Top 24 Apps Similar to DynaZ智能家居系统应用

Wink - Smart Home
Wink App
The app that connects you and the products you rely on every dayinyour home.
CAME Domotic 3.0 3.4.0
Came S.p.A.
Domotic 3.0 lets you manage all thefunctionsof the Came home automation system via a simple,intuitivegraphical interface. You browse simple functions orgraphic-mapmenus. These recreate images of the various rooms aroundyour home.All of the functions featured in the system, likeoperatormanagement, thermostat control, lighting control, shutteror awningopening and closing, burglar alarm control and scenariomanagement,are readily available to users via the portable deviceon whichDomotic 3.0 is installed.
Passport 3.2
Passport is a powerful and beautiful password manager
UltraSync + 2.23.0
UHS Pty Ltd
Welcome to the Secure Smarthome!
MajorDroid Official
MajorDoMo home automation platform client
Bkav SmartHome Luxury
Bkav SmartHome System control software.
下厨房-美食菜谱 8.8.4
Chinese recipes and more comprehensive, more populargourmetcommunity
Agave 1.7.205 Avocado
Agave - ISY app for mobile home automation of Insteon® andZ-Wave®devices. Automation allows for seamless, secure and customizableremoteaccess to your Universal Devices ISY Controller from yourAndroid®smartphone and tablet. Many Insteon® and Z-Wave® devicescan becontrolled through ISY using Agave. If you find one thatisn’tsupported, contact the developer (we’ll need a node dump ofthedevice from an ISY). Agave can control your Elk® M1 HomeSecuritysystem through your ISY. Arm and disarm in all Elk modesincludingstatus of and control of bypass of all of your Elk zones.You canuse all features of Agave without any limitations free for30 days.After trial, there are no additional downloads required;simplypurchase the features that you would like to continue touse.Trials are tracked using your ISY UUID and initial run date.Agaveis actively developed. This means new devices are addedquickly(please contact the developer in the event you have anunrecognizeddevice) and features are added regularly. We discussnew featureson the UDI Forum > Agave subforum. Agave is secure.Your ISYcredentials are encrypted on your device and you canoptionallyconfigure a PIN (per Agave profile) so that anyone usingyourmobile device won’t have access to use Agave. Connections toyourISY can be encrypted using SSL. Agave is customizable. Youcaneasily add favorite devices to a compact home screen view.Wantmore than one home screen? You can add additional profilestoenable more home screens. Have more than one ISY? You canconfigureconnections to more than one ISY. Don’t know what thecrypticdevice names are on your ISY? Device names, control/actionbuttons,and device status can be customized. Agave works with yourfavoriteInsteon devices (requires an Insteon-compatible ISY).Whether youwant to control an Insteon Thermostat, LED light bulb,On/OffSwitch Relay, Dimmer switch, IO Linc Sensor/Relay,TriggerlincOpen/Close sensor, Motion sensor (2420 verified), smokesensor, oran EZFlora/lawn sprinkler, Agave works for you. As newInsteondevices are released, we work to add them quickly to Agave.Agaveworks with most Z-Wave devices (requires a Z-Wave compatibleISY).Door locks(Schlage, Kwikset and Yale verified) ,thermostats,on/off and dimmable switches, MIMOLite sensors, andAeonMultisensors can be controlled through Agave. If you have aZ-Wavedevice that isn’t already added to Agave, we’ll work with youtoget it added quickly (please contact the developer!).ConnectivityAgave can connect to your ISY using any combination ofthefollowing methods in the order you define: 1. Direct Connectionviaprivate home network (local) connection (usually the“primary”connection) 2. Direct Connection via externalnetwork/cellular dataconnection (may require port forwarding onrouter) (often the“secondary” connection) 3. UDI Portal (Requiressubscriptionthrough UDI)
eGlu 2.0.102
eGlu - Smart Spaces
Lifedomus Design Studio 2.2.5
With LIFEDOMUS App by Delta Dore, you control your homeautomationand multimedia system in your smart home. ACUSTOMISABLEAPPLICATION You may create without limits your owncontrols andscenarios. AN APPLICATION TO CONTROL THE MULTI-BRANDDEVICESTelevision, Home Cinema, audio-video amplifier, videoprojector,video doorman, IP camera, alarm, heating, lighting...theapplication allows you to visualize, control your systemandreceive alerts wherever you are. 100% scalable, you can installnewconnected devices and control them from your application.TRYLIFEDOMUS Install the application on your phone and access thedemomode to preview features. The application requires the use ofaLIFEDOMUS home automation server, products using X3D, KNX, RTSorZ-Wave protocols, and it is subscription-free, Contact us ifyouneed a recommended installer.
Kasa Smart 3.3.300
Kasa Smart is your portal to your TP-LINK Smart Home.
Smart Home Solution 8.8.4
Smarthome learns and makes your home smarter
Maison et Domotique 10.0
Home and Home Automation is THE magazine for homeautomationaddressed to the general public.
Tuya Smart 5.6.1
Smart Life. Smart Living
Home Automation app to control your home devices and lead asmarterlife
Lifedomus 2.2.4
With LIFEDOMUS App by Delta Dore, you control your homeautomationand multimedia system in your smart home. ACUSTOMISABLEAPPLICATION You may create without limits your owncontrols andscenarios. AN APPLICATION TO CONTROL THE MULTI-BRANDDEVICESTelevision, Home Cinema, audio-video amplifier, videoprojector,video doorman, IP camera, alarm, heating, lighting...theapplication allows you to visualize, control your systemandreceive alerts wherever you are. 100% scalable, you can installnewconnected devices and control them from your application.TRYLIFEDOMUS Install the application on your phone and access thedemomode to preview features. The application requires the use ofaLIFEDOMUS home automation server, products using X3D, KNX, RTSorZ-Wave protocols, and it is subscription-free, Contact us ifyouneed a recommended installer.
Rialto Active
Smart home system for domestic heating and energy saving management
Vibe Smart Homes 2.4.0
Smart home app to control, monitor & secure your home. MadebyVibe Smart Homes
Pert 3.6.2
Turn your beautiful home into a technology smart home.Monitoryourenergy consumption. Schedule to turn on or off lightsevenwhenyou're away. Control your appliances from your smartphone
WeR@Home™ Mobile 5.2.52
WeR@Home™ enables you to manage your home environment fromanywhere,anytime.
ITV MAKS Mobile 2.67.5596
Додаток "ITV MAKS Mobile" маєінтуїтивнозрозумілий і простий інтерфейс та дозволяє керувативашоюбездротовою охоронною системою МАКС, що встановлена в квартирічибудинку. "ITV Maks Mobile" допоможе вам повністюконтролювативласну систему безпеки і домашню автоматику череззахищенез'єднання через мережу інтернет.Додаток використовується і при роботі у складі пультовоїсистемиохорони і в автономному режимі. Весь функціонал доступнийчерез“MAKS Cloud”.Роботу з “MAKS Cloud” підтримують такі моделіохороннихприладів:• ППК МАКС3718Р II• ППК МАКС4064Р.“ITV Maks Mobile” дозволяє:• ставити вашу систему безпеки під охорону в повному чинічному("тільки периметр", "постановка залишаюсь") режимі;• знімати з охорони вашу систему безпеки;• переглядати стан системи безпеки;• отримувати сповіщення про тривожні події системи задопомогоюpush-повідомлень;• керувати розділами охорони;• керувати декількома системами в одному додатку;• керувати пристроями домашньої автоматики:• керувати подачею води автоматично чи вручну;• відкривати та закривати ворота, двері і т.і.• керувати іншими системами (полив, кондиціювання,опалення...)• отримувати інформацію хто керував системою• надавати всім домашнім користувачам доступ для керуванняохоронноюсистемоюМи упевнені, що наші розробки дозволять вам відчути спокійтазахищеність при використанні системі безпеки компаніїITVLtd.Appendix "ITV MAKSMobile"has an intuitive and simple interface and allows you tomanage yourwireless security system MAX, which is set in anapartment or house."ITV Maks Mobile" will help you to fullycontrol their own securityand home automation via a secureconnection through theInternet.The application is used when working in a console consistingofhealth and offline. All functionality is available throughthe"MAKS Cloud".The work of "MAKS Cloud" security models support thefollowingdevices:• PPC MAKS3718R II• PPC MAKS4064R."ITV Maks Mobile" allows you to:• put your security system to full custody overnight ( "onlytheperimeter," "staying signed statement") mode;• remove the protection your system security;• view the status of security;• To receive notification of alarm events systemviapush-notifications;• manage sections protection;• manage multiple systems in a single application;• manage home automation devices:• manage water supply automatically or manually;• open and close gates, doors, etc.• manage other systems (irrigation, air conditioning,heating...)• receive information who managed system• Provide all home users to control access security systemWe believe that our design will make you feel calm andprotectedusing security company ITV Ltd.