Top 22 Apps Similar to BetaMidrash

Sefaria 6.0.4
A Living Library of Jewish Texts
Torah Portion 1.5
Bnei Baruch
Every Saturday at shul, usually precedingthereading of the weekly Torah portion, the Rabbi talks aboutthemorals in the portion and gives it a contemporary flavor.Not in this app.Michael Laitman’s Weekly Torah Portion App offersinnovativeideas on the process of the world’s correction, known asTikkunOlam.Dr. Laitman is a Kabbalist, scientist, professor of ontology,andauthor of more than 40 books. His extensive knowledge andinnovativeperceptions make his interpretations of the Torahcontemporary andrefreshing.While touching on current affairs in politics, society,andeducation, Laitman tells the story of our souls, the soul ofeachof us, through the stories we all know and cherish.According to Kabbalah, says Laitman, the “protagonists” ineachportion are symbols, representing situations and sensations weallgo through, especially those who seek to “rev up” thespiritualside of them.Did you know, for instance, that crossing the Red Sea standsfora person shifting from egotism to altruism? And did you knowthatwithout wicked Haman, Israel would never be able to come backfromthe exile in Babylon and build the Second Temple?Laitman’sexplanations are rife with such innovative notions thatmake usexamine Jewish history in a different and refreshingway.Each week, your app will be updated with the latest insightsonthe weekly portion. These insights derive wisdom from The BookofZohar, from the Midrash, and other Jewish sources, and arespangledwith bits from science and from history. These ingredientsblendinto a refreshing piece of text that is thought-provoking anda joyto read.We hope you will enjoy your Weekly Torah Portion App andwouldlove to hear your feedback through the feedback form in thisapp sowe can make it even better for you and for all ourreaders.
Hebrew Bible + nikud תנך מנוקד 4.1.1
YO Apps
The Hebrew Bible with nikud! with original texts and hebrew fontandnarrating
Tanach Bible - Hebrew/English
Browse, search and study the HebrewBible(Tanakh) with Tanach Bible, theideal study tool for the Hebrew and English Bible. TanachBiblefeaturescrisp Hebrew text with precise placement of Hebrew vowelsandcantillationmarks, and verse-by-verse synchronization between Hebrew,English,andRashiʼs commentary. Continuously resizable text allowsforcomfortableviewing on all devices (Android 4.2 or later).The Judaica Press English translation of Rashi on Tanachisavailable as anin-app purchase! This translation includes many addedexplanatorynotes andreferences to expand your understanding of both Rashi'scommentaryand theTanach. You can now study Rashi in two easy-to-view parallelcolumnsofHebrew and English.Tanach Bible is available for all Android versions. Foruserswith devicesrunning Android 4.2 or later, a new user interface withmanyenhancementshas been added. The new user interface includeseasiernavigation,pinch-to-resize for the Tanach text screens, and night mode.Tanach Bible includes the Hebrew text and Englishtranslationof:• Torah - Five Books of Moses• Nevi'im - Prophets• Ketuvim - Writings• Hebrew text of Rashi on the entire TanachGreat Features!• Easy navigation to all books of the Bible• Long press on any chapter number to go directly toanychapter/verse• Option to view Chumash by weekly and special Torah readings• Haftarah readings are associated with Torah readings• View Rashi and Hebrew text in parallel columns• View English or Hebrew text in flowing passage orinverse-by-versedisplay• View Hebrew and English text in parallel columns with Rashitextbelow• View Hebrew and English text in parallel columns• View Rashi commentary in regular Hebrew or ‘Rashi script’• Bookmark verses• Sort bookmarks by most recent or by book• Full text search in Hebrew• Full text search in English• Copy or share on social media on a verse or range of verses• Choice of English or Hebrew user interface• Add a note to a verse, search and sort notes (Android 4.2andlater only)For users running Android 4.2 or later, Tanach Bible usesnativeAndroidkeyboards to support Hebrew text input for search and notes.EnableHebrewfor your keyboard through the Android Settings, or install aHebrewkeyboardfrom Google Play.For users running earlier versions of Android, TanachBiblerequires nospecial Hebrew support. It’s built into the app!Tanach Bible is a joint project of ZigZag, Inc. andDavkaCorporation.
Tanakh, Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew 1.0.7
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses (with Hebrew audio)
Tora mia 1.1
Tora facil de navegar, leer y compartir,sinrequerir internet conexion.Tora easy tonavigate,read and share, without requiring internetconnection.
Biblia KADOSH 4.1.2
Bible translation based Kadosh exists for E-Sword
My Tanach (Hebrew Bible)
AA Rosenbaum
Fully-pointed Hebrew Tanach, resizable text, bookmarks, socialmediasharing
Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Talmud in English
Gemara Talmud Bavli in English
Five Books of Moses Torah book 9.0.0
Pentateuch (Hebrew. חֲמִשָּׁה חֻמְשֵׁיתּוֹרָה- Hamish humshey Torah or Hebrew. חֻמָּשׁ - Chumash), theso-calledLaw of Moses - the first five books of the canonicalJewish andChristian Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, NumbersandDeuteronomy. Pentateuch forms the first part of the JewishTanakh -Torah. The word "Torah" is a literal translation from Greek-πεντάτευχος from πεντε - «Five" and τευχος - «that book."The book of Genesis tells the story of Creation and the formationofthe Jews as a family;• Exodus has a prologue and an epilogue, separating it fromotherbooks and tells of the Exodus from Egypt, the giving of theTorahon Mount Sinai and the construction of the tabernacle - thatis,the design of the sons of Israel as the Jewish people;• The book of Leviticus is devoted mainly priestly legislationandthe temple service;• Book of Numbers tells the story of the Jews wandering inthedesert after the Exodus from Egypt;• Deuteronomy is Moses' deathbed speech, in which he repeatsthecontents of other books.
Diccionario Hebreo Bíblico 11.0.0
Historia,Cursos de Hebreo, Cursos dehebreopara niños, Diccionarios hebreo español, Vocabulariohebreoespañol, Glosarios hebreo español, Bilbias....El Tanaj(delacrónimo en hebreo תַּנַךְ tanakh) es el conjunto de los 24librosde la Biblia .Los libros en el Tanaj se agrupan en tres conjuntos: la LeyoInstrucción (Torá), los Profetas (Nevi'im) y losEscritos(Ketuvim). Moshé recibió la Torá en el Monte Sinai en elaño 2448de la creación del mundo (1313 a.e.c.).La Torá que el Creador le entregó al pueblo de Israel,estabaescrita de manera tal que además de poder estudiarse medianteunentendimiento literal del texto, también era posible llegaraniveles más profundos de comprensión mediante otrossistemasinterpretativos de las escrituras que no contradecíanlaliteralidad del texto, sino que complementaban el entendimientodelmismo. Y así enseñaron Nuestros Sabios: "Setenta facetas tienelaTorá", y todas ellas son verdaderas y provienen de la mismafuente:el Creador del universo.Cada uno de estos sistemas interpretativos de la Torá poseereglaspropias y a ellos se los llama generalmente el "Pardés", pueslapalabra pardés (huerto) está formada por las cuatroletrasiniciales de los cuatro caminos interpretativos y deentendimientode la Torá.El hebreo es una lengua semítica de la familiaafroasiáticahablada por seis millones de personas en Israel y poralgunascomunidades judías repartidas por el mundo. El hebreo es,junto conel árabe, una de las dos lenguas oficiales de Israel.Incluimos también la posibilidad de leer los descubrimientosdeQumrán :- Libro de Enoc- Testamento de los 12 Patriarcas- El Libro de los JubileosDentro de la sección "Más Apps Bíblicas Gratis" podrásencontraraplicaciones de ayuda como:Temas bíblicos para predicar , Diccionario Teológico ,DiccionarioHebreo , Geografía e Historia Bíblica , Música Cristiana, TeologíaBíblica , Oraciones , El Evangelio del día , BíbliaInfantilIlustrada , Los Salmos , Bíblia Infantil , RecursosCatólicos ,Matrimonio Cristiano , Radios Cristianas , HimnarioAdventista .. yalgunas más.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:, Hebrewcourses,courses for children Hebrew, Spanish Hebrew Dictionaries,HebrewSpanish vocabulary, Spanish Hebrew Glossaries, Bilbias ....TheTanakh (the Hebrew acronym תַּנַךְ tanakh) is the set of the24books of the Bible.The books in the Tanakh are grouped into three sets: the LaworInstruction (Torah), the Prophets (nevi'im) and theWritings(Ketuvim). Moshe received the Torah at Mount Sinai in theyear 2448of the creation of the world (1313 a.e.c.).The Torah that the Creator gave to the people of Israel,waswritten so that besides being able to be studied by aliteralunderstanding of the text, it was also possible to reachdeeperlevels of understanding by other interpretive systems scriptsthatdid not contradict the letter of the text, but complementedtheunderstanding of it. And Our Sages taught: "Seventy facets havetheTorah," and all of them are true and come from the same source:theCreator of the universe.Each of these interpretive systems Torah has its own rules andtheyare generally called the "Pardes" because the word Pardes(orchard)is formed by the first four letters of the fourinterpretive pathsand understanding of the Torah.Hebrew is a Semitic language of the Afro-Asiatic family spokenbysix million people in Israel and some Jewish communitiesscatteredthroughout the world. Hebrew is, along with Arabic, oneof the twoofficial languages ​​of Israel. We also include the ability to read the discoveriesofQumran:- Book of Enoch- Testament of the 12 Patriarchs- The Book of JubileesWithin the "More Free Bible Apps" section you can findhelperapplications such as:Biblical themes to preach, Theological Dictionary,HebrewDictionary, Geography and Biblical History, ChristianMusic,Biblical Theology, Prayers, The Gospel of the day, BibleChildren'sIllustrated, The Psalms, Bible Children, CatholicResources,Christian Marriage, Radio Christian, Adventist Hymnal ..and somemore.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Tanya em Português 1.0
O Tanya é conhecido como o ShulchanAruchdaChassidut Chabad. Correspondendo ao Shulchan Aruch, oTanyatambémé dividido em quatro partes: A primeira seção doTanya,LikuteiAmarim, "Coletânea de Ensinamentos", corresponde àprimeirapartedo Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim.Com muita alegria trazemos para você a primeira partedoTanya,Likutei Amarim. O download deste app é gratuito, com oapoiodaVitacon.Em memória de Shmuel ben Ben Tzion Z"L e BiniaminbenAvrahamZ"LTanya is knownastheShulchan Aruch of Chabad Chassidus. Corresponding totheShulchanAruch, the Tanya is also divided into four parts: Thefirstsectionof Tanya, Likutei Amarim, "Collected Teachings'correspondsto thefirst part of the Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim.With great joy we bring to you the first part ofTanya,LikuteiAmarim. Downloading this app is free, with thesupportofVITACON.In memory of Shmuel ben Ben Tzion Z "L and Binyamin benAvrahamZ"L
iSiddur Jewish Siddur Lite 1.2
This holy hi-tech Siddur includes prayersforthe following traditions (nusachim):*Ashkenaz*Sefarad*Nusach Ari*Edut Hamizrach.It contains:*Shacharit*Mincha*Maariv*Birkat Hamazon.It is very convenient and easy to use, since it has alltheprayers outlined for easy access.We invested many hours working to make this valuable product atareasonable price so that everyone can enjoy it! all theproceedswill be used to upgrade current version, a big mitzvah tobuy anduse daily.The siddur is in Hebrew, we will be releasing an englishandspanish version soon.Additional faeatures:* Chumash* Tehillim* Mizrach Compass (East and Jerusalem methods).* Tefillim mirror.Make your holy prayers always available!
Mishnayot Kehati 1.8.9
Mishnayot Kehati and Bartenura
Bíblia Israelita completa 4.5
Conheça o projeto da Bíblia Israelita. A Bíblia Israelita Muitosnosperguntam se a Bíblia Israelita é uma tradução direta dascopiasmanuscritas, nossa resposta a essa pergunta é: Não, a BIJN(BíbliaIsraelita Versão Judaica Nazarena) não é uma tradução, masumacompilação de vários manuscritos e versões de bíblias jáexistentes.A Base da BIJN Usamos como base para as compilações ecorreções, aversão livre de direitos autorais em português,publicada pelocoautor Jacobus op den Akker. Usamos essa versão emportuguês como abase da BIJN, de forma proposital já que milhõesde brasileiros usama versão de JFA. Nós acreditamos que nem tudofoi mal traduzido épor esse motivo que começamos um trabalhosilencioso de correçõesbaseado nesses manuscritos: codexalexandrinus, codex vaticanus,codex sinaiticus, Codex SyrusCuretonianus, Peshita em inglês,Pergaminhos do mar morto,Matityahu de Shem Tov, Matityahu de DuTillet. Usamos tambémalgumas versões para consulta, são elas:Bíblia de Jerusalém,Bíblia King James 1611, Bíblia Reina Valéria,Bíblia do Peregrino,Bíblia Almeida Corrigida e Fiel. Os autores daBIJN Não usamos apalavra “autor”, mas usamos a palavra“colaboradores”, essa é aprimeira versão onde centenas de pessoasparticiparam contribuindocom suas descobertas e enviando para oe-mail:[email protected] e o coordenador geral é MarcosSantos.Nosso foco não é em quem fez as correções, mas em suaveracidade. Oúnico autor é o Criador, dele é a fonte de todasabedoria. Oslivros nazarenos Atualmente conhecido como “novotestamento”. Estácontida na BIJN. Esses livros, que sãoconsiderados históricos efazem parte dos israelitas nazarenos apósa vinda do Ungido. Apesardesses livros estarem na BIJN os mesmosnão estão em pé deigualdade com o tanach nas formulaçõesdoutrinarias. A base dascorreções. A base de nossas correções é atoráh. O que estivercontra a toráh foi considerado profano e usamoscomo referência oconceito que o Eterno não se contradiz em suaspróprias palavras.Assim qualquer escrito que tenha o adjetivo de“Sagrada Escritura”,não pode entrar em contradição com o restante.Os originais Nãoexiste nada de original escrito pelos profetas, oque existem sãocopias das copias dos originais. É por esse motivoque existemtantas versões de bíblias. Esse projeto tem a Toráh comobase e porisso não erraremos o caminho. A torá e os profetas(tanach) a Lei oTestemunho são o mapa para chegarmos em umacorreção mais justa.Uma bíblia perfeita nesse mundo atual nuncaexistirá, mas teremosuma que nos leva a toráh de forma mais próximada perfeição.
Kitab Suci 1.1
Kitab Suci
Kitab Suci adalah aplikasi seluruh Kitab Taurat, Zabur, danInjilyang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Hebrew Interlinear Bible 1.0.2
Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament
Tanakh, Parallel Hebrew-French 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible (Tana"kh): Torah - Nevi'im - Ketuvim
משנה ברורה - Mishna Berura 1.1
שולחן ערוך עם משנה ברורה וביאורהלכה==================================== מעכשיו לא מבזבזים את הזמןבתורבבנק או באוטובוס והופכים כל שעה אבודה לשעת עבודה - עבודתהשם!תכונות האפליקציה: 1. הסטוריה - ניתן לראות את 10 הדפים האחרוניםע"ילחיצה על כפתור תפריט. 2. שיחזור מיקום אחרון. מאפשר להמשיך לקרואאתההלכה האחרונה שקראנו. 3. קישור בין ההלכות בשולחן ערוך למשנהברורהולביאור הלכה 4. חיפוש מילה בתוך הסימן ליחצו על כפתור "תפריט"ואז עלחיפוש על מנת לחפש אחר מילה מסוימת. שימו לב לשני דברים: החיפושעובדרק בתוך סימן מסוים. החיפוש עובד רק לאחר הקשה על "enter" במקלדתהערהחשובה: אם מצאתם טעויות הגהה או קישורים שאינם נכונים אנאשלחוהערותיכם והארותיכם לאימייל ואנו נשתדל לתקן זאת בהקדם. MishnaBeruraand Beur Halacha on the ShulchanAruch==================================================== מוגשבאדיבות:ספרי קודש - ספרייה עם ישראלתגיות:תורה, הלכה, שולחן ערוך, שלחן ערוך, ילקוט יוסף, מצוות, חומש,החינוך,ספרי קודש, קודש, ספרים, ספר, יהדות, הרב עובדיה יוסף, משנה,חפץ חייםMeta Tags: Torah, halacha, shulhan aruh, yalkut yosef,humash,chumash, hachinuch, hahinuh, kodesh, sifrei kodesh, books,book,judaism,kitzur, kitsur, mishna, chafetz chaim
History Of The Jews 1.0
History Of The Jews is an applicationthatcontains a variety of information about the annals or chronicleofthe world. A lot of information such as ancient country orcity,biography of famous people and the battle of war story isincludedhere.Jewish history (or the history of the Jewish people) isthehistory of the Jews, and their religion and culture, asitdeveloped and interacted with other peoples, religionsandcultures. Although Judaism as a religion first appears inGreekrecords during the Hellenistic period and the earliest mentionofIsrael is inscribed on the Merneptah Stele dated 1213–1203BCE,religious literature tells the story of Israelites going backatleast as far as c. 1500 BCE. The Jewish diaspora began withtheAssyrian conquest and continued on a much larger scale withtheBabylonian conquest. Jews were also widespread throughout theRomanEmpire, and this carried on to a lesser extent in the periodofByzantine rule in the central and eastern Mediterranean. In 638CEthe Byzantine Empire lost control of the Levant. The ArabIslamicEmpire under Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem and the landsofMesopotamia, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. The Golden Age ofJewishculture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, aperiodof Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula.Duringthat time, Jews were generally accepted in society andJewishreligious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.During the Classical Ottoman period (1300–1600), theJews,together with most other communities of the empire, enjoyedacertain level of prosperity. In the 17th century, there weremanysignificant Jewish populations in Western Europe. During theperiodof the European Renaissance and Enlightenment, significantchangesoccurred within the Jewish community. Jews began in the18thcentury to campaign for emancipation from restrictive lawsandintegration into the wider European society. During the 1870sand1880s the Jewish population in Europe began to moreactivelydiscuss immigration back to Israel and the re-establishmentof theJewish Nation in its national homeland. The Zionist movementwasfounded officially in 1884. Meanwhile, the Jews of Europe andtheUnited States gained success in the fields of science, cultureandthe economy. Among those generally considered the most famouswerescientist Albert Einstein and philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.Adisproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners at this timewereJewish, as is still the case.[1]In 1933, with the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and theNaziparty in Germany, the Jewish situation became more severe.Economiccrises, racial anti-Semitic laws, and a fear of an upcomingwar ledmany Jews to flee from Europe to Palestine, to the UnitedStatesand to the Soviet Union. In 1939 World War II began and until1941Hitler occupied almost all of Europe, includingPoland—wheremillions of Jews were living at that time—and France.In 1941,following the invasion of the Soviet Union, the FinalSolutionbegan, an extensive organized operation on an unprecedentedscale,aimed at the annihilation of the Jewish people, and resultinginthe persecution and murder of Jews in political Europe,inclusiveof European North Africa (pro-Nazi Vichy-North Africa andItalianLibya).Hopefully, with this application History Of The Jews, we canhavemore insight and news update. We will continue to addinformationabout this application. So you must still install theapplicationwell. thank you.DISCLAIMER :All Content Such As Pictures or Text in this app we get fromsearchengine, So if I have violated your copyright, please let meknowand we will be removed as soon as possible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.