Top 16 Apps Similar to V.cobros

PrestaGroonS 1.6.0
Se pueden registrar prestamos de modalidad,Diario,Semanal,Quincenal, Mensual, Fecha fija, Personalizados (cadadosdías, cada6 días etc.) Algunos prestamos (excepto los de fechafijaypersonalizados) se puede poner de manera incrementable,esdecirque solo se cobren intereses o capital. Se puedehacervariospréstamos a un mismo cliente. Se pueden conectarimpresoradetickets para imprimir recibos. Caja (Dinero en efectivo,tipodeinterés, etc.) Opciones de cobrar interés por atraso opormora(vencido). Registrar gastos Balances (Se incluye resumendeldíaanteriores, información de todos los movimientos decadaruta,clientes nuevos, numero de recibosimprimidos,compartidos,cantidad de liquidaciones, etc.) En balancesse puedencomparar dosmeses. Resumen detallado del día. Importarlogo Crearcuenta decobradores por ruta Opción se subir la copia demaneracompartida aservidores en la nube. Ajustes de aplicación.
Biyuyo Global – recarga saldo y transfiere dinero 2.3.32
Biyuyo SpA
Recargar saldo a tus operadoras de: Colombia, Chile,Perú,condólares, pesos colombianos, chilenos, uruguayos, soles yeurosesmuy fácil y rápido con Biyuyo. Puedes recargar otransferiraVenezuela: Con dólares: - Movistar Móvil Prepago -MovilnetMóvilPrepago - Digitel Móvil Prepago - Movistar Televisión-DigitelInternet - Movistar Internet - Movistar Fijo - DigitelFijoCondólares, pesos colombianos, chilenos, uruguayos, soles yeuros:-SimpleTV - Llamadas Internacionales Global Link. -Netflix-Spotify También puedes recargar y pagar servicios deColombia:-DIRECTV Prepago - Claro Prepago - Movistar Prepago - TigoPrepago-Flash Prepago - Avantel Prepago - Etb Prepago - VirginPrepago-Exito Prepago Abre tu cuenta Biyuyo con pocos datos,depositasaldoa través de transferencia bancarias, PayPal, tarjetadecrédito ydébito, obtén tu saldo inmediato y recarga tusserviciosotransfiere a tus amigos o familiares. Te ofrecemossoporte delunesa domingo por WhatsApp (+1 321 3843649). ¡SomosEfectivo!
Shasta - The international payments app 3.2.3
Do you need to send or receive money to a family member orfriendinVenezuela or Europe? If the answer is yes, then Shasta isforyou.With Shasta App you will be able to send, request,transferandexchange currency easily, quickly and securely 🔐 WithShastayouwill have the opportunity to have a single account ineuros,dollarsand bolivars, as well as being able to linkforeigncurrencyaccounts from the Banco Nacional de Crédito (BNC) toyourprofile 🙌ALL YOU CAN DO WITH SHASTA 📄 Register with a validID(cédula),passport or extension: Now you can validate youraccountwith thisdocumentation. Remember that to be able to operateinShasta youmust have a valid passport. 📲 Send and request money:Ifyou go outfor dinner and you take care of the payment, withShastayou canrequest the part that is owed to you in one click, bymeansof a QRcode, e-mail or the name of your contact. 💱Currencyexchange: doyou need to send euros or dollars? Shasta makesiteasy for you, asyou can switch from euros, dollars to bolivarsandvice versa in amatter of seconds, all from the same app! 💵💶Dollarand Euroaccount: apart from being able to exchange currency,youcan switchyour account from Euros to Dollars in just one click.🏦Linkingaccounts in BNC currencies: You can link up to 4 accountsinBNCcurrencies. If you register with an identity card, it isabasicrequirement to have one, in the case of a passport itisoptional.WHY IS SHASTA A GOOD CHOICE? 🔐 Security: As Shasta isalegalentity, it has a banking-level security system, soallthetransactions you make will be totally private.📲Convenience:Request, receive, send and transfer to yourfriends,family andcontacts, all from your mobile and completelyinstantly.🔔Transparency: You are the most important thing, that'swhyweinform you about all the news and changes that takeplaceinShasta. 💪 Control: At Shasta you have the power tocontrolyourmoney as you wish. Your money without limits. 🌍FREEMOBILITYBETWEEN EUROPE AND VENEZUELA! Thanks to Shasta's unionwiththeBanco Nacional de Crédito (BNC) in Venezuela, itallowsfreefinancial movement to any part of the world.NationalEcosystem:available by registering with your current IDcard(cédula) andrequires linking your BNC account to send orreceiveamounts ineuros, bolivars and dollars for transactions withotherShastacontacts anywhere in the world. InternationalEcosystem:availableby registering with your valid passport orextension andyou canalso send or receive euro, dollar and bolivarsamounts fromotherShasta contacts as well as make bank transfers. 👥SHARESSHASTAWITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY Invite your friends and familytojoin andleave behind the headaches of sending, receivingandrequestingpayments, with Shasta you will solve it in a matterofseconds.Shasta App is for you. If you need to send,request,receive moneywith your friends or family who are inVenezuela orEurope, Shastais the mobile application you need.Follow us on oursocialnetworks and find out everything 👇🔸Instagram:🔸Twitter:🔸LinkedIn: 🔸Web: the FREE Shasta App and discovertheeasiest way to send,receive and request money with just oneclick.Remember, if youlike Shasta, rate us and leave your comment 🙌Ifyou have anyquestions, please consult our FAQs on the websiteorwrite to us [email protected] 😊
Cambios App - Envío de Remesas 2.0.5
¿Necesitas enviar dinero a Venezuela al mejor tipo decambio?Descarga nuestra aplicación para Android OS y hazlo desdecualquierlugar; fácil, rápido y seguro. Estamos presentes enArgentina,Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panamá, Perú y USA. Contamos conel mejortipo de cambio a bolívares. A través de nuestra app"Cambios App"podrás enviar dinero a Venezuela de dos maneras: 1.Método de pago"Oficina", donde tendrás que visitar cualquiera denuestrasoficinas para realizar tu depósito directamente connosotros (nocobramos comisión). 2. Método de pago "Depósitobancario", dondeaccederás a nuestros números de cuentas pararealizar tu deposito otransferencia bancaria (recuerda quedepósitos en banco BCP Perúpueden estar sujetos a comisionesbancarias). Una vez que completesel envío de tu información através de nuestro formulario, tendrásuna copia del mismo en tucorreo electrónico, y te notificaremosmediante este medio cuando latransferencia ya se haya realizado,adjuntando en el mensaje turecibo. Trabajamos con todos los Bancosde Venezuela, solo cuentascorriente mercantil se realizandirectamente a los demás bancos eldinero le llegará un día despuéspor la tarde, si es laborable. Asímismo, a través de nuestra apptendrás la tasa de cambio al día,donde podrás calcular el dineroque vas a enviar. Visita nuestrositio web, allíencontrarás más informaciónacerca de nosotros y los procedimientosdetallados que necesitasrealizar para enviar dinero a Venezuela.
Intercam Banca Móvil 3.21.0
App para clientes de Intercam Grupo Financiero.Aplicaciónparaclientes personas físicas y físicas con actividadempresarialquepermite acceder a los servicios del grupo financiero.Enéstaaplicación podrán consultar información de suscuentas,realizartransferencias y pagos de tarjetas de crédito,comprardivisas,ubicar sucursales y cajeros automáticos, entreotros.
PagoDirecto 4.2.11
La única app que te permite entrar, pagar y salirdeunestacionamiento con tu teléfono inteligente. Sin bajarlaventanade tu vehículo y sin hacer colas. No pierdas más tiempoyvive tusmomentos con PagoDirecto.
Ub app
Ub app es la Super App financiera con la que podrás manejartudinerode manera digital de una forma rápida y segura.Descarga,recarga ypaga donde quieras. Funcionalidades - Recargadesde tubanco, conpago móvil y con tarjetas de crédito y débito -Solicitatu tarjetaUbii Visa - Envía dinero a tus amigos - Pagautilizandocódigos QR -Envía dinero a otras cuentas bancarias Ymasbeneficios.
Cooperativa San José 1.5.1
Con nuestra aplicación puedes: -Consultar el balance detusCuentas.-Ver el Historial de tus Transacciones -TransferirEntretus Cuentasy a otros socios de la Cooperativa. -Pagartuspréstamos.-Desembolsar Líneas de Crédito. -Bloquear tu TarjetadeDébito enCasos de Pérdida o Robo. -Acceder a Nuestro SitioWebdesde laPantalla de Bienvenida con la Opción“OtrasInformaciones”. Tu manoamiga de siempre, ahora siemprecontigo. 3.5.8
The official app of, news of El Salvador andtheworld.
Deptors Plus Intelligent 13
Perla Technology
Debtors Plus performs 95% of your commercial tasks inasingleapplication, based on the following: 1-Data security.Beaware ofour online database that keeps your information intactnomatteryou lose your device, thanks to a login from yourfavoriteemailaddress. Have your data always safe without having topay moreforeach backup. 2-Better intuitive. Delicious interfacewithmanyfacilities, being tested by different clients who call itfirstinthe list of the most intuitive in its field. 3-Graphiccomfort.Avery fluid application, without slowdowns, withoutads,orcontrasts that delay your work. We know that sometimes weneedfastaccounts, so Debtors Plus is ready to take it.4-Customizeyourclients. You will have the option to require thedata you want,andeven change your profile photo and a red alert toremindcustomerswith incidents. What can we do with Debtors Plus ?:Wehave manymore functions taking into account theimprovementsrequested bycustomers in our predecessor application:DebtorsControl. DOWNLOADIT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.
Finerio: Personal Finance, Budgets, Money Manager 3.3.0
If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve been wonderinghowtosave money, how to stay within your budgets, and if anappexiststhat would allow you to easily manage yourdailyexpenses.Congratulations! Download the app and start takingcontrolof yourpersonal finances with Finerio: Personal Finance,Budgets,andMoney Manager! Finerio: Personal Finance, Budgets,andMoneyManager, is the first finance manager application inMexicothatautomatically tracks your spending, income and budgetsforyourmonthly and daily expenses. Sync your bank accounts andyoucanbegin to track your expenses, and manage your finances. Thereisnocost to create an account, and you don’t have topayanysubscription fees. Finerio, the money management app, allowsyoutoeasily manage your personal finances. As mentionedin:ForbesMilenio Entrepreneur El Economista FINERIO IS THE APPTHATYOU NEEDTO TRACK YOUR FINANCES AND MANAGE YOUR DAILYEXPENSES.Findeverything in one place: With Finerio: PersonalFinance,Budgets,and Money Manager, you can sync all of your bankaccounts,debitand credit cards, so that your income, transactionsandbalancesappear in the app and update automatically. The onlyworkthat youneed to do to track your finances is to registeryourcashtransactions. Tracking expenses and managing personalfinanceshasnever been so easy. Categorize your expenses: Fineriouses itsownalgorithm to automatically categorize daily expenses.You canalsocreate and manage your own categories, so that youcanincreaseyour potential savings. You can personalize yourFinerioaccount asmuch as you want, in order to take control andtrackdailyexpenses, income and savings. Create personalized budgetstomanagefamily and personal finances: With your personalizedbudget,youcan automatically track monthly spending. Stay informedabouthowmuch money you spend monthly per category, track yourbudgets,andsave money. With Finerio, managing budgets is fastandsimple.Understand your monthly spending: With simple graphicsandamonthly summary of your income and spending, you canunderstandandtrack your daily spending, income and behavior.Finerio,yourpersonal finance tracker, allows you to findnewsavingsopportunities! Your information is secure with us: Wetakesecurityseriously, and we use the highest standards tokeepyourinformation encrypted at all times. We use thesamesecuritystandards as your bank when you sync your bankaccounts.Finerio isprotected by McAfee SECURE. Managing yourfinances withFinerio iscompletely safe. What makes Finerio the bestapp tomanage yourfinances: • Securely sync bank accounts, ormanuallytrack expenses• Easily register cash expenditures •Automaticallysynced creditand debit card transactions •Personalized categoriesandsubcategories • Automatically categorizedspending •Automaticbudget tracking to better manage your financesand trackmonthlyspending • Ability to divide movements intovariouscategories •Simple graphics displaying monthly spendingandfinancial behavior• Complete encryption of all personalandfinancial information •Securely stored information TAKE CONTROLOFYOUR MONEY DownloadFinerio, your expense manager andfinancetracker, and sync yourbank accounts to have all of yourfinancialinformation in a singleplace. Understand and track yourmonthlyexpenses and gainfinancial control, so that you can makemoreintelligent decisionsand discover how to save money. Trackyourspending and manage yourfinances with Finerio. WithFinerio:Personal Finance, Budgets, andMoney Manager, you don’t needto bean expert, or have a lot ofextra time manage yourexpenses,earnings, budgets, and increaseyour savings. Finerio doesthe workfor you, with a maximum levelof security.
Dollar in Mexico Pro: Price in Banks & More 1.13
Already used by thousands of users, our app shows you thedollarprice for sell or buy in the major banks of Mexico, allupdated inreal time. All banks have their own logo so its simplefor you tolocate them, you can sort by purchase price or saleprice, you canuse our conversion calculator for the dollar price inthe bank ofyour choice, so you'll know how much you charged orreceive beforego. Besides you can find the nearest bank closest toyour location,only clicking on the bank you want. Whenever a bankupdated thecost of dollar you will have it on your pocket. Stopsearching oneach bank page, this app does it for you. Try it,you'll love it.Full features: • Average dollar price in Main Banks• Price in realtime (updated every 15 minutes) • The Main banks inMexico (BanCoppel, Banamex, Banxico, Bancomer, Banorte, Banjercito,BancoAzteca, Banco del Bajio, BanRegio, BX+, Hsbc, Inbursa, IXE,Monex,Scotiabank, Santander ) • Official Government Dollar Price(SAT,BANXICO, DOF) • Credit Cards Dollar price (VISA,MASTERCARD,AMERICANEXPRESS) • Allows Sort by Price Purchase andSale •Dashboard with current price via Yahoo! Finance • Historicalgraphsin several time periods (hours, month, years) • Easy to readtextsaying if dollar increase or decrease price compared with adaybefore • Modern design • Fast, Simple, Easy, Efficient and verylowdata consume
Pepperi Sales Rep App 16.50.3 (513)
Pepperi Ltd.
**This app is only available to Pepperi customers. NotaPeppericustomer? Contact us for a demo at an enterprise-grade sales repapp, a mobile CRM tool forsalesreps and their managers designed topresent catalogs, takeorders,prepare sales reports, manage andtrack sales ordering,performin-store merchandising, routeaccounting, DSD, tradepromotions andmuch more. Pepperi equips fieldagents with the CRMtools they needto make their numbers and presenta professionalimage. Pepperi’ssales rep app offers out of the boxintegrationwith popularaccounting, ERP, and CRM systems includingSAP ERP, SAPBusinessOne, Netsuite, Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud,QuickBooks,Xero,MYOB, Sage and more, and fully integrates withleadingpaymentsystems. With over a thousand customers in 64countries,13languages and dozens of industries, Pepperi is the#1e-catalog,order taking and CRM sales rep app serving all sizesofbusiness.Pepperi main modules: e-Catalog that sells for you●e-Catalogincludes unlimited dynamic categories for allyourproducts ●Merchandising is easy with high resolutionphotos,multiple viewoptions and customizable fields Order taking isfast& easy ●Mobile ordering is faster than you can imaginewithPepperi ● Ordertracker lets you track past orders and set upfutureorder dates ●Order management options include flexiblediscountpolicies ●Ordering and selling are easier than ever withourflexible toolsIncrease order size with trade promotionsincludingupselling &cross-selling ● Buy X, Get Y Free ● Buy X,Get Y atZ% discount ●Buy from list X and get from list Y ● TiereddiscountsWin at theshelf with in-store merchandising ● Plan thewhichin-storeactivities are to be performed by your fieldagents,schedule storevisits, and map the routes to take ● Capturein-storeactivitiesusing mobile forms that are completelycustomizable ●Performstock-taking, picture taking, planogram auditsandcustomersatisfaction surveys Sell-through visibilitywithinventorytracking ● Pair Pepperi with a UPC barcode scannertoleveragePepperi as an in-store inventory scanner ●Gainsell-throughvisibility to minimize dead inventory at thestores,and tooptimize manufacturing ● Track sales and purchaseswithPepperi’sbarcode scanner Pepperi CRM tool integrates withPepperie-CommerceStorefront ● Pepperi integrates seamlessly withPepperie-CommerceStorefront, a self-service ordering app for retailstores● Managesales quickly and conveniently - distributors andretailersorderstraight from your website or mobile app ● Salesrepshaveimmediate visibility into self-service orders placed bytheirB2Bcustomers Enterprise-grade mobile salesforce automation(SFA) ●SFAmade easy with mobile apps that are fully andeasilyconfigurable,running on Android mobile devices. ●State-of-the-artsecurity (ISO27001 and ISAE 3402 certified) ensuresthat your datais safe andnever compromised. ● Mobile CRM designedto easilyintegrate withthe existing ERP and Accounting systems thatrun yourbusiness: ●SAP ERP ● SAP ERP Business One ● Salesforce ●NetSuite ●Oracle ●Sage ● Microsoft NAV ● QuickBooks Online ●QuickbooksDesktop ●Xero ● Many more Industry-specific demos ●Mobile CRM toolincludespre-built demos for dozens of industries ●Fully functionalfreetrial available for download with no commitmentBusinessmanagementis easier than ever with Pepperi sales rep app,whetheryou own asmall business or are a large wholesaler. CRM toolsforfieldagents, field sales, mobile ordering, ordermanagement,retailmerchandising, productivity and activitiestracking, salestrackingand more are included. Requirements: 5"screen, Android8.0, Min4GB RAM, 1080x1920 resolution for phablets,1920x1200 fortablets.
Mercantil Banco Panamá 2.26.0
Mercantil, Boost your new world
Housers 2.0.2
Housers is the fintech P2P platform for crowdfundingandcrowdlendinginvestment that has revolutionized the rules ofthegame, makingpossible to democratize investment. Housers operateinthreedifferent areas; real estate assets with Housers:RealEstate,business projects with Housers: Corporateandsustainableopportunities with Housers: Green. Housers isauthorizedby thePortuguese National Securities Market Commission(CNMV) andthePortuguese Securities Commission (CMVM). Thefinancialinstitutionthat supports Housers' fintech platform,LemonWay, isauthorized bythe Bank of Spain. Invest from 50 euros inprofitablecrowdlendingand crowdfunding projects and obtain annualyields withdevelopmentloan rates! Housers fintech allows you in aquick andeasy way to:· Dynamize communication between activeinvestors anddevelopers byfacilitating bidirectionality andautomation. · Investdirectlyfrom your smartphone. · Simplify theregistration processand thecreation of the wallet. · Safer and moreagile access to thewalletwith Touch ID and Face ID. · Enjoy all ourpromotions andoptimizeyour investment. · Improved visualization andeasier accessto theHousers platform. · Bring your investments inyour pocket.Businessprojects are selected after an exhaustivefeasibility studyandrisk analysis. All the projects are scored bySilva yAsociadosS.A., an external company specializing in riskanalysisforbusiness projects. We are financial experts seeking toensurethehighest return on your investment! Housers is afintechplatformbased on participative financing (PFP) that allowsyou toinvest indiverse crowdfunding and crowdlending projectswhereveryou are.Thanks to our international network, we are abletoincrease thediversification capacity of our users and makeadifference in thefinance sector. Undoubtedly, Housers is thebestoption to ensureyou a great financial future from acrowdfundingand crowdlendinginvestment of only 50 euros.