Top 7 Apps Similar to PT. Trias Nathomi Chemindo

Oil Palm Resources Calculator 8.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is designed for calculating resources suchasequipment, infrastructure, workers, seedlings, fertilisersandweedicides required to run an oil palm plantation. Thiscalculatoris a useful and must-have tool for oil palm plantationmanagementto perform annual resources planning and budgeting foroil palmplantation. This calculator is applicable for oil palmplantationin Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. This app isalso usefulfor plantation owners to determine whether the resourcesemployedand acquired are sufficient or overly excessive fortheirplantation hectarage.
Oil Palm Minimum Wage Calc 9.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is designed for calculating new wage rateforoil palm plantation piece rated work to be in compliance withtheMinimum Wage Order 2012 implemented by the Ministry ofHumanResources, Malaysia which is to be effective from 1 January2013.This calculator is a useful and must-have tool for oilpalmplantation management as well as internal auditors for oilpalmplantations in Malaysia to set or verify minimum wage forpiecerated work which will be in compliance with the minimum wageorderas well as reflective of the daily standard productivityraterequired for each piece rated work. This calculator isapplicablefor oil palm plantation in Sabah, Sarawak and PeninsularMalaysia.
Oil Palm Land Valuation Calc 5.0
Quek Ser Leng
This app allows you to calculate the market valuation of oilpalmplantation land based on the palm age profile and totalplantedhectarage based on discounted cashflow method. This app isusefulfor oil palm plantation land investors, buyers and sellers ofoilpalm plantation land, valuers and bankers to determine the valueofthe oil palm plantation lands offered as securities forborrowings.This app is also useful to determine the fair value ofbiologicalassets in relation to oil palm trees based on discountedcashflowmethod in accordance to IAS 41 Agriculture Standard bysetting thevacant land value to 0. NOTE: Depending on theprocessing power andmemory size of your device, screens loading andrefreshing can beslow as this app requires reiteration process ofcomplex formulafor calculation.
Oil Palm Fertiliser Calculator 6.0
Quek Ser Leng
A must-have oil palm fertiliser apps for all oil palmplantationplayers.
Oil Palm Fertiliser Apps 4.0
Quek Ser Leng
This apps allow users to key-in the formulaofcompound or mixture fertilisers and translate it intonutrientcontents and enable comparison to actual nutrientrequirements ofan oil palm plantation, depending on palm age andsoil condition.The second feature of the apps is it allows users tocompare thecompound or mixture costing per palm with the costing ofstraightsfertiliser of the same nutrient contents.This apps will allow oil palm plantation management to choosethecompound or mixture fertilisers with the right nutrientcontentsrequirements and with the most cost-efficient.
Waring Oil Company, LLC 4.0.1 Apps
Welcome to Waring Oil Company. LLC.Since1938,the Waring name has been synonymous with petroleummarketinginMississippi. Based in Vicksburg, Waring Oil Companyserves allofMississippi and Louisiana, and parts of southernArkansasandwestern Alabama as a major supplier of wholesalefuels,lubricants,and greases, as well as specialty lubes,andbio-remediationproducts. Waring Oil Company has theproducts,people, andtechnology to provide its customers withunmatchedservice. WaringOil Company is a member of the MississippiPetroleumMarketersAssociation/Mississippi Association ofConvenience Stores,theLouisiana Oil Marketers Association, and thePetroleum MarketersofAmerica Association.Use our app to:- Contact Us- View Our Products & Services- Receive Marketing Assistance- Find Our Locations- Receive Alerts & Notifications- And Much More!
Secrets Performance 1.0.3
Apa itu Secrets Performance...?Apakah semua orang ingin sukses dan bahagia ? jawabannyaiya,tapibagaimana cara meraihnya, tentu setiap orang punyajawabanberbeda.Kenapa orang bisa mempunyai jawaban berbeda ? banyakfaktoryangmelatarbelakangi sehingga hal itu terjadi, secaraeksternalbisadari informasi yang dia dapatkan, faktor lingkungansekitar,dandari apa yang dia baca, dengar serta lihat.Faktor internal lebih yang mempengaruhikesuksesanseseorang,terletak pada persepsi dan respon dia terhadaprumor danfakta,yang setiap hari dilihat, didengar, diucapkandandirasakan.Olehnya, baik faktor yang berasal dari luar ataudalamdiri,haruslah ditempatkan pada porsi yang benar, agar halitumenjadipotensi kesuksesan seseorang.Secrets Performance, adalah metode pembimbinganyangmenitikberatkan pada penggalian potensi diri seseorang, baikitulewatpenampilan ataupun kepribadian. Setiap orang memilikiwarnaidentikyang sesuai dengan kepribadiannya, jika kelirumenggunakanwarnaidentik itu, maka seseorang tidak bisamengeluarkanrahasiaberpenampilannya.Manfaat Secrets Performance :● Bagi Perusahaan, Secrets Performance akanmembantumeningkatkankinerja anggota tim. Dapat membantu DepartemenSales&Marketing agar lebih baik dalammeningkatkanprofitperusahaan● Bagi Individu, Secrets Performance dapat dijadikanmodaluntukmenentukan kesuksesan masa depan, denganmengenalpotensidiri● Bagi Pengusaha dan pebisnis, Secrets Performancedapatmembantumeningkatkan penghasilan, karena caraberpenampilanadalahpenilaian utama dalam relasi bisnis● Bagi Karyawan, Secrets Performance dapatmembantumeningkatkankinerja dan menunjang karir, yang tentunyadapatmeningkatkanpenghasilan dan kesejahteraan.● Bagi Mahasiswa, Secrets Performance membantuuntukmempersiapkandiri masuk ke dunia kerja, dengan terlebihdahulumengetahuibagaimana cara berpenampilan yang benar dan sesuai,agardapatmengeluarkan aura sukses