Top 21 Apps Similar to 噪音捕手2.0

噪音捕手(Noise Catcher) 1.05
Offering humane and practical functionsandisin accordance with the noise impact specified by EPAandtheoccupational regulations specified by Department ofLabor,NoiseCatcher helps people better understand what kindofenvironmentthey are exposed to, how to judge the noise levelandwhatappropriate actions to take in order to protecthearing.In average, people are more relaxed and calm under noiselevelbelow50 dB. They will be more focused and are more pleasant(whenwecommunicate with each other, the noise level is around 50 dBto60dB). When noise level reaches 70 dB, people start to losefocus,andare more anxious and nervous. If they are constantlyexposedtonoise level above 85 dB with no protective measures,hearing canbeseverely damaged.Special features:Understand current noise level by adorablePersimmonDoll’sexpressions and gestures and captions.Show current dB and average dB of the surroundingsforbetterreference.Words and colors help users to better understand statusoftheircurrent environment.Provide professional frequency spectrogram for audioanalysis.Separate noise level from 40 dB to 95 dB into 5 categoriesandgivesuggestions on how to protect hearing undereachcategory.Provide recording, play and Google Map functions. Canrecordyoursurroundings and send emails to EPA.Speed-dial EPA report hotline to report noise pollution.Passive System Alliance (PSA) Charitable Foundations havebeencaringfor the hearing impaired children since founded.Statisticsshowsthat there are 3 out of a thousand infants who areborn withhearingloss worldwide. In Taiwan, there are estimated 300infantswithsevere hearing loss, while 95% of them can stillregainhearing andspeaking abilities with stimulus listeningequipmentand enoughtraining. Therefore, hopefully through hearingaid andequipmentdonation and with professional and continuoustraining,every hearingimpaired child can listen clearlyagain.n 2012, “Reduce Noise, Provide Silence” program has becomePSA’snewfocus. In order for everyone in the society toreallyunderstand theimportance of noise pollution, PSA combinedoldsocial issue withnew technology, integrated the concept ofnoisecontrol with mobileapplication “Noise Catcher”. With Jen-FangYu’shelp, professor fromChung Gung University DepartmentofOtolaryngology, Noise Catchercan analyze the recorded soundandpresent the result on mobile app.Users can become more awareoftheir surroundings and how noise canaffect them, and how totakeappropriate measures to protecthearing.Appendix: Sound Pressure Level & Permitted Exposure TimeSound Pressure Level (hr) / A – Weighted Sound Level (dBA)8 hr/90 dBA6 hr/92 dBA4 hr95 dBA3 hr/97 dBA2 hr/100 dBA1 hr/105 dBA0.5 hr/110 dBA0.25hr/115 dBA
Sound Meter & Noise Detector 2.11.19
Tools Dev
Sound meter is an indispensable tool for your daily life, nomatterwhat you do, where you stay, it is a practical noise detectortohelp you avoid noise pollution that harms your hearing andaffectyour rest. Our sound meter app can provide accurate decibeldataand show you how the decibel goes. Get noise datamorecomprehensively and more accurately: Minimal, average andmaximaldecibel Real-time decibel in dial and graph Levels ofnoiseCalibrate before use for precise data Review measurementhistoriesCustomize your sound meter Save audio file while measuringSetdecibel warning when the value is higher than the preset oneOpenthe sound or vibrate for the warning Apply the black or whitethemeOther features of sound meter: Re-start measuring SuspendrecordingRename, share and replay the recording Indicate themeasuringduration, time and status Notice: 1.To get an accuratedecibel ofsound with this decibel meter (noise meter), pleasecalibratebefore use (because the performance of the microphone willbedifferent for each device). 2.Adjust the decibel according toyourexperience or calibrate with a real sound meter deviceforcomparison. (Because we couldn't estimate the differentdecibelbetween devices, we do not provide a specific solution.)3.To avoidunnecessary loss, please SAVE your recording beforeexiting thesound meter app 4.If the recordings are not saved, youcannotreplay the measurement. If you have any questions, pleasecontactus by email.
Sound Meter Pro 2.6.8
Measure and save environmental noise and vibration with yourdevice.
Sound Meter 3.7.6
Abc Apps
Measure the environmental noise by tidy sound meter
dB Sound Meter/Noise Detector 1.1.3
dB Sound Meter/Noise Detector is a noisemeterapplication that detects the surrounding sound intensity oftheenvironment and the volume of surrounding in the form ofdecibeldB. It is carefully calibrated with the knowledge ofsoundengineering to get the actual precise sound level value ofthesurrounding environment with precision calculation of peakvalueover time and rms values. The application consists of anaveragedcalculated value of noise level (shown in middle) and theraw valuein the rounded indicator to process the precise value as avoicemeter.This application can be used as a decibel meter or sound metertogain the loudness of the environment together with preciseuserexperience and color indicator. It is a very light weight andsmallsize application with the least resources used and simplestyeteffective user interface that is colourful and tellsusersprecisely the surrounding noise and useful in detecting loudvoiceand loud sound.You can use this to measure a dog bark noise level,measuresnoring sound noise level or even test how loud is yourvoice levelor how loud when someone speak to calibrate your voiceand noiseintensity to deliver a better and more comfortable soundlevel topeople and useful when you are practising for presentation.Itmaximises the best out of the microphone of your smart devicesandsince it is calibrated to cater for human voice, it haslimitationto detect very loud noise but it is sufficient enough fordaily andnormal usage.
公害報報 1.2.17
★ nuisance newspaper reported -APP! Let's play a love e Earth !!! ★
Precise sound meter 4.0
Do you want to check how loud is inyourneighbourhood? Use built-in microphone and measure soundlevel!Result of the measurements are displayed in decibels. Youcanprecisely know how loud is it and how many decibels is it insoundenvironment.Phone's microphone was created to capture human's voice. It'snotable to measure sounds louder than about 100 dB.If you have professional sound meter and our noise measurementisnot exactly equal - you can calibrate our tool. For the basicusageour app is fully sufficient! If you want you can alsochangemeasuring frequency.Download sound meter for free and precisely measure noisevolumein decibels!
Sound Meter - Decibel 1.2.9
melon soft
Premium Sound Meter Measuring Noise in Decibel(dB)
Sound Meter - Decibel Meter 2.6.22
Tools Dev
Measure the environmental noise by sound meter & knowthedecibel value in live
檢舉小幫手 1.9.4
這個App的目標是"大幅簡化你我檢舉時的複雜度",讓大家可以快速的進行檢舉,省去很多麻煩事。***方便一:自動壓上拍照日期***您只需要拍下違規照片,檢舉小幫手會幫您自動壓上拍照日期在照片上。***方便二:自動帶入違規地點***您只需要拍下違規照片,檢舉小幫手會幫您自動帶入拍照時的違規地點,您也可以隨時下拉畫面以進行地點的更新。***方便三:自動輸入相關資料***您只需要在第一次檢舉的時候填入身份資料,以後所有的檢舉,檢舉小幫手都會自動幫您帶入資料,再也不需要手動打字了,連應該要向哪一個轄區進行舉報,檢舉小幫手都能夠替您處理好。2016/8/28公告:朋友們大家好,抱歉真是許久沒有更新程式,九月開始我會繼續的陸續來更新程式,加上更實用的功能,願我們一同堅持,一同努力,讓台灣的交通環境越來越好喔!此版本的更新內容:1. 新增『新竹縣』新版的檢舉方式2. 新增『嘉義縣』新版的檢舉方式3. 按照『基隆市』警政單位的建議,將交通檢舉案件寄至他們所指定的email信箱去4. 按照『台北市』警政單位的建議,將身分證字號必填的限制拿掉以上。大家所期待已久的『違規事實原因』還沒有更新上去,原因是我自己搞錯UI的圖片版本了...來不及換上新版的~因此會盡快在下一版更新上來的,歹勢。未來所有更新的公告會統一在臉書的檢舉小幫手中進行公告與說明,原因是因為這裡的字數限制已經滿了,未來無法再新增更多的公告了,因此之後都是統一在臉書的檢舉小幫手中來說明喔,感謝大家的支持,還是那一句話,『檢舉,是為了讓台灣越來越好』!共勉之!2016.08.282016/5/8公告:此版本:朋友們大家好,抱歉又要緊急更新一次程式,我也非常之不願意~ orz...假日晚上還要來修改程式...:'(,為了部分朋友手機開啟APP就會crash的問題,在確切發生原因被確認之前,我先暫停使用一個增加位置資訊準確度的功能,以確保大家可以正常使用APP,等問題確定被解決之後我就會再次加入增加位置資訊準確度的功能的,很抱歉讓大家造成了一些困擾~不過人生就是這樣,遇到問題的話就努力去解決它就是了!讓我們一同勉勵,我週末加班修程式,大家週末又更新了一次檢舉小幫手~:P我們不是檢舉達人,我們只期盼台灣的交通環境因為我們每一個人的付出而越來越美好,共勉之! =)2016/5/5公告:1. 更新"宜蘭縣"以及"基隆市"為新版的檢舉方式2.超級感謝大家一直以來的支持與相信,本著初衷,我與各位朋友們一起繼續努力下去,期盼能讓台灣的交通環境安全越來越美好,共勉之!2016/2/4公告:1.目前台灣本島各縣市應該只剩『新北市』無法支援,我會繼續努力下去,而其他縣市的部分如果有問題的話也請隨時和我說,我會盡量抓時間幫助大家解決問題的,感謝一路上都在給予支持與鼓勵的各位朋友們,您們的鼓勵我也都收到囉,讓我們用最正面的態度,一同讓台灣的交通環境越來越好!共勉之!=)2.今天上午開始台中市的檢舉信箱故障了,因此大家的檢舉才會沒有收到回函,因此請別擔心。我不知道他們什麼時候會修復完成,但是如果修好的話我就會再繼續支援台中的檢舉部分囉。2016/1/19公告:『台中市』也可以使用新版的檢舉功能囉。2016/1/13公告:新的檢舉功能已經實作完成,進入實質使用階段,而第一個開始支援能夠使用此功能的縣市為『新竹市』,大約過一陣子後若是全部的細節都確認沒問題的話就會開始依序加入其他的所有縣市。希望大家有成功檢舉的話可以寫個信給我讓我知道,不能夠成功檢舉的話也能夠寫封信給我告訴我您的使用機型和Android的版本,讓我有機會能夠將支援的成功率越做越高,來幫助更多的人們可以有機會更有效率的來維護自己的行人用路安全,讓交通事故能夠越來越少!進入了2016年了,讓我們一同繼續努力!為台灣的交通安全一起盡一份最大的貢獻!共勉之! =)p.s.這一個版本的變動幅度有些大,若是更新版本後有碰到使用上的問題的話,建議先移除舊版的程式然後重新安裝新版的程式來使用看看喔!=)2015/12/24公告:最近有不少朋友反應無法選照片或是拍照,原因是因為若是您的Android升級到了6.x版本以上的話就會遇到此問題,經檢查以後確認是6.x開始Google做了很多更新,尤其是權限的部分,所以就會需要將原本的APP做一定程度的更新,要和大家說聲很抱歉之前出國一陣子都沒有時間來修正,因此這兩天一回台灣以後就馬上來更新版本了,這陣子謝謝好多的朋友來信有著各種回饋和鼓勵,讓我好感動~而關於台中的檢舉信箱部分有的朋友有檢舉成功有的又沒有,讓我也覺得蠻困擾的,因此這一個版本也將台中的檢舉信箱一併更新為110勤務指揮中心網路報案信箱,因為職掌範圍有包括為民服務和社會秩序等,因此也非常感激熱心提供此資訊的網路朋友,很感謝您。有時檢舉失敗沒有關係,因為我們已經盡力了,只要持續盡力而為,交通就會慢慢改善!我們並不是檢舉魔人,我們只是希望大家彼此尊重,讓交通行的安全,走得放心,讓娃娃車不要在人行道上還要擔心受怕,讓寶貴的生命不要因為交通惡意的違規而逝去的如此不值得,讓我們一同努力,為台灣做些什麼!讓交通環境,一日,一日,越來越好!共勉之!2015/12/10公告:1.目前有網友反映"台中市"和"新竹市"的信箱是公務信箱不接受檢舉案件,因此目前已經在詢問這兩個縣市是否能夠提供給大家別的檢舉用信箱了。也可以請大家幫忙一起進行詢問,通常團結力量大,如果有確定可以使用的信箱很歡迎和我說喔!我會立即進行版本更新,為大家提供一個方便的管道進行檢舉案件傳遞的。2.檢舉成功的朋友我為您感到開心,謝謝您的付出!希望違規案件會越來越少喔!檢舉沒有成功的朋友也別灰心,很多事情本來就不是一蹴可及,我也是盡力而為在幫忙大家,目前提供的信箱都是自己很努力在網路上蒐集研究而來的,能串接程式的我就串接,不能的我就為大家找出可能的信箱來支援,若是那個信箱無法檢舉的話我們就繼續找出路,直到有一天能夠檢舉成功,交通環境的良好一定是一天一天靠著大家的努力而得來的,我碰到了很多困難,但是從沒灰心過,因此也和大家一同共勉!『堅持是一種力量,是一種大到有一天可以改變現狀的力量!』,共勉之=)2015/11/30公告:2015/11/20開發狀態:這兩個月來我收到了非常多網友的來信,說心底話我真的超級感謝你們每一位朋友的精神鼓勵,的實質建議,的真心想為台灣出一份心力的好意!剛開始我還可以每一封都回信,但是現在因為真的很多來信,在艱鉅工作和家庭的情形下,我實在很難立即回覆大家的信件,但是,每一封信我還是都會回信的!再次感謝大家的鼓勵,您的建議我真的都重重的放在心上,並且也會在後續的版本加上去,因為有些建議真的超讚,果然台灣還是高手如雲的!真令人開心~^___^像是圖表顯示,個人檢舉記錄,改善定位精準度,加強進階檢舉設定功能等等,我都會加以進行後續的開發工作的!請大家放心,我不會食言的~最後,為了希望擁有一個長治久安的檢舉方式,並真正對於台灣有更深一層的貢獻的話,我已經開始著手一個比較大的程式實作計畫,未來,我會整合全台灣的檢舉管道,讓大家有一個單一入口可以『快速』,『簡單』,以及『有效』的進行檢舉,這當然會很累人,像是寫論文一樣了~但是這是我的目標,是一份想為大家貢獻所長的心意,因此期待大家能夠繼續支持這份初衷,我的信念裡就是讓我們的交通環境越來越好,行的安全,再也沒有交通違規造成的家庭痛心憾事!我們一同努力,一定,一定可以達成的!!=)2015/11/202015/11/32015/10/292015/10/282015/10/102015/10/092015/10/042015/09/16: 第一個版本上線問與答:1. 我在手機上輸入的個人資料安全嗎?答:為了使用者資料的安全性,所有存在APP中的資料都經過權限保護,並且所有資料也都會經過模糊化加密,請使用者放心,我是非常非常重視使用者的資料安全的。2. 送出的檢舉資料有誰會拿到?答:請您千萬放心,我完全沒有紀錄"任何"使用者輸入的資料在別的地方,一個都沒有,所有您送出的資訊都是直接傳送給警察單位,除了您存在手機裡經過加密的個人資料是為了您便利您的檢舉過程之外,我並沒有額外保留任何的資料在其他任何地方,只有您的手機裡面有經過加密過後的資料,所以請您再次放心,我只想貢獻社會,讓大家覺得檢舉是一件容易而願意去做的事情,讓交通更加安全。3. 檢舉統計的資料是從哪裡來的?答:每一次使用者的成功檢舉,後端儲存檢舉的總次數就會加一,沒有任何個人的資料,就是單純檢舉次數加一,所有其他資料都不會額外儲存,因為我不希望儲存任何個人化的資料,徒增自己的困擾,這個APP的目的就是讓檢舉盡量變得很簡單,大家都能樂於檢舉很離譜的那種違規交通事件。4. 我也希望能夠幫上忙,請問我能夠做些什麼呢?答:非常感謝您,就是盡量使用這個工具檢舉交通違規,讓市容越來越好,讓娃娃車可以正常的推行,不會被汽機車阻擋行人道,讓合法的汽機車不會被違規的汽機車阻礙道路而無法通行,造成險象環生的狀況發生。若能遏止這些故意違規的現象,我們就能夠給下一代至少更好一些些的生活環境了。最後,您的留言鼓勵會是我一直不停努力下去的重要動力來源,讓我一起為台灣出一份心力,讓我們的社會越來越好!共勉之。 =)
Decibel meter 0.6
This is a measurement of sound intensity ofthesoftware.Is the sound of your neighbors affecting your sleep?The noise of the construction site affects your hearing?We measure the environmental volume.Scream with friends and share with friends!Add watermark to your photos, share with friends!Long press to bring up the menu and share photos!
Sound Meter 1.9
Netigen Tools
★ Measure the sound level with Sound Meter application! ★
Noise Meter 3.9.2
Noise Meter Measure the volume of sounds using your ANDROID. EasytoUse and Powerful. Support the digital filter. You can see thefiltercurve. Support languages : Arabic, English, Korean,Polish,Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. There are no ad. Doesnotrequire any unnecessary permissions. In-app purchases: Donatecafe.If you like this app, buy me a cup of coffee :) Feature:1.Background measurements. 2. Show average, Leq, min, max and peakdB3. User define update rate 4. High and Low alarm 5. dBA, dBB,dBC,ITU-R 468, Low, High, Band pass filter. 6. Shows the filtercurve.7. Keep screen 8. Logging and log viewer 9.Brightnessmeasurements. (lux) 10. Spectrum analysis. Thisapplication is notmeant to be used in place of scientificinstrumentation. Dependingon the device can also be caused bydifferences in measurement.Devices employing AGC (Automatic GainControl) will havesignificant measurement errors. This is not app'sfault. NoiseSound Light level meter dB Lux counter
Sound Meter PRO
Sound Meter PRO is professional sound meter for yourAndroid.SoundMeter is also known as sound level meter, decibelmeter (dBmeter),noise meter, sound pressure level meter (SPLmeter). SoundMeterPRO uses your Android's microphone to measurelevels of noiseorsound pressure levels and displays measured datain dB(decibels)with reference to generally known noise (providedbyAmericanAcademy of Audiology) or displays the noise data on easytoreadgraph for the last 30 seconds of app use. MicrophonesinAndroiddevices are made to record human voice, thereforethemaximum noiseis limited and very loud sounds cannot berecognized(in most casesabove 100dB). Sound Meter PRO is calibratedto beaccurate in +-2.5dB range of actual noise level and isprobably byfar the mostaccurate sound meter on Google play. We haveadjustedSound MeterPRO with the use of professional sound meterused bysoundengineers and made required adjustments for manyAndroiddevices,including the most popular devices on the markettoday.Levels ofNoise In decibels (dB) according to American AcademyofAudiology( 140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks 130dB-Jackhammers, Ambulance 120 dB - Jet planes taking off 110dB-Concerts, Car horns 100 dB - Snowmobiles 90 dB - Power tools80dB- Alarm clocks 70 dB - Traffic, vacuums 60 dB -Normalconversation50 dB - Moderate rainfall 40 dB - Quiet library30 dB -Whisper 20dB - Leaves rusting 10 dB – Breathing Why wouldyou useSound MeterPRO? Measure the noise your neighbors make, checknewcomputers,refrigerators, air conditioning units before yourbuythem fornoise levels and select the more quiet ones, to havelessnoisepollution in your home. Measure how loud your car,motorcycleis.Adjust the sound system for the party you are makingto safelevelsnot to damage peoples hearing. Measure the noise intheapartment,house you are about to buy, it might be too noisy tolivein anddemand for extra noise insulation. Measure your loveonessnoringlevels and show them the graph after. Possibilitiesareendless,Sound Meter PRO is a must have app for everyAndroiddevice.
Sound Meter Simple Detector 1.4.7
Grace Jo
Want to measure sound level? Try Sound dB Meter! This issimplesounddecibel meter app (Android) Easy to use and interestingapp.YellowColor Progress Version. Levels of Noise in decibels (dB)20dB - Veryquiet, almost feel nothing 40 dB - Quiet, likesoftwhispers 50 dB -Quiet office 60 dB - Ordinary indoorconversations80 dB - Noisy, mayhurt the nerve 90 dB - Very noisy,nerve damage100 dB - Increasednoise, hearing damage 120 dB -Unbearable 140 dB- Almost deaf ordeaf (Noise Sound Decibel Meter /Simple detector)(include AdVersion) .
Sound Analyzer App 2.7
Smart tool with Sound Level Meter and Real time Audio Analyzer
Sound Meter 1.0
Sound meter is an application thatmeasuresinreal time the sound level from your smartphone, allowingyoutoknow the decibel Db.DECIBEL METER can transform your smartphone into asoundlevelmeterVery easy to use
Sound Meter 1.0
Sound Meter is professional sound meter for your phone Soundstoolarge to affect your health Want to measure the intensity ofsoundyou are hearing Noise pollution affecting serious health Oryouwant to see if, as I have said over loud in public SoundMetersolution providers help you hear the sound intensity (db) inrealtime, so you stay away from loud sounds, affects your healthSoundMeter : Used to protect the health of the ban, protectingsense ofcommunity: 140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks 130 dB -jackhammers,Ambulance 120 dB - Jet planes taking off 110 dB -Concerts, Carhorns 100 dB - Snowmobiles 90 dB - Power tools 80 dB -Alarm clocks70 dB - Traffic, vacuums 60 dB - Normal conversation 50dB -Moderate Rainfall 40 dB - Quiet library 30 dB - Whisper 20 dB-Leaves rusting 10 dB - Breathing Thank you for using Sound Meter
騒音計アラート - 騒音測定器 1.0.4
簡単に騒音を測定できるツールです。音の大きさチェックだけではなく、パーティー・飲み会などのゲームや遊びとしても使えるし、ベビーモニターとしても使えます。騒音値のアラーム設定することができ、設定した数値に達するとアラーム音で知らせることができます。さらにアラーム音の回数を設定して、その回数を超えると指定したメールアドレスに知らせることができます。騒音測定器は、スマートフォンのマイクで認識して、周辺の音を測定します。ある程度の日常の音では信頼できますが、違和感がある場合は調節することができるので調節してください。機能①音の大きさを測定②アラーム値設定機能③メール通知機能④数値調節機能使い方1.騒音の測定2.赤ちゃんの泣き声を知らせる、ベビーモニター&アラーム3.子供を静かに遊ばせる4.外出時の防犯アラーム5.自分のいびきチェック6.大声選手権(遊び・ゲーム)子供や赤ちゃんのお部屋でノイズ、泣き声などがあるとき、任意のあらかじめ設定されたメールアドレスに簡単なアラートメールが自動送信されます。It is a tool that youcaneasily measure the noise. Not only the size of the check ofthesound, to be used as a game or a play, such as a party,drinking,it can also be used as a baby monitor.Can be the alarm set of noise level, you can tell by thealarmsound when it reaches the number that has been set.In addition to set the number of times the alarm sounds, youcaninform the e-mail address you specify more than that numberoftimes.Noise measuring instrument is recognized in microphone ofthesmartphone, and measure the sound around. Although you cantrustwith a certain degree of everyday sound, please adjust becauseitis possible that if there is a sense of discomfort to adjust.functionMeasuring the magnitude of ① sound② alarm value setting function③ mail notification function④ numerical adjustment functionHow to use1. Measurements of noise2. Inform the cry of the baby, Baby Monitor & Alarm3. Asobaseru the children quietly4. Burglar alarm when you go out5. My snoring check6. Loud Championship (play games)Noise in children's and baby of the room, when there is suchascry, you will see a simple alert e-mail to any of the presete-mailaddress is automatically sent.
噪音补手(简体中文) 1.05
噪音捕手(NoiseCatcher)以人性化与实用性的功能为出发点,依照环保署所规范之噪音量对人体健康的影响,与劳工安全卫生设施规则所规范之劳工暴露噪音音压级与容许暴露时间对照表为判断基准,让噪音捕手(NoiseCatcher)使用者能够清楚的了解目前所处的环境音量为何,并且依照判断结果提出相关提示语,让使用者能够即时的做出适当的反应,以维护自身之听觉健康。一般而言,环境音量在50分贝以下会让人们觉得舒适宁静、注意力集中,且心情愉快(我们的讲话音量大约为50分贝~60分贝)。当环境音量提升至70分贝时,人们就会开始觉得注意力无法集中、心情烦躁、紧张。若是长期处在音量为85分贝以上的环境,而又没有适当的保护措施,就有可能会造成听力受损。特点:※透过可爱的柿子娃娃表情与动作,加上标语与指示,了解目前环境噪音状况。※以现在分贝与平均分贝来表示环境噪音值,更有参考性。※透过文字与颜色方式,让使用者对于目前环境状况一目了然※提供专业频谱图,将声音讯号以频率方式呈现,可了解声音特色,进而进行分析※从40db以下到95db以上分成五个等级,给予不同的建议,方便使用者保护自己。※提供录音、播放功能,并结合google地图,可将周遭环境噪音录制下来,并透过e-mail方式寄送至相关机构。※结合环保署检举电话,提供最直接的通报功能。华科事业群(PSA)慈善基金会自成立以来,关心听力障碍孩童。经过统计,婴儿先天性两耳听障发生率为千分之三(以台湾一年三十万个新生儿估算,每年将有超过三百个严重听损婴儿出生),其中百分之九十五以上仍具有可利用的剩余听力,只要及早为他们配戴辅听器材并给予刺激、训练,使剩余听力不致萎缩,听​​障儿童一样能拥有「听、说」权利。因此,透过捐赠助听器、电子耳等设备,并协助后续矫正、服务,协助听语教师专业训练,希望能让每个听力受损孩童,聆听天籁之音。2012年起「减噪取静」成为基金会重点工作,为了让社会大众一起关心相关议题,结合智慧型手机运用,与长庚耳科学实验室余仁方教授合作,将噪音防制与听力维护的概念整合至噪音捕手(NoiseCatcher)中,对所量测到的音源进行分析,在结果显示的部分除了将分析结果显示出来外,更提供了听力维护的贴心小叮咛,让使用者能够有效的保护自身的听觉健康。附录:噪音音压级及容许暴露时间容许暴露时间(小时)/A权噪音音压级(dBA)8小时/90 dBA6小时/92 dBA4小时/95 dBA3小时/97 dBA2小时/100 dBA1小时/105 dBA0.5小时/110 dBA0.25小时/115 dBA在录音时,无法同时监测分贝数,故显示「录音时,不显示分贝数」
Sim Decibel Meter 2.0
Through Sim Decibel Meter, you canmeasuretheambient noise level anywhere and anytime using a mobiledevice,andshare the measured results with your friendsviamultipleapproaches such as social networking sites or email.Features- Exhibit real-time decibel values, soundlevel,measuringduration, and the average decibel value.- A unique calibration process makes your measured resultsmorecloseto the standard value.- By clicking the SHARE button, you can share the screenshottoyourfriends via multiple approaches.- Release the microphone immediately afterpausingmeasurement,exiting the app, or other program movingintoforeground.- You can also allow Sim Decibel Meter to continuemeasurementinbackground, while the notification on the status barwillremindyou that the program is running.Why need these permissions- Access USB storage filesystem/modify or delete thecontentsofyour USB storage/test access to protected storage-->savescreenshots to your SD card- Record audio --> collect sound intensity dataviayourmicrophone- Full network access/view network connections -->enablethesharing of measured results