Top 9 Apps Similar to Family Tree - TribalPages

My Heritage : Family Tree + An 1.0.1
Piod S. Song
Manage your family and friends information as well asrelationships.
RootsMagic 1.2
Your family tree at your fingertips! Now you can easily takeandshow off your family history with you wherever you go.RootsMagiclets you carry your genealogy on your Android device!This viewer is designed as a companion product to RootsMagic,theaward-winning desktop genealogy software which makesresearching,organizing, and sharing your family history easy.Whether you're abeginner or an experienced professional,RootsMagic is the perfecttool for you!Features include:Files:* Uses your actual RootsMagic files- no conversion needed* Easily put your family history files on your devicethroughDropBox* Keep as many files as you want right on your device* Use the free desktop software to convert other genealogyfilesincluding PAF, Family Tree Maker, Legacy Family Tree, andGEDCOMinto viewable RootsMagic files.Views:* Pedigree, Family, Descendant, and Individual Views toquicklyexplore your family tree* Browse people by surname and given names* Search ancestors by name or record number* View media, notes, and sources for people, families, events,andfactsLists:* Source list* To-do lists* Research Logs* Media Lists* Address Book* Repository List* Correspondence List* Place ListTools:* Perpetual calendar* Date calculator* Relationship calculator* Soundex calculatorNote: Requires RootsMagic desktop family tree software orthefree RootsMagic Essentials software to create, edit, or add toyourgenealogy files.
Shajarati - شجرتي 10.3.2
عن أبي هريرة - رضي الله عنه - قال : قال رسول الله - صلى اللهعليهوسلم : " تعلموا من أنسابكم ما تصلون به أرحامكم ، فإن صلة الرحممحبةفي الأهل مثراة في المال ، منسأة في الأثر " . رواه الترمذي.برنامجشجرتي لا يعتبر سجل رسمي لأي عائلة وإنما وسيلة لتدوين وتوفيرمعلوماتعامة عن القرابة والمقربين منهم وضعت للفائدة العامة وإحتمالالنقص أوألخطأ وآرد في بعض الأسماء وقابل للتعديل. يتضمن البرنامج عدةوسائلللتواصل مع مطور البرنامج او مدير الشجرة في حال الرغبة في ايحذف اوتعديل للمعلومات المتوفرة. نرجو من الله ان يتقبل عملنا هذاويباركفيه. آمين. يمكن الرجوع الى الموقع الاساسي على النت فيحالة الرغبة في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات. في حالةوجود ايملاحظات او الرغبة في اي حذف او تعديل يمكن مراسلة مطورالبرنامجالسيد ابوبكر العطاس على جوال او واتساب 0505668876 اوالايميل[email protected] يوجد بجانب الإسم رقم صاحب الشجرة يستخدمكمرجع فيحال طلب اي تعيلات على الشجرة نرجو ارسال رقم الشجرة في حالةطلب ايحذف او تعديل او اضافات على الشجرة. تم توفير امكانية الحصولعلىشجرات خاصة. ويمكن لمدير اي شجرة التحكم بصلاحيات العرضوالتحديثللمستخدمين من خلال لوحة التحكم. وكذلك متابعة كافةالتحديثاتواستعراض الشجرة. يوجد ثلاث مستويات للبرنامج يتم التحكمبهذهالمستويات من قبل مدير الشجرة مركزيا لكل مستخدم عن طريق خادمالموقع.لطلب تعديل المستوى نرجو مراسلة مدير الشجرة مع ذكر رقمالمستخدمالمذكور في الصفحة الاولى من هذا البرنامج. المستوى الاول:لعرضالذكور فقط في الشجرة وهي للعامة. المستوى الثاني: لعرض الاناثايضاولكن باستبدال اسم الانثى بكلمة "بنت" ولكن يمكن البحث باسماءالإناثوهذا المستوى لافراد الشجرة. المستوى الثالث: وفيه يتم اظهاراسماءالاناث وهو المستوى الخاص بافراد الشجرة المعروفين لدي مديرالشجرةشخصيا. وقد تم وضع هذا النظام مراعاة لطلب عدد من افراد الشجرة.يمكنايقاف عمل البرنامج مركزيا لاي مستخدم عن طريق خادم الموقع فيحالةالاستخدام غير الصحيح للبرنامج.
DNA Doctor 0.0.1
Unlock your genetic test results to improve health, nutritionandfitness.
Genealogy Gems 2.4.33
Lisa Cooke
Bringing Genealogy Gems to your phone along with helpfulbonusmaterial.
Wall Design Ideas 4.1.0
When it comes to decorating or renovating your home or office;theone thing you can not miss is the wall design. The four walls ofaroom can either make it look bigger or make it look smallerthroughthe color and the design of the wall. Many people hireinteriordesigners to guide them regarding the best way to decoratetheirwalls. The main solutions that the creative interiordesignersoffer include going for wall art, applying wall paint orselectingsuitable and impressive wallpaper for the wall. Whetheryou wouldlike to color three walls in one color and the fourth onein a bitlouder shade or do you want to paste wallpaper on the wall?It’s adecision you need to make accordingly. To tell you more aboutthewall designs in fashion this year, we have attached therelatedpictures and living room/ bedroom images for betterguidance. Bestwall design options:------------------------------------ Wall art:-------------According to the latest trend in wall designing, wallart takes thetop place. There are several innovative things thatfall under wallart. You can decorate your living room wall or thebedroom wall inthese ways to make it look beautiful. The best wallart consists ofpainting different patterns, floral figures, orusing wall stencilson the wall. From corner design to center wallart designs,everything is available in a large variety. Anotherwall artincludes using wall frames and painting to make it lookbeautiful.The family tree wall frames art is loved by the familiesa lot thesedays. The three-set painting is also in demand alongwith patternand geometrical wall art. Different, funky and cooldesigns forchildren bedrooms are also available on Pinterest andTumblr. Wallpaint: --------------- From solid to textured wallpaint, throughproper design selection, the wall can be designed ina beautifulmanner. The plus point with the use of wall paint isthat it isavailable in the market in any color. From shades ofblue to purple,orange, red, skin, beige, lilac, green and yellow;all the colorsare present in the shop. Once you have decided theinterior walldesign and color scheme of the walls, you can hirethe painter tocarry out the job. Other than the solid paints,textured painting isused to enhance the beauty of the wall.Stencils can be used to forma texture on the wall or you can gowith wall paint techniques likeragging or sponging and grungetextures as well. Wallpapers:----------------- No matter what’sthe size of your wall, you canget hold of the wallpapers of anysize and designs from the localwallpaper shops. These wallpaperscover the whole wall and make itlook classy. They are available indifferent designs and colors butthe most dominant colors arecreamy white, shades of brown, beige,gold dust, white and black.Wallpapers in red/ maroon and bluecolors are also among thefavorites for the stylish living anddrawing rooms. The luxuriousdesigning on these wallpapers make theroom look pretty and lively.Embossed floral wallpapers are alsoappreciated by the interiordesigners. The wallpapers can be plainin different colors or havesome pattern on it. The most commonpatterns are the stencil artones. The background is light whereasthe design/ pattern on it areslightly dark. Black and whitewallpapers and modern designwallpapers are highly in demand. 3 Dwallpapers are in fashion aswell as they give an amazing look theroom and leave everyonesurprised by their beauty.
Baby Book Bepanthen 1.03
MAS Digital
¡Un app especial para las mamás y suspequeñostesoros!Muy divertida y fácil de usar, tiene funcionalidades como:1. Album de fotos por cada bebé en tu hogar.2. Ficha de datos de tu bebé.3. Control Pediátrico de Desarrollo del Bebé.4. Arbol Genealógico de tu familia con fotografías.5. Lista de compra interactiva.6. Alarmas con notificaciones vía mail para que no olvidesnadaimportante de tu bebé.Y mucho más. Bepanthen quiere acompañarte en cadamomentoimportante de tu pequeño y ayudarte en el día a día junto aél.A special app for momsandtheir little treasures!Very fun and easy to use, has features such as:1. Photo Album for each baby in your home.2. Data Sheet for your baby.3. Pediatric Baby Development Control.4. Family tree of family photographs.5. interactive shopping list.6. Alarms with notifications via mail so you do not forgetanythingimportant for your baby.And much more. Bepanthen wants to accompany you ineveryimportant moment of your little help in day to day withhim.
DIY Toilet Paper Roll Ideas 1.0
If your family is anything likemine,youprobably have a stockpile of toilet paper rolls and arewaitingforinspiration for creative things to do with them. Well,you'reinluck because we've rounded up some DIY project of thebestcraftsand uses of toilet paper rolls from around theworld.You'reguaranteed to find something fun to make with yourkids, ormaybeeven help get your home organized.You've saved them for one reason or another paper rollandnowit's time to put those toilet paper rolls to use.Withthiscollection of 70 uses for toilet paper rolls, you're suretofindsomething fun and decorative to do with thosecardboardtubes.Out of all the recycled craft ideas out there, toiletpaperrollcrafts are some of the most popular. This isprobablybecauseunlike some recycled containers, crafters are rarelyshortontoilet rolls or cardboard tubes. It is no secretthatmosthouseholds go through several rolls of TP a week, meaningyouwillalways have crafting supplies waiting to betransformed.Whetheryou are looking for simple and easy craft ideasfor kids ortoiletpaper roll crafts for adults, the long list of DIYcraftsbelow haswhat you need.Here are some examples of DIY toilet paper roll ideas thatyoucanfind in this app:- Toilet Paper Roll Family Tree- Toilet Paper Roll Birthday Crowns- Toilet Paper Art- Toilet Paper Roll Owls- Cardboard Tube Bracelets- Toilet Paper Roll BatThere are still much more toilet paper roll crafts in thisapp.sojust check it out.
Humano Puente 0.9.2
Find the unconscious bonds that connect you with other membersofyour clan