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tra cứu PHONG THỦY 1.4
Phần mềm trình bày khá toàn diện và đầy đủ các tri thức cơ bảnvềPhong Thủy giúp cho người sử dụng có cái nhìn đầy đủ hơn vềkhoaPhong thủy. Với nhiều tiện ích mở rộng như thước Lỗ Ban, tracứumàu sắc theo ngũ hành và nhiều thông tin cơ bản cho người muốntìmhiểu về Phong Thủy…Thesoftware presents a comprehensive and full basic knowledge ofFengShui to help users get a more complete view about the scienceofFeng Shui. With extensions such as Lu Ban size, colorlookupaccording to the five elements and the basic information forpeoplewho want to learn more about Feng Shui ...
易仙六十甲子吊宫择日 2.0.0
YiXian Inc.
三元六甲循环无端,寿夭穷通实乃五行之变化衰旺,以阴消阳长三元轮替,生克休咎定真踪。《五行大义》干支者因五行而立之,昔轩辕之时大挠之所制,「月令章句」,大挠采五行之情,占斗机所建也,始作甲乙以名目,谓之干,作子丑以同目,谓之支。中国以干支纪历法由来己久,在殷商时期甲骨卜辞遗迹已清楚看到以甲子纪日,十干即甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸,十二支即子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥,十干和十二地支,各取一字相配,组合为六十次周而复始,俗称六十甲子或六十花甲子:  甲子 乙丑 丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛酉 壬申 癸酉  甲戌 乙亥 辰子 丁丑 戊寅 己卯 庚辰 辛巳 壬午 癸未  甲申 乙酉 丙戍 丁亥 戊子 己丑 庚寅 辛卯 壬辰 己巳  甲午 乙卯 丙申 丁酉 戊戌 己亥 庚子 辛丑 壬寅 癸卯  甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申 己酉 庚戌 辛亥 壬子 癸丑  甲寅 乙卯 丙辰 丁巳 戊寅 己未 庚申 辛酉 壬戍 癸亥干支纪历法已用上数千年,直至一九一一年停止,继而转入民间使用至今,是世界上最长纪历法,我们可以从公历年月日时翻查万年历,便可找到某年某月某日属某甲子,以备计算。洛书九宫纵横方阵图。而六十甲子吊宫择日法是需要配用九宫飞星轨迹,即由中宫顺布吊替五六七八九一二三四宫,以推求每宫所吊得干支,五行,定某年某月某方宜修宜避,与此二十四方位较量,以定吉凶休咎。本软件为中国堪舆文化有限公司风水择日培训内部配套软件。在你开始使用的过程中,你如果有不明白和疑惑的地方。详情请电邮咨询 [email protected] 或者大陆手机: 18665331165Facebook : Plus+ :详细请看网站1. http://www.zypda.com2. http://www.yxbazi.comRokko tripleloopunprovoked, Shouyao change next travel exercise in thefiveelements of decay Wang to yin yang eliminate long triplerotation,raw grams Xiujiu be true track."Five righteousness" Lunar standing by because of the fiveelements,when the system past the big scratch Regulus, the "MonthinChapters" Big Five feelings scratch mining accounted forfightingmachine built also, before making the A and B to thenames, that ofdry , with the same purpose as Zichou, that thebranch.China to Lunar Ji calendar-honored, in the Shang Dynasty oracleboneinscriptions relics have been clearly seen in six decadesminutes aday, ten dry that ABC had Gengxin Jen-kuei, twelve thatzichouyinmaoChen Si Wu did not Shenyou Xu Hai, ten dry and ten twoEarthlyBranches, each word match, the combination is more than 60times thecycle, commonly known as Sixty Years or sixty spentsixdecades:Jia Zi Yi Chou Bing Yin Xin Ren Shen Dingmao Boshin BabaGengwuGuiYouJia Xu Yi Hai Chenzi Dingchou Government House Horse RamDragonTiger JiMaoMonkey yiyou C Shu Geng Xin Mao Chinese New Lunar Year of theOXImjin BabaDing Wu Xu Jia Wu Yi Hai Yi Mao Bingshen Boxer BoxerRenyinmaoOtomi Ping Wu Jia Chen Ji you Gengxu Xinhai DingWei ShigenobuPrinceGuichouJiayin Kang Xi Yi Mao Bing-Chen Geng Xin azelaic DimbaTigergarrison GuihaiLunar calendar Ji had to spend thousands of years until it stopsin1911, and then transferred to private use so far, is theworld'slongest Ji calendar, we can look up when the Gregoriancalendardate from a year can be found One day the child is a personA monthto prepare calculations.Luoshu JiuGongTu aspect phalanx map. The Sixty Years hangingmethodis needed to fix a day palace equipped with JiuGongTumeteortrajectory, namely the Central Palace of cloth hanging alongfor567,891,234 Palace, the Palace of the crane to get everyDerivingLunar, five elements, given a on a certain party shouldrepairshould be avoided, and this twenty-four orientation of thecontest,to be good and bad Xiujiu.The software for the Chinese Feng shui Culture Co., fix a dayoftraining internal supporting software.In the process you start using, you do not understand, andwonderingif there is a place.For details, please consult [email protected] or emailcontinentMobile: 18665331165Facebook: Plus +: Look at the website1. Http://www.zypda.com2. Http://