesting and important places in theworld,however, as a few sites are dedicated to providing livesatellitefeed for these particular sites. who have been three bigprovidersof live map satellite view and imagery up until 2016,will, nodoubt, work to make a live service available for the restof theglobe. A live satellite feed is video that is recorded liveat anevent and then broadcast on the Internet. By accessing thesitefrom which the feed is broadcast, you can watch it satellitemaplive as it is transmitted. All you need to do to watch LiveMaps2016 feed is make sure that you know on which website the feedwillbe broadcast.
Vietnam Esports TV (VETV) 3.1.6
Vietnam Esports TV (VETV) is the livestreamfor Esports games on Vietnam Esports TV.VETV app updates live stream schedule, and shows currentlylivechannels for viewers' convenience to watch live streams.
TV Online 12.0
Yelibi Apps
La hemos desarrollado con mucho mimoparahacerte llegar toda la información acerca de los canalesdetelevisión, dentro de ella pdrás ver un poco deinformación.We have developedwithgreat care to make you get all the information abouttelevisionchannels within it pdrás see some information.
Orion TV 4.0.0
About this APP Orion TV allows you to watch live TV on yourmobilephone or tablet. • Available for customers both in or outsideOriontelekom internet network • Easy and simple to use • AttractiveTVchannels of various genre • Exceptional picture quality•Electronic program guide (EPG) for all channels • Catch-up TV–watch the program you missed up to 7 days later • Watch onbigscreen too (for appliances with supported apps) • Watch for FREEorPOSTANI PRO (monthly, annual or lifetime subscription) Fornewusers, outside Orion telekom network, prepaid PRO subscriptionsareavailable. PRO subscriptions offer more of everything: moreTVchannels, adds-free usage, Catch-up service up to 7 days, castofTV stream to big screen. You just need to choose for how longandyou are off to watch TV where ever you are. For stablestreamingOrion TV requires internet connection of minimum 2 Mbpsspeed. Thisparticular version of Orion TV is designed for Androidphones andtablets. New version of app for Android TV box andAndroid Smart TVwill be available soon! This app uses large amountof data,therefore we recommend that you set use over WIFIconnection asdefault on your phone.
Canlı Mobil Tv 4.2.2
Tv üzerinden izlediğiniz kanalların,canlıyayınakışını rahatlıkla takip edebileceğiniz bir uygulama.The channel youarewatching TV via an application you can easily follow thelivebroadcast stream.
TrueConf Free Video Calls
Free video calls, video conferencing andchaton Android smartphones and tablets! TrueConf enhancescollaborativeefficiency in your business workflow.• One click sign up with Facebook, Twitter, Google and othersocialmedia accounts.• No ads: nothing will distract you from communication.• Free video calls and video conferences 3x3: communicateonAndroid, iOS, Windows, OS X and Linux platforms.• Group video conferencing with up to 120 participants(PROplan).• Group and personal chats are available during video callsandgroup video conferencing.• Slideshow support in video calls and group conferences.• Invite friends by SMS, e-mail, and social networks.• Automatic synchronization of Facebook contacts withTrueConfAddress Book.• Mobile app runs on 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks.• Delivery of unsent text messages after reconnecting totheInternet.• Backlit from the rear camera (make video calls even inthedarkness).• Supports Google Cardboard for 3D video conferencing, ifyourcompanion has a stereo camera.• Make calls to SIP/H.323 endpoints (TrueConf Server).Helpful hints:• You can evaluate the performance of your phone or tablet onthe"About" page.• You can set the bandwidth in the application to improveconnectionstability.• If you are using Wi-Fi, configuring the router to a freechannelcan improve the video call quality.• Got slow Internet? Disable video and use your device asaphone.• The Anti-flickering filter will suppress thecameraflickering.• Join our Beta Testing Community and get the latest versions oftheapps— users can organize video conferences in privatenetworkswith TrueConf Server running on MS Windows Server,increasing thecommunication security and improving the connectionquality onmobile applications.Download the free TrueConf application and startcommunicatingtoday!Need more information on our video conferencing solution? Contactusat [email protected] or call us at [email protected] more at http://trueconf.comWatch us on Facebook at us on Twitter at
Voice Changer HD 6
Tell that joke that you like with smurfvoiceand share it with your contacts. They will not stop laughing.Change your voice and have fun listening as your modifiedspeechvoice.Record your voice or sounds, apply the effects you want andshareit with friends. Added a button to directly share yourchanged voicein WhatsApp.Included the following effects to change your voice:• Normal• Fast• Smurf• Deep voice• Slow• Noisy• Demon• Exorcist• Possessed• Room• Grand Canyon• Robot• Joke• Custom (can be modulated)
Canlı HD Tv 1.0
Seco Bilişim
En iyi televizyon uygulaması sizlerle, Canlıhdtv ile neler yapabilirsiniz? kaç adet kanal var bunlardanhangilerihd diye düşünmeyin en güzel hd yayınlar sizlerle. Kolaytvkullanımına sahip olup web tvde sınırları zorlayan bir mobiltvuygulaması olup tv izle mek için sizlere ücretsiz bedava canlıtvkeyfini yaşatacaktır.Canlı Tv Türk Sunduğu kolaylıklar;+ En Kolay Arayüz,+ Yatay Ekran Modu,+ Tam Ekran Özelliği,+ Bolca Ulusal Yayınlar,+ En iyi Mobil Uyumluluk,Best TV applicationwithyou, what can you do with a live HD TV? How many of them haveHDchannels in which he thought the most beautiful HD broadcastswithyou. TV is easy to use with a mobile TV application is pushingtheboundaries of web tv for free you will be free to watch TV MEKhadthe pleasure of live TV.Live Tv Turkish Supplier of amenities;+ Easiest Interface,+ Horizontal Screen Mode+ Full Screen feature,+ Plenty of National Publications,+ Best Mobile Compatibility
TV Web Browser 1.4.2
The new TV Web Browser and widgetdeliverafaster, smoother Web experience while searching onyourfavoritewebsites & when browsing your stored bookmarks.Makethe entireWeb and your favorite TV channels, directlyaccessible toyou withjust 1 touch on your home screen. The uniquestart screenandwidget conveniently provides fast access to TVnetworks,recentsearches, your most visited websites and bookmarks:• 1-touch access to all your favorite TV channels likeNBC®,CBS®,The Fox® and more.• Enjoy TV shows, movies, news & more onlineonyourtablet.• Search for full episodes of shows – American Idol®,TheWalkingDead®, Person of Interest®, The Vampire Diaries®, GameofThrones®and more.• Enjoy full free movies with free online streaming.• What are you waiting for? Start watching free TV programsoronlinemovies today.Users of Android™-based mobile phones and tabletswillappreciatethe streamlined, smart design of this browser thatletsyou makefull use of your screen size, even inhighresolutions.Your bookmarks and most visited websitesareautomaticallyimported during installation from yourdefaultInternet browser,eliminating the need to search throughdifficultsettings andmenus. By installing the TV Web Browser andits widgetyou’ll havethe smoothest, fastest and easiest way tovisit andexplorewebsites, enjoy intuitive search, and check email.MobileInternetsearches are a breeze with TV Web Browser.Cool features:1. Widget – This unique innovation displays the fourmostvisitedwebsites right on the home screen. Using the Quickloadfeaturetakes you directly to your favorite sites with just1touch.2. Tabs – Using tabs makes browsing among multiple sitessomucheasier. Simply open multiple tabs and you can easilyswitchbetweenthem.3. Browser history – Browse more safely and securely withafeaturethat lets you delete your browsing historysimplyandintuitively.4. Fast – You’ll enjoy the lightning speed of this browser soyoucanimmediately browse your favorite websites and get fastresultsfromsearching on the Internet.5. Compatibility –The Web Search browser is uniquelydesignedforeasy use on all Android™-based mobile phones such as:Xperia™S,LG® Optimus®, Galaxy S®, Galaxy S® II, Galaxy S®III,SamsungGalaxy™ Nexus®, Galaxy Note®, HTC One®, HTC® Desire,Nexus7™,Nexus® 10, Asus® Transformer, and Amazon® KindleFireSM.