Top 13 Apps Similar to 99 Names of Allah Pro

99 Names of Allah Pro 10.0
99 Names of Allah Pro lets you to read and to listen the 99 NamesofAllah.
99 Names of Allah (Free Audio) Allah Names (Islam) 2.0
➤ Read the 99 Names of Allah for your Android Devices :) The99Namesof Allah (Asma Al-Husna), are the Names of Almighty God.AspecificAttribute or Description of Each namerepresentingAlmighty God(Allah). Read and Memorize all 99 names ofAllah.Allah(SWT) says inthe Holy Quran: "He is Allah (God), theCreator,the Originator, TheFashioner, to Him belong the mostbeautifulnames: whatever is in theheavens and on earth, do declareHispraises and Glory. And He is theExalted in Might, TheWise."[Quran, 59:24] ★ App Features: • Readall names in Arabic,Englishwith Meanings • Read the EnglishTranslation of the Meaningof theHoly Quran in Description for eachname. • Listen to theAudio forall 99 names for Free. • Audiocontrol • Universal AppWorks withalmost all Android Phones &Tabs. • Our App alsosupportArabic, Malay & Indonesian Languages• Share names. ⇓Downloadit Now. It’s FREE & Memorizes the 99names ofAllah(SWT) today⇓ DISCLAIMER: It should be remembered thattheQuran was revealedin the Arabic language. Translations areactuallyInterpretation ofthe Quran. No translation of the Quran canbe ahundred percentaccurate, nor it can be used as a replacement oftheoriginalQuranic text in Arabic. In this app, we have triedtoprovideverses from the most acceptable Interpretation of theQuraninEnglish by Muhsin Khan. If you come across anymistakespleasereport them to us by contacting usvia: Allah (Subhanahu Ta'ala) acceptthisservice from all of us,please remember us in you're Dua's.
99 Names (easy learn) 1.2.2
This app helps you to memorise Allah's 99 names, in Arabicalsoknown as ʾasmāʾ allāh al-ḥusnā (أسماء الله الحسنى‎). You canchoosebetween two memorisation techniques: 1. Visual Memorization:Theapp contains 99 different pictures which are used tomemorizeAllah's names. Each picture symbolizes one Name of Allah.2.Textual Memorization: You can disable the visual mode andmemorizeAllah's names only by text. Currently the followingtranslationsare included: English, German, Bosnian, Turkish,Arabic, Spanish,Urdu, Indonesian, French. Additionalfeatures:-------------------------- -Autoplay mode: Enable theautoplay modeand Allah's names will play automatically in a giventimeframe. Thetimeframe can be set to fast, normal or slow.-Pronunciationtesting: Test your Arabic pronunciation with themicrophone buttonand earn golden stars as a reward. -Childrenfriendly: A smallrobot is used to make the app children friendly. -Applicationadapted for visually impaired persons (TalkBack)
99 Names of Allah 10.0
99 Names of Allah is a free app to read and listen the 99 NamesofAllah.
Asma-Ul-Husna & Hadith of Day 2.0.2
Junaid Gandhi
99 names of Allah and their Transliteration, Meanings,Explanationwith HOTD!
شرح أسماء الله الحسنى للدكتور 1.2
Toubkal Mob
100 application displays the content of a lesson in the namesofAllah Dr. Mohammed Rateb Nabulsi
99 Names of Allah & Muhammad (PBUH) with Audio
The Right Way
99 Names of Allah and Muhammad PBUH with Meanings & BenefitsinUrdu & English.
Esma-ül-Hüsna anlamı ve zikir 2.3
Family Gül
Esma-ül-Hüsna anlamı, zikir ve faziletiAçıklama:Esma-ül Hüsna en güzel isimler demektir. En güzel isimlerAllah'uteálánındır. Bu isimler Allah'ın sifatları olarak dakullanılır.Cenab-ı Hakk'a ait olan pek cok isim mevcuttur. Onlarınsayısınıancak kendisi bilir. Allah'u teala güzel isimlerinden birkısmınıkuranda zikretmis, bir kısmını Peygamber Efendimize (s.a.v.)vesevdiklerine bildirmiș bir kısmını da kendi ilmindetutmușdur.Hadisi șerifte bu isimlerden 99'u peș peșe sayılmıștır.Alimlerdiğer isimlerin mana olarak bu 99 isme dahilolduğunusöylemișlerdir.Esma-ül Hüsna ile duaya başlayacağınız zaman önce 99 ismi şerifibirokuyunuz sonra 100 istiğfar ve 100 salatü selam getiriniz.BirFatiha, üç ihlas, bir Felak, bir Nas süresi okuyup sevabınıönceEfendimiz Hz. Muhammed (aleyhisselam) sonra diğerPeygamberleresonra Ashab-ı kiram'a sonra altın sinsile meşayıhıkiram'a hediyeetmek lazımdır. Zira Allah dostlarının hatırınaduaları kabuleder.Hangi tesbihe başladıysanız o ismi șerifi 99 gün çekmeyegayretediniz. Biznillah istek ve hacetleriniz kısazamandagerçekleşir.Fakat șunuda unutmayalım: "Duaya cevap vermek ayrıdır kabuletmekayrıdır!" (Bediüzzaman Said Nursi)Örnek:Hasta bir çocuk doktora seslenir: 'Ya Doktor! Bana bak.'Doktor: 'Buyur. Ne istersin?' der cevap verir.çocuk: 'Şu ilacı bana ver' der.Doktor ise ya aynen istediğini verir, yahut onun maslahatınabinaenondan daha iyisini verir, yahut hastalığına zarar olduğunubilirhiç vermez.Her işini hikmetle yapan Cenab-ı Hakk her yerde hazır venazırolduğundan kulunun duasına cevap verir. Fakat insanın yaniduaedenin, nefsine taparcasına ve heveslice zorlamasıyla değil.Kendihikmetinin gerektirdiği şekilde, ona ya istediğini verir yadahamükemmelini verir ya da hiç vermez.Dualarınızı bekleriz.Gül ailesiCopyright 2014 Version 2.3-alle Angaben ohne Gewähr--all information without guarantee-Asma-ul-Husna, meaningandvirtue of remembrance Description: Esma-ul Husna is the most beautiful names. Download themostbeautiful names of Allah swt. These names are used astheattributes of God. Copyright belongs to Almighty There aremanynames. But he knows their number. Part of the beautiful namesofAllah in the Quran teal zikretmis a part of our Prophet (saas)hasbeen reported and their loved ones in a fraction of tutmuşdintheir science. In hadith of these names were counted in99consecutive. Scholars of other names, including the name of themanto have said that these 99.        Esma-ul Husna 99 names before the prayer begins when youreadthe sheriff after a 100 and 100 salat salute Pleasebringforgiveness. Fatiha, three sincerity, a Felak a Nasa timebeforereading the Lord reward Hz. Muhammad (Prophet) and then theotherprophets Ashab sheikhs sinsila the gold lease rent isnecessary tomake a gift. Pray for Allah accepts the sake of hisfriends. Which began to glorify you name it, please try to shootthesheriff 99 days. Biznillah requests and incontinence occurs inashort time. But let's not forget in the presentation: "Prayerisseparate to agree to answer is different!" (BediuzzamanSaidNursi)Example: A sick child doctor speaks: 'What Doctor! Look at me. ' Doctor: 'Here you are. What do you want? ' derresponds. children: 'You give me drugs' he says. If a doctor or gives exactly what you want, or, pursuanttohis affair gives him better, or disease damage will noteverknow.  Every business wisdom that Allah Almighty iseverywhereimmanent answer to the prayers of His servants. Butpeople who praythat the soul is not with the force of worshipingand enthusiastic.As required by their own wisdom, or give it to himor to give ornot give more perfection.  We welcome your prayers.    Rose family Copyright 2014 Version 2.3 -all Angaben ohne Gewähr- guarantee- information without -all
Surah Benefits 0.0.5
Surah Benefits App is the collection of Ahadith of AimmaeMasumeen(a.s) regarding the importance and benefits of each andeverychapter of Quran. Since We shias firmly believeinHadith-e-Thaqalain and We are very firmly attached with wilayat,wemust also attach ourselves with holy quran as well. And thus,weneed to acquire recognition of Holy Quran at least to someextentand read it with its actual recognition what it is worthy of!!!Ahadith in this App will help users to know the reward of eachandevery surah, Practical applications of each chapter inonesdifficulties and remedies for many types of illness whichImams(as)has taught us.
معية الله- القرآن والأحاديث وا 1.0
Maayat Allah is the first Muslim program that is indispensableineveryday life.
Muwatta Imam Malik Arabic & English 1.4
The Right Way
Malik's Muwatta ("the well-trodden path") is a collection oftwoitems: the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (alsoknownas the sunnah). The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deedsarecalled ahadith. The legal opinions and decisions of theProphet'sCompanions, their successors, and some later authorities.Featuresof this Muwatta Imam Malik Arabic & English app: ♦♦Completelyfree. ♦♦ Muwatta Imam Malik in Arabic and English. ♦♦User friendlydesign to understand easily. ♦♦ User can share Hadithsand todifferent social Media. ♦♦ Customize setting for Arabicfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Customize setting for Englishfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Application contains differentthemes aswell. Download this free Application today, Alwaysstayblessed.....
Ruqya Healing Guide 1.1.0
Abu Nadeer
The Alruqya Healing app is designed under the guidance ofbothSheikh Khalid Al-Hibshi and Abu Nadeer, two highly recognisedandrespected Raaqi's in the field of Ruqya. The main purpose ofthisapplication is to Empower yourself with correct tools andandknowledge so that you can follow correct treatment planaccordingto your signs and symptoms and to be able to motivate yourself tocomplete your Ruqya plan on a daily basis. The aim of theapp is toequip you with the best tools and knowledge needed foryourtreatment plan I'm accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.Weunderstand that many struggle to stay motivated, so we havemadethis app user friendly and helpful for people to be abletocomplete their program successfully. Our ethos at Alruqyaissimple: • Improving Health through Educating Society •RuqyaAccording to the Qur'an and Sunnah • Revival of thePropheticMedicine • Effective Support and Treatment for SpiritualAfflictionOne of our primary goals is to instil hope in you and toremind youthat you should not allow your affliction to overwhelmyou. We donot want you to feel disheartened by it and instead wehope to makeyou understand that it is simply a test from Allaahsubhanahu wata'ala which will in shaa Allaah strengthen yourrelationship withHim. We aspire to make you feel optimistic inseeking a cure. MAINFEATURES OF APP: • Ruqya Audio Library - Quranrecitation and Duatargeting different types of spiritualafflictions. • Quran Reading& Listening - Specially designed tohelp you recite the versesyou need for your Ruqya plan along with aproficient reciter tominimise any difficulties in reading. • Dua -A collection ofsupplications from the Quran & Sunnah that arehighlyrecommended in the daily life of a Muslim. • Detailedarticles withuseful knowledge in understanding differentafflictions. Topicsrange from Tawheed, dealing with spiritualafflictions, real lifecase studies and much more. • Emergency Ruqyaplan - A simple andeffective guide to be used in case ofemergencies such asfits/convulsions, falling unconscious etc • TheProphet's Medicine- A list of remedies mentioned in the Quran &Sunnah that canbe incorporated in your Ruqya treatment for optimalresults by thepermission of Allah. • Videos - Deliveringeducational andmotivational messages and more. • A Full Body HijamaDiagram -Displaying all the recommended points during Hijama fordifferentillnesses and general well being. • The Raqi Guide -Teaching youthe difference between a Raqi who is Islamically lawfuland thosewho are unlawful to visit for treatment. The Quran is theactualwords of Allah (swt) which has been revealed to theProphetMuhammad (SAW) as guidance and a cure for all of mankind, itisused for expelling demons, black magic and evil eye. Wemustunderstand that the Quran benefits us in every aspectsocially,economical, spiritually and physically. Understanding ofthe cure(Shifa) in general is a cure in it self and those whounderstandachieve the blessing. Allah (swt) has clearly told us inthe Quranthat the actual words of the creator is a healing for allthose whobelieve therefore when used with full conviction seekingthe Helpof Allah (swt) this form of treatment can bring greatmiraculouscures to all forms of illnesses. ‘Allah says in the quranAnd Wesend down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy tothosewho believe’ (Al-Israa, 17:82)
Al-Dua 1.2
The duas are cataloged into sections for fasterandconvenientaccess. The total duas are divided into 7sections:-Quranic (Duasfrom the Quran) -Masnoon (Duas by ProphetMohammadpeace be uponhim) -Daily (morning, evening, night)-Activity Based(meals,clothes, home, market etc.) -Occasion Based(marriage,ramadan,death etc.) -Protection Related (disaster, sorrowgrief,debt,rain, drought) -Illness Related (fever, pain, burn,eye,kidneystone etc.) Key Features: - Simple minimal design -Extensiveduascollection (400+) - Share Dua via email, SMS,Facebook, Twitter-Bookmark favorite dua - Counter (tasbhee) withbuzzer -Multiplefonts selection - No ads :) (they suck!) Keywords:Supplication,Invocation, Islamic, Prayer, Quran, Masnoon,zikr,adan, wudu,muslim, bukhari, arabic, muhammad